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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

    • Dagger offhand and warhorn PvP buffs: Good. Dagger can already be scary sometimes.
    • Soulbeast : cool buff for PvP. In PvE I expected other professions to get nerfed a bit....Slb has a good burst but it ends up being one of the lowest dps which is kind of weird.
    • Untamed : Here is the first step to nerf Fervent Force. I will take it now but I hope to see more changes in the future for untamed. It is still fun and performs well in PvP but Fervent Force is mostly used in PvE squads where it can be unforgiving or even not working on some bosses.
  1. Ele :

    Stone Heart + Pvp Nerfs coming to WvW : Good changes


    Engineer :

    More burn. The one I am a bit concerned about is Corona Burst. I know this is PvE only but it is an already strong skill. It does not need to be overloaded. Please never put it in PvP.


    Guard :

    Dh -> ok Buffs

    Firebrand : It was too strong but this is going to hurt a lot.


    Mesmer :

    Chrono -> the well damage changes are nice for PvE

    Buffs to core -> ok except for magic bullet. This skill is fast, hard to differentiate and has a huge impact. Make it easier to avoid / notice before.

    Mirage: it will have a huge impact (gear is the first thing coming to mind) but I do not play it so I struggle to guess the impact on damage. 

    No changes to defense spam. That is a bit annoying for PvP. No dmg nerf in PvE again



    Looooottts of core power buffs. Cool news for reaper. With reaper becoming popular in PvP I expected at least a nerf to the unblockable.

    Harbringer : Buffs. I found it already good so I am a bit surprised.



    Dagger offhand and warhorn PvP buffs: Good. Dagger can be scary sometimes.

    Soulbeast : cool buff. While slb has a good burst it ends up being one of the lowest dps in PvE which is kind of weird. Again I expected damage nerf on other professions. Not buffs.

    Untamed : Here is the first step to nerf Fervent Force. I hope to see more changes in the future for untamed.



    Condi herald slowly becoming scarry. It already is good but I like this.

    Herald : Did not know it was still 10 so fair.

    Renegade : seems ok



    Not much but looks good if I have to guess



    I like the warhorn buffs for spellbreaker support.

    Buuuuuuutttt the shouts and bladesworn buffs….. Not a fan because both are just unfun to fight.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 9
  2. 3 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

    Yes the untelegraphed oneshots were really something good. Once you learned how to press 3 buttons at once, randomly tailswipe+mauling people to death in teamfights just displayed superior skill all around.

    Not enjoying it is / was fair but it was at least 4, which is why you would not see the combo pulled off correctly even in plat meaning you had time to stunbreak and / or block, then other professions have blink + dmg and finally once untamed was in it was either get a kill or die which is why even in team it would go down fast. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    Imma be real with you chief, I didn't even read if it was you being the only one that mentioned ele teleport or not. I was skim reading since I was at work and bored out of my mind. Didn't mean to seem like some sort of targeted offense, I am just more wondering why is the ele tp being brought up when its probably the most nerfed one out of all of the tps. (And personally I still don't get why they nerfed the stunbreak part of it given the fact mes has a direct almost 1:1 skill outside having a bigger range and actually being able to get to certain tp spots, porting through floors, and I think maybe one or two walls.)

    Ok, thank you for your answer🙂 

  4. 2 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

    You're ignoring the fact that those teleports need a target regardless. There is no escape potential without another target unlike AoE ports which goes anywhere in a valid path.

    LoS by default is only because you have to manually aim, not because the skill can't, if it didn't have that pre requisite you'd be happy to use it the same way.

    This is exactly why I said the moment you nerf one category they will feel cheated. The people making those suggestions purposefully ignore how many handicaps they will give. 


    If I take my previous example of elementalist's blink(it could be mesmer or thief or whatever you want) vs the untamed version of guard and thief :

    LoS VS No LoS -> So they are still strong right?

    Ground target VS target needed -> more restricted mobility / less escape

    Instant Vs cast time -> Instant can use it while stunned and to prepare / keep casting skills while casters have nothing and wait to follow up.

    And even if later you also nerf the ground targeted blinks to have a cast time all the skills will still not be equal.

    Why would you want to pick a blink with a cast time that makes you wait and asks you to follow up when some professions have blinks with an additional free effect to force a dodge or help secure a kill?


    Nothing can be 100% the same because every profession is different. If they want a change, it either has to be for everybody or give an additional effect to compensate.  (edit) Since there is no mention of other professions then I guess cc, non damaging condi, damage (if animation), unique effects (like damage boost), boon rip will be fine but this is not the idea I gather from the first few posts.

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  5. 7 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    Comparing the ele teleport when Mes got a whole kitten skill that blinks them from 1200, is a stunbreak, and can go through floors. Meanwhile ele tele got nerfed twice over the years, lost the stunbreak feature, and is on a longer cooldown. I'm pretty sure its shorter range prevents it tping to the same places that Mes or whatever other class has a proper tp.

    Do y'all even look at skills when you compare classes? (And no that is not to defend ele as a whole, but that one particular skill. The fact I have to add this is dumb in its own right.)

    Anyways, ports that basically break LoS should've been fixed years ago and yet its still here. Rev was the most noticeable one (even though Guard's JI combo exists), but due to people begging to keep them around for some reason, we still have them. Personally any and all tps should be cleaned up/fixed so it could free some classes and have them receive proper tweaks.


    I could be wrong but it feels like this message is directed at me since I am almost the only one mentioning ele’s blink in this context of a suggestion of a straight nerf to guard and thief (maybe made the 1st of April if NA and getting a concerning amount of support).

    If it was me and you really want to discuss then please quote me or add my tag, otherwise sorry for tagging you.

    • Like 1
  6. I find some answers a bit ridiculous. Here is what I thought when ranger got hit on its blink.

    Why can other still ... which is a point you mostly address. Fair enough

    Why is it fine for some professions to be able to blink while cced or keep the blink + cast combos? (example: ele)

    Why is it fine to have blink with a cast followed by a free effect like a cc or a damage skill? (example : rev sword)

    You can never have all skills equals on everything. Hit a category and others suddenly become unfair.

    • Confused 1
  7. To me this is not an engineer specific issue. Anything that makes me feel punished for going on the offense on a build that can punish me for waiting on the defense has the same problem.

    I hate a lot of instant mechanics. I remember so many times I would die with no warning to fa weaver while they were the ones low and on the run during PoF. Mesmer shattering under a cc or a channel skill are also a lot of fun.

    I notice a lot more how professions are not equal when it comes to hit and run and how some skills can hit backwards without any restrictions. Sometimes it can feel fair (like most necro skills which have damage over time or a slow animation), sometimes it doesn’t.

    When it comes to 360 targeting grenades are really accessible (to the point of being spammable) compared to most skills, really fast, do good damage, work anytime (range and close combat) and are common on builds that have good performances so people see them more often.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    You still don't know when theyre lying to you.

    I know when to preach doom do not worry 😄. I did not even play a single ranked match and almost no unranked for this season  because I knew how it would go. Reading the patch notes, seing no spb nerfs and playing a few unranked games vs cata before the season and I was already out.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

    Anet releasing a pvp balance patch mid season to address an issue? Lol! Thanks for the chuckle. I'm going to show this to my very real nonimaginary gf so that she too can have a laugh.

    During the stream they said "if the nerfs that we are doing in this patch  aren't enough we are prepared to hit it again more quickly, we are not going to wait for the next balance update to touch it" so this is my base for the "if"  😉. It will probably still mean wait at least one month (mAT and few weeks of the season) but that's still something if it happens.

  10. What I agree with : Ele and war still being powerhouses. Rangers going unblockable.

    What I disagree with : 0 mention of willbender? With the nerf to ranger blink, the virtues and  gs changes, willbender is VERY happy and could become the preferred roamer for a lot of players. If they really do some patches mid seasons for catalysts then holo gets a big opening. I also think  specters are lurking in the corner and should not be underestimated.


    For ranked I do expect more virtuosos (not sure in tournaments) and also dh. I would not be surprised if condi berserker starts becoming an easy duelist option.

    • Like 4
  11. Before patch:

    I think talking about my expectations before the stream will explain why I am sometimes concerned when I see buffs. I was waiting for nerfs in PvP, everybody knows how some specs dominate the meta and / or are not fun to fight. In PvE I was expecting some buffs to less played builds, like rifle for deadeye or some small power coefficient for dh, but I was also expecting nerfs! The current damage can be really high in PvE. Are some specs really where they should be (example: spellbreaker damage being higher than berserker and soulbeast)? Does the sustain and damage of some specs need to be that high (example: virtuoso)?


    Elementalist: Overall great for PvE (sometimes too much), not enough nerfs for scepter in PvP

    • (+) Staff : More support for water, new targeting for air, stab on earth. Staff is an underused and underestimated weapon in PvE. While it does not have as much damage or boon as dagger / warhorn, its support when groups struggle is amazing and the large aoe make it a more stable option. I really hope a lot of people take this as an opportunity to play it more
    • (+) Tempest : The alacrity on pulse is going to be huge.
    • (-) Weaver dps increase looks like a lot. I do not think it needed that much.
    • Cleansing fire : a bit scary for PvP / WvW.
    • (-) Scepter PvP : It still has some strong defense. DT will still do more damage than a ranger Maul, while being range, having a larger aoe, being able to be cast while running away, not being able to be reflected, without being able to LoS. DT either needs to have the tracking removed or have a maximum coefficient of 1.


    Engineer: It sounds good. It will make different mechanics feel way better

    • (no idea) Damage dampener / rapid regeneration: I need to see the numbers in game and see how it feels.


    Guardian: Some good buffs but ends up being too much.

    • (+) Power buffs: ok
    • (+) Hammer rework: The blink sounds really fun. The changes to auto and barrier are a nice plus.
    • (+) Willbender: Some players will not notice it but this is a huge change.
    • (-) Firebrand: Condi quick looks like it is going to be way too strong.
    • (-) DH F2 / F3 buffs: this extra defense / sustain will be annoying in PvP / WvW. I do not think this was needed.
    • (-) Gs 2: I know I will be in the minority on this but this could be too much. I played power guard in PvP even during PoF when people were only using condi and it already had a lot of damage. I would not be surprised if this gets nerfed later.
    • (-) Firebrand elite: regains charges. During the stream they said “we will watch if this becomes too strong”. I think I already know the answer!


    Mesmer: I have not played it enough to be sure. I guess the extra boons look nice for chrono.

    • (+) Protected phantasms / Temporal enchanter : this looks really strong. Need to see how it turns out. 


    Necromancer: Buffs. Not much to say

    • (+) Warhorn : Necro will love the unblockable in PvP
    • (+) Dagger : I am one of the few liking the weapon. It might make some builds really tanky.
    • (+) Reaper: The shout changes are interesting. I wonder what “melee range” is. 130?
    • (+) “Suffer” looks really interesting
    • (-) "chilled to the bone” longer stun duration is really not needed and could be frustrating as you already destroy anything in seconds on reaper. Current shout is already strong enough.


    Ranger: Lots of core buffs but strangely not to Nature Magic. I suggested in the past adding barrier or resistance sharing to unused traits in nature magic like invigorating bond so here I go again. Condi soulbeast could become annoying. Massive nerf to untamed playstyle in PvP.

    • (+) Baseline survival reduction is going to be strong for any ranger build, even the dps options. Maybe too much on some skills?
    • (+) Rugged growth: While the nerfs did decrease the impact of duelist rangers it is more because the meta of PoF and EoD is centered around teamfight and roaming (core ranger lacks both) that its popularity decreased.
    • (+) Empathic bond: not really competing with Ws but still decent.
    • (-) Signet of the hunt: 40s was too much but 20s cd looks a bit scary.
    • (+) Signet of renewal: it will be really strong. 
    • (-) Primal cry is overloaded I think. The poison synergy with the trait is nice but it already does a lot and deals some good damage. With the stance reductions condi soulbeast could become annoying to fight.
    • (+ for the goal but - in practice) Unnatural traversal : I think this will have a huge negative impact on untamed in PvP. Ranger usually struggles to stay / go in close combat as long as other professions and it will just make the current playstyle feel weird. Nature binding could become a larger ring and corrupt / cc instead of the small cage.
    • (+ and - ) Warhorn cd reduction is great but Windborn notes now lacks a bit of punch.


    Revenant: I cannot comment that much about rev.

    • (+) I am happy that Vindicator gets some nerfs as it has too much defense and offense.
    • (+) Renegade Extra alacrity (mentionned in the stream but not here?) is good


    Thief: This will be huge for the PvP meta.

    • (+) Cd reductions: I do not know how impactful they are going to be. If I had to guess signet could see some play?
    • (no idea) Daredevil F1: Shorter cd and a standard steal is huge. Swipe had been meta defining for so long. Need to see how it goes.
    • (+) Deadeye Buffs:  It makes sense that you would try to make rifle more popular.
    • (+ and -) Shadow melt: not removing anymore the counter to stealth. It should get a buff after this, maybe a boon, but thank you for making it better to fight.


    Warrior:  I do not know what to think about this. I am a bit confused because there is everything. Good changes, bad changes and some I have no idea what to think of.

    • (-) Mace: Making mace more frustrating to fight is not the way to go. It already makes you tanky because it has a lot of cc.
    • (-) Banner of defense: this one is going to hurt. Maybe decreasing the base healing and increasing the coefficient could have been the way?
    • (+ but maybe -) Berserker: Power in PvP still feels a bit on / off but the increased healing and aegis could be good. With the changes I wonder if condi berserker is going to be frustrating to fight or will be ok.
    • (+) Full counter: Really good change. Not much to see for rangers and mesmers who keep giving free procs 😄  (was the cd reduction bug that some people mentioned fixed?). (edit : I would also have loved to see the daze duration being reduced)
    • (-) Breaching strike: I understand the damage nerf but I would have done it differently because it will be too much. First I would have made the animation more noticeable.  Then I would either have reduced to damage somewhere between 10-20% or nerfed the base damage.
    • (no idea) Bladesworn: I have no idea what to think here. Charging skills based on the amount of ammo sound cool but it could either be ignored or too strong. Are projectiles able to be reflected?




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  12. If you are at the same level after a 100game the same season on the same build you deserve your rank. If you are in the same range over multiple seasons you deserve your rank. There can be variation from one season to another but this is just how it works for any game.

    After the 2020 patch I started some seasons on professions I had never played (professions, not specializations). Sometimes I just copied / pasted a build without even looking at what the traits did before 20 +games. I climbed on those builds from low ranks (silver) to decent / high ranks (gold / plat). As you climb you can see lots of variations in the gameplay, decision making. Some people can be surprisingly good at one aspect of the game (even in gold 2) but they always lack the other to be higher.

    Anytime I see people blaming the matchmaker / their teammates, they are just looking for the same thing: excuses. The people going afk “because of their teammates / the matchmaker” or just insulting /focusing on their team are the reason they are not higher (edit they are the n°1 reason I can get frustrated but I do not think the matchmaker can change that). This prevents comebacks from happening or makes people tilt ensuring an unfun experience and a free loss.

    There are some games where I can see that everyone on my team is behind, this means I have to make my best to win or enable them to play. There also are games where I feel like I have no impact, I am just feeding and yet we win because my allies do carry me. People do blame others for their mistakes but almost never praise them when they do succeed.

    What can also frustrate me are some games with a huge composition difference. But I will never blame anyone for playing a different build as I also do play “underperforming builds”.  If they are with me, they are good enough to make it work.


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  13. Losing is inevitable but like many players said before you should be able to carry most games. 

    Most of my advises would not even be game related. You can be in the top 250 by playing a non meta build and mouse clicking your utilities.

    The n°1 rule is “do not self sabotage your games”.

    • Play the game: This is not ironic. I have seen too many games lost because someone decided it was lost. You can turn a 50-350 into a 500-450. It happens way more than people expect. Curious coincidence : it happens more with chill teammates than with “top forum players” I have seen go afk in my games.
    • Communicating is not blaming or do not be the one starting chat wars: There is a reason even on the forum people recommend to mute the chat. It can easily distract or trigger making people lose focus thus increasing mistakes. Good communication is short (and polite) “let’s regroup close” but timing is also important. “Careful, try not to die” is nice and simple but if you say it after a death the (already frustrated) player will take it badly. Believe it or not but saying “hello” at the start or “wp war” at the end if you think your warrior played well helps.
    • Focus on yourself : who cares If you have a staff weaver in your team? If they are there this means they are good enough to make it work. Watching them will make you lose focus.
    • Find a build or a position you enjoy : Enjoying the game is the best way to keep playing, thus leaning and improving.

    Finally some game focused tips for any level:

    • Change some skills / utilities : Playing multiple professions is awesome but you will probably have a main build / profession. Changing 1 or 2 utilities and the rune can already have a huge impact on making you better at dealing with condis or with power builds.  
    • Map movement: Knowledge is power. Seeing a downstate in the recap corner, your teammates hp, the enemies in range, the minimap. All those are hints for what you can and cannot do. Should I come mid to help or go far? Can I leave the teamfight to force them? If you enjoy mobas or watching tournaments commentary you can learn a lot from them.

    • Die as little as possible: Sometimes you can help your allies to rally or get a counter kill but if you are solo queue remember that you play for yourself. Not dying means that you do not give points to the enemy, you cannot be bled. Going back to your spawn or decapping even if this means letting your allies die is also a valid solution because it will split the enemies.
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  14. Even when people where complaining about PvE numbers I said I was enjoying untamed so I still do.

    In open world / story I really love hammer. It is the best cleave weapon for ranger and I really enjoy how it feels. You can play with the lifesteal, damage or reset, they all feel different enough. Sometimes I play power alac with diviner and ferocious symbiosis. Technically it can be above 25k on a golem but it does not translate that well into all the raids (especially if the boss moves).

    In group content I will play condi alac untamed (axe / axe + sb). The rotation can be simplified, it has some good numbers and with some ritualist gear it is quite reliable. I do not find the power variant as fun or as strong.

    In PvP untamed is a lot of fun. I cannot point out exactly what it is but I feel way more like I am part of a team than other ranger specs where I felt “on the side” (most likely because of the movement around the map and teamfights). It can react to a lot of situations making it rewarding. I might go for a chill season next time to try some build variations.

    WvW is the game mode I play the least so I cannot comment about that.

    • Like 1
  15. To be honest I am not sure what to think about it. It can range from ok because you sacrifice sustain to get it + some builds have a way out to completely out of control if you are stuck in it.

    I have rarely seen it used in ranked but it seems to become a main pick for tournaments where they can capitalize on the lockdown even more.

    This is probably a skill I would not mind seeing changed on untamed.

    Maybe the cage should be a bit closer to the one on guard hammer?

    edit : Thinking about it again, it does sound too big because it does not block both ways. Maybe a bigger cage and an additional effect like a slow on hit / or pulse in the cage to be less about oneshot but still effective? Maybe a boon rip ?

  16. 4 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    I would have to reconsider that. Rapid Fire instakills people on warclaw sometimes and ignores aegis due to multi-hit. If Dragon Tooth hits someone that has aegis you do zero damage unless you have Relentless Fire up , a Catalyst-only utility.

    If this is the best use / counter offer then I will take the deal to swap both skills in their current form 😄


    Edit Just to add to or remind you of what @UmbraNoctis.1907 said, one of the core ways to deal damage on ranger applies to a single hit or uses short period of burst.

  17. 1 hour ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    Why you think the spec will give quickness?

    Anet doesn't want any class to be able to provide quickness and alacrity both at the same time for a team. Since they added alacrity to core ranger, it's consent for most that ranger will never get a quickness support elite spec until they take alacrity away from spirits again.

    Warrior is in the same boat, it can't get an alacrity support spec because they got quickness in core.

    Because of the “bring the player not the profession”.

    While we have no way to say it is 100% guaranteed, if we take just a look at eod and the reworks they did before eod we can see a lot of boon givers being added to the game.

    They reworked multiple professions in the past, I do not see what makes you think they will not do a few more in the future. 


    Edit : maybe the new one will have none and they will give a boon to untamed and another to druid. We can only speculate. (but my bets are on alac for druid 🙂)

  18. I think the n°1 change would be decreasing full counter daze or increasing the cd. I wish that FC effects were tied to traits to be less overloaded but it does not look like it will get reworked at any point. The long unblockable daze means you have to use dodges, stunbreaks (both are resources you cannot afford to waste right now) or just not able to do any basic counterplay (like being able to use a skill [most have a cast time] to interrupt a heal, block, use a skill with an evade).

    Then they could take look at the boon durations / icds on and / or the damage buffs in the defense traitline.

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  19. Scepter / focus with corruption / consecration. Every poll my answer is unchanged. My desire for a “magic user” ranger spec is not fulfilled with druid. Maybe a condi off support with barrier. Also still a big no to rifle.

    But now that we know this espec will give quickness I can already see an physical spec with shield and shouts (removed a long time ago) to boost your allies  (my pet does more damage than you!)

  20. Right now resistance is a very rare boon. Having the ability to share it (not even reliably) could even been seen as extraordinary. Right now I can only think of a low health vindicator and some warrior builds as an option. For a while I thought that the reason Anet did not want to give it is because this can be an incredibly strong boon. Not only does it negate movement impairing conditions but also some negative effects (like weakness) making it great for engage / disengage.

    The November patch has a small change, not talked about but really bothering me. Firebrand should be getting an additional source of resistance ( Guild Wars 2 Profession Balance Update Preview - Twitch 19min 51s). While we do not have the final numbers, this could make FB a decent (or reliable if the numbers are high enough) source. Out of all the professions this is the one I do not get. Guard already has a monopoly on aegis, resolution, is the “core” of stability supports and has decent boon uptime.

    If you wanted to give it to a profession this was a perfect opportunity to give a niche to druid! It would have given more support / uniqueness outside of CA. Resistance (or some barrier) could be a way to revitalize some unused support trait. It would also have been fitting as ranger has a decent amount of “anti movement impairing condition”.

  21. I said I would play druid in PvP once it becomes a support, while it still heavily relies on cc, I think it became close enough to an off meta off-support (that's a lot of off 😄) I can enjoy. 


    If I see another support on my side (like a guard with signet) or think it might be better to go full immob because I have a “burst” comp or cannot keep up with the enemy comp then I swap glyph of the stars for entangle.

    While I struggle vs condi heavy builds the protection uptime allows me to survive burst then disengage. I get enough stealth from smokescale and disengage with quickdraw. Another option could be to go trapper’s expertise and healing spring for more condi cleanse.

    For runes I went dolyak because I wanted some toughness. I also tried rune of the druid which gives a decent uptime on the bonus.

    Another fun option is to go for marksmanship instead of skirmishing. It gives a little more weakness uptime and you can sometimes get a surprise burst with remorseless.

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