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[Vid] WvW is far from dead, just gotta drum up content sometimes :v

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13 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

There's nothing funny about bragging about a 20v15. Was complementing your theory-craft, which is decent. But your theory-craft isn't perfect. Nobodies ever is. You should humble yourself. 

that's rich, didn't you come into this thread just to point out how clearly superior your ideas are- despite not knowing the basic interactions going on in the video?


have you discovered what other utility skills a reaper brings that a scourge doesn't yet? Have you cracked the case on whether glyphs have different effects in and out of CA? Have you scourged the wiki to discover what other trait interactions could be in play between the classes?


better yet, lets see some video of your theorycrafting at work? Or just tell me what guild you're in and I'm sure I can find some for you

Edited by RisenHowl.2419
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36 minutes ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

have you discovered what other utility skills a reaper brings that a scourge doesn't yet?


So your reapers are using shouts? So what? Nothing very special or interesting about shouts.



Have you cracked the case on whether glyphs have different effects in and out of CA?


And? There is nothing interesting or very special about CA glyphs. Their effects aren't very good either. Stars is the most interesting effect, and it's a 7 second channel, with a 45 second cooldown. Not to mention Druid healing is gated, so it can't "replace" a scrapper...it simply doesn't have the healing capacity in a WvW setting, and you know that...that's why you bring scrappers...because druids can't support on their own they aren't good enough in that regard.



better yet, lets see some video of your theorycrafting at work? Or just tell me what guild you're in and I'm sure I can find some for you?


Again you should humble yourself. I haven't GvG'd in years since my guild broke up. It only interests me to make build ideas, and analyze game mechanics. I'm no commander so whether people listen or not is up to them, and I have no sway over whether builds get popular or not. You are a commander with a youtube channel. Whatever build you make, people will run it even if it's bad, even if it's good. Some of us don't do that and don't enjoy commanding, and prefer it that way.


Just because you are a commander doesn't mean your theory-craft is not flawed or is perfect. You just have the privilege to test ideas on very large scales....most commanders don't take advantage of that privilege...that they have essentially an endless number of Guinee Pigs to test mechanics on. People like me don't have that privilege, and really that's the reason why a lot of commanders refuse to run anything that isn't meta...they always think they are right and that their builds are the most perfect to exist, and they have the power to run their own builds. Those who don't command or own a guild do not.


I have plenty of personal builds that i ran, of me topping cleanse charts with hilarious class setups (900+ cleanse on core rev is probably my favorite) so i have nothing to prove to you honestly.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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Well the necro thing is interesting though I'm thinking pushing condis is still a difficult thing these days.


The druid thing.... eh, pretty sure that's not really worth discussing. Nobody will push for a druid healer over a scrapper healer. If they use staff, it's probably just to stack more immob  plus rangers have no real ranged option that wouldn't get rekt by reflects.

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1 hour ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


So your reapers are using shouts? So what? Nothing very special or interesting about shouts.



And? There is nothing interesting or very special about CA glyphs. Their effects aren't very good either. Stars is the most interesting effect, and it's a 7 second channel, with a 45 second cooldown. Not to mention Druid healing is gated, so it can't "replace" a scrapper...it simply doesn't have the healing capacity in a WvW setting, and you know that...that's why you bring scrappers...because druids can't support on their own they aren't good enough in that regard.



Again you should humble yourself. I haven't GvG'd in years since my guild broke up. It only interests me to make build ideas, and analyze game mechanics. I'm no commander so whether people listen or not is up to them, and I have no sway over whether builds get popular or not. You are a commander with a youtube channel. Whatever build you make, people will run it even if it's bad, even if it's good. Some of us don't do that and don't enjoy commanding, and prefer it that way.


Just because you are a commander doesn't mean your theory-craft is not flawed or is perfect. You just have the privilege to test ideas on very large scales....most commanders don't take advantage of that privilege...that they have essentially an endless number of Guinee Pigs to test mechanics on. People like me don't have that privilege, and really that's the reason why a lot of commanders refuse to run anything that isn't meta...they always think they are right and that their builds are the most perfect to exist, and they have the power to run their own builds. Those who don't command or own a guild do not.


I have plenty of personal builds that i ran, of me topping cleanse charts with hilarious class setups (900+ cleanse on core rev is probably my favorite) so i have nothing to prove to you honestly.

So you're a just a forum warrior with no real grasp of how the skills interact in real time or with real players? this is shocking news


How do you think someone builds a channel or becomes a tag? How do you get people to listen to you unless you can provide both solid math and video evidence of a concept panning out? That's not privilege. What's privilege is taking an 'ImVerySmart' stance on the forums and thinking your advice or opinions hold any water compared to thousands of parsed logs. The reason you don't have the 'privilege' of testing your ideas on a large scale is because your ideas don't make any sense and you never have real world evidence to back them up.


Do you really think any of the guilds out there are just listening to w/e the commander says with nothing to support it? The whole world isn't out to spite you and it certainly isn't that the rest of the players in GW2 aren't smart enough to understand your rambling. The other players aren't guinea pigs, they're people- human beings. you've interacted with them before? Their time has value, no one grinds for gold to swap things around so you can test out a poorly conceived idea. People gravitate towards things that actually work.


Lets take a look at your 'condi immune' comp:

-you still need a fb per party for stab

-you still need a scrapper per party because there's nothing that comes close for sustained healing

-you're dedicating two more slots to become condi immune

-leaving you.... one slot per party for dps/strips/utility


are you familiar with the concept of an opportunity cost? Because going off your cryptic thread concerning your brilliant new strategy it certainly doesn't seem like it.


I'm all for people trying out new things. I'm not crazy about people making unsubstantiated claims with hilariously lacking math and no proof of concept. I'm not a fan of people that do more talking than walking, watch the video again if that hasn't come across clearly enough.


For the record, [JADE] has done a whopping 2 gvgs in the last year, if you can even call this a gvg since the other team couldn't score a single kill. This was just a beat down of someone who talks too much.

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45 minutes ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

How do you think someone builds a channel or becomes a tag?


You got it all wrong. I don't want to be a commander, and I never have. I don't even like making gw2 videos. I just like analyzing mechanics of the game through mathematics. 


Also I had a channel and I've made videos in the past...they did in fact get extremely popular, but I've taken those videos down because that's not what I like to do.



How do you get people to listen to you unless you can provide both solid math and video evidence of a concept panning out?


I actually don't really want people to listen to me either. I only give people information and it's up to them if they want to use that information or not. Sometimes I'll provide video or images, but only to show a mathematical concept in practice, and it will usually only go as far as solo builds since I don't command. 




Lets take a look at your 'condi immune' comp:

-you still need a fb per party for stab

-you still need a scrapper per party because there's nothing that comes close for sustained healing

-you're dedicating two more slots to become condi immune

-leaving you.... one slot per party for dps/strips/utility



You don't even know what my condi-immune comp is because I've never told you what it was or how it works. The difference between my comp and yours, is that mine is complete and permanent and un-counterable condition immunity, like resistance that can't be stripped, and it requires a change of one minor aspect of one particular meta build in order to accomplish that. What that does is actually gives you freedom to change the meta composition in different ways since you essentially don't need a scrapper anymore, and can go into just pure healing (on an ele for example), damage (turning scrapper into damage dealer) and boon botting, which can really be any class.


So your assessment here is based on something you have no idea about, again because I've kept it quiet secret. 



I'm all for people trying out new things. I'm not crazy about people making unsubstantiated claims with hilariously lacking math and no proof of concept. I'm not a fan of people that do more talking than walking, watch the video again if that hasn't come across clearly enough.


I think you're ego is just getting in the way of your judgment, which the video makes apparent. My ideas, (which you brought up in this conversation btw), are based only in mathematics. My mathematical analysis of those ideas have also already been tested in secret, and they work just as predicted they would. The exception between you and me, is I won't go around posting video's about it.


You really want to see, you can invite me ingame, you get some players, and you will see right before your eyes, how that condition immunity works. 



are you familiar with the concept of an opportunity cost? Because going off your cryptic thread concerning your brilliant new strategy it certainly doesn't seem like it.


If you want to know the opportunity cost of my comp, it's a minimum of 6 players with a particular interaction, that can cover a group of 25. The more of these players there are, the faster the interaction, the more stable the immunity, and it basically maxes out around 10 players, to cover a group of 80 in permanent condition immunity. These 10 players are essentially playing a meta build with a small tweak to 3 things, which require no input from the player at all, and are un-strippable. So the only opportunity cost....really comes down to how willing you are to trade POP boon botting for complete condition immunity...since there will be no conditions to be cleansed, and thus no boons to be converted. You could essentially trade your scrappers for more guardians...or turn your scrappers into DPS to keep the stealth, and have your Elementalist's become primary healers...it's quiet flexible actually.



Anyway, somehow you turned this conversation into being about me. This conversation is about your comp, and me pointing out the redundancies and inefficiencies in it based on limited information. It's apparent that you can't take constructive criticism.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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1 hour ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


You got it all wrong. I don't want to be a commander, and I never have. I don't even like making gw2 videos. I just like analyzing mechanics of the game through mathematics. 


Also I had a channel and I've made videos in the past...they did in fact get extremely popular, but I've taken those videos down because that's not what I like to do.



I actually don't really want people to listen to me either. I only give people information and it's up to them if they want to use that information or not. Sometimes I'll provide video or images, but only to show a mathematical concept in practice, and it will usually only go as far as solo builds since I don't command. 



You don't even know what my condi-immune comp is because I've never told you what it was or how it works. The difference between my comp and yours, is that mine is complete and permanent and un-counterable condition immunity, like resistance that can't be stripped, and it requires a change of one minor aspect of one particular meta build in order to accomplish that. What that does is actually gives you freedom to change the meta composition in different ways since you essentially don't need a scrapper anymore, and can go into just pure healing (on an ele for example), damage (turning scrapper into damage dealer) and boon botting, which can really be any class.


So your assessment here is based on something you have no idea about, again because I've kept it quiet secret. 



I think you're ego is just getting in the way of your judgment, which the video makes apparent. My ideas, (which you brought up in this conversation btw), are based only in mathematics. My mathematical analysis of those ideas have also already been tested in secret, and they work just as predicted they would. The exception between you and me, is I won't go around posting video's about it.


You really want to see, you can invite me ingame, you get some players, and you will see right before your eyes, how that condition immunity works. 



If you want to know the opportunity cost of my comp, it's a minimum of 6 players with a particular interaction, that can cover a group of 25. The more of these players there are, the faster the interaction, the more stable the immunity, and it basically maxes out around 10 players, to cover a group of 80 in permanent condition immunity. These 10 players are essentially playing a meta build with a small tweak to 3 things, which require no input from the player at all, and are un-strippable. So the only opportunity cost....really comes down to how willing you are to trade POP boon botting for complete condition immunity...since there will be no conditions to be cleansed, and thus no boons to be converted. You could essentially trade your scrappers for more guardians...or turn your scrappers into DPS to keep the stealth, and have your Elementalist's become primary healers...it's quiet flexible actually.



Anyway, somehow you turned this conversation into being about me. This conversation is about your comp, and me pointing out the redundancies and inefficiencies in it based on limited information. It's apparent that you can't take constructive criticism.

Your constructive criticism so far has been based on incorrect assumptions and poor math. What is there to take away from that other than that you have no idea what you're talking about but desperately want to dazzle forum goers with your ability to draw numbers out of a hat?

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27 minutes ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

Your constructive criticism so far has been based on incorrect assumptions and poor math.


What incorrect assumption? They are facts


A) You are using Glyph of Stars

b) You are using Reapers with Death Magic and Lich form

c) You are using a DH for a hidden burst

d) Your druids aren't LB/LB at least one (if not both) are using staff


These are clearly evident in the video, and it's clearly evident based on the DPS meters you have.  These are also facts :


1) Your spike relies on a single DH landing his burn damage.

2) Your other spike depends on the use of Lich form

3) If your druids are using staff's, then they are probably healers (support whatever you wanna call it)...if they are supports...then hey are competing with scrappers for support. Because druids can't replace scrappers, you just have more redundancy in healers because you can't replace the scrappers for druids. This is not hard to understand.


These are conclusions derived from objective facts about your comp in the video, based on the objective information one observes in said video. You can draw further conclusions about this and reason what the inefficiencies of that are...which I point out is the cooldown on Lich Form, the Redundancy of having Druid's with GoS competing for condition cleanse with scrappers, and relying on a single DH to land your kills.


Maybe you should watch your own video.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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On 5/7/2021 at 11:34 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

I understand the Lich Form kinda...all using unstable minions...but that would synergize with a Soulbeast's OneWolf Pack.

Prior to the balance patch there was a better way to get dps value out of the minions than OWP.

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

The first is that I imagine your using the Druids for Grace of The Land, to buff your reapers with Might

this makes no sense at all. kinda dumb to dedicate a slot to might from druids

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

You're essentially making your scrappers compete with your druids over condition cleanse, which is one skill on the druids bar, vs an entire roll that your Engi's are basically dedicated towards

assuming the druids are there to cleanse/heal

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

In addition these druids are healers, just like your scrappers, and so they also will compete for condition cleansing and healing

see above

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

with also Guardians being healers

based on... my massive healing output? it's in the top right corner.

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

you essentially have your reapers as the only damage dealers, relying on lich form to initiate a huge spike to create a snowball effect

much better ways to deal damage than lich, there's at least two far more efficient ways to generate minions.

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

And of course you have the lone DH which is a burn DH

a 'burn' dh with 3.8k power where 20% of the damage output is burning, close

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

But this comp relys on that single bomb, which has an enormous cooldown

8 reapers provide a significant melee bomb in shroud, though this comp has no need for a coordinated spike

On 5/9/2021 at 8:29 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

the sustain of your comp is limited because Druids aren't exactly the best healers for WvW (They lack Astral generation

do you understand how astral force is generated? the druids aren't healers, though they can certainly spike 15k hps in CA

On 5/9/2021 at 9:35 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Again there's no reason why you would have two of them rather then 4, or none at all since your PoP scrappers are being starved of both healing and cleansing by competing with your druids.

scrappers provide sustained healing, druids can provide heavy healing on demand if needed

On 5/9/2021 at 9:35 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

If the damage component of your squad is 9:11 then this is the ratio of damage to support in your squad

there's 4 scrappers healing, fbs are terrible healers

On 5/9/2021 at 9:35 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

If each druid CAN heal for 10k healing per second, and each damage dealer CAN deal 10k damage per second, then this number line can be seen as the following : 110k Healing : 90k Damage

so in your world chronos and fbs are healing for 10k/s? that's fun

On 5/9/2021 at 9:35 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

you have 8 reapers creating 8 minions each with lich form

far better ways to generate minions. Think mark.

On 5/9/2021 at 9:35 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

then they are essentially fighting 64 bodies (rather then 15), and each of the enemies 5 target abilities spread out statistically from hitting 5 packets of damage per body (15 players x 5 targets / 15 bodies), to 1 packet of damage per body...(15 players x 5 targets / 75 bodies)

estimates are very low.

On 5/9/2021 at 12:54 PM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

I see nothing that your comp is really trying to accomplish other then the Reapers Death Magic + Lich Form thing, which is the only trait interaction worth recognizing in this composition so far, and as I pointed out it has it's flaws because it relies on a burst with 150 second cooldown.

it's obvious you don't see what the comp is doing because you don't know which traits are interacting, or even what those traits do on their own apparently.

On 5/9/2021 at 12:54 PM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

What I see is a squad with very little, melee-oriented damage dealers, using a single strong interaction with a huge cooldown, and reliance on a single player to land a sneaky burst

traps are a sneaky burst? good to know. fog's on dh because he's a god on dh and doesn't have a reaper built

On 5/9/2021 at 12:54 PM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

But there are redundancies and inefficiencies in your comp

you can see one person's pov and arc dps, from that you've incorrectly guessed at almost everything in the comp. But here you express the privilege to judge what's redundant or inefficient. Humble yourself.

On 5/9/2021 at 12:54 PM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Focus less on a short term burst strategy, and focus more on a  long term high pressure strategy

Where did I at any point state we're focusing on short term burst? lmao

20 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

when they die they create a poison cloud that pulses even more damage and conditions that cover your burn guards conditions. This is again, the only significant trait interaction on this comp that makes sense in terms of extracting a lot of value from very little.

The 'burn' dh damage accounts for 20% of his output. kinda dumb to have 8 reapers applying poison to cover 20% of 1 person's damage.

20 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

The problem here is that lich has a very long CD, and you spent a TRAITLINE for this one scenario.

educate yourself on what other traits and utilities are in play other than lich

20 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

you put all your eggs into a single 3minute cd basket here.

read above

20 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Glyph of stars is a condition cleanse and provides a buff that stops conditions from inflicting you for 7 second channel.

glyphs have different effects in CA

20 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

you starve your scrappers of conditions as well as healing since I am assuming your druids are healers too.

you would again, be assuming wrong.

20 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

I'm kind of trying to be nice here...but druid as a whole also kind of blows. Can you use it as an immobilize bot? Sure...but man is it terrible at getting astral force together without spirits. As a healer I can hardly see it doing anything more then what a scrapper could do now, with the exception of the very brief brief condition immunity.

So you've never played druid then? Or is it that you've played it badly with some nonsense build and then wrote off the whole class?

20 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Not only that but by taking a defensive traitline he's definitely diminishing the amount of sustained damage that a reaper can do, again for a tradeoff of taking advantage of that brief lichform damage and damage mitigation

DM increases sustained damage considerably, it's actually a reduction in spike damage while in shroud.

19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

This is technically supposed to setup the dragon-hunters sneaky spike, which is a burn DH that relies on sticking immobilize and burns on people.

read above.

19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Everything else, despite the druids, seem very standard Firebrand and Scrapper

you can literally see what we're using on fb and still mess up the interpretation.

19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Well one of your druids was using a staff, and your FB's aren't on the DPS meter....so i'm assuming that they are mostly responsible for healing....and covering conditions which is kind of the plot of the whole comp, again to cover for the actual damage dealer being the DH

so again, making assumptions on what you can see and then generalizing even though it's wrong.

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19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

So your reapers are using shouts? So what? Nothing very special or interesting about shouts.

handed to you on a silver platter, but you're too stuck on what you're sure is right to see it.

19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

And? There is nothing interesting or very special about CA glyphs. Their effects aren't very good either

see above.

19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

.it simply doesn't have the healing capacity in a WvW setting

you can output some truly absurd spot healing with druid, again this is a show of your ignorance from using poorly constructed builds with no concept of how to improve them.

19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

most commanders don't take advantage of that privilege...that they have essentially an endless number of Guinee Pigs to test mechanics on

people aren't guinea pigs

19 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

People like me don't have that privilege, and really that's the reason why a lot of commanders refuse to run anything that isn't meta...they always think they are right and that their builds are the most perfect to exist, and they have the power to run their own builds. Those who don't command or own a guild do not.

you don't have that 'privilege' because your ideas don't hold water in game.

16 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

I actually don't really want people to listen to me either.

yeah man, you spend all your time posting on the forums and defending yourself out of apathy.

16 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

My ideas, (which you brought up in this conversation btw), are based only in mathematics

which is why they are so often wrong, you don't know what the traits are doing in the background and make false assumptions, then build faulty premises based on them.

16 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

It's apparent that you can't take constructive criticism.

show me the constructive criticism? Again all I've seen are faulty assumptions and poor math.

15 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

1) Your spike relies on a single DH landing his burn damage.

2) Your other spike depends on the use of Lich form

3) If your druids are using staff's, then they are probably healers (support whatever you wanna call it)...if they are supports...then hey are competing with scrappers for support. Because druids can't replace scrappers, you just have more redundancy in healers because you can't replace the scrappers for druids. This is not hard to understand.

all three are wrong lol

15 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

which I point out is the cooldown on Lich Form, the Redundancy of having Druid's with GoS competing for condition cleanse with scrappers, and relying on a single DH to land your kills.

again, read above.


15 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

What incorrect assumption? They are facts

Are these outlined enough? At this point, seeing it all together, i'm like 90% sure you don't know what even a minority of the traits do in this game.

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You're rage in this forum post is equivalent to the rage going on in your video. You're no better then the jerk you were GvGing. No wonder everyone was laughing at both of you during this GvG lol


Look man...you clearly can not accept any criticism, there is no point in talking to you.



"much better ways to deal damage than lich, there's at least two far more efficient ways to generate minions."


This is enough for me to just sign off of this post here...The synergy with Lich Form isn't about generating minions like a minion-mancer... its about the damage those minions do when they explode. Nobody actually cares about minion generation...they are good for one thing and one thing only : dying.



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Eh, I think the way people give criticism needs work too.


I rarely focus on those things unless the user is doing something severely mechanically wrong (like wasting mantra charges too rapidly) since comps are often orgnaized under some internal criteria. Some tend to be more of a black box than others.


While I often like to inquire about these things myself, I think saying things as inefficient can technically be true, but isn't always the best way to start a conversation. Also I think we've tunnel visioned onto 2 specific things that not many people care about. (ok, maybe just me)

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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21 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Eh, I think the way people give criticism needs work too.


It wasn't even criticism really. I asked a question, which was "what is the point of the druids", and he replied, in essence

Figure it out genius and use calculus.


I get it, he's referencing another thread where I talk about using calculus to go through mechanics of the game...Which i always encourage people to do, and even if I'm wrong about what his build actually does, then that's fine....though i still don't really have any idea what his build actually does given what he has said so far...apparently it's a minion-mancer comp that uses a power DH or something now and also has immob druid? Idk things made more sense in the beginning when the DH was burning, but now, whatever this comp is that he has, is making less and less sense as he makes more replies...


He also has held a 5 year old grudge about a build I made a while back. Holding 5 year long grudges isn't exactly healthy.


Anyway, whatever. He can attack me personally all he wants, but I'm doing just fine, he's doing just fine with his build, so what is really the problem here? There's nothing he can really say or do to me that matters, and nothing i can say or do to him that matters, so really all this has been was a fun exercise.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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11 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

It wasn't even criticism really. I asked a question, which was "what is the point of the druids", and he replied, in essence

Figure it out genius and use calculus.




Well that's why I tried to bring an end to the whole druid part since I think it's widely established by now that everyone knows that scrappers are better at the healing and cleansing stuff, and whatever it is, is probably immob bot first. At least that's how everyone I see bothers with them.


If they run minstrel or w/e, it's probably not because they're healers but rather because doing damage is just immaterial or they just don't want to die or something. Any healing is just going to be incidental and backup. Maybe people just want spotter. I think I covered it all before so not going to bore you.


Druids or not, they are just inconsequential in today's context.


I did not want this discussion to drag through this very uninteresting point lol, and as you can see, I had some good reasons.


As for the rest, I wasn't really aware of any personal history, though I think we were talking about some interesting things beyond that.

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27 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Well that's why I tried to bring an end to the whole druid part since I think it's widely established by now that everyone knows that scrappers are better at the healing and cleansing stuff, and whatever it is, is probably immob bot first. At least that's how everyone I see bothers with them.


If they run minstrel or w/e, it's probably not because they're healers but rather because doing damage is just immaterial or they just don't want to die or something. Any healing is just going to be incidental and backup. Maybe people just want spotter. I think I covered it all before so not going to bore you.


Druids or not, they are just inconsequential in today's context.


I did not want this discussion to drag through this very uninteresting point lol, and as you can see, I had some good reasons.


As for the rest, I wasn't really aware of any personal history, though I think we were talking about some interesting things beyond that.


Ya that's a reasonable analysis, and really it's not far off from what I was thinking myself...I did try to give Risen some charity, and was hoping that maybe the druids had a special or new purpose that I didn't know about...but i suppose it's just as you said, a generic immobilize druid with Glyph of Stars instead of Entangle. 😕 Oh well heh.


And ya, Risen mentioned a build i made like 5 years ago "The Command Boonmancer" which was just a SPVP reaper build that mimic'd how soulbeast used boons. It would stack a ton of boons on itself and use that as a form of defence, so that they could spec into aufensive gear, and defensive traitlines (Death/Curses/Reaper). 


Risen really just talked kitten about the build saying it didn't do any damage until i showed him a video of me hitting zerker damage on it. Back then, Spite with full zerk reaper was the meta, so nothing other then this was deemed "viable." Guess he still holds a grudge to this day about that build idk why...it's been hard nerfed ever since they took away boon amulets in spvp.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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1 hour ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

You're rage in this forum post is equivalent to the rage going on in your video. You're no better then the jerk you were GvGing. No wonder everyone was laughing at both of you during this GvG lol


Look man...you clearly can not accept any criticism, there is no point in talking to you.



This is enough for me to just sign off of this post here...The synergy with Lich Form isn't about generating minions like a minion-mancer... its about the damage those minions do when they explode. Nobody actually cares about minion generation...they are good for one thing and one thing only : dying.



there, they're, their. no need to get so upset ❤️ we were laughing too, i promised we'd steamroll 4-0 using a bunch of minions and druids with no spellbreakers.


still stuck on lich form though, really? hilarity continues!

Edited by RisenHowl.2419
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22 minutes ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

there, they're, their. no need to get so upset ❤️ we were laughing too, i promised we'd steamroll 4-0 using a bunch of minions and druids with no spellbreakers.


still stuck on lich form though, really? hilarity continues!


I actually don't care whether you steamroll anyone or not. All I care about is the theory-craft. And the theory-craft is less impressive then I actually thought it was.

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20 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


I actually don't care whether you steamroll anyone or not. All I care about is the theory-craft. And the theory-craft is less impressive then I actually thought it was.

yeah, the guy who incorrectly assumed he knows what he's talking about 38 times comes across as very convincing :v


have you figured out why lich form's unimportant yet, or has that bit of theorycrafting continued to elude you?

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23 minutes ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

yeah, the guy who incorrectly assumed he knows what he's talking about 38 times comes across as very convincing :v


have you figured out why lich form's unimportant yet, or has that bit of theorycrafting continued to elude you?

If it's so unimportant, go and take Chilled to the Bone lol or Flesh Golem since your running minnioons

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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