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Why Anet is doing so bad at PvP


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because sPVP, the way they've done it, just isn't very good. Even showering players with gold through tournaments hasn't made it popular.

I answered v similar question the other day so i'll just quote myself here in the hope that an Anet PM reads it:


On 5/11/2021 at 1:51 PM, scerevisiae.1972 said:

agree the combat is this game's "killer app", but as a PVP-enthusiast, i have to say GW2 PVP is terrible. I hate it.

things i hate:
* downed state. 8 years on i still hate it, it's some kind of annoying mini-game with an entirely diff set of skills/rules to the real game. just get rid of it completely and rebalance everyone's HP.

* standing in circles to win sucks.

* that gear/runes are completely different to the rest of the game. 

* the game/map design is janky and not engaging. it's not interesting to watch either.


I think WVW roaming is infinitely more satisfying as a PVP game. GVGs also pretty good. I think Anet should stop wasting resources on sPVP and focus on the WVW/GVG format.



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On 5/17/2021 at 8:27 PM, razaelll.8324 said:

Anet are definitely not doing bad at pvp. Its the mmorpg with the best pvp. 



Can it be better? Ofcourse it can and they should try to do it and as far as i can see they do.




WOW is more broken.


Could be worse, could be pay to win. Some pvp games has you buy stuff from lootboxes and microtransactions in order to perform well on free to play, and here at least its cosmetic stuff.

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34 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:


WOW is more broken.


Could be worse, could be pay to win. Some pvp games has you buy stuff from lootboxes and microtransactions in order to perform well on free to play, and here at least its cosmetic stuff.

I left WoW because of that.


Gw2 has interesting and engaging combat it does not force you to grind gear just to be competitive, the balance is much much better than in WoW imo, and as i said so far i love gw2 pvp

Edited by razaelll.8324
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