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Any tips for core necro player?

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Hello mate,

Core condi necro is very strong and fairy easy to play, but in order to get good you need to know your strengths and weakness.

on my core necro i use scepter main hand and dagger as offhand and staff as second weapon.

I prefer using dagger over warhorn because it offers condi transfer and more AoE condi pressure.

Necro dont have any invunarability , block or immunity so its pretty hard for necro to avoid damage outside of the dodges which you have thats why i usualy try to keep distance from enemies and do damage from max range. All of your weapon abilities are ranged so you dont need to be in melee range to do damage. 

Staff 4 and Dagger 4 are condition transfers , this 2 are very strong abilities against condition builds if they are used at the right time (staff 4 is unlockable). The other way to transfer condition from you to enemy is by your first hit after entering shroud , also getting out of shroud cleanse conditions and transfer them to life-force so use this smartly. Necro is most vulnerable right after leaving shroud because for 10 seconds you cannot go back in it and your main tankiness comes from shroud so try to aways keep your distance when leaving shroud and use Worm and spectral walk or your CC smartly and dont spam it if there is no need for it.

That is the general advice which i can give you everything else is a bit mroe situational for example if you are fighting another necro which uses lich or a power longbow ranger you might want to take the poison cloud for utility because it blocks projectiles and so on. 

If you want to do some 1 vs 1 practice i am up to help you out ingame so drop me a message in game and we can do some practice

Good luck and have fun!

Edited by razaelll.8324
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52 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Any tips how to play my necro better and actually climb to plat with a core nec?


There are a few things that differentiates gold and plat players. 


Kiting/positioning is one of the keys for being succesfull as necro. Lower end necros typically sit on point untill they die...while plat + players kite up ledges and make themselves a harder target to hit. Even if that means you give up a point. 


Abuse matchups. Know which players lack condis clears and focus them. Take them out of the game and snowball fights like that.  Also be aware of what players carry the fight for them and which players are the supports. 


Properly balance defense + offensive play. To get to higher divisions you need to have a high impact which in most cases means overwhelming / killing a lot of ppl. Just capping and playing defensive typically isnt enough to carry games.  So you need to be doing good dmg wise. 

Edited by Locuz.2651
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Peel to win!.

A necro useing it’s skills in a team mindset and not just  for self is strongest for teammates to be a peel killer .
U focus the targets focusing team

mates and this is something  allot of players in pvp don’t do if they are not support.
And apart from awareness of what’s going on around u and kitting what’s very important is saveing your skills. If they ain’t doing a burst chain on someone or useing their heal don’t use fear save it aswell as skills like staff 4. Everything has a place and haveing skills ready at all times is how necro becomes a god class as every skills has such high value.

Edited by Gamble.4580
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Necro is much more dependant of positioning and rotation. I suggest to always stay with your team, never stay alone on nodes (untill you will be very confident), leave teamfight early if you see your team losing it.

Kite spots and kiting in general is your main survival tools. When you face good players (especially coordinated duos), they can delete you in couple of seconds if you are out of position or offguard.

Necro isn't very mechanical intensive, so focus more on macro aspects of the game.


Also abuse your shroud as much as you can for surviving. If anyone is touching you go in shroud immidiately.

Edited by Spellhunter.9675
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11 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Hey, i'm not new, in fact quite old in pvp..but i never get past gold. I just enjoy core necro that's the way I am. And obviously get destroyed by organized groups that dogpile me. Any tips how to play my necro better and actually climb to plat with a core nec?


Bring beef jerky hidden in pocket.


When dogpile starts, throw beef jerky as far off node as you can.

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If there are two players in the opposing team playing coordinated (you get a 2v1 focus each time you show up), then you end up at respawn every few seconds on core necro.


Your strong matchups are unorganised matchups. It's easier to get out of dangerous situations, because it's unlikely that more than one player follows your clunky disengages.


This pretty much sums up why you suck above gold division.


Edited by KrHome.1920
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