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1 hour ago, Veka.8710 said:

Can we not have Tengu please, I cannot imagine why people would want to be a tengu outside of RP or aesthetic. Lore wise they don't make sense, on top of that LOOK AT CHARR AND ASURAN! You're going to have not only lots of clipping issues but lots of same gender outfits. That's resource that can be put elsewhere...at least let them fix Asurans and Charrs first.

Why dont they make sense lore wise? Remember anet did consider them as one of the playable races, so obviously they think so, and well i do too. Their lore is amazing. 



99% of the time i dont mind same gender outfits for Charr, and Asura. It actually makes sense lore wise for those two races to have very similiar clothing and i hope they keep doing it.

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14 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Why dont they make sense lore wise? Remember anet did consider them as one of the playable races, so obviously they think so, and well i do too. Their lore is amazing. 



99% of the time i dont mind same gender outfits for Charr, and Asura. It actually makes sense lore wise for those two races to have very similiar clothing and i hope they keep doing it.

Yeah and they scrape that idea and now they don't fit as the commander. The Tengu are an isolated race and the few that help the pact is it's own thing. If the commander was a Tengu they would have to explain why the world and Tengu distrust each others.

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