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Shouts with Soulbeast


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Can anyone give me a quick rundown on how the shouts are suppose to work without pets?Do I just get the buffs? Or are they wasted?What about traits from the beast mastery line? Do they apply to the character when in beastmode?

I feel like this is very poorly explained, or maybe I just missed something....

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WHaO. You copy any boons you have on yourself. Basically doubling the numbers of stacks and adding duration to all single stack boons you already have.Sic Em. You gain 40% damage. The target is reveled.Protect Me. You and 4 nearby allies break stun. You gain protection. Unsure on Taunt.Guard. Outside of merge functions as normal. Does not function when merged (thank god). So if you want to use it unmerge for the duration.Strength of the Pack. When merged instead of attacks from your pet giving you might. Any strike you make generates might. You gain all other boons as normal.S&R I never use it so I don't know.

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