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  1. Bikini was the actual new SoTO feature all along!
  2. There it is, the doom thread of the week. Is it my turn to post the next doom thread next week?
  3. The time in the game is not exactly 1 on 1 with real life (the devs confirmed at a certain point), but it is very close to it, and that's why story journal has different dates. If you check from the beginning of the first story up to the SoTO story, you'll notice that it has been 12 years or so since the player started his first story step, which also fits the release date of the game (since it's been 12 years since the game launched and in story 12 years have passed as well).
  4. These kind of issues have always been there, but in the past people weren't that bothered about it. I remember the times when bad words on the internet didn't offend people. Good times. Now we live in times when everyone gets offended by everything.
  5. While I do understand why it's hard to implement a new race due to the game being fully voice acted and all the outfits, indeed at times I do wish there were more races added to the game. Most MMOs that I played in the past added at least 1-2 new races at one point, along with new classes. There are ways to implement new races without going back and adding all the old outfits. It could work the same way death knight worked in Wrath of the Lich King. After you reach max level, you can create a level 60 new race or class and you start directly from Claw Island. "We heard you are a famous adventurer that belongs to X order, we suspect there will be a Risen attack on Claw Island, we would like your assistance". And with that, at least a big chunk of the vanilla game would be skipped. Small chance a new race will happen at this point in the game's life cycle, but it's a pity. It's something I've always wanted.
  6. Guild Wars has been a franchise that I've been stuck with ever since my high school days. It's different compared to other MMOs and that's what I like about it. You're not forced to get new gear and new level every 3 months because after that the new shiny gear/level cap comes out and you have to start all over again. Nope. Guild Wars' horizontal progression and awesome story is what kept me here. I really loved the story in Guild Wars 1 and I started Guild Wars 2 because I knew story-wise they would be related and I wanted to see what happens next. Guild Wars 2's story had its bad moments, especially after Icebrood Saga, but the elder dragon arc which was started in GW1 came to an end and except for the "dragons actually have feelings" thing that they added towards the last few parts, the arc was overall okay. Now, would I play a Guild Wars 3? If it's related to Guild Wars 2 in an important way and if it's still horizontal progression game, maybe. But if it's a new game that has nothing to do with the older games and is only happening in the same universe, then a big no. After playing grindy MMOs for many many years, where the games were a second job because if you didn't gear up constantly, you'd be left behind on the next patch that brings new gear and where players with the best gear treated other players like crap because they were ego boosted about how "pro" they considered themselves to be, I decided that Guild Wars 2 will be my last MMO and after that I'm sticking to single players or maximum games that have multiplayer support. Guild Wars 3 needs to be very connected to the current games to keep me playing, else Guild Wars 2 is the last MMO I'm ever gonna play.
  7. I read "underwear specialization". Either I'm really tired and can't see things properly, or my subconscious was trying to send me a message.
  8. For me, this reveal or whatever we call it that the CEO did, already killed half of my enthusiams. Why would any sane person continue investing in Guild Wars 2 when we now know it's going to be axed? We can't even say "yeah we have henchmen and we can play with them" or "there are still some players around so we can still do stuff" like it was with Guild Wars 1. Guild Wars 2 group events are heavily focused on having a lot of players and most players that would try to stick with GW2 (assuming they'll keep it online like they did with GW1) won't be able to do most of the big events like metas anymore. I'm not a doomer and I kind of tried to believe in ArenaNet up to this point (even after the catastrophe that was Icebrood Saga), but this makes me question a lot of things. Should I still play? Is the content we're getting "real" content or we're being played for fools just to keep funding the next game, which some of us won't even play? Makes me very uncertain and demotivated about the state of the game.
  9. And there it is, the weekly "Guild Wars 2 is bad and should change for me" ranting post. At least this time the rant is a bit better organized. And this time it's about...not being able to do things 100% solo in an MMO? The rants on this forum never cease to amaze me.
  10. I have a gaming PC, but I also have a laptop I bought in 2020 for 350 euros or so, which can play GW2 just fine. That's cheaper than any PS5 model. Surely if you had the resources to buy a PS5, you can save up for a laptop or cheap PC, no? A decent PC is not too expensive, it gets expensive only if you want to have the best graphics and play the latest games, there are plenty of good games out there which can be played on a cheaper PC, so I'd recommend buying one.
  11. Here we go again...when I see threads like these, I wonder why the people are even playing the game if all they have are complaints. What's next? "Arenanet please give me level 80 full legendary gear with max level masteries and all mounts as soon as I log in" ? These "requests" are getting more ridiculous by the day. "I don't want to play the game, so I want you to change the game for me".
  12. I hope this thread is just someone trolling. Really now? We're at the point where people get offended for sound effects? It seems that from now on I should log in the game and just look at the screen without moving my character, or I might offend someone.
  13. I can also confirm this, I was trying the pistols today and noticed that something was wrong with Jurisdiction, I was holding charge to the max and there is no detonated option for level 3 and also sometimes the skill just seems to miss targets when using it.
  14. This not WoW, not everything should be like WoW.
  15. Oh look, another Guild Wars 3 post from someone who thinks graphics in games is everything. I'll never understand people who think the value of a game is in how it looks and nothing else. As someone mentioned above, if they announced a GW3, I'd quit Guild Wars 2 and never touch the game or GW3 ever again. If you think this game is dated, maybe this game (and franchise?) is not for you anymore. At least when I don't like a game or franchise anymore, that's what I do.
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