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Black Lion Weapon history?


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Really simple question: Are there any data when exactly certain Black Lion weapon collection came into and left the availability rotation at the merchant?All I find at the wiki are information about what set of weapons is currently unavailable, but not when it left the rotation. I simply want to know how old the sets are.

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I'm not aware of any sites which record that.

You could find out when they were first introduced by looking at when the Wiki pages were created, but that wouldn't tell you when they were most recently available (or all the times in between). I don't think it's something which is recorded in the API either, so it would require someone taking the time to note down each time the selection changes and I don't know of anyone who has been doing that.

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@Imba.9451 said:Hm, too bad.Does anyone remember then what was the last set that left rotation? I wanna check up on how much value it gained so i might do a little bit of investing myself in future sets.

Sadly I can't answer that question, but I just want to add, that you also have to take care of the Black Lion Chests, as their influence on the price of the sets tends to be bigger.

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