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Do we need some kit tweaks?


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Ok, so I actually came back to gw2 in more recent months and some of the kits are really confusing me with their design direction:


Explosive kits: grenade, Bomb, Mortar


Firstly, we have the bomb kit which is a melee power oriented kit focused on fields.

Then we have the mortar kit which is essentially a 1500yd version of the bomb kit

But then we have the grenade kit which for some reason is more or less the same but with conditions applied directly and 3x


My suggestion here is to Nerf the power on the grenade kit and fully establish it as a condition damage kit while the mortar would pull back on the fields and have a more solid power oriented focus possibly with a big "nuke" shell and a knock-back shell to clear areas, thus granting a distinct difference between each of the explosives kits, the bomb kit being the big field generator like it is.


Chemical kits: Elixir Gun, Flamethrower


Firstly, the flamethrower seriously needs the power back on it's 2 ability flame blast, because right now, this weapon heavily benefits from power but never wants to use it's other abilities because of the ironic lack of power damage on them... alternatively, just make it apply a super low duration burn on it's 1 skill per hit rather than having a huge power ratio.


Secondly, the elixir kit, what always puzzled me about this is the tranquilizer dart, shouldn't this be a stacking poison condition as it is a chemical dart?, this could likely be supported by adding frost to the fumigate ability and more poison/burn on the acid bomb to make it a much more obvious condition + support focused weapon that doesn't mostly replicate the pistol.


Tool kit


The final kit is the toolkit, this is the really weird one, because from the first ability it looks like this kit is supposed to be designed to support turret builds and yet immediately breaks down when you realize none of the other abilities support the turrets but also the turrets are almost never capable of surviving long enough for that to matter even if it did... I really don't know what to do with that one, but we are lacking a fully focused melee condition weapon and this would be the perfect kit to work with the engineer runes if it had a fuller condition focus paired with it's block for defense.

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It's from all perspectives, the kits are a bit of mess with no defined purpose in many cases, the grenades in particular are a condition weapon that uses power primarily for some reason and this is a recurring theme across many of the kits and yet despite this the engineer does not seem to get any real tailoring to doing condition + power hybrid builds.

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My suggestion here is to Nerf the power on the grenade kit and fully establish it as a condition damage kit while the mortar would pull back on the fields and have a more solid power oriented focus possibly with a big "nuke" shell and a knock-back shell to clear areas


About granades i not agree as it's good thay are, thay are used in power builds for range option, and are both good if you go full power or full condi


in pvp also it's only source of your chill and posion if you run it togheter with flamethrower and your Elite slot you have Sneek Gyro or Prime light beam/Supply crate (for some condi clease and heal), and you need that power dmg on them to finish enemy 


Switching it power to Mortar culd be bit problematic like you see



Firstly, the flamethrower seriously needs the power back on it's 2 ability flame blast, because right now, this weapon heavily benefits from power but never wants to use it's other abilities because of the ironic lack of power damage on them.


I agree with that, it culd be nice to have adional burst while your not using granades as your kit, maybe thay culd remove 2 burning and leave only 1 on it



The final kit


Yeh i wuld rework full that weapon, as turrets are totaly not updated and left in abys


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20 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

Ok, so I actually came back to gw2 in more recent months and some of the kits are really confusing me with their design direction:


Explosive kits: grenade, Bomb, Mortar


Firstly, we have the bomb kit which is a melee power oriented kit focused on fields.

Then we have the mortar kit which is essentially a 1500yd version of the bomb kit

But then we have the grenade kit which for some reason is more or less the same but with conditions applied directly and 3x


My suggestion here is to Nerf the power on the grenade kit and fully establish it as a condition damage kit while the mortar would pull back on the fields and have a more solid power oriented focus possibly with a big "nuke" shell and a knock-back shell to clear areas, thus granting a distinct difference between each of the explosives kits, the bomb kit being the big field generator like it is.


Chemical kits: Elixir Gun, Flamethrower


Firstly, the flamethrower seriously needs the power back on it's 2 ability flame blast, because right now, this weapon heavily benefits from power but never wants to use it's other abilities because of the ironic lack of power damage on them... alternatively, just make it apply a super low duration burn on it's 1 skill per hit rather than having a huge power ratio.


Secondly, the elixir kit, what always puzzled me about this is the tranquilizer dart, shouldn't this be a stacking poison condition as it is a chemical dart?, this could likely be supported by adding frost to the fumigate ability and more poison/burn on the acid bomb to make it a much more obvious condition + support focused weapon that doesn't mostly replicate the pistol.


Tool kit


The final kit is the toolkit, this is the really weird one, because from the first ability it looks like this kit is supposed to be designed to support turret builds and yet immediately breaks down when you realize none of the other abilities support the turrets but also the turrets are almost never capable of surviving long enough for that to matter even if it did... I really don't know what to do with that one, but we are lacking a fully focused melee condition weapon and this would be the perfect kit to work with the engineer runes if it had a fuller condition focus paired with it's block for defense.

I think the kits are good as is. They may be a little weaker, but that's the tradeoff for being able to basically "swap weapons" on a 1s cd.

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1 hour ago, Ghos.1326 said:

I think the kits are good as is. They may be a little weaker, but that's the tradeoff for being able to basically "swap weapons" on a 1s cd.

There is one problem I have with kits, tbh.


Of all the kits, just med kit is really defined with a purpose. We have no dedicated power or condi kits, they are all hybrids.

I would personally enjoy more if Anet revisited the kits and actually designed them with a clear niche to fill (like making bomb kit a power focused kit, while making grenades condition damage primarily, for example).

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2 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

It's from all perspectives

Then you are sleeping on Toolkit imho. It has an insanely hard hitting and fast burst with prybar (sneaked through feb patch), maybe the best defense option of kits with a relatively short cd block and the unblockable pull is a very solid setup mechanic and a good tool to counter channeled blocks. Just the nails are kinda meh and only semi usefull in some condi builds. Autos can hit hard with full chain but are to clunky to use. Changing 2 and 1 to good offensive options could make this kit realy broken. You could give 2 more utillity maybe. I don't know.


I don't know if your change to mortar works in a pvp environment. The projectile motion makes it kinda hard to land direct hits on range. This leads in my case to using the kit mostly for the fields and effects + area control. I think changing fields to knockback would push the kit to just meele range use and is kinda counter productive to give it more identity.

Edited by schloumou.3982
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