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Everything posted by AusarViled.7106

  1. I think GW2 is a great game, but this great game requires years of content to make sense. To those who have not played PoF or HoT or living world, or all 100+ dungeons that explain the lore, and have spent 6000 hours doing the base games stories.... ye you get the point. An expansion that requires people to do 16 years of content to understand the story is going to perform poorly. HoT focused on the commander way to much in my opinion- in a MMO the focus should be on all other characters but YOU. You are not a god, or chosen one, or mythic spirit which dominates all living things like in other MMOS. In GW2 you are just this nobody who picks up and chooses to be a hero, PoF also missed this. End of dragons should be the story about the world not about you. I am hoping end of dragons goes back to the core idea of GW2, the world. I would have even killed the commander [you] get captured in the start of the expansion, you would play as a regular member of the dragon squad, with the goal of freeing yourself from the end of dragons with aurene, who would have explained that the commander consumed the power of Zhaitan, Kralkotorik, Mordomoth, Primordus, etc and inside the commander exists a new elder dragon more powerful then all, and the goal should be to find and destroy the commander. In the process you cause the end of the universe, we destroy the commander it causes an apocalypses by releasing the dragon. In living season we go to the mists to recover yourself and restore your char. Benefit You are forced to use another character which makes the experience completely new. The shift form the commander is made on aurene, and you are helping her to save yourself. The biggest villian to any good story is ourselves. It would be a good way to end GW2 and pre-pare the lore for GW3
  2. I want something between an Asura and a human. DO NOT picture the image about how these would come to exist, but lets say somewhere in rata novis, humans and asura inter breed. You get something that looks like a asura but tall with human skin. Aka something that looks like elves- big ears, human skin with large eyes. It would be freaky and the lore fans would loose their minds, but pve players would be happy because elves are BEST.
  3. as someone who plays warden and is generally sick of the lack luster pets, the new end of dragons pet class looks really appealing. It is on engineer -.- , but whatever, turrets and mechs seem more fun then using ghouls as a necro or a wolf as ranger.
  4. 250 map currencies is a lot, but its a lot less then 250 gold. 250 gold is what 120 days of dailies? You still need gold for other stuff. I got 400 elgagy mosaics in 2 days of farming for 5 hours. Even if it takes me 10 hours for each of the 6 maps. That is what 60 hours of farming at most? Versus 120 days of waiting which will make anyone quit. If you have a lot of mats in your mat storage then ye griffen is not bad, but gold is a lot more useful in this game then most mmos. You do not want to ever go to 0
  5. me who does not have the griffin looks at thread with envy. Here is a meme that i hope will stick with the community. https://imgur.com/7fxRZi2
  6. Not really- i played ESO and i was able to get nearly 4M gold with the launch of black wood and traded that gold for all expansions and content in ESO in less then 2 WEEKS LMAO. I grinded the purple rings and sold 4 purple rings for 1.3 M gold. I then converted those to gems and have every expansion in eso in 11 years? unlocked. I would need to play GW2 for what a year to buy the living seasons with gold- I MAY BE WRONG I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO FARM GOLD, it may be just as easy as ESO or swtor to get gold, i am not sure. But if there is a way i have not found it.
  7. yep i been on, i got that one for free. Thanks. I suppose 200 gems is better then nothing lmao
  8. That stinks, but I suppose it is what it is. I have all of living season 2 back from my veteran status. I heard living season 3 is kind of meh anyway, you need only 1 episode of living season 3 to get the ascended back up. laurels do not require living season. Only one I absolutely need is living season 4 for sky’s as you need all 6 maps, and ice broad is gold farming? I can spend 10$ on living season 4, and buy 3 with gold eventually
  9. Point taken, not anytime soon if at all. I may just wait till December for a sale and buy some gems and buy all the living seasons at discount and save the gold. ArenaNet I assume like all companies offer Xmas sales? I mostly want living seasons for skyscale which is way cheaper then the Griffen which costs 250 gold, versus 55.
  10. I read in another post where someone was complaining about the cost of living world seasons, and some one there mentioned that arenanet occasionally give them away for free. An article i read suggested that it was in April 2021. Is it fair to expect a similar event pre-release for end of dragons? I would rather not drop 300 gold on gems and buy living season to have them go free. What is the better play? I have a few living season 3 episodes free so i can get the ascended back pack, and i think ice saga 4 for the amulet. So should i continue as is, and when /if they release them free play the entire story in sequence on a new char? Thanks
  11. I am new to the game, so i am not sure how the conventions work- from most MMOs pvp is kind of an after thought. I have been doing pvp in Spvp and average about 18-35 kills [downs] but yes i noticed a lot of bots which seems strange. They always run in straight lines, do not turn their camera dodge on scan not on read aka i see them dodging before the animation even begins to play or they dodge spam and run out of stamina and are free kills. Why do people even bot in pvp? i have done one ranked match and got 60% of the way from one win, versus doing hours of runs for what? i guess eventually you would save up enough points to get from the tracks. Still feels weird in comparison to ESO pvp. It would be great to give pvp exclusive skins- that or if ArenaNet was to create their own stand alone battle royal like Over watch with a proper full pvp game with seasons- i would buy that DAY 1. That is a different discussion. I appreciate all the replies none the less. Would be great if some community dev could let us know what the team would think on this- since GW2 may need some ideas from pvp folks
  12. So my understanding of asura is furious little meat eating hybrids- so I named my asura “Corpse Eaters” a thief daredevil to fit the lore of an crazy little monster who runs around and takes out enemies and players and eats them. But here is the actually question… do asura eat people? I know it’s weird, but play along. Is there any mention of canablism in GW lore? Or about eating enemies during time of asura starvation? Since the asura are cold enough to use golemency a form of necromancy - do they kill the enemy and force their soul into the robots? That sounds dark. Let discuss it
  13. These would be skins only, so no actually switching stats like the real things. They would be a re-color of the ones that exist to ensure the current ones do not loose price. Players like me who enjoy pvp and quite good at it, would be thankful. Yes i can do tournaments are maybe get that box thing, but that is very stressing and requires as much pvp grinding as pve grinding. I am talking about creating a new reward track- make it 20X longer to get points wise, but make it have a guaranteed drop of the one you want. What do you all think? Seems a fair compromise to me and other pvp players. If you occasionally do pvp- my game tag is @AusarViled- do other pvpers agree? Lets discuss it
  14. these are very helpfully thank you all for your replies. I did fall into that trap it seems, as i did not know the difference is only 15% for ascended, so i assumed legendries would also be a 15% increase onto of that. Seems that is not the case i can probably just go make my ascended gear [trinkets, rings first]. Ye i also play ESO. Legendries there are needed for everything from pvp to dungeons, to world bosses, its a little nuts same as monster sets. Good to know. So i will just farm up gold and make myself the purple set and continue to farm mosaics so that i can slowly make progress for the HoT legendary staff- one with the serpent looks cool for warden
  15. lets be 100% clear i am coming from swtor so i am used to weird currencies and systems to make legendries, but even can not comprehend the mess- i got 35K hours in MMOs. Good luck to people who have not played MMOS at all. This post is both seeking advise as to how i should proceed and a flag to you ArenaNet that you should be going back to crafting system and remove the mess. Can we not get a proper Monster Hunter style interactive tree to see the requirements without flipping through a textbook of 30 tabs. If i understood it correctly. As a new player [returning after 7 years of not playing], i should be going for ascended? i played back before these systems where added. I should go for the 2.1 legendries? If someone could summarize the steps for all new players and have the devs pin it would help a lot of people. I got PoF and HoT Thanks
  16. Like the thief trailer, gives me a warlock feeling. Not a fan of necro you can kill me but i am not using it unless its purely to aoe grind. Looking forward to use 'tenebris' and endless dahknes
  17. I think Asura can work fairly well, you can tank while looking like a little baby's first day at boot camp. If you seen the ff14 video, mad because small, well that applies well to this game and its hilarious
  18. I am specifying that this list is subjective, but is a fun discussion none the less. As someone who has played other mmos, do i have the same perspective as you vets? Consider this a thought experiment. I do not have enough knowledge on the elite specializations. so i will focus on the base classes S tier: I will define this as a class that has no weaknesses, is overall has little weaknesses, and is above competitive A tier: good all around, but has issues in either pvp, or soloing or farming- overall fun experience B tier: class is good, you will be challenged because the class has major weaknesses C tier: class is adequate: performance is passable but will severely struggle unless your a skilled player D tier: class is dangerous to the player- death is more likely then success F tier: the class is awful, out classed by every other class- class needs a rework. S tier: Ranger: large kit of damage, pets, strong healing, not totally squishy. Revenant: Same thing as ranger: you can do all roles, its also flashy. A tier: Engineer: very strong utility, decent damage, simple to play Guardian: a better version of warrior, with stronger aoe and dots and sustain B tier: Messmer: good damage, decent use of turrets, weak if turrets down, bad sustain, visually all purple abilities [visually boring] Necromancer: lots of dots, but against any boss people can stack dots anyway, against players dots are easy to convert to boons, minions have bad AI. Weak over all C tier: Elementalist: Complicated for no reason, out dpsed by all above, little sustain, only advantage is to cosplay as gandalf Thief: same problem. Justification: Like in ESO, or Swtor all the classes can be made to work and can be soloed with. Last night i soloed a gold boss event as thief, that constantly summons minions every 45 seconds- all bronzes. So all classes can work, but we can still say that if you had to do a pvp tournement tomorrow for money, how many would pick thief or elementalist? none because they are worse. There is still variance amongst the tiers
  19. I was thinking it would be justified because of PoF specifies that the commander no longer sees the dragons as evil. It is implied by the meeting with the gods, that we the commander will be forced to become a pillar in the magic forces and balances- aurene is kind of a pet already to us, we grew her as an egg, and she is a baby. I figured it could imply that we are now the master of dragons. Knowing that we killed the dragons, i always figured we can turn the trope of killing for exp to signify that we are absorbing the abilities of the foes we killed. Aurene is bound to us, so can theoretically unlock the abilities of the dragons we absorbed. So from the perspective of lore- we are not becoming evil, we are merely forced to take on new responsibility. Living season 5 when i say that, is a typo, i place this living season as pre-climax of the final fight or post expansion. We do not know enough about the story so that would have to be on ArenaNet. What does it do unique? Not much, but do any of the classes really? Thief is outdone by many classes, similarly to how ranger does many things better then others, and so is true for necromancer. Does that mean we should only have 3-4 classes out of the current 9? I would be happy with a hybrid class. Mostly because it fits the lore, and its a shiny new toy. We have not got a new class for a while.
  20. I know GW2 likely does not need anymore classes, however with the release of HoT we got revenant. The class i suggest, could be added with living season 5 as a final reward. Let us discuss the vision for the class. The Weapon Combination The dragon cultist, is a hybrid class, by combining the storm mastery from the elementalist, with the play style of a old school Ranger and Warrior. Aka access to a great sword [lightning themed abilities focused primarily on aoe damage.- a 10M leap that shocks the ground [grow dragon wings when you charge], a 20M dash in a straight line leaving shock on the ground [like flame dash], a short knock down, a block, a cyclone spin that shoots lightning in all directions [like warrior], and a shock trap. The Long Bow: in long bow stance, you have access to summons of pets [small dragon like creatures] similar to necromancers ghouls. Using 1, would summon a creature for 15 seconds [25s cooldown] that stays within 10M of the user. Electric arrows: like the infamous ranger skill of pewpew pew pew, but with the caveat that it does little to no damage, but each projectile knocks the enemy back 5M and applies confusion. The third skill, is a dragon piercer: a 5 sec charged shot with power of a dragon [always does 35% of targets hp on players, or 55% on mobs outside of elites]. The final skill is dragon flight, a 45% increase to movement speed so that the cultist can run away to live another day Medium armor: The armor is all dragon themed Masteries: Mordromoth: [mostly all utilites are about snares], use all kinds of traps to immobilize enemy then unload on them with bow or sword Krawlkotorik: [technical crystal pillars]], when placed act like lightning rods, if you shoot them, they will electrify and zap everything in between them. Also has the benefit of extending pets Zhiatan: Focuses on condition damage: transforms shock [power] to condition damage over time, so all your attacks stack dots. Jormag: gives the cultist ability to use ice abilities which combo with lightning- DONT DRAW TO MUCH OR JORMAG WILL polymorph you into a thrall and you will die Primordus: instead of ice, you gain abilities of fire as well Ultimates: Dragonlin hoarde: summon 15 minions of the respective dragon, to fight for you for 10 seconds [like thieves guild]- 300 seconds Dragon's fury: gives everyone 15 stacks of might, and 15 stacks of fury around you in 35M and a 10k heal- 100 seconds Dragon's Blessing: heal 500 hp per second for 60 seconds while in bubble, converts negatives to boons [ally] to negatives for enemies- 100 seconds Final sacrifice: Consume 100% of your hp and go into downed state, deals 9K damage to mobs ignoring armour, if dead instant raise, if enemy survives you die- 30 seconds What do yo all think- this is my first class suggestion so feed back would be appreciated
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