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Does elementalist get better?

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42 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

What I mean is I don't know what ele is good at. If I may be direct here, why would I want to start a toon on ele. The fighting mechanics of an ele doesn't appeal to me

The closet thing ele is good at as a class is Over time dmg vs non moving targets, auras, and soft/hard cc.

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9 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

What I mean is I don't know what ele is good at. If I may be direct here, why would I want to start a toon on ele. The fighting mechanics of an ele doesn't appeal to me


Ele is susposed to be something that does lots of stuff which is susposed to add up collectively. We are by nature hybrid. But Anet fails to actually deliever that 🤣 


Hybrid weaver build likely shows where ele should be gameplay wise, but it just underperforms. 



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This one hits pretty close to home.

I legit leveled an elementalist to 80, pre HoT, and had a good amount of fun with him.  I thought utility was good, damage was good, etc.

Fast forward 5 or 6 years to earlier this year when I picked GW2 back up.  I started HoT for the very first time playing my little Asuran ele.   No mounts.  No glider.  No idea just how much more challenging the HoT map was from the Central Tyria map.

I stuck with it.  Trudged through Verdant Brink and a bit of Auric Basin before getting my glider.  Kept grinding my way all the way through Path of Fire and season 4 of Living World and now have all mounts except skyskale (working on that) All with ele.  If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't do it again.


Elementalist, core, or Weaver, or Tempest is a punishing profession to play with more sacrifices than trade offs than maybe any other class.  Whatever elite damage, or utility they may have once had has been nerfed down to some forgotten oubliette along with their ever present, ever squishy armor class.

I started a Revenant because I was curious about the gameplay.  Hoh Lee cow.   It's like somebody unshackled my hands and feet from the masochistic dance of piano playing skill rotations, expertly crafted builds and perfectly timed dodges or YOU DIE.  I can play PvE now and not EXPECT to get frustrated because some random mushroom, or sand shark, or whatever taps me on the shoulder and takes literally half my health while wearing full Trailblazer's gear and constantly attuning to Earth for the added toughness.


I'm only relaying my personal experience, but if you're frustrated now,  it only gets worse.  Yes, you can dole out some of the best damage with the best glass cannons from other professions, but don't expect it to be easy, or survivable.

I'm really not trying to dissuade the ele lovers in here,  I'm just throwing out a warning.

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