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Everything posted by Subli.8217

  1. Livia is more likely to take Zhaitan's role. She's definitely more benevolent than Joko and probably has the ability (or means to get the ability) to become a suitable vessel.
  2. Jormag, but I also like Zhaitan. However, Jormag also has some power over the dead, they're just frozen, so it's kinda Night King scenario, so that's very appealing to me. Also the domain of ice, winter, frozen enemies and all that is my favourite fantasy theme.
  3. Why is it ok for Condition builds to have a 25s BiS food item with cheaper variations that only vary by Duration, yet power/ferocity only has this single food item as BiS, with no other option with similar nourishment effect, but shorter duration? Requesting an account bound recipe for a similar nourishment with shorter duration is incredibly reasonable when looking at the wider picture. ...because for the last two years, players whined and complained about "zerker meta destroying build diversity", and "Power builds OP, plz nerf!", and other childish nonsense. They listened to "us". This is a result.no, this argument is irrelevant here - they never listened to this or responed, because butternut situation is here since launch (also we used other meta food back then, truffles or something). also zerker popularity isn't reason to mess up with player gold. if something is unbalanced you're not supposed to make everyone pay loads of golds for using it - you're supposed to balance the core problem.
  4. it is a pity and a big annoyance because the market for butternut soups is ridiculous right now, while meta condi food has like 3-4 alternatives and all of them are CHEAP!!! i do need top stats because i want to be on top of my game in PvE. that's why I made this thread originally. I don't want to lose these amounts of money for wanting to max out my stats, while condi builds dont have to pay that much.
  5. Looks like they granted your wish. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Avocado_Smoothie +80 Power+60 Ferocity+10% Experience from Kills 1 avocado2 snowflakes1 bottle of coconut milk no they didn't. this isn't lvl 80 food. Oh? Avocado SmoothieItem type: FoodReq. level: 80Binding: Account Boundthats bug, a dev explained it on reddit. they are probably going to fix it. what i say by "it's not lvl 80 food" is that the stats amount is for low level food.
  6. Looks like they granted your wish. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Avocado_Smoothie +80 Power+60 Ferocity+10% Experience from Kills 1 avocado2 snowflakes1 bottle of coconut milk no they didn't. this isn't lvl 80 food.
  7. While I fully support the idea for cheap account-bound food, let's not exaggerate. No, you don't have to buy it. And you don't have to use slaying potions either. They help, but they aren't what makes or breaks your play. Your skill is. You can run trash food and if you're decent player your results will be pretty much the same. You'll lose about 2% from the food and 5% from the slaying potions. Enough salad crap already. Tasty steak pls. ok lets assume im in dredge fractal. if i dont use major night sigil and superior night sigil + dredge slaying potion, i lose 27% dps. If I don't use Bowl of Sweet (...), i lose exactly 5.133978833596037% effective power (quickly tested with gw2power.com) Thats 32% less dps if I just walk into dredge fractal without proper food, potions and sigil. Ok let's assume I wear force+Air everywhere so maybe it will be a bit less but still very considerable difference. I have to use it - otherwise I don't even want to play the game, I feel bad when I underperform and I feel weak. (necro being underperformer and a weak class aside) Btw the misconception that vegan diet consists only of salad is very popular, but there are many amazing substitutes for meat, and there are also other vegan things that everyone enjoys like french fries, pancakes, curry rice, hummus, soups, pasta with pesto (oh my god) im gonna stop here
  8. no it's not okay in this case, and the account bound variations don't ruin the tradeable food prices, for example gathering orrian truffles and snow truffles is still very profitable, because veggie pizzas are still expensive - not everyone has 400 chef and willingness to craft or even play the LW episode.
  9. Bowls of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soups are beyond expensive. Almost any food has acc bound living world-related recipe that cuts on costs a lot. It's getting annoying that playing power builds is considerably more expensive (especially since you also have to buy slaying potions). I'm hoping for a resolution next LW episode.
  10. Parselmouth! more like too much Drag Race
  11. wiki is a player-driven website so probably someone listened to the gossips and edited the site without checking. Tazza does not drop loot even when Kaeyi is killed.
  12. I wouldn't mind if they hardcode it for every map but it should be done consistently according to some formula set earlier. right now it's literally unplayable especially in group fights (like in istan). istan is the only map that makes me dizzy with all this shine, blur, contrast, saturation and other stuff.
  13. https://imgur.com/a/i2I6X Old maps have a gentle postprocessing, friendly for eye, while the new maps (since LW3) and especially the aerodrome have different postprocessing settings that hurt the eyes, are too bright, blur out my character or make me glow purple (istan, ember bay). this is really annoying because i like postprocessing in normal maps. I hope changes will be made. either tone down that posprocessing or redesign the option settings to let us set it how we want for entire game.
  14. i play since 2012 regularly, was frequent dungeon runner. it's just how i remember it. you would have to ask in support ticket and let them answer it.
  15. 1) yes2) no3) not likely and no, recipes should stay rare, it makes running dungeons more profitable once you own the recipe. once npc starts selling them, the items crafted and recipes themselves become worthless.
  16. I have a suggestion for a new convenience place that I would enjoy - a pocket in time! I would love to have Pre-Searing Ascalon as a convenience lobby for 2000gems. You can explain it canonically as a frozen mists fractal or something like that. Just recreate it 100% accurately
  17. We already got teased with Desmina that we get a hammer. As expected. It's only natural to give necro hammer since there is NPC necro in gw1 wearing one! Respect tradition. That means we already have 2 NPCs wearing hammers, same like we had 2 npc necros wearing gs before HoT.
  18. I feel like the video ends prematurely. Like it didn't have an ending and got cut short. I would suggest to edit it a bit, get the punchline and set up the ending sequence so the viewer feels some sort of narrative and cohesion.
  19. just because 4 griefers ruined your experience doesn't mean titles are wrong etc. dont blame the system, blame the community
  20. B)Suggestions for uses of luck after 300%: B) increase max to 310%, make every 1% take as much luck as 1-300 (soft cap) option to salvage luck, granting 5/10% magic find temporary buff lottery system including luck essences (allow us to extract the overcapped luck, i consume it even though im capped to save inventory space, would be cool to have it extracted if there are new uses for it. the amount of luck i consumed is counted in the achievements bar) luck eater (but there are so many, please introduce something like living world portal tome and make us stack the eaters into single item) vendor trading luck essences for transmutation charges
  21. I love it. Beautiful maps, pleasant and not annoying like HoT maps. Also a lot to do not like dragon's stand. Also fantastic story!! Make griffon run fasterFix treasure map special action key when demountingAllow mounts in Mistlock Sanctuary!!!SPIDER MOUNT OR RIOTalso my 2 favourite places in the expansion: Domain of the Lost and the astral chamber under the dwarven city ruins
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