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off seasons pvp

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Hi all. 

So i've been playing guild wars 2 on and off past 8 years. Mostly off but came back 1 year ago. But that's not the point. 

Whenever i play gw2 i play pvp and let me tell you all its the worst experience someone could ever have. People say league of legends is toxic i feel like gw2 pvp is even worse. The only time i actually have fun playing pvp is when there is off seasons of 2vs 2 and 3vs3. People tend to be friendly even loosing compared to 5 vs 5. Why not keep a permanent 2 vs 2 system. Even unranked. It's just unbearable to think of 5 vs 5. It's toxic, takes to long, people rage quit almost everygame, people flame everygame, matchmaking is atrocious, balance is atrocious. To many classes doing to many different things. 

At least for 2vs 2 its fast, it's fun from my point of view i tottally understand some of you or maybe most of you dont agree, which is fine, but honestly i feel like the game should some variation when it comes to small scale pvp. I could go wvw and do small scale? Yes but its not the same thing of being inside an arena. Plus i dislike completly wvw. 

Regarding 5 vs 5 again, im not a god tier player. I dont even consider myself a good player. Highest i got was plat 1 and im ok with it. I just cant deal anymore with all the toxicity and afks etc etc on that game mode. After a day of work you wanna login, have fun and have a good moment. Not going back to daycare and deal with all that kitten. 

Just sharing my thoughs, not here to offend anymore so dont become a keyboard warrior please.


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1 hour ago, Mitsuruji.1796 said:

Hi all. 

So i've been playing guild wars 2 on and off past 8 years. Mostly off but came back 1 year ago. But that's not the point. 

Whenever i play gw2 i play pvp and let me tell you all its the worst experience someone could ever have. People say league of legends is toxic i feel like gw2 pvp is even worse. The only time i actually have fun playing pvp is when there is off seasons of 2vs 2 and 3vs3. People tend to be friendly even loosing compared to 5 vs 5. Why not keep a permanent 2 vs 2 system. Even unranked. It's just unbearable to think of 5 vs 5. It's toxic, takes to long, people rage quit almost everygame, people flame everygame, matchmaking is atrocious, balance is atrocious. To many classes doing to many different things. 

At least for 2vs 2 its fast, it's fun from my point of view i tottally understand some of you or maybe most of you dont agree, which is fine, but honestly i feel like the game should some variation when it comes to small scale pvp. I could go wvw and do small scale? Yes but its not the same thing of being inside an arena. Plus i dislike completly wvw. 

Regarding 5 vs 5 again, im not a god tier player. I dont even consider myself a good player. Highest i got was plat 1 and im ok with it. I just cant deal anymore with all the toxicity and afks etc etc on that game mode. After a day of work you wanna login, have fun and have a good moment. Not going back to daycare and deal with all that kitten. 

Just sharing my thoughs, not here to offend anymore so dont become a keyboard warrior please.


I really support the idea for making 2v2 and 3v3 to be official seasons not only offseasons.


I personally like 5v5 too, but i think more pvp modes will be nice!

Edited by razaelll.8324
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There might be some issues, the main reason, 2vs2 has some way worse balance than 5vs5 (at least the last few seasons didn't play the new one since it came with the balance patches but we will see) 

Second it would split the player base to hard


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2 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

There might be some issues, the main reason, 2vs2 has some way worse balance than 5vs5 (at least the last few seasons didn't play the new one since it came with the balance patches but we will see) 

Second it would split the player base to hard


I agree with the balance. But honestly i dont mind dealing with that instead of 5 vs 5 not gonna lie lol

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Personally, I'd just prefer to see chat removed in PvP and replaced with a set of communication options for certain strategic things or your basic GG/GLHF stuff similar to a game of Hearthstone.  The map ping system already allows most of this (just needs a spam restriction), which is why chat tends to be little more than people raging at each other.


For people that actually want to communicate, they can always get in voice coms for that stuff.

Edited by Dahkeus.8243
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Lol, yes let's implement some permanent dumb game mode such as 2v2 or 3v3 and a dedicated leaderboard of course. Now that Anet boosted cheese PVP builds to become predominant, it will be the perfect conclusion to GW2 sPVP. We could be proud to have supported the first game that fought discrimination against bots.

I'll see myself out.

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1 hour ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

Personally, I'd just prefer to see chat removed in PvP and replaced with a set of communication options for certain strategic things or your basic GG/GLHF stuff similar to a game of Hearthstone.  The map ping system already allows most of this (just needs a spam restriction), which is why chat tends to be little more than people raging at each other.


For people that actually want to communicate, they can always get in voice coms for that stuff.

if you cant stand chat in Massively multiplayer online game maybe its not for you
mute exists, use it if talking upsets your sensitive ears

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19 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

if you cant stand chat in Massively multiplayer online game maybe its not for you
mute exists, use it if talking upsets your sensitive ears

It's not about stand or not chat in mmo. Its not about having sensitive ears. It's about going in a game and having the team flaming so hard and telling to killing themselves before the game even started. 

And yes you are right mute exists. But then again people being toxic does not help anyone. Not even the game in a certain way. 

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33 minutes ago, Mitsuruji.1796 said:

It's not about stand or not chat in mmo. Its not about having sensitive ears. It's about going in a game and having the team flaming so hard and telling to killing themselves before the game even started. 

And yes you are right mute exists. But then again people being toxic does not help anyone. Not even the game in a certain way. 

If you have problem with people flaming, mute them. Problem solved.
Dont force legit every single player in the game to do something, cuz you have sensitive ears.
Even then, you can simply close your chat and pretend it doesnt exist, there is ABSOLUTE 0 REASON to do this, other then for you to feel better about yourself.

you can untick chat boxes to not see whispers/map messages/team messages ETC.
and then tick them back on when you are done with pvp, or just have several chat windows lik I do.

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