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Sir Arigius.6294

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Everything posted by Sir Arigius.6294

  1. I thank Arena Net for the new Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire BUT as you all know anything before the word BUT doesn't mean anything. So the point is, "BUT" I don't like it at all. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I hate this new free content. I liked a lot of things that they've come up with and this isn't one of them. And I'm sure there are those out there that will line up to tell players who don't like Steel and Fire that it is good when I believe it's not. I'm disappointed. Why am I disappointed? Other than being forced to be a charr to grind EVENTS and META's that I could do elsewhere. It brings nothing new other than MORE ACHIEVEMENTS that some players and YOUTUBERS will grind for hours on end to get. I would have preferred if they just hadn't made this one. But they did. So I refuse to play it. Sampled it, didn't like it, if I could give it an F I would.
  2. What is the point of making more characters and having more than one level 80? I have 3 level 80s and I've used 1 out of the 3 to beat all 3 main quest lines of the game. I always use my Necromancer. The base game and the 2 expansions. Not just that I've accomplished a huge of amount of things. So getting to my point. When I go to another one of my level 80's who hasn't accomplished what my main character has. I don't feel the purpose in redoing the story line or doing the same things over and over again. I can't even sum up the motivation to make a new character either because I know I'll just either be grinding, or using tombs of knowledge or a level 80 Auto item and doing the same roller coaster ride all over again when I could just go find a new experience with my main character. I'm having trouble seeing the point. Is it just for PVP purposes to make a specific level 80 for WVW and PVP maybe?
  3. Arenanet is more interested in taking us different places rather than doing Cantha. According to the lore, Cantha isn't interested in having anyone from Tyria coming over since their new Emperor took up residence. They even banned or killed off most of the Tengu tribes.
  4. I disagree with having a premium. It's not something I would invest in. There's already too much useless junk in the Gem Store as it is. Mainly because I can't use it or don't see the relevance to the dlc item that Anet is advertising. Now if they add a flying mount for sale that is similar to the Skyscale, than yea....I would buy it. But than again Anet isn't like Bethesda at all and they don't add in special weapons and armor that make you like a demi god in the game. Now if you want those things. Play Skyrim with mods.
  5. Why would you need higher defense numbers on level 80 PvE maps? Are you having problems staying alive on those maps? If you are maybe you should look at your traits, get different stats on your gear or get ascended gear. You can buy ascended trinkets with laurels and craft ascended weapons for the most effective increase in stats. Not having any trouble at all staying alive. Was just wondering if they were ever going to raise the level bar like some game companies do. Bethesda and Blizzard being good examples on how they increased leveling with a patch.
  6. Will Anet ever raise the level cap from 80 to a higher level number? I think it'd be neat to be 10 levels higher in a level 80 zone with and be able to buy armor sets with a higher defense number on them. Who feels the same way? or is it a bad idea?
  7. I strongly agree with your statement. Any game that charges a monthly fee would be the cause of my leave. I think once you buy a game, you shouldn't have to keep paying for it. There's a reason why I quit visiting Arcades in the 90's and spending stupid amounts of money on those big machines that cost 75 cents to a whole dollar to play on. I do see reason and agree to pay for Add on Content or Expansions, I can see the logic in that. But I absolutely refuse to re-buy a game every month. Some games will give the option of paying for a month, or the whole year just to play. But I just feel like that's the legal doctrine of road side robbery. and that is something I cannot tolerate as a gamer myself. I feel strongly against it.
  8. I used to be like that. I feel like I've bought everything that I've ever wanted from the Black Lion Store that I felt was a necessary. Not skins or anything mind you. I save all of my gold just in case another mount like the Griffin comes along again. It's always the "what if" for me. I felt like I missed out on getting a griffin a long time ago because I couldn't save. I always keep a little note inside my head now that says....'What if a new mount comes out that might cost us 300 - 400 gold and I want to put my hard earned gold towards that new mount?" or "What if I need the gold for something very important in the game?" What if Anet has something really big planned and they want to see our faces when it comes out and as it turns out, it's probably half a thousand in gold and we're going to need it. "What if, what if, what if, what if, What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if,What if, what if, what if, what if."
  9. Please Anet, Please let us buy an actual flying mount instead of making us WAIT days to buy one. SINCE Anet does make us BUY some of the Living Seasons. What's the difference? The mounts are in some of those content. So what's the hurt?
  10. Wouldn't it be cool if the Asura built a time machine and sent you and some other characters back through time to stop the Charr from burning down Ascalon? You know, just have an area on the map that is old Ascalon and do events to fight off the charr and maybe get a new mount?
  11. Allowing players to just buy the Skyscale off of the Gem Store rather than put in hours and hours of grind to earn it. I think buying it or other things such as mounts and the Skyscale with your own hard earned money would be the exact same as earning it anyway. Some people might be against this idea. But I think there should be more than one way to get something. They have been known to do this in some game DLC where you just purchase a character if you're somehow unable to unlock them in the game. Also. Allow Mastery Points to be purchased in the Gem Store. If some people think this is a bad idea than......... Why not? We buy living seasons and those have Mastery points in them. What's the difference.....we're stilling purchasing DLC content. If people disagree.....than each to their own. I mean no disrespect to the other players. I think maybe it's an idea that could be incorporated in the game's Gem Store.
  12. Honestly I was terrified of what Guild Wars 2 was going to be when it was first announced. But since having played it. I felt this game has been a massive improvement over the original. I'm hoping IF there is ever a Guild Wars 3, Yes...I said if there is ever one. Than it has to be a massive improvement over what we already have. As for what we ALREADY have....... I think there's still a lot of room for Guild Wars 2. They can still add in more expansions, more living seasons and add more options to get Mastery Points rather than grind hours to get a single mastery point.
  13. I beat the Icebrood Saga Prologue Storyline for that chapter. Just the storyline. I haven't beaten everything on the map and probably won't succeed as I'm pursuing other goals in the game. But I am wondering when the next few chapters come out or whether if I'll have to buy it as a pack to continue the story. I do like that at first.... it seems centered around the Char's sad attempt at suing for peace. Than you have that one villain at the end that is in it for himself and just wants more power and that after fighting 2 dragons and a god from the previous expansions. The idiot char antagonist is going to die because he doesn't understand that you can't bargain or reason with an elder dragon. Because he obviously never fought Zhaitan or Mordemoth. He's just some warmongering idiot thinking about coming out on top with the most glory and the toys for bragging rights. He doesn't realize that Jormag will just add him as another meat shield to his collection of the Icebrood. The more bodies added to get the numbers up on an already large army. I honestly figured that Tyria would be stretched thin with it's death toll from all the wars it's been having since the fight with the dragons and Baltazar. Not to mention that but the conflicts in some of the regions according to the lore. These villains or antagonists are responsible for mass genocide and still Tyria keeps coming out on top. You figure at least one of the dragons will succeed in causing a successful apocalypse.
  14. To me. Guild Wars 2 is far better. I feel that with the freedom and exploration in it, I've been able to flourish more as a player.I did like the first game. But compared to the 2nd game, I don't like the original anymore. Because of how good GW2 is. I will never go back to the first one. I feel the 2nd one has been far more rewarding.
  15. I strongly agree. That just takes away from the game. From the looks of it. It just sounds like people are bored and wanting to start a new game from scratch and redo everything.
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