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Everything posted by Sinester.3572

  1. Hi, i'm a WVW commander player(i spend thousand of hours here) since release, took multiple breaks, just finish EOD got my turtle, i'm looking for a guild to do RAIDS, in EU time zones , strikes and fractals i normally do in LFG, but will gladly join if there's a guild doing them. I already did some raids, but not all i'm looking for a guild that does events for raiding, often at least all kills per week. I'm super active in the game, i mostly play warrior, but i have a toon of every. My time zone is the same as the SERVER TIME.
  2. To put a point in here, about this outnumber discuss, tell me how you fight us when we only let you have 4 camps an spawn kill =D, show that spirit of fighting, i would like to see. This image show exactly why you should not play against a outnumber force this will happen, the more you fight the more we like those bags. The outnumber buff really needs some kind of more appealing buff. https://imgur.com/5YNZJVl https://imgur.com/phzlWcI IF you see the outnumber buff, go roam , go pvp, go pve, dont bother. Come back later, or start a guild run to get numbers. Outnumber buff should be way more strong, or more beneficial, otherwise, there is no point. My point is merge the servers too many servers for the current population, new wvw system maybe will fix that.
  3. This is mag(Blue) At the time of this print screen they had 4 camps in all maps lol even have waypoints in this bl Image links: link1 Link2 Anet really needs to stop whit this charade, servers are dying merge even more servers, and make way less teams. They try there little tactics of spawn killing, but they cant handle it. If we break their little golems in the camps they get demotivated lol
  4. If you, put to sell the same price as the last order, since you are the last person to put in there, you sell first? Or its really necessary to undercut every time?
  5. Anet just keeps forgetting PVP and WvW exists what a crap new content for warrior, wth, just joking whit warriors at this point. Like play the game to understand what warriors are feeling. The skill charging slice, what a F JOKE, you can dodge it blind.
  6. The truth is simple, if you have outnumber buff there's no point in fighting anything at all, when anet gives the outnumber buff 100% means already you are super low and they try to make you feel better by giving you the outnumber, my opinion is stupid, fix the servers, less servers, and balance the population, is better then at 7 am in the morning, BG whit a map queu, golem rushing 5 players LOL
  7. Run away from this game, i came back i regret, same old boring stuff.
  8. Bring back hammer train, delete conditions out of this game, and we can have GW2 like it was in the begin a super fun game. Now the gameplay is kite , hide, kite, hide, kite hide, jesus f christ.... and give invisibility on warriors since you gave pretty much all classes might as well give warriors too. Thief's not even the masters of stealth anymore. Warriors not the bruisers anymore. Gw2 developers are giving all weapons to all classes, and making the game very weird, instead of the fun it once was. The classes are losing originality. At this point everyone should play the same class and build, because there's no point in not playing the best now. And don't be surprised when you play PVP conquest, and its the same people over and over, and then you look at the leaderboard in a game that is played by thousands of players the leaderboard has 233 players! the entire leaderboard LOL. GW2 only cares about PVE and skins at this point, is what gives them the money , pvp in this game only exists because it was there from the begin, but its already forgotten. And giving warriors a pistol, proves that point.
  9. like title says, i just came back after a few years of afk, game is still the same every single roaming person is condi...... condi destroyed this game
  10. Hi would like to join, i spend all my time in pvp and WvW would love to have some pve group to do stuff too
  11. Black gate and sea of sorrows, double team on us, why? i dont get it, BG already wins every time whit massive people, and on top of it, we get double teamed. Bg trying to get inside the keep while sea of sorrows spawn kills who tries to enter the keep. This type of behaviour should be punished by anet, this is wVsWvsW not W&W vs W. If this was a one time thing, sure its fun, but every single time. They can attack, smc, or anything that is green but no they decide to help the enemy. Youtube link
  12. WvW is the best thing this game has period.You can do gvg has much you want, even in edge of the mist you can do gvgs there we do it all the time so we duel other servers. What they need to do is make new content for wvw, that is not mounts and stupid siege disablers, make the game more fun, but they cant((its more important to do a fractal that its done in less then an hour lol), but i assure you if WvW leaves this game, this game loses A LOT of ppl, me included, PVE is boring and fast to do no challenge what so ever, theres no gear progression, you make a legendary and poof you goo to go forever whit any build, this game simply cant survive just on PVE. And lets not talk about PVE RAIDS!, in a few hours you do all the paths easy mode LOL
  13. This guy is crazy have you heard legendary trinkets? that's the reason why they are expensive you can change status lol
  14. all thouse crazy tags, ignore them lol get a group of friends and you can easily do , they just like to feel important lol
  15. I have been and EU seems way more active then NA
  16. I'm tired of NA casual guilds, i came back after 4 years and i cant find a decent guild anywhere, so i would like to know how things in the EU side.
  17. Why is FA and CD working together to kill HOD, FA zerg is protecting CD while they take the stuff and they dont fight each other this is supouse to be WvWvW, not w and w v W
  18. Is it just me, im getting 500+ lag only when i join the arena not outside i cant even see whats happening
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