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What worlds are pretty wvw active?


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hi guys,

currently im playing on elonas reach and its pretty mutch dead no matter which time im going into wvw i nearly never see people or even commanders.

that makes it really hard to make any progress or even beeing fun.


can u guys tell me which servers are pretty active and to which times? my timezone is gmt+2


thanks in advance




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tbh u'd need to react to the teamspeak calls made. there's a ton of tagging, just hiddentag. if u're about the casual playing, there's especially on the weekends also a big tag-coverage


u gotta learn to read the maps. u can see when what flipped on which map -> maybe content. gmt+1 is my timezone, and it's quite fine for this serverlinking. it's only superdead very early in the mornings and during the night, starting yet with late/er primetime.


u also get more clue about who and what is going on by having certain people friended or beeing ina  guild with them, so u see where some of them are and can "predict content"


that's just basics. but depends surely also what "content" does mean to you. after this description, cannot really see what u define as "dead" or non-dead. elona would yet get a 100% content boost with proper scouting and responding. it's a pretty casual server, too many people talk german there, so their link does often not understand what's happening. the reports are unclear and/or too late, and the tags often rather go ppt and the empty desert border against the smallest server in matchup (SFR), instead of guarding their own keeps on home border (blue alpine) or on EBG.

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just that the matchups do say not a ton anymore... without further explaination, that is. t1 has two dead linkings basically in, which do have a lot of population. if he means that as "active", okay. contentwise however, kinda doubt it's a lot of fun rn. if he's just a new player, won't get anything from there as well


elona is just a small server, most germans stacked on the other GER servers. national servers been really amongst there worst ideas for this format, not gonna lie.

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