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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. At this stage, the best I think those wanting new races can hope for is more combat tonics, or head gear (like the recent dragon one).
  2. Fiiiiiine 🙄 Other than the Trident skills that do have a splash of green and a handful of other skills that have a teal accent, all earth skills art is predominantly yellow and brown so I don't know where this "in keeping with all the other" statement comes from. The primary earth colours are quite clearly yellows and browns, so why should they always have a noticeable amount of green? What do you mean "suddenly go all tan", they are all tan, if anything some of them suddenly go a bit green. Earth has one way to access poison, and it's through the Catalyst sphere combo field. Wind is an air magic thing (which is also not green) the only loosely wind themed skills in Earth are things like Sand Squall and Dust Devil - neither of which invoke "green" to my mind. Magnetic Aura (the effect not the skill) is kind of brown/orange coloured, not green. The icon for the skill granted does have a teal accent, but is an exception to the majority of skills. Barrier is yellow on the health globe, as are the numbers, how is barrier an argument for being green? Other than the few exceptions, the majority of earth skills are stone/rock themed Agreed earth doesn't have to be just stone and rock, but in the broader sense "green" earth evokes more of the nature side of earth rather than just the physical rocks and stones. So when OP wanted more green in their earth my mind is immediately drawn to the nature side of things, which we know is already covered by Rangers. Both of your arguments seem to be stemming from a handful of skills that do deviate from being strictly yellow/tan/brown and slapping on a claim that earth already has this green identity, which it demonstrably does not. You can say it that way if you like but I am not saying that at all. I am not saying that earth should only be about stone and rock, I am saying that in GW2 it is mostly only about stone and rock. Earth identity is already fine, the few splashes of green/teal here and there are clearly a tertiary colour choice for contrast against the yellow/tan. If anything all we have demonstrated here is that the colour identity to "earth" is quite subjective and clearly the design in GW2 aligns in a certain direction. That being rocks, stones, yellows, browns, and sometimes a little teal for contrast. There that's my big reply, I feel bad for letting myself be goaded into typing it, so I hope it's an entertaining read 😅
  3. LB + Sw/Wh Untamed "one shot" sniper, brawly Hammer/Staff Spellbreaker, sometimes Sw/D or Sc/D Daredevil.
  4. That would be the sensible choice, minions are fun and make OW easy but it's far from a top tier build. You can keep Death Magic with other builds though, just switch from the minion traits to the Carapace ones, it's actually quite good.
  5. I started a big reply and then I realised this was a joke post, you almost had me 😅
  6. Your mistake was trying to defend a tower by yourself instead of being in the boon ball where you're supposed to be.
  7. If you mean to continue using minions you will want to keep Death Magic, that is where all the minion buffing traits are.
  8. The earth Elementalist is themed around rocks and stones not leafy nature like a Ranger. The current palette reflects that flavour just fine.
  9. This whole thread and no one said 'Why'vern? I am thoroughly disappointed.
  10. I think Shortbow has one of the fewest if not the fewest class options available to it. Thief, Revenant, Ranger, and Engineer are your only options. Personally if you love the effects I would probably go with Revenant, if only because you can shoot unicorns from portals around your foes and it is generally a good weapon on Revenant. Ranger is another decent pick, but you are basically limited to Condi builds, I actually main Ranger and Chuka & Champawat was the first legendary weapon I ever made. Thief can use Shortbow but it's usually only a utility weapon on most builds taken for the AoE daze and the shadowstepping, cluster bomb does have a cool visual to it on Dreamer though when you airburst it. Engineer is the latest class to get Shortbow, but all of the skills other than the auto attack are just vertical strikes that make an AoE, it is also more or less exclusively a support weapon. You can of course use it on all of these at once because of how the legendary armory works, so the above is just my opinion on what you might enjoy sinking time into. Try them all!
  11. Any time of day on the 31st of April, or after 2400 CET any other day.
  12. What are you talking about? Usually people confused react to disagree with a post, here I think the confused reacts are actually confused as to what you are trying to say. Okay, your point here being? What class? What build? What conditions? What staying power? So you're a professional warrior player... who uses rifle? At an A tier level? 🤔 What did they do to your boy? Could you elaborate on which classes you are struggling against exactly? The foreskin was it's coolest feature? Casts spells? Are we playing the same game?
  13. Just an FYI "Sell instantly" will sell the item to the current highest buyer, you potentially lose out on a lot of profits by taking the guaranteed immediate sale rather than manually listing somewhere between the highest buyer and lowest seller, you still have to pay the listing and selling fees either way. For example on the permanent black lion merchant the highest buy right now is 515g and the lowest sell is 666g. By hitting sell instantly you will automatically match that 515g buy order and you still pay the listing and selling fees. You could well have manually listed it for any amount above 515g but lower than 666g and made more money, it may even have sold quickly at say 550g rather than just undercutting the lowest sell by 1c. Chances are whoever bought your black lion contract has already re-listed it on the TP and is set to make profits that you could have claimed yourself with a bit of patience. If that's all fine with you and you just wanted it gone fair enough, but it's worth keeping in mind that if you don't need the gold right away playing the longer game will pay out, you don't even have to be a pro TP flipper.
  14. I don't think there really is such a thing as a "dead" match up at the moment, all servers will have their quiet and busy periods (yes some will have longer and more frequent quiet/busy periods than others), it's the same with every game mode. Take your example, there is a rush event on at the moment and even one of the rush maps is dead at certain times of day. Now there is such a thing as "bad" match-ups where one server effectively gets bullied and farmed into players actively leaving the game mode for the match, and that is something that world restructuring will (hopefully) address. It's just unfortunate when a given players personal schedule happens to coincide with their server being less active.
  15. Doesn't mean that the other kits aren't available to you if you wanted to use them though. Besides, Tool Kit is used quite frequently as well, as is the Med Kit, and the Mortar Kit, even the Flamethrower gets some use. The only one I don't see used much if ever is the bomb kit. I want to remain on my main weapon, but I also want to remove conditions on myself. I can flip to a kit triggering my cleansing sigil and then flip straight back to my weapon. Other classes have to choose whether to stay on their current weapon or swap to their other set to get the cleanse, because they are then stuck on that weapon set until they can swap again. This function of kits in general makes them superior to regular weapon swapping as you can dip into and out of kits at will. You are welcome to that opinion but you must recognise that some folks won't agree with you and they will put forth their arguments against your position. If weapon swapping were ever added to Engineer, it would more than likely need to come with additional balancing that you might not like, such as kits then sharing weapon swap cooldown.
  16. Not quite, what I think the OP is asking for here is a live instance just like PvE maps that adjusts based on the online population. World restructuring won't do that for among other things, the scoring, you can't just open and close WvW instances because of how it is calculated.
  17. Yes in the greater sense. My point was that MC as a reward for these events is great while MC stay at 2g a piece, but if the prices do come down it will become less of an incentive to do them, considering that the other rewards are basically just some karma and a skin that a lot of people probably already have. It's all speculation though, I'm more than happy to do 9 events for 3 MC every day for the duration.
  18. Okay slight exaggeration on collapse, but it wouldn't surprise me if the prices do come down with more events. Bad for speculators, probably good for the community on the whole.
  19. The Mystic Coins are a great reward, but if they keep up this level of events that reward them the prices are going to collapse. When you consider that normally you can only get one coin per day outside of the Wizard Vault seasonal ones, giving everyone the opportunity to earn 3 more per day for an entire week is going to potentially put a lot of additional volume through the market. While LWS2 didn't budge the prices, if these kind of events keep up something will have to give at some point when a hoarder gets twitchy and dumps them into the market. Confused react only to confirm you are a big smelly bum and that what I wrote above makes perfect sense.
  20. Then my original confusion still stands, why did they later add a condition heavy ambush to a well established power weapon? Mesmer is one of my least played classes so I would never profess to know the ins and outs of meta Mesmer gameplay, but I am assuming that it is taken on Power Mirage for the daze alone? Unless it also has strong power scaling, it would seem pointless to add the bleeding and torment, vulnerability or something would be more on theme? Or do people take dagger on condi Mirage as well, despite it having no conditions on the normal skills?
  21. No need to tell me that, I was just trying to clarify the OP's post.
  22. Hey Hey Hey you! Wait up! We want to tell you something! *dunks on and sieges a guy* We love you, mwah! 😘
  23. But Mesmer got Rifle in the update, Dagger went with Virtuoso and the ambush subsequently added with weaponmaster training. I'm not sure what the point is here?
  24. My only qualm with that statement 😅 The mode has been a cess pool of unsupervised classroom behaviour for some time now.
  25. I've never understood this one, I get that the daze is the issue here, but at first glance, why is it loaded with conditions on a weapon that otherwise has no condition based skills?
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