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The whole story of Guild Wars 2 is amazing! [Summary+Speculations+Discussion] [Spoilers]


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I am really impressed by the whole work of writers, perhaps after Season 3 I was disappointed, but after Path of Fire story I am really impressed. Now I am going to wear philospher suit, so it's how I feel the story of Guild Wars 2 so far and my speculations will be rather objective than surreal. :)

Personal Story led us to killing the Elder Dragon Zhaitan. His magic and minions spread all over Tyria, we just had to kill him and we couldn't see any other solution to stop Zhaitan, even the Order of Whispers seemed to forget that killing dragons is bad and we should put them to sleep. What if cleansing the Orr was enough? When we fought Zhaitan he seemed weakened, he attacked few times, it wasn't the power as Mordremoth's later, or even Scarlet was stronger than Zhaitan. So was it really necessary to kill Zhaitan? I think it wasn't.

Season 1 was all about Scarlet, Taimi was impressed by Scarlet, because even though Scarlet was mad, she was clever, she seemed to be psychopath, but she wasn't. So she used the loose magic, the unstable Zhaitan's magic for her means to wake up Mordremoth, using the Breachmaker that was powered by ley-line under Lion's Arch, there is the greatest amount of ley-line in Tyria, so her point wasn't exactly destruction of the city, but she wanted to get the magic. Even though she died, her plan succeed and so Mordremoth rose.

Season 2 leaded to the expansion. Taimi was really useful because she was a little fan of Scarlet and her achievements. We met the Zephyrite Master carrying on the Egg. We learned that he was in Glint's Lair and somebody gave him the Egg. I suppose it was Vlast:

Echoes of the Past:

Path of Fire:

Caithe took the Egg and wanted to carry it to Tarir I think. Then we learned the most amazing secret ever, the secret that certainly just blew our minds- Sylvari are meant to serve the Elder Dragon. We defeated the Shadow of the Dragon and in exactly the same time the Pact traversed to the Jungle, and then it was totally destroyed by Mordremoth's vines.

So Mordremoth destroyed hundreds of airships and Zhaitan couldn't destroy one... Zhaitan was really weakened.

So Heart of Thorns began, we chased after Caithe, the Egg was found, we took it to Tarir, then we found out that Rata Novans were focusing on Primordus as crazy. We broke Mordremoth's mind, destroyed his physical body and we had to kill Trahearne because he was the last Sylvari that had something from Mordremoth. Again... Mordremoth was weakened, we had the chance to put him to sleep, we could have tried, isolate Trahearne. But it seemed to us not possible. We had to kill him because we were in this situation that we had to, we didn't see any choice and we didn't even predict that it'd bring a lot of troubles, almost destruction of Tyria...

But really good for us the Egg consumed some magic and Aurene was finally born.

So Season 3 was the most chaotic season so far, I think it was a controlled chaos by the writers I mean. It just needed to show how far we went into this troubles, how near we were to destroy Tyria... The whole season showed that even though the dragons are dead, we are not safe at all. No, we were never save here. Thanks Taimi and Phlunt we learned that killing Jormag and Primordus at once will cause a total imbalance. If Balthazar wouldn't be stopped there, in the volcano, we would have never seen Pale Tree, Rytlock, annyoing Braham, nobody... When I realised that I was just scared how far we went...

And the Path of Fire story scared me totally, because we almost destroyed the whole plan of the Glint's Legacy, the last chance to even think about the balance in Tyria, I doubt it will ever happen but we can minimalize the chaos we already have. The center of the story and the point of this story is The Way Forward, it's breakthrough. And now when Vlast is dead we have no idea how to replace Vlast, he was meant to replace one of the dragons that are dead.

How will we replace the dragons? Who will be the 2nd replacement? How will Kralkatorrik be stopped?

The whole concept of gods is really amazing, and I am sad they didn't show the other Gods even as the holograms as they showed Balthazar... It was so sad.... But let's speculate about this. Will we see the other Gods in the near future?Their leaving makes a breakthrough because we thought that the Mists are place without the borders. Now it seems that there is something more than Tyria and the Mists, so much more... The Gods, as the journal of Kormir's servant says, left the Mists to search for "the garden" to find a new home without the dragon, without the endless fights, just full of gods' magic. I support this idea, but there is a lack in what Kormir says, and how weird she behaved while she was still in the Mists, some people suspect it wasn't even Kormir. Why? Because Kormir didn't even pay any attention that Balthazar was freed, and it is so weird that Lyssa didn't take her stuff, so Balthazar could just make a trip through the Mists, go to the Realm of Lyssa and take the mirror...

I rather like the idea of a new garden than this, but it is a possibility.

Anyway it's my philosphic end: everything in Tyria doesn't make any sense, what choice we make it only depends on a moment we are, everything is only a fortuity. We only killed Balthazar because he took Aurene, if Balthazar would consume Kralkatorrik's magic then it'd be Balthazar who would be destroying Tyria now, but we killed Balthazar so Kralkatorrik freely flies somewhere over the deserts and brands everything on his way. So yay, we saved Tyria... again...

Anyway that is really impressive work, the writers just showed how the story should look and wow, you just blew my mind with this story, cannot wait to find out how we will resolve some problems, but I doubt we will ever find peace, we will never find it, it will always be somebody else that will want to rule everybody.

I think the whole Season 4 will end with this picture: http://i.imgur.com/3tAr7wl.jpg

Thanks for your attention and let's have a great discussion!

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@Anna.7845 said:Hype! Also I'd really like to know why Balthy didn't mention Lyssa while cursing. Hmm....

PS: Can anybody tell me what the picture is about please? Imgur is banned in the country i live and proxies are failing to load the image.

Its an old pic from just before HoT which shows a massive 3 headed dragon (or three sep dragons) attacking what appears to be lions arch. It is concept and unlikely to have any bearing on the game at all, but it is rather cool and evocative.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Anna.7845 said:Hype! Also I'd really like to know why Balthy didn't mention Lyssa while cursing. Hmm....

PS: Can anybody tell me what the picture is about please? Imgur is banned in the country i live and proxies are failing to load the image.

Its an old pic from just before HoT which shows a massive 3 headed dragon (or three sep dragons) attacking what appears to be lions arch. It is concept and unlikely to have any bearing on the game at all, but it is rather cool and evocative.

Well one of pictures from HoT official site appeared before "A Crack in the Ice" :) So there is a chance it might be in game "somehow" :) All I wanted to say with that picture is that I expect the Underwater expansion after this Season. :) I hope so anyway...

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Well, I assume you mean the DSD actually coming into play. An actual underwater expansion is something I believe can be written off as too divisive and risky to work across a wide enough playerbase. I'm intrigued to see how it fits in, however I'm also cautious in my intrigue given the bizarre and at times nonsensical story arc we've been fed pretty much since Zhaitan was killed.

I do think the DSD is further off than the next expansion. I think those speculating on Braham and Jormag are likely closer to the mark since the seeds are already there. I think and am hoping LS4 will follow a little more logically and with focus towards just Kralkatorrik and Palawa Joko's vengeance rather than leaping all over the continent dealing with multiple problems ala LS3

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Anna.7845 said:Hype! Also I'd really like to know why Balthy didn't mention Lyssa while cursing. Hmm....

PS: Can anybody tell me what the picture is about please? Imgur is banned in the country i live and proxies are failing to load the image.

Its an old pic from just before HoT which shows a massive 3 headed dragon (or three sep dragons) attacking what appears to be lions arch. It is concept and unlikely to have any bearing on the game at all, but it is rather cool and evocative.

Thanks for the answer!

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@Aaron Ansari.1604 said:Lion's Arch has had it easy for a while, but before that it was a punching bag. Why not give Hoelbrak or the Black Citadel a turn for a change? All those impressive guns the charr have decked out, it'd be a shame to let them go to waste.The trouble is that both of those cities are in the center of maps, not really giving room for an assault to come out of nowhere (and then have a new map to explore attached to it). Rata Sum is sort of on the verge of a new area, but Rata Novus is so close in its position that a new map near it becomes very difficult. Of course, I've long been disappointed that Rata Sum's port has been underutilized. The submarine to Draconis Mons was a good start, but I want to see more vessels land there leading us to new places.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Well, I assume you mean the DSD actually coming into play. An actual underwater expansion is something I believe can be written off as too divisive and risky to work across a wide enough playerbase. I'm intrigued to see how it fits in, however I'm also cautious in my intrigue given the bizarre and at times nonsensical story arc we've been fed pretty much since Zhaitan was killed.

I do think the DSD is further off than the next expansion. I think those speculating on Braham and Jormag are likely closer to the mark since the seeds are already there. I think and am hoping LS4 will follow a little more logically and with focus towards just Kralkatorrik and Palawa Joko's vengeance rather than leaping all over the continent dealing with multiple problems ala LS3

I agree on it being later such as xpac 4 or 5, but an unending ocean expansion wouldn't be too risky. Especially since "unending ocean" is more of a continental scale title like tyria or Elona - meaning there are as-yet unnamed subregions, meaning they can add an archipelago or some form or land out there so it's not entirely water

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@Rognik.2579 said:

@Aaron Ansari.1604 said:Lion's Arch has had it easy for a while, but before that it was a punching bag. Why not give Hoelbrak or the Black Citadel a turn for a change? All those impressive guns the charr have decked out, it'd be a shame to let them go to waste.The trouble is that both of those cities are in the center of maps, not really giving room for an assault to come out of nowhere (and then have a new map to explore attached to it). Rata Sum is sort of on the verge of a new area, but Rata Novus is so close in its position that a new map near it becomes very difficult. Of course, I've long been disappointed that Rata Sum's port has been underutilized. The submarine to Draconis Mons was a good start, but I want to see more vessels land there leading us to new places.

Fair enough, but even if we limit attacks to cities bordering unexplored regions large enough for a living world map, that gives us plenty of options besides Lion's Arch:The Black Citadel, with an entire region to the south of it.Divinity's Reach, with entire regions to the west and north of it.Rata Sum/The Grove, with plenty of space for a map between them (and possibly north of Rata Sum as well, depending on how large the maps going forward will be).Ebonhawke, with room for several maps to the west or south of it.*And, yes, LA, with room for a map to the west of it.The only cities that are truly boxed in at this point are Hoelbrak, Tarir, and Amnoon. Even then, if ANet ever decides to bring underwater maps back into vogue, Amnoon will go back on the table.

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@Fenom.9457 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Well, I assume you mean the DSD actually coming into play. An actual underwater expansion is something I believe can be written off as too divisive and risky to work across a wide enough playerbase. I'm intrigued to see how it fits in, however I'm also cautious in my intrigue given the bizarre and at times nonsensical story arc we've been fed pretty much since Zhaitan was killed.

I do think the DSD is further off than the next expansion. I think those speculating on Braham and Jormag are likely closer to the mark since the seeds are already there. I think and am hoping LS4 will follow a little more logically and with focus towards just Kralkatorrik and Palawa Joko's vengeance rather than leaping all over the continent dealing with multiple problems ala LS3

I agree on it being later such as xpac 4 or 5, but an unending ocean expansion wouldn't be too risky. Especially since "unending ocean" is more of a continental scale title like tyria or Elona - meaning there are as-yet unnamed subregions, meaning they can add an archipelago or some form or land out there so it's not entirely water

the only thing that tip point to an xpac focused on underwater is their focus on mobility. With gliders and mounts, the thing is already well saturated for more gimmicks in aerial or terrain mobility, not to mention the dozens of HoT and LS3 gimmicks as mushroons. The only area that I still see with space for this "mobility masteries" business is underwater.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I can't be more disappointed in GW2 story, I'm at the point of not caring what they write because they'll just retcon it in the next year or two. Hell, in PoF they said we killed Zhaitan and Mordramoth at the same time. And would someone please explain why the hell would you write a cliff hanger for a paid expansion. It's forcing you to keep playing the game to get the rest of the story. That''s some EA crap. We paid for a full expansion and you can't even deliver a full story, it was short and left you feeling hollow. No character development or payoff, we're given a legendary sword and the army of Joko that we tricked into following our orders. Forgive this idiots rant, I'm finished with Anets team of writers if they keep delivering this level of story telling.

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@caias.5346 said:I can't be more disappointed in GW2 story, I'm at the point of not caring what they write because they'll just retcon it in the next year or two. Hell, in PoF they said we killed Zhaitan and Mordramoth at the same time. And would someone please explain why the hell would you write a cliff hanger for a paid expansion. It's forcing you to keep playing the game to get the rest of the story. That''s some EA crap. We paid for a full expansion and you can't even deliver a full story, it was short and left you feeling hollow. No character development or payoff, we're given a legendary sword and the army of Joko that we tricked into following our orders. Forgive this idiots rant, I'm finished with Anets team of writers if they keep delivering this level of story telling.

You forgot this is a MMO.They could work with narrative arc.GW2 -> Zaithan arcS1-S2-HoT -> Mordremoth ArcS3-PoF -> Balthazar Arc

And like every MMO his story is virtually infinite.

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