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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. I agree with you on this one. More choice of dailies would most likely be welcomed by all. I think maybe you have an issue with the implementation rather than the overall system. The system itself is an improvement, the implementation with the bugged and/or difficult challenges is a bit of a miss on Anets part, in my opinion.
  2. Nah Soulbeast is strong as far as Ranger builds go but is far from the most detrimental build in the entire game. Other specs have plenty to offer in terms of OP meta stuff. If it were even remotely true then every single PvP player would be on Soulbeast only.
  3. You have 77 days to earn 1,500 of the 14,760 possible points. If you can't manage that then I really don't know what to suggest, but lowering laurel prices isn't the answer. The system as a whole is better than the old one, it is actually possible to earn more of a given resource if you focus on just one. It also allows you that focus to prioritise and achieve the result sooner. It is possible to earn all of those laurels within just a couple of weeks, something that would have taken you 3 months under the old system. What I do agree with is that it is annoying that some tasks are bugged making it impossible to earn the maximum acclaim for the quarter, especially given that you can't purchase everything that is available as you would need about 18,975 to do that. It would be nice to be able to reroll some daily/weekly tasks once or twice per day/week in the event you get something you don't want to do, or that is bugged.
  4. I thought as much, unfortunately I don't really play much ele so I can't offer any great feedback, but here is some engagement on your thread.
  5. Considering that you can earn 14,760 Astral Acclaim and 110 laurels in the 77 day rotation and it only costs 1,500 to purchase all 150 additional Laurels I highly doubt that anyone is struggling enough with dailies and weeklies to miss so many points as to not earn at least as many laurels as they would have under the old system. For reference under the old system you could earn 55 per month for a total of 165 in the same time period as the new system rotation. It is more than easily possible to earn 260 laurels in the wizards vault during the 77 day rotation. So we should increase laurel vendor prices?
  6. You haven't selected a Grandmaster trait in air, judging from your thread title I assume it would be Fresh Air? EDIT: spelling, no one is threatening anyone here.
  7. It will be on the weekly reset, which is on Monday 07:30 UTC.
  8. Maybe sell them some ascended gear? 😂
  9. What would a Druid do, in your opinion? The way I see it you have two choices, either the historically accurate religious and political figures from Celtic culture around the time of ancient Rome, which doesn't really have any place as an archetype for an action adventure RPG. Or the modern fictional Druids from sources like Dungeons & Dragons and fantasy literature, which are characterised by their affinity for nature and absolutely do tend to have animal companions and would call upon natural forces and set traps to protect their lands. All of these themes fit with Ranger, nature spirits, traps, animal companions. Your big game hunter idea, while also plausibly fitting with the Ranger archetype, overlaps too much with Dragon Hunter and Deadeye. The class also already has a long range single target weapon in the Longbow, and a long range single target support weapon with staff. What use could yet another high damage single target weapon like the rifle do? Unless you make it a mid range shotgun type weapon, but then it's not a big game hunter is it. Mace/Mace has potential to fill a much needed gap in the toolset, although a shield would have been nicer than off-hand mace, in my opinion anyway.
  10. Since they took away some of the strips from Spellbreaker and Scourge untamed is actually pretty viable in WvW zergs. The old "Ranger is useless" line is so outdated now. It is strong, particularly in smaller scale fights. Druid is very good in a support role too. I also wouldn't overlook stance share on soulbeast either. It's not the optimal pick but it can flexibly pad out a role in any squad with group stunbreaks, stability, cleanses, and damage. It's also very good at applying CC. In PvE it is currently pulling very respectable benchmarks, no it's not Scourge, but Scourge is broken and about to be nerfed in 2-week anyway. In sPvP it's also very strong, people are constantly whining about being 1-shot and to delete the class. The place it is currently weakest is WvW and even then that is only in zergs when you exclude Druid.
  11. Yeah I don't know what they were doing with the dye channels for that. It's not the only armour either, the Ancient Canthan pieces dye a bit funny on the metal bits too. I wish they would be more consistent with their art direction to allow for easier mixing and matching of styles.
  12. No, I need a reason to still slot winds of disenchantment. 😂
  13. It's not that it is not possible, but there was never any way to equip two Coalescence in the past. It was just to keep the same behaviour for people who had already invested in crafting both Conflux and Slumbering Conflux.
  14. The only reason it is not unique is because you could equip Conflux, and Slumbering Conflux at the same time. When they introduced the legendary armory and removed the ability to acquire Slumbering Conflux they made regular Conflux not unique to maintain the same behaviour.
  15. Drizzlewood Coast is a good map to just grind on a loop and generates good income, doesn't require ascended gear (like fractals does) and you can move around the map using the parachuting mechanic, lessening the need for having a mount too.
  16. You might also go by the patterns already existing within the profession and what niches are left to be filled. For example every ranger offhand weapon has a ranged and a melee component. - Dagger - melee attack with evade and a 1,200 range throw. - Torch - 1,200 range throw and a point blank AoE field. - Warhorn - 1,200 range multi-hit attack and a point blank AoE daze and buff. - Axe - 1,200 range throw and a point blank AoE channelled attack and reflect. If mace doesn't have a ranged and throw I will be surprised. Maybe some sort of thrown CC that dazes but stuns/knockdown while flanking or against a defiant foe? The other skill may be a melee block that flips into a modal CC skill, much like Greatsword block. Though I imagine they may do something different so it isn't just a copy/paste of Greatsword. As for main hand, imagine if it's a ranged weapon like axe, with thrown hammers? Not entirely outside the realms of possibility. I wouldn't mind seeing a mid-range area denial type weapon around the 600 range. It would certainly help the ranger in niches where it doesn't do so well at the moment, like large group content in WvW.
  17. Every time you accidentally salvage an unidentified piece of gear, it was a precursor, I guarantee it.
  18. Yours would have been a Pink Moa, Stalker, or Marsh Drake.
  19. I get it I get it, character slots $$$ bag slots $$$ bank slots $$$ for Anet 😜 Don't get me wrong, I love hoarding, I just want tidy hoarding 😅
  20. But part of the issue is that you do need a lot of this stuff, just not right now. All the new materials needed for the new Legendary armour among other things can't be used yet but you do need to stockpile them. The same is true for all legendaries, the material requirements for some of the gifts necessitate hoarding this stuff. Containers that have trash and salvage items don't even make it to my bank, I regularly purge them from my character inventory.
  21. You do get some Astral Acclaim for finishing the SotO collection though. It's still pretty expensive. As I've already done the PoF one and the materials required overlap with what I want to collect for legendary stuff this one might not get done.
  22. I think it was supposed to be a rather tactless way of saying that players who did the content when it was new figured it out without any of the benefits and guidance available today. Therefore the fact OP is having a problem is a player issue rather than a game issue. A point is being made, just not a very helpful one.
  23. Those be some rookie numbers https://imgur.com/a/PwInPm9 I clearly have a problem...
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