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So are the servers ever going to be upgraded so that there are fewer queues, etc?


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They're talking about WvW Queue's, this thread is probably going to get moved over to the WvW section.


As to the topic:

The WvW map Queue, is because each map has a limit of X players (per side), and there are a total of 4 maps per match-up. Since ANet never give actual numbers, we can't say what the value of X is, but it's generally assume to be somewhere between 80-100, and they occasionally adjust it slightly for various reasons (usually to test lag related problems).

So there are two things affecting this, one is that the game starts lagging (skill-lag) when lots of players are fighting near each others. This is very likely because of the way they've coded their software, as they've said in the past that the way their actual server-structure works, that they won't run out of hardware power, because all the servers are linked up together, and share resources. So if one map instance have trouble, it calls in others to lend it power. 


Secondly, even if they did manage to change the software (likely a complete rewrite of the engine), they very likely wouldn't change the number of players allowed on a map (at least not by very much), since the MapCap is another part of the attempted (but mostly failed) balancing of match-ups in WvW.

I'm sure you're familiar with it (and don't want to hear it), but EotM was made specifically for this purpose. The only other options (and even less popular) is to consider moving servers.

Regarding the re-shuffling, that's the re-link and it is every 2 months (last Friday every odd month), and even then most servers only really have queue's for Friday reset and prime time for a couple a days a week. 

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10 minutes ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

They're talking about WvW Queue's, this thread is probably going to get moved over to the WvW section.

I wasn’t sure because they stated: “reshuffling of everything a couple times each week”. It seemed as if they were speaking about something else as I don’t recall any reshuffling going on in WvW that occurs several times a week. 

But then, their recent post history appears to be WvW oriented so you’re probably right. 


Edited by Ayrilana.1396
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