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  1. That is the most annoying thing for me 😖
  2. Before the patch it was 240 but the indicator was about the same size of Kalla's skills (360), I'm not sure if that's a bug or what they actually wanted to do since each projectile has its own explosion radius.
  3. I'm seriously starting to get worried about the tooltips because they're becoming infinite walls of text... they already go out of screen in FullHD, I think we really need some option of miniaturization.
  4. There is a workaround for it, when the owner of the instance activate the portal the other players don't have to be near him, just stay a bit far in the room. That happens because the onwer is ported in a specific point of the next room (beneath the initial one) while the other are just ported vertically.
  5. Nitro Skin (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nitro) 😆
  6. That room is the only one in the game that use 100% of my gpu, a 1060; a friend with a 4070 says that he get 50% usage. Dunno if it is bugged or what else, it happens only in that room; but I don't get any crash at least.
  7. Are you serious? Strength of the Pack! "Rampage with your pet, gaining stability, fury, and swiftness. You and your pet also grant might to each other when you attack."
  8. More likely 1% for each kalla's fervor (so max 5%), I doubt will be more than that.
  9. What if instead Boon Duration only worked for the boons you get (self and incoming boons)? This would lead to characters having to increase their own boon duration stat if they want to have longer boons; basically nerfing everyone as dps roles will need one more stat and the support roles will be less centrlized.
  10. Is called Demolisher and is already in game (but only for PvP)... By the way, I'd like it too.
  11. I think there was a bug since the introduction of these boosts when you had both offensive and defensive overloads, in this case there was no cooldown, in fact if only one of the two was active there was a 30 second cooldown. With this patch it seems they have fixed that bug and further aggravated the cooldown to 90 seconds (I also think it is excessive). I rarely use them, but if they were to stay that way I would say it would be a good idea to switch the activation from "Entering in combat" to "When in combat".
  12. UPDATE: after further testing it seems that the projectile created by the shield ability is destroyed if it hits an invulnerable target, whether friendly or enemy (only if "invulnerable", with "determined" this does not happen). It seems that Kalla abilities are considered invulnerable allies even for a few seconds after the animation (they can even be targeted by clicking on them) and destroy the projectile created by Envoy of Exuberance if it passes over them.
  13. I was testing a particular custom build with a friend, and we noticed that Envoy of Exuberance (shield skill 4) occasionally failed. In these cases the animation is still carried out and the skill goes into coodown, but does not apply any effects (healing/protection/aegis). After some tests on the golem we realized that this only happens in combat and after using one of Kalla's skills, I would say approximately 30% of the time. I can't say if that also happened before Kalla skills rework.
  14. It has beed only partialy fixed today (26 march). The initial vulnerability continue to not trigger Dance of Death, but the 2nd projectile do.
  15. Well, when some time ago Battle Scars were introduced the healing of each one was 303 + 0.1 x healing power (PvE), in addition you could pair it with Sanctuary runes to get a 20% barrier from every heal recieved, it was a real bliss... after a few years they nerfed them to near nothing (117 + 0.006 x healing power) without anything that can help them to get better, worse then the version before the introduction of that mechanic... very sad. About the fixing don't get your hopes up too high... at best, against a single enemy (Boss) you would earn 11 Battle Scars (3 auto-consumed by the skill and 8 remaining); however, if you have 5 targets within range of the Skill you would get approximately 15 auto-consumed Battle Scars and 15 remaining... not like before, but better than nothing. I think the real intention is to force players to place the elite skill, use 2-3 of the other skills and then deactivate the elite in order to get additional healing without too much damage loss from this process... but the gameplay is not very pleasant.
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