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So when will this rly good patch finaly come?


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12 hours ago, Keitaro Dragonheart.9047 said:

@Exile.8160 A lobotomized Pigeon could play that build by crapping randomly over the keyboard. It needs to go. Sounds to me like you're getting carried by a cheap gimmick and don't want Anet to nerf it, so you can continue to roll your face across the keyboard for easy wins.

You make 1 mistake as Zerk DH and you're dead. Have you tried it yourself before calling it a cheap gimmick? 

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On 6/3/2021 at 10:15 AM, DanSH.6143 said:

IMO trapper runes are more obnovious on rangers than on DH. rangers have very low cd traps so they're actually in stealth for 50% of the time, while they're also condi builds. So they deal dmg while stealthed.

Trapper DH doesn't deal dmg while stealthed, if you lose against a 11k full glass cannon DH with trapper runes it's on you.

I, as a trapper DH myself (after every condi guard build was nerfed to the ground) focus the enemy DH every time, because they melt in seconds.

If you're complaining about Scourge I get it, but DH's are not a problem

Trapper ranger has no stun breaks though, meta DH trapper has 2 and one of those completely clears condis - with trapper ranger you can't just slot all wilderness utilities and clean condis, you have to rely on your healing spring, which means you need to stand in it, and any competent player knows once you use that heal, you can be loaded with condis.


Trapper ranger doesn't have an un-evadeable pull (that also pulls through revenant sword 3 and dodges) with 8k ToF traps, if they did ranger would have been nerfed literally within minutes of people using it. This is the actual difference between the 2. The only comparable thing between the 2 is trap downstate cleave is good, because its brainless, you lay traps and they do damage. This is the only comparable thing between the 2. 


Rangers need to run 3 traps to even have effectiveness because poison and fire trap is needed and you need spike for lockdown potential, otherwise people would almost always never run into your traps. If you miss any of those you lose pretty much a majority of your damage since you're running condi. 


So I mean, yea, they constantly invis and can run around, but that's it. They will lose nodes and they can't roam because they have no 1up potential. The biggest weakness of ranger is no stun breaks when running traps, so warriors will just destroy you, and with no sic-em slotted, you would be a flat easy kill for a DH.


So the goal on trapper ranger is literally constantly re-invising around nodes, applying conditions and annoying people and trying to get people to 2v1 you for long enough time that your team does anything useful, and you will never hold caps because invis neuts points soooo you are almost forced to run roam and 1up or team which there are like, I don't know so many better options for that, like just run DH xDDD


Valk core and sicem soulbeast are 100x more effective and easier to be effective. Trap ranger is actual garbage, but that doesn't mean the rune itself doesn't give too much, it's an annoying cheesy rune and should just be removed from pvp or at the very least durations lowered OR an ICD put on the stealth and superspeed application so neither class can cheese with it.


I would say 5-10 sec ICD, that way you don't spam traps just to get superspeed like both classes abuse so much.

Edited by Tinkerer.2167
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7 hours ago, Tinkerer.2167 said:

Trapper ranger has no stun breaks though, meta DH trapper has 2 and one of those completely clears condis - with trapper ranger you can't just slot all wilderness utilities and clean condis, you have to rely on your healing spring, which means you need to stand in it, and any competent player knows once you use that heal, you can be loaded with condis.


Trapper ranger doesn't have an un-evadeable pull (that also pulls through revenant sword 3 and dodges) with 8k ToF traps, if they did ranger would have been nerfed literally within minutes of people using it. This is the actual difference between the 2. The only comparable thing between the 2 is trap downstate cleave is good, because its brainless, you lay traps and they do damage. This is the only comparable thing between the 2. 


Rangers need to run 3 traps to even have effectiveness because poison and fire trap is needed and you need spike for lockdown potential, otherwise people would almost always never run into your traps. If you miss any of those you lose pretty much a majority of your damage since you're running condi. 


So I mean, yea, they constantly invis and can run around, but that's it. They will lose nodes and they can't roam because they have no 1up potential. The biggest weakness of ranger is no stun breaks when running traps, so warriors will just destroy you, and with no sic-em slotted, you would be a flat easy kill for a DH.


So the goal on trapper ranger is literally constantly re-invising around nodes, applying conditions and annoying people and trying to get people to 2v1 you for long enough time that your team does anything useful, and you will never hold caps because invis neuts points soooo you are almost forced to run roam and 1up or team which there are like, I don't know so many better options for that, like just run DH xDDD


Valk core and sicem soulbeast are 100x more effective and easier to be effective. Trap ranger is actual garbage, but that doesn't mean the rune itself doesn't give too much, it's an annoying cheesy rune and should just be removed from pvp or at the very least durations lowered OR an ICD put on the stealth and superspeed application so neither class can cheese with it.


I would say 5-10 sec ICD, that way you don't spam traps just to get superspeed like both classes abuse so much.

Dh don't take contemplation of purity.

I didn't say rangers were op with trappers just that they get a lot more stealth from it, also you're not supposed to take 3 traps, just spike and snakes.

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