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Everything posted by Zero.3871

  1. i agree, while in zergfights necros dont Need to take any LF regenerating skill because LF is full all the time, necros have a hard life in small scale situations when fights last 5+ min with just a few deaths. making LF reg-mechanic more active would allow necromancers to get better LF reg. controle in relation to its skill lvl
  2. cant agree to OP. dmg on scourge is the same with barrier like w/o. and barrier is not the Problem, cause you can still give the scourge dmg if he cast it. invuls of many other classes are way stronger defense mechanics, and way more annoying...sure scourge is hard to fight if he walks in a greater Group. but their defense mechanic( barrier) is only good in Groups where many scourges Support each other. just 1 scourge barrier isnt a Problem. but this mechanis is (like i said) way weaker than blocks/dodges/invuls...so i dont see a Problem with barrier in its current state.
  3. hmm, problem is not, that they nerf dmg AND barrier. problem is, that necro dont get anything else instead of that, e.g. blocks...thing is, scourge have massively less defense mechanics than all other classes. if they have the exactly same dmg like all other classes while having less defense scourge is not viable...
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