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Everything posted by Deekkru.5128

  1. If you're talking about the end of Kaineng's meta, Yao describes their gender, not their sexual preferences. ("I'm Yao— your local, mostly friendly agender engineer.") As someone with a fair number of friends outside the gender binary, this rings pretty true to my irl experiences. They want you to know who they are, and to gender them correctly. For me, having Yao be so up-front felt authentic and like the information was really being embraced rather than hidden. I really enjoyed it.
  2. It'd be nice to have a trade-off option like someone mentioned; either move or shoot, but not both. Even more than that though, I want to be able to use the safety shield ability on my own mount.
  3. Agreed! It would've been best for them to just make LS1 a replayable story from the beginning, but they're working hard to fix past mistakes, and this was a huge one. They've mentioned plenty of new content upcoming as well, but having this old content back is so important and will be a new experience for many many players 🙂
  4. Bringing out the skiffs for guild hangouts has been some of the most fun we've had in ages. Not because other content wasn't already fun, but because skiffs themselves are just a blast. We chill out and fish, we split into two boats and mess with collision because why not, we scream while the captain goes max speed and tries to land drift around a bridge that's blocking the way, we fill a boat with norns and chant NORN NORN NORN while missing fishing holes bc we're too busy being dumb. Skiffs are casual, they're goofy, they're fun, and I adore them.
  5. Great communication, and so many exciting things to look forward to!!! It's been a rough few years for everyone, and I think we've all seen the toll that life + reorganization took on GW2's development, but I feel more and more hopeful when I see what a fantastic job the current team has done turning things around. 10/10 on the progress so far, and I look forward to seeing where this game will go! Also, as someone who played prior to LS1, but missed the actual storyline and returned to find LA ravaged, I'm so thankful to finally be able to experience what happened!
  6. Quick update: Paid attention today and the zipline cooldown seemed to be only 2-3 minutes, vs the 5 minutes that the wiki states for batteries.
  7. I feel like the zipline cooldown is similar to the battery cooldown? For example, when I'm chilling in Echovald waiting for the Gang Wars meta, there's 3 batteries and a zipline that I'll grab, charge offensive/defensive with, and then grab again when the batteries are back up. It all seems to be available again around the same time, but I could be mistaken.
  8. Ty for the update! It helps a lot to have staff active and responding, even if it's just to let us know that the fix is still being worked on.
  9. This is very understandable! I just wanted to clarify though that the max amount of effort I was describing was more a one-time effort to copy/paste a build from a site that's already done the work, read their blurb on how the class works (i.e. understanding that you want to make more clones and then shatter for mesmer classes, or stack your dps-boosting skills before using all your good weapon skills for a soulbeast, etc, just the basics of why the class works), and then understand what you can swap out (i.e. here's something you can bring for condis, or if you're dying a lot, you can try this trait to heal based on dmg). And if you're up to it, reading a rotation (without even memorizing it), can kind of help you understand how the skills mesh together. But I 100% agree that no one should have to get as deep into it as you were saying you don't want to do^^
  10. There are definitely achievements and such that require doing the higher tier content. Examples include needing to do a strike for the turtle collection and the final steps of an achievement I'm working on requiring a completed DE meta instance. There's not a ton, but they're there. So if you're a completionist, or just really enjoy getting into all the content, there will be some roadblocks there. I'd actually love to see these roadblocks removed, bc while I personally love the content, I know many don't.
  11. An infusion would be fantastic! I know so many people who go for the infusion grind; something about the gamble at getting a massive payout just really draws them in XD Not my personal style, but seems to be a popular option.
  12. I don't expect the summoning stones to hold onto that value, as they become more plentiful each week and are an easy cash opportunity for anyone who's not making the new legendaries. More diverse rewards, and well, more rewarding rewards, would be great! I'd specifically like to see increases in gold and mats, i.e. things that people can get elsewhere. That way there's no pressure or obligation to do this meta specifically, but it's still rewarding for those who choose to do it. (I personally love the meta and would eagerly keep doing it if it felt profitable)
  13. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that sort of behavior. No one deserves that, regardless of how an event goes. The maw definitely needs better scaling, not just to alleviate tension, but also to make it achievable for the big groups of people that tend to be on DE right now. Also, as a tip: Waiting for the meta to be mostly through and then zoning in to DE has helped me land on super empty overflow maps. I mostly use it for fishing peacefully, but it's also how I managed to get a successful maw event w/maybe 10 or so people at most.
  14. Right now, jade shards can be used for the typical wood/cloth/trophy/etc shipments, but jade shards don't accumulate very well. I'd actually love to see these shipments be purchasable for the imperial favor instead (and def not locked behind that weekly statuette vendor in Seitung), so that you can do any map and feel like it all accumulates usable currency for the reward of your choice. For me personally, that would feel a lot smoother and more worthwhile^^
  15. Waiting and seeing is a great idea, honestly. Especially with how much better Anet is getting at reading and responding to player complaints. It feels more and more like they're actually paying attention and trying to resolve issues, so even if they're not fully on track yet, they're improving! Even a few more weeks will give you a better idea of where things are heading and how folks feel about EoD.
  16. I did the meta today with a organized group and it was honestly really fun. No more complaints in squad chat about turtles, just a bunch of folks goofing off and enjoying themselves. We had bad rng at the end, but still finished with several minutes to spare. And everyone there felt more like they wanted to be there. Ideally, I'd like to see a split where the public meta becomes easier/more accessible and the current version becomes a private instance experience w/heightened rewards, bc both the casual players and the less casual players deserve big group content they enjoy. But for the time being, it's really nice that people who don't want to do the meta can still work towards a turtle while those of us who enjoy the meta can keep doing it. It's definitely not dead, just less of an issue now for those who'd rather not.
  17. There's a ton to enjoy without worrying too much about hardcore content or having to learn raid rotations! I honestly think a lot of players are looking at the tougher strikes or the DE meta and thinking they need to be confident there in order to enjoy EoD. In reality, you could spend a weekend learning how your class works and how to deal with common issues (i.e. learning CC skills, condi cleanse, etc) and be set to have a great time with the content. When HoT and PoF came out, there was similar concerns about difficulty level improving, with many saying that Anet was forcing them to play in parties instead of alone. But you rarely see complaints about difficulty anymore, because the only real issue is that it was new content and it takes time to learn new things. Imo, there's just a lot of folks looking at a few key instances of difficult content and saying that Anet is trying to force the playerbase into becoming Hardcore Elite Pro Gamers. But really, there's so much you can enjoy, and the skill cap for EoD is incredibly achieveable just by learning how the game works and bring a class (and skills) that fit the situation. And as a last note, I personally think it makes a lot of sense for them to add more difficult content as the years go by. Everyone deserves new things to enjoy, from the casual folks to the more experienced. And imo, EoD does a really nice job of encompassing both.
  18. Sorry to res a week+ old post, but this is exactly what I came here to ask for. The teleporters are a fantastic option! It would be so nice if they were as clearly marked as the raptor taxis!
  19. Poor Lunt is bugged again today; can't progress A Blooming Errand until he's fixed, but I'm keeping an eye out for fresh instances of Wayfarer's.
  20. Everyone's going to enjoy something different. We've had a lot of maps that feel war-torn and scavenged; it's a really nice change of pace to have somewhere that encourages me to explore, rather than just fighting my way around. Personally, these are possibly my favorite maps in the game so far. I've spent a lot of time in the city, just listening and watching and being immersed in the environment. For me, they're a lot of fun^^
  21. Personally, I've felt the opposite so far. I missed everything in LS1 that had to do with Scarlet and Mai Trin; I returned from a hiatus to find LA broken and only the recap to go off of. But between that bit of info and all of the clues they've weaved into EoD so far, I've gotten a much better picture of Mai Trin as a character than I ever had before. She was a hero worshipper, lost in the dream of feeling like part of something bigger. She turned a blind eye to the horrors Scarlet committed because she wanted to belong, to matter, to achieve. Then, all these years later, she finds herself trapped in an endless cycle in the Mists, constantly faced with herself and her own history. And somewhere in that cycle, she finally saw herself for who she is. Now, we're getting to know a new Mai Trin, with an ounce of self awareness and more than a few pints of gin in her. Previously, I just saw Mai Trin as "generic pirate". So for me, this took a storyline and character I was barely connected with and gave it interest/depth.
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