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Everything posted by novas.1845

  1. I said this elsewhere but it makes me feel like I'm playing The Sims and my sim hasn't showered in days so they're just walking around with a nasty green cloud that you can imagine the smell without actually smelling it.
  2. Yeah this kind of bugged me as well. I mean I get that it's probably a lot more work going in and updating every other weapon but I feel like if I were to play Untamed I'd be gimping myself by not taking hammer assuming unleashed doesn't affect the other weapons at all. I don't have a lot of time right now because I have to run some errands but when I get back I'll definitely take a closer look. Because if this is the case I'll probably just stick with SB and/or Druid instead.
  3. You know I am SO glad I'm not the only one who has been playing since launch and still doesn't have one. I just have bad self control and end up converting mats to gold and then gold to gems for stuff on the BLTC lol. I usually end up burning myself out and quitting for a few months when trying to make a legendary anyway lol. One day I'll make one though, one day... Probably not. 🤣
  4. Yeah I agree with this if you're absolutely going to boost. Leveling core ele is a bit of a pain in comparison to core mesmer.
  5. For me, Weaver. I was never a fan of Ele even during beta. I always went back to try it out again though because I just love playing caster type classes in games. I tried Weaver for the first time when PoF first released and well I had no idea what I was doing and I just died... A LOT lol. Like I had never died that much before playing any other profession but about a year ago I finally decided to give Ele another chance and found a pretty fun Weaver build where I was actually able to survive a lot longer than anything else I was playing at the time. I finally figured out how the elite spec was supposed to work, got the proper stats for it, and actually found myself enjoying the profession quite a bit after hating it for years. This was a while ago though and it's been a good 6 months since I've last played the game and I know GW2 does quite a lot of balance patches compared to most other MMOs (even if people don't want to believe this just because the balance isn't to their liking lol) so I know things are always changing. I have no clue how it plays now so not sure if I'd still like it. Chrono was another but that's more because when it first came out and for quite a long time if you played a mesmer you were forced into going Chrono and "tanking" if you wanted to do group content which I hate lol. I think when Chrono released I actually stopped playing my mesmer and the game altogether because I got tired of people making a big deal over me not wanting to play Chrono but I still wanted to play my mesmer. I like it more now that it's more flexible.
  6. Thank you for the suggestions, I'll take a look and try out both to see how I like them.Just to be clear these are the two builds you two are referring to correct?Tempest: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Staff_SupportFB: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Symbolbrand
  7. So I decided to do something different so I recently started doing PvP. In most other games I usually play support/healer roles in PvP. I've played a couple matches as core necro, reaper, mirage, and sb but I just really prefer playing as support. I've tried looking at gods of pvp and metabattle for different builds but there don't seem to be a whole lot of "recent" support builds. I'm not sure if supports just generally aren't played in PvP or what. It seems like Firebrand is the only decent support right now however I feel like it'd be a bit complicated to start out with when I'm still getting used to the maps and the flow of PvP in this game. Would anyone be able to recommend a beginner friendly support profession/spec and build? Right now I'm not looking to climb ranked, I'm still considered a rabbit lol. I just want something that I can get comfortable and learn with. I enjoy Druid, Tempest, and FB in PvE content if that helps at all but I'm willing to try something different. Also I wasn't sure if I should post this in the PvP forum or Professions so I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this topic.
  8. I just started PvPing last night and I've played the game off and on since beta lol. The first couple games were alright, my team got rolled in the first and then we won the second and I got two ascended weapons out of two chests so that was cool especially since I never have good luck. However I got to my 3rd match and I think I got grouped with people that have been PvPing for a while because they were pretty toxic about having "noobs" on their team. At one point they just stopped doing anything and sat in spawn while the other team tried to spawn camp us. Eventually one stopped afking and left the spawn and that's when I flanked the opposite way while the entire enemy team chase them. I capped a point but I couldn't leave in time before they came back to kill me. We lost after that. Like I get it, playing with new players can be frustrating because they're still learning. However you're not helping at all by having a tantrum about it and sitting in spawn raging in Portuguese. Which they knew some English because at the start they were speaking in English. I was having fun up until that match but I have A LOT to learn. It also made me wish I could move target frames because I hate having to look at the top but also watch CDs below and everything else going on. I would like to try out like a support druid and firebrand in PvP but I feel like that might be a mistake since I'm mostly playing by myself and I never trust anyone to peel in any PvP game as support lol. Oh and last thing, deadeyes were wrecking me before I even had a chance to realize what was happening, where they were, and how to react lol. I thought I got away once and they just stealthed and I randomly died. So yeah, like I said, I have a lot to learn still.
  9. I plan to watch the video when I get home but curious, as a new ele player would it be better for me to try out core or tempest before diving into weaver? Right now my focus is getting caught up on the living story and eventually doing some wvw to get the warclaw mount. After that I would like to start working on getting into fractals/raiding so I'm not really sure what spec would be best to focus on for now.I don't have a lot of gold to keep buying new sets of gear so I'd like to just stick with one build that will work ok for what I'm doing at the moment.
  10. I was so excited about these skins until I logged in to find out they were basically RNG loot boxes. I got disappointed and logged back out lol. I would have loved if they were rewards in game to give me more of incentive to play and another option to get them instead of throwing money out hoping I get the one I want and not stuck with one I dislike. Heck I would have even rather just have the option to specifically choose which I want to buy. I feel like this is something BDO would do and that's part of the reason I stopped playing it tbh. I really, really dislike RNG cash shop items.
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