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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

  1. 17 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    Time for some OWP math! (correct me if wrong, by showing it)(ticks are counted by technically possible):

    -lower duration from 12s to 7,25s and ally duration from 4s to 3s.
    -current number of team ticks: 112 / new number: 19 | current solo ticks: 48 / new number: 7
    -lower cooldown which changes uptime by 25%.
    -power coeffi goes up by 0.32.
    -ranger power with 25 might is about 3607. 

    OWP tick 0.63=604 | team tick damage= 67 648 / solo tick damage= 28 992
    OWP tick 0.95=743 | team tick damage= 14 117  / solo tick damage= 5 201 

    The change of 1 tick is: 18,71% | The change of team ticks is: -379,18% | The change of solo ticks is: -557,43%

    With 25% higher CD uptime:
    The DPS difference of OWP in team: -354,18%
    The DPS difference of OWP solo: -532.43%

    You used the trait leader of the pack for this right? So you went for a double nerf.  If you use Oppressive superiority then the difference is that the new OwP deals about 38% of the previous dmg. 


  2. 17 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    The nerf to OWP is not going to be more DPS at all, it's going to be a definite drop in DPS. They are giving it 20 less seconds on CD, but then increasing the interval in which the strikes can land from once every 1/4th second, to once every 1 second. <- Despite the reduced CD and slightly enhanced coefficient, 1/4th second to 1 second is going to absolutely kill the good DPS on OWP because skills like LB5 LB2 Axe5 won't be able to benefit those damage procs on every strike now.

    Gonna be a big stupid drop in DPS for absolutely no reason when Power Soulbeast was mediocre benchmarking to begin with.

    edit : I am not expecting people check my message on page 5 but it seems like the benchmark with gs will be the same.

    Did you really read the full section you quoted? It does not look like you did. Here is exactly what I said. 

    • Leader of the pack : Sad. (because this is a nerf)
    • One wolf Pack : Omg that hurts! This is a massive burst nerf! (here is your burst nerf mention)

    I guess the idea is to make power ranger have a smoother dps curve with the skirmishing buffs. (This means because of the increased damage to hunter's tactic)The overall dps (understand average dps) still seems higher but this is not going to work well in fractals (staying behind the boss is not guaranteed) and I would have hoped to see something else like a buff to allies. I hope to never see this in PvP in the future !!!

    • Confused 5
  3. 4 minutes ago, Cytoplasma.8216 said:

    of course you won't keep alacrity - the spirits will die Unless the spirts are not going to lose their lives

    Yes this is going to be a huge problem… On druid you can try to babysit them but good luck having a pug group thinking about them if you are slb.

  4. Just now, Sarnai.8107 said:

    I mean it's not even a challenger currently, it's just not very useful in any game content. 

    I'd say it's more like "inexistent"

    It does have a decent spot in PvP as a roamer and probably can also be a duelist like any ranger spec. While slb makes better use of stats in general, I have more fun playing untamed in open world.

    • Thanks 1
  5. General

    • Spirits : It is cool to have a new role (and my first alac character in pve along with tempest). As I said when they announced the rework I am not convinced a soulbeast will be able to keep up with the group and keep the spirits alive in fractals.
    • Spotter : This trait is going to be a lot of fun for group composition. I am not sure how Vicious quarry is affected. (edit 2 : it looks like I missed the icd 😕)
    • Hunter’s tactic + vicious quarry. Cool!

    I think those changes are (mostly) good in PvE. Especially for power ranger which was a bit behind other professions and would have struggled a lot to give alac and deal damage.

    edit 3 : Spirits and spotter are only a minor source of buffs without the trait which is a bit sad. Also I wonder without spirits buffs and spotter how benchmarks and professions are going to be affected.


    Druid :

    • Grace of the land : Not much to say.
    • Lingering light : I said a few days ago that I would not try druid again unless it was as a healer (edit : in PvP). This is probably what I needed to give it a try!
    • Natural mender and staff : nice
    • Glyph of unity : I am ready to try this one! Probably not in PvE but in PvP it sounds cool.


    Some of the other points are not addressed. It still has a 20s cd, you still have no support outside of CA, you still lose everything on downstate.

    Suggestion : I wonder if I should make a thread for that but since the introduction of untamed I had in mind to give druid a new skill F6. This new skill would swap your glyphs between “normal” and “healing” mode at any time.


    Soulbeast :

    • Leader of the pack : Sad.
    • One wolf Pack : Omg that hurts! This is a massive burst nerf!

    I guess the idea is to make power ranger have a smoother dps curve with the skirmishing buffs. The overall dps still seems higher but this is not going to work well in fractals (staying behind the boss is not guaranteed) and I would have hoped to see something else like a buff to allies. I hope to never see this in PvP in the future !!!


    Untamed :

    • Hammer buffs : ok

    Buffs are always welcome. Since the preview of untamed I said that it was not meant to be a challenger for soulbeast so I am not as “disappointed” as others. I love it in open world and in PvP.

    • Confused 3
  6. I have not seen a healer herald in a while. It reminds me of the first raid training commander I met (many years ago). The healing was really good and he kept boons well.

    I am not sure it will be meta, we need to see how they can keep the boons in a group (maybe in coordinated squads with something to extend boon durations?), but if they keep pushing boons on the dps builds (might / fury) it could be easy to play and strong.

  7. I was ready to tell you how I do not care about a duelist / sidenoder / bunker condi but you seem to take it to more teamfight which is cool. Tempest is still not that common in ranked allowing you to play projectile based builds.

    I could be wrong but you do seem to underestimate condi soulbeast. I played something similar on condi soulbeast with carrion around 8 months ago (so before eod, I have not played it since) and found it good in teamfights (and vs core support guard) just like you do with druid.

    Druid is probably the better option in a team, it is tanky, has the, hum, strong ancient seeds. But in solo queue soulbeast has higher damage, some strong cc options with pigs, mobility and bursts with birds.

    I might give it a try in unranked but I do not see myself playing a full druid season anytime soon. I felt pretty much alone trying to play it as a support, never liked the how people were full bunker and how the support aspect kept dying / being gated more and more every patch. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

    Core Ranger has some Trouble, because of you do Not react in time your pet dies to burn, but i was beating timpers fireweaver on Core Ranger, sic em slb don't has the pet die problem and enaugh condi cleanse and DMG Spikes to kill a fireweaver. You can't stay on node against it, but Overtime you win, only fireweaver that i can't confidently Beat ist blamthrax, tho Most of the time when we meet its Not a sic em vs fireweaver matchup.

    If it works for you that’s great but this I do not think this is the norm. Weaver constant aoe pressures is the bane of the pet and it has more than enough anti projectile / anti burst to deal with slb. This is how I see fights with weavers :

    On core pets will die regardless of if you watch them or not. (and you will run out of condi cleanse)

    On sicem the fireweaver will cap then stay on the side behind a wall and wait for you to try to come decap.  Then they have focus or earth shield or something like twist of fate against burst. The time it takes to kill one is a win for them as they can then decap freely.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Avatar.3568 said:

    It dies to warrior and slb, i think lr weaver has a better place right now than fire weaver, in this meta

    When you say that they can kill weaver , are you already talking about LR? Or some specific builds for war and ranger?

    I find that fireweaver deals well with ranger in general and warrior will need more condi clear than the standard builds usually have for a long 1V1.

  10. the claim "ranger is meta" did not last long. It reminds me of a few occasions during pof.

    Honestly I have been surprised by how long it took for tempest to be picked in mAT. I expected some teams to start playing it after the increase to healing or during the previous monthly for its tankyness / healing even if stab from guard is still really nice to have againts shocking aura (or in general).

    For a week it seemed to me that people were going back to tanky builds in ranked. I guess that’s how it is going to be for the next few weeks if not more. I can already see some builds waiting for their turn.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

    Sorry I wasnt just talking about ranger,just overall theres certain specs that have too much of both.

    oh ok 🙂. I just noticed I talked about some stuff like kiting because I did mix messages and thought you were also the op, my bad for that 😄

  12. 1 hour ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

    I dont mind high damage really,if im able to learn whats hitting me ill try to avoid it. What i do mind is classes like this that still have tons of sustain ontop of that damage,which is an issue to me. It should be Damage Or Sustain. And some specs currently do both way too proper.

    As you said they will try to kite away because they do not have much sustain (unlike what you said). Keep a stunbreak if you see one waiting to stun you and dodge right after. You and your team need to pressure the untamed as soon as he goes in or tries to escape. You can see how fast they died in tournaments once focused.

    Also they perform poorly vs any condi duelist / tank builds because the duelist can survive and then apply constant pressure. Power untamed has very few ways to deal with condi.

    I am sure at some point people will realize that full damage untamed is more fun to fight and easier to deal with than the more duelist or condi variant which start to pop up (I do not like those).

  13. 7 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    And I can garantee you that you didn't understood a word of what I wrote as it wasn't a critic of the video but a critic of the general mindset that players have in PvP nowaday. Simply put, people would rather blame their class or the opponent's class than admit that they might not be as good as they think they are.


    With the posts your answered to, I would never have guessed. Yes I agree. It is either is that or your teammate’s fault.

  14. 58 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    Well, nowaday people aren't interested in playing, they want their build to play for them and then they talk about "skill".

    Skill clicking has nothing to do with your rotations around the map, understanding of mechanics (yours and the enemies) and overall capacity to carry. 

    I can guarantee all of you there is and probably always have been people clicking on a few skills with higher ratings, no matter the builds.

    Also none of this is linked to the op.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 5
  15. I tried to play a power trapper on multiple occasions because I wanted to move away from the classic marksmanship / wilderness survival /beastmastery combo and go for skirmishing / nature magic. I think I got the best results with core ranger and axe + anything (I like warhorn but dagger is strong too) / gs and owl for more freeze. It was really satisfying to have my own build working.

    Frost trap has an incredibly strong effect and a lot of potential to be really annoying. The first thing I tried when I started eod was to get some value out of untamed restorative strikes with frost trap, hammer and off hand axe for some more aoe damage and get in teamfights. Sadly the sustain / damage did not work out in PvP where people move a lot and staying still is dangerous (but it is great in PvE)

  16. We do have that on some occasions. I like the seasonal events like wintersday fight or the bazaar where they have premade builds. It is hard to tell how “balanced” they are for competitive and it works because they create special professions / special skills. I would hate having my profession identity removed for PvP.

    I am not totally opposed to this idea. It has some positive. It would make the game easier to balance (maybe), easier learn and practice for new players, even allow some role queue making team compositions feel less random. However I wonder what will open new builds, how the utilities combinations are found out and this part scares me a lot.

    My main issue would be that the all game (PVE / WVW) is made with the idea that you can choose traits, weapon and utilities combination and now sPvp is the odd one out. Even in sPvp, while I use the same build 95% of the time there are some moments where I like to slot some extra condi clear, or even remove them to add toughness because the enemy comp seems like it would favor those changes. It always is a gamble (a spec can have multiple builds) and I often am too lazy to do it but adds some satisfaction when I am right.

    • Like 1
  17. 21 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

    To be clear, its not really frustration for me, cause I use hammer.   But I always felt that one block on a 30 second cool down was already kind of awful.   I couldn't afford to use all its other capabilities because I needed the darn block.
    I always felt that rangers seemed to have a much better time of it with their GS, and warriors with their shield... but could be grass is greener.

    Thank you for your answer. If this is not what you meant in your message sorry for being on the defensive.

    In general channeled blocks have around 30s cooldown baseline. The cd is not an obstacle , every profession has a different variation and when you have one, you generally want to use it as it allows to build offensive and still survive, it pushes defensive builds even further and more importantly buys time for the cds.

    Could you explain what makes you think the shield was (before the cd update) worst than the other?

    If we had to compare every defensive weapons skill 4 and 5 alone (no other weapon, trait or anything) engineer shield would definitely be one of the best (before the cd nerf) as it offers 2 defensive skills and 2 instant cc which can also force more stunbreaks (multi target on every skill).

    I know comparing 2 skills / utilities without the context of the profession is not the best but I like to imagine warrior axe with engie shield (using previous cds). I would enjoy it (and it would be really strong). I would have had more defenses against range builds(~5s VS 3 before), and way more combos. Instant push into axe 3 or F1 if there is a wall AND instant stun 5 into axe 2 / 3 / F1 or even weapon swap into anything else (vs 2s with a cast time before)! Maybe war mains will tell me I am wrong and the one they have is better but I doubt it.

    Obviously this part only reflects my opinions / feelings.  Maybe what gives you this feeling is the “complete package” for engineer, shield + something else with no weapon swap? Pistol and shield has some ranged condi + defense but has not as much synergy / is not quite as fun as melee burst + mini projectile + defense from war or melee burst and mobility + defense from ranger. Shield and sword is strong and I like how it pairs with holo forge but I am not able to point out what makes it feel less interesting than gs or axe / dagger + shield to me. Maybe the lack of mechanic like gs5 with gs2 of ranger ? Maybe because it feels less fluid than axe / shield of war? I have not tried shield + mace outside of training areas.

    Hammer feels impactful and a complete fighter package thanks to barrier and some stab. This is a fun variant of the ranger GS with similar effects on the same keys so it could also be one of the reasons I like it.

  18. 5 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

    Just to confirm, we're talking the engine shield skill (meaning you couldn't run a damaging off hand weapon) that had two skills on a 25 and 30 second down?   You felt that added a ton of Cc and defense to say the meta explosive holo build? Or core condition engi?


    I guess there was the one build that was prot holo that could actually take inventions... but the tradeoff in effectiveness was ... well what it should be for lowering the shield cool downs.   Plus the magnetic shield didn't even work against properly placed grenade kit attacks or mortars.

    I've just never heard anyone say they thought the engi shield was overturned before.  You either had to build a build around it... or it was a very intermittent crutch at best....

    Please don' t nerf it... but scrapper hammer has a 6 second reflect and a 18 second block that does damage and accrues barrier..

    You seem to be looking for someone to just take your frustration on or maybe that is the way you usually talk to people. In any case it does not encourage anyone to provide feedback or discuss with you.

    Yes I am talking about engineer shield. Projectile reflects, knockback, stun, daze and block. Those are very strong effects on their own, having all of them on a single weapon offers a lot of versatility and can be played with anything without much (if any) investment (just like ele focus). There was no such thing as a need to trait it or "build a build around it". (Edit) I also think that being able to cc multiple target, sometimes in an instant, makes it impactful in 1V1 and allows to support in teamfights.

    Reflects not working on aoe projectiles is the as any reflect. Even small aoe reflects do suffer from this. Also it does not negate the overall impact it has on projectile based builds.

    Hammer is what I find the most fun “weapon” of engineer to play but yes it definitely can bring frustration to projectile based builds (evade / block / super frequent reflect) especially because scrapper also gains some other strong projectile negation (gyro). (edit 2: I feel like I need to add that I am not asking for changes here, but only stating how someone could not like it because shion decided to include it)

    • Confused 4
  19. Revenant : The defense nerfs make sense. I am not sure if the damage buff was needed.

    Engineer : The signet nerf was coming. I never liked the shield. It brings a ton of cc and defense but those cds are way too high. If they wanted to increase the cd 5 s could have been enough. Some alternative could have been switching the passive stun to a daze or limiting the number of cc to 1 every 2s.

    Ranger : Makes sense for untamed but a shame for core ranger.

    Specter : No idea

    Rune of the trapper : I like that there is still 1s keeping the detarget while making trapper builds easier to hit. This will mostly hit dh but could make builds like condi trapper druid easier to catch.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  20. 19 hours ago, chronometria.3708 said:

    Why is it that T-Pot always insists that warrior is strong, despite it never seeing the light in competitive play?

    A lot of people do not know this but competitive in gw2 is a term limited to matches with coordinated teams and more specifically centered around mAt where you see “top teams”.

    This is why this thread, the title of the video, the thumbnail all mention ranked and not competitive.

    Also from the intro of the video at 14s : “I am going to do 1 for ranked, 1 for high level competitive play”

    So what he said is right because the 2 experiences are vastly different.

    Or maybe you already knew and wanted to comment anyway (I can only try to guess).

    The video for competitive actually released today.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  21. It is going to be my first season with eod specs so I cannot comment too much about those (except for one). I have mostly played unranked after the mat which obviously had an impact on the representation of the professions.

    Overall my list (outside of eod specs) would be close but this is only relevant for a small % of the playerbase (starting around high gold 3 in eu) and is limited to what people consider the “highest value build” (for example core guard has a lot more variety than just support, adding a lot fun to this "profession").

    Just because I want to nitpick :

    • Some choices are extremely good if you have a duo (like herald) but there are safer picks if you are solo.
    • I would rate scourge at least D. I can make some stuff happen when I play it.
    • Mirage might be close to A
    • Right now I would still recommend soulbeast over untamed the majority of the time just because my experience with untamed has been inconsistent.
    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  22. 20 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    I'm definitely not saying that it doesn't exist, but there's other factors in place that really make it unpleasant.


    Even in a perfect clear, because of delays and all the other kind of debuffs to movement. You may find yourself stuck into it again and again too many times after investing so much already.

    2 seconds is a lot. Right now I cannot think of an equivalent in the game (there probably are). The aoe visual effect should be improved but in 2s you move a lot of distance.

  23. 13 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    No less, could use a bit of breathing room for players still. The concept behind the skill is nice but I can't agree with it being so short if it can be used so often.

    I do not find it fun either to get caught but I am sure if people knew about the existing breathing room it would already change the way some of them react to those skills. 

  24. 1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

    If you see a Jacaranda watch for the little spinny they do since that's when they'll throw the projectile.


    For the Ranger itself, they'll do a stomp and if it's a Druid I have the unfortunate news to tell you that you will always be Entangled every 10 seconds on CC. (Which is honestly the overpowered part.)


    It was always in my suggestion that the clearing window should be increased to 2 seconds (So 2 seconds of Immobilize per 2 seconds Pulse) rather than 1 second but the balance gods say otherwise, because having to use 3 clears to get out of one immobilize is fair apparently. (And no Resistance doesn't count, it hardly ever last long enough to be effective since it was gutted a year ago.)

    Your description of the mechanic is a bit wrong and (sadly) a common misconception. The reason is that the mechanic is actually quite peculiar and both the in game tooltip and the wiki do not reflect that / are  misleading except for 1 piece of info on the wiki for entangle. Entangle, jacaranda and ancient seeds have the same mechanic.

    Initial hit (which you described nicely) applies 1s immob

    After 1s apply 2s immob

    After 1.5s apply 2s immob (repeat X times)

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