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I whant to put my legendary greatsword in my inventory it is that simpel!

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I really like the legendary armory, but the combination of several systems have brought up some annoying nuances that are certainly not game breaking but create some silly situations.


I have a couple of characters that swap one weapon depending on boss, fractal or whatever. The fact that it's easier to just use ascended weapons instead of the legendary weapons that i invested a lot of time and effort to get to get should be a sign that something is not working as it should with the whole system. And the solution should not be to buy more equipement tabs since it's an issue i did not have before the armory was introduced (funny enough, i already have all tabs with one of those characters and still have the same issue).


Ideally legendaries should save the last used setup for that specific tab, so even if you swap them around they always come back with the last stats, sigils and infusions that particular weapon had on that tab.

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A quick an dirty workaround would be to have an NPC where you can get ascended select-stat copies of your legendaries. Make them soulbound, unsalvagable and unsellable like some of the old personal story rewards. This could also be implemented without an NPC with an option like "withdraw duplicate" in the right click menu of a legendary. If you want to use this totally optional system you have to sacrifice inventory space for added utility.


Yeah, its basically the same as just using ascended from the beginning - but it kinda imitates the stat swap mechanic of legendaries.

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