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Save PvP with EoD

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Also, as a person that played multiple MMOs, I dont really see any player target of ANets development except for sunday players that log twice a week, spend 2 hours doing random things and logging out. For people that wanna feel achievement vibe, PvP? Some whiteknights might disagree, but honestly WoW, either retail or TBC. For casual you have really fun BGs, multiple maps, multiple objectives etc. For tryhards you have arenas, with rating not ruled by bots and matchmaking that wont get you in one match plat vs silver. Also everyone is teamed so no soloque whining that you get into one match with duoq. PvE? Imma skip WoW part and move into FF XIV. Havent played myself but some friends did and I watched some videos, looks really fun and also you have raids that mean anything compared to family friendly fractals or never-updated raids of gw2. Lifestyle or grind? Hello, BDO, collosal world with so many things to do that I dont think I have so many quests irl. Fishing, farming, growing, baking, without any pressure.

So once again, what left? People that dont want to get involved into the game, they just want to log in, do some stuff, and log out, thats it. Or people that cant somehow afford other games. Everything else is conquered by other options. (my opinion)

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26 minutes ago, Widmo.3186 said:

Hi, lemme show you something:


On the screen you can see estimated account number, active players and activity score. Before I start Id like to state two things - first, WoW and WoW Classic should be seen as the same game, also the activity score on WoW retail is so low because of how Blizzard handle Shadowlands. New patch coming in a week so it should change, how much idk, but will change for sure (also the first MMO so amount of created accounts is enormous). 

So, what we can see when it comes to gw2? ~0.5M players, while there are ~14M accounts. Its about 3,5%  of the playerbase that is still playing. On average of top MMOs its ~2M players and lets say ~28M accounts (counting WoW Classic instead of retail cuz this game has like 17 years, cmon). That makes 7% of players that stayed in the game during the years, double the previous number. And its the same story with other MMOs, not only the top. As you can see, GW2 is the game with the biggest amount of players that left the game and never returned (thats what those "Activity scores" on the right mean btw, im just making sure ppl understand).

On the list of top 10, gw2 has lowest number except for Destiny. You can spend your whole day jerking off to how good combat system this game has or how family friendly community and interesting story (xD), but numbers are numbers. And GW2 aint becoming any younger, I highly doubt EoD will make it anyhow better, even by 1 in activity score.

If you are explaining this to me i am well aware of the numbers i posted the site my self and i am well aware of their meaning too, but if you check the charts you will see that actually for example january this year GW2 had more players than eso according to this website, and what i was pointing out is that ESO is not on the level of population which WoW is and ESO was aways closer to GW2 in terms of population than WoW , so the claim that"gw2 is an ant compared to ESO" is simply wrong and you can dislike GW2 all you want but that does not change the stated above.

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7 minutes ago, razaelll.8324 said:

If you are explaining this to me i am well aware of the numbers i posted the site my self and i am well aware of their meaning too, but if you check the charts you will see that actually for example january this year GW2 had more players than eso according to this website, and what i was pointing out is that ESO is not on the level of population which WoW is and ESO was aways closer to GW2 in terms of population than WoW , so the claim that"gw2 is an ant compared to ESO" is simply wrong and you can dislike GW2 all you want but that does not change the stated above.

No, Im explaining in general for people that wanna see whats going on those statistics, if I wanted to explain this to you then Id quote you, no? Idk whats the deal with ESO but imo its higher in terms of numbers than gw2 but waaay below like FFXIV, WoW or even BDO. Although yes, definetly more similar to gw2 than to titans from the top of the list

Edited by Widmo.3186
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On 6/21/2021 at 4:54 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is much simpler than either of you are making it out to be.


  1. Move rating/badge icon algorithm to AT monthly seasons. Sorry it needs to happen. 5v5 premade teams is the only way to stop match manipulation in the traditional sense. Move all old ranked rewards to unranked. Leave badge/rating indication and AT rewards to ATs.
  2. Now this only leaves potential DDOS or hacks in play to be reported during ATs, which will be way way less frequent for devs to sort through and it should be manageable. No one will care to manipulate unranked.
  3. This is also important because it creates two distinct different fish tanks that will incentivize the separation of two different demographics of players. 1) The farmers and bots go to unranked as well as those looking to casual around. No more rating & clout means no one cares to cheat. 2) The hardcore community can play 5 man premade ATs to compete for rating, now with the ability to block themselves from being thrown on.


It is highly highly questionable as to why Arenanet has not already made this happen. Anyone who knows the game well that knows what's going on, can clearly see that this is the shortest, fastest, and cleanest route to cleaning up the very large majority of problems that plague the spvp game mode.


It's almost as if someone in that office making decisions were actually wanting the match manipulation to stay enabled.

Can you apply for a pvp development job position at anet please. 

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18 minutes ago, Widmo.3186 said:

No, Im explaining in general for people that wanna see whats going on those statistics, if I wanted to explain this to you then Id quote you, no? Idk whats the deal with ESO but imo its higher in terms of numbers than gw2 but waaay below like FFXIV, WoW or even BDO. Although yes, definetly more similar to gw2 than to titans from the top of the list


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On 6/21/2021 at 11:54 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Move rating/badge icon algorithm to AT monthly seasons. Sorry it needs to happen. 5v5 premade teams is the only way to stop match manipulation in the traditional sense. Move all old ranked rewards to unranked. Leave badge/rating indication and AT rewards to ATs.

No please no

That will not stop wintrading and boosting if you dont believe me check WoW pvp at the moment it is mostly wintrading and boosting , so no please no

The main reason i started playing gw2 is because of the solo queue (and that i dont have to grind gear to be competitive in pvp) i am done dealing with team forming and waiting for forming a team, as said previously the soloQ in ranked is not the problem and by making teamQ only ranked you will open new problems and thats not the right way of getting rid of match manipulating, win trading, boosters and will hurt more the pvp population than help it in my opinion. For the rewards i agree since it will remove the bots

Also the ATs are at specific time , not being able to play ranked when you want but be forced to be online at very specific time will hurt the pvp population even more in my opinion. Also the bot problem doesnt look that big in EU as in NA.


Edited by razaelll.8324
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On 6/21/2021 at 6:24 AM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

1.) Arena 2v2 and 3v3 are always available for rank and unranked play.

2.) Remove all gold rewards from SPvP.

3.) Have dev's, even if just one, put in charge of reviewing repots and looking into events of hacking with resulting perma-bans.

3B.) The report function needs to actually do something. 

4.) Downed state along with Rally has no place in SPvP.

I wouldn't mind if Death Match would be permanently available as unranked, but not as ranked.


Removing monetary rewards from PvP would remove more actual players than bots.

Do not forget that the number of bots in reality is much smaller than many people claim.

I've seen too often that someone claims someone else is a bot, when it simply isn't true.


Having people actually working on maintaining PvP would be great.

having 10 - 20 people instead of the half a dev PvP might have now would be a decent start.


Down state is core to the battle system in GW2. It ought to always be turned on in all game modes.

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I'd probably quit PvP altogether if they forced you to do ATs for stuff like badges and leaderboard placements. I don't mind ATs, but putting together a team or joining one through LFG(which would be all kinds of wonky if they removed badges/LB from current ranked that people use to filter players) is just so incredibly tiresome compared to pressing a single button.


The times I've joined P3/LB50 parties for ATs I've honestly kinda hated every moment of it. Everything from the seething tryhards who can't chill tf out, having to bother caring about the party comp, having to get on voice instead of just blasting music and zoning out. I just wanna solo queue and play Necro to the best of my abilities. All that other stuff requires thinking. And god dang do I hate thinking.

Edited by Aktium.9506
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