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Everything posted by Zero.3871

  1. i cant and i wont deny your personal experience. but harbinger cant chase many specs. atleast everything that has more mobility like thief, ranger,... or longer stealth skills like engi, mesmer, ... can easily disengage vs. harbinger. i also think problem with harbinger is not the mobility, but whatever. at some point anet will nerfs thinks. so lets see how it goes.
  2. let everything else aside. i am just curious but why do people like you always think harbinger is very mobile? i already proofed in another thread it is EVEN fast like a reaper, and reaper is slow af. so can you plz explain how harbinger is faster then a reaper? maybe you know more then me...
  3. its fair and balanced. dont see a problem here. slow melee brawler class where every skill is highly telegraphed. so it takes a lot of dmg while attacking unlike other classes that for example can use invis to deny getting dmg.
  4. its only 10k in pve and just 6 k in wvw as far as i see
  5. what skill are you talking about? cant find any skill healing him for straight 14k
  6. yeah have the same problem. hope anet fixing it to give it higher prio in ressources for visualizing it even with lower settings or maybe some red ticking circle etc.
  7. tbh, you can calculate it by yourself. reaper shroud 2 600 range leap on 6 seconds cd. harbinger shroud 3 600 range leap on 10 sec cd + 600 range leap by shroud 4 has 18 sec cd 600 range leap. within 20 seconds harbinger can use 2 times shroud 3 and 1 times shroud 4 for 1800 range. reaper can use 3 times shroud 2 600 range leap for 1800 range. in fact harbinger is EVEN fast as reaper. and reaper is in fact one of the slowest classes in game. so the statement mobility like a thief is simply wrong. condi dmg is mainly torment that has the lowest ticks of all condis in game as long as you move. the only harbinger spell that can catch you for more then 1 second in shroud 5 which has 25 sec cd. so if you have just 1 stunbreak in your build. you should have no problems with condis by harbinger. in fact every burn build on guard, ele or any other burn abuser does way higher ticks than harbinger ever could, nd most people doesnt seem to have problems with burning. so im confused how you die on condis from harbinger... and harbinger sustain is provable one of the lowest in game. still no blocks, invulns, invis and just 1 dodge on 18 sec cd in its kit. some regeneration, but every class has access to those healings like rangers, engis, eles, warriors, guardss,.... so even here not better then anything else. the one really strong thing on harbinger is its burst, that got already nerfed (that was necessary and good) in last patch by around 35%. the problem is people dont know how to fight vs harbinger. because harbinger is like godmode on its ult elixier. outside of the ult its fairly balanced, low sustain, high dmg. after using ult it has 5-7 seconds all boons what makes him the 1v1 god. the one thing i would honestly review is the number of might stacks when using ult. reducing it from 25 to 15 stacks would already take out another 300 power in its best power spike. everything else is fine imo.
  8. its technically just a timing problem. if you stunbreak and dodge directly after a cc tick of this skills you can easily disengage, since you have a full second to do so. but if you stunbreak 0.9 secs after the cc tick you have just 0.1 sec left to dodge, and will probably fail.
  9. what class are you playing, its easier to help if we know what options you have by your class.
  10. PvP is a completely different environment. Its not healthy if adjustments from pvp hitting wvw since you have completely different stat options, higher dmg and also a completely different playstyle. you dont fight inside of or around fix capture points and have way more space to fight, so aspects like mobility and invis can get abused way better then in pvp. also you can outplay specific builds better by kiting and using range. wvw versions of classes need to get looked seperately. so no, this changes shouldnt go into wvw just by copy paste wwithout getting reevaluated for wvw.
  11. man, no reason to apologise. i wasnt ranting on you^^. its just in my experience it doesnt pace up the tempo anet fixes the game. it is still anoying that shroud on harbinger blocks vision to current health and specter shroud isnt displayed. did you know harbinger can still multicast shroud 4 when used uphill? there is sooo much to do in the pipeline. but ur right, should be reflectible 🙂
  12. okay, you are obvious passionated to fix that xD. you already made 5 threads about it, creating new ones every 2 days. just get over it...it will get fixed some day in future when anet has time for low prio bugs.
  13. yeah, animations are aweful^^. maybe it could help if they implement a red circle for the area of target location.
  14. sry but taking anything in this thread serious tells everything about you xD.
  15. I hate to be that guy, but thief, ele,warrior, engi, rev, guard, mesmer, ranger and all related specs are ape level spec. this classes were always pretty low skill floor. but now its ridiculous. this classes and their specs dare to use boons, invis, blocks invulns, dodges and every existing boons in the game and ALSO do dmg. and you now this classes are broken when alle classes not including above are gone. Anyway, hoping for this brain dead specs/classes to get a good kick in the balls.
  16. and this one is correct. a lot of questionable things happened here 😆
  17. ???? -> pls tell me what other "HARD" cc skill on harb dealing 15k+dmg then ur mentioning
  18. 1. you criticized shroud 4 being hard cc, but in fact it isnt...so your point is gone 2. jumping from one accusation to another is not really solid way to argue. but here you try to find something else to justify your opinion, comparing warrior axe to shroud 4. but fine...i try to explain you dont balance just around 2 skills. balancing means comparing the full potential of classes (each class should have strenghts and weaknesses). but different classes have different designs. different designs means every class has unique aspects that got focused in design proces, making them strong in different parts of game (1v1, groupfights,...). for example thiefs are designed for high mobility, stealth and single target dmg. necros are designed as slow paced aoe heavy class to control battlefield. comparing just 1 aspect always means 1 of them to be broken compared to the other one. in aspects of mobility thief is way better then necro. in aspect of aoe pressure in fights necro is way better then thief. depending of what aspect you choose thief or necro looks broken compared the other one. so choosing 1 aspect or just 2 skills to compare is nuts. i am not saying anything broken or not. just the way you try to argue is wrong. i still think a lot of classes from eod still needs adjustments. on harb, elixiers shouldnt do that much dmg. also dmg buffs from 100% on shroud 3 and 4 seems to high. but there are some more specs that need adjustments. and like you saw in last patch with adjustments to vindicator and mechanist, balancing is still happening. but just needs some more time for anet.
  19. what hard cc is hitting with 15k? shroud 4 isnt hard cc, just daze... daze isnt part of the cc dmg nerfs. on no class. ele comet does dmg. spellbraker degger does dmg on daze skill too as far as i know and there are a lot of further examples. overbearing smash from, untaimed hammer too.
  20. tbh in my opinion its nuts to compare just 2 specific spells on 2 different classes because BALANCING means the potential of classes as whole. since class design means classes need to be different at some point there will always be spells that do technically equal stuff but with different numbers on 2 different classes. for example. comparing necromancer to thief just for the aspect of mobility, thief will always win. but does that alone means thief is way better then necro? no... because balancing is not just mobility, its a lot of different aspects.
  21. there are still tons of bugs in eod. still cant see specter shroud for example. but CAN see harb shroud even so its not necessary. or mech from mechanist is bugging out, perma leaving the fight (happens to me one time xD) best thing is to go in the profession forum and write it in the bugs section. so devs have ONE section for collecting those stuff and not 50.
  22. harbinger projectiles can all be reflected, and harbinger has no utility to get unreflectable projectiles. but sometime aa from harbinger is just missing targets because the attacks dont have homing. then it wont be reflected but also doesnt do any dmg if not reflected.
  23. i think the +100% dmg buffs when over blight stack threshold on shroud 3,4 are overload. should get reduced to 0 bonus dmg.
  24. just tested harbinger in wvw, feels great, a lot of fun to play. cool, fresh design. changes since beta were perfect. played willbender in pve, still not 100% used to the mobile playstyle, but its fun as well rushing in fights from one enemy to the other, hitting hard moving forward. imo a lot of interesting designs in all new especs. and i am excited to test them the next weeks one by one.
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