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Everything posted by Damocles.4908

  1. In my country we call that "eskom"...if you don't know typing in eskom loadshedding
  2. I used to spend all my time in pvp after HoT and didnt do the story until later of getting the expantions in 2022 and I really was surprised by the story and living worlds up to eod, I means it's the most time I have ever done in pve. But as I am heading through Eod I am wondering what or where the story will go, although I haven't finished eod yet but the title says it all mostly...so I wonder if the dragons are gone...what then? Does the golemn up rising begin? I just hope what ever comes it will be coherent and good but is there any place yet that gives hint to up coming story Thanks
  3. I can't find them, I see some on youtube but thats it? is it even posted on the gw2 page?..help
  4. Tainted bolts from the harbriger primary attacked doesn't reflect nor trigger the riposte counterstrike, also the block notification doesn't appear. We also tested this with an elementalist magnetic shield and it too didn't reflect. Please note that these attacks didnt have the unblockable boon I know the common saying that "bolt attacks aren't projectiles" but dark barrage is reflectable! and both have the word "bolt" in them. futher more please post the part that supports the claim of bolt attacks arent projectile if there is any.
  5. Even the little block sound and text icon doesn't appear, and tainted bolts dont pierce as I have never tank damage while blocking and , in a fight its just "well its blocked but not blocked, just like poof". heck I mean the word "bolts" is used in both descriptions of tainted bolts and dark barrage. I just want clarity even if the devs say oh its a special bolt that isnt a bolt but rather a pancake bolt that just goes splat when blocked. Devs please don't leave me in limbo on this....
  6. Then why is, dark barrage reflectable? as well as the bolts from the specter and dagger storm attack is reflectable but it doesnt hit its target cause of the evade it grants, and I have had ranger's die to their own barrage because of the block reflection. further more if it isn't reflectable it still doesnt trigger riposte counter strike while standing at melee range. I don't know if rangers block has the same trigger issue. If there is a catagory that explains this mechanic of bolts not being projects please post it.
  7. Tainted bolts from the harbriger primary attacked doesn't reflect nor trigger the riposte counterstrike, also the block notification doesn't appear. We also tested this with an elementalist magnetic shield and it too didn't reflect. Please note that these attacks didnt have the unblockable boon Thanks
  8. Just purely for my own interest, what weapons and traits are warriors mostly running? and are those who have their own custom builds. are you also struggling in PVP (I am not saying that you have to win every fight but atleast do good)?
  9. You get books for leveling up and Pve stuff should have been kept separate. I used to do pve to get a bit of mats and gold here and there but now with the rewards tracks, my inventory is cluttered with about 40 different bags that i really dont care about. and too many books
  10. I have had a blast with it, 3 charges as well that it give you the opportunity to re-control the fight
  11. My Friend, I shell bestow a secret that many overlook and think its a weak ability but by joe I have been enlightend by it! Okay here it is..."try the [kick] ability. I am not kidding. It can throw many builds of their combo trains and give you a chance for your cooldowns and damage to occure, works well with rifle as well. Find me in heart of the mist if you want to try it
  12. Apologise what I ment was if we taken a rise noble, they have shadow step and ...something else forgot what is was. While a standard awake only has tar which isnt really a casted ability. So I feel that the risen are more stategic in combat. but please correct me if I am missing some lore
  13. This is the first time I am revealing "some" of my build which I customly made, and it works quite well. Are you ready? I am play core warr running with dual swords and a rifle and the [kick] ability. The rest I am keeping it a secret. I know it can't beat every build but to say there is no diversity is really not true. It does take trail and error in unranked to get it right and yes there will be times when you try something and it is completly useless. This is sort of the bench mark I use when judging a new build: - Should win 1v1 fights as much as possible. - If its a 1v1 that you cant or are not winning, then atleast last long enouph for backup to arrive or delay the guy. - Dont dropped dead like a sack of potatoes in a team fight. Balance between giving and taking damage - Have a flow of abilities that create "the dance or the waltz" in combat that you have control over. - See what everyone else is running and learn their pattern, I have never played any "magic casting" classes, not even necro once yet I recognise the pattern that is often played some even relate to what you mentioned, so when you doing something that is not in the book in terms of a unqiue build, it can completly through the guy off his little repeat combot, example is reaper necro ,as soon as the use reaper form, the sequence is always very similar good luck
  14. I guess as well that the risen have more self aware and are a bit more independent think in combat.
  15. If both armies had the same number of troops, elites and champions. who would win? Take into consideration npcs, abilities and that the stats are on the same level as I think core npcs have less stats than pof.
  16. Please let it be that tainted bolts are now reflectable
  17. There is actually ! Got a buy the endless bletcher's bluff kit. its pvp in its most balanced form that can be used in pve :D
  18. as much I as find bots annoying, its part of the game, a lower hp on them would be nice, though
  19. Fun story, I was playing in Silver rank near gold, and I came across 1 player on their team that a little logo icon (similar to the food one ) and it said and I quote: "here stands before you a true champion of the mist" or something like that, basically this guy played at esports when gw2 was doing it and got that title. We talked , he was a cool guy but then he said," lemme guess, you are wondering how I ended up playing against you (at Silver)?" and it was true, to which he replied that there aren't enouph players at the higher tiers soooo match making is a real soup of all mixed ranks. but yea also faced a warr 4 times in a row, we teamed up and did well
  20. What rune are you hope for? What would it need to do for you to choose it? just out of interest
  21. I not gonna lie on this but your right, I think I have over done this, apologise
  22. The harbringers attack , tainted bolts doesn't get reflected back by abilities and auras, this was tested with warrior sheildmaster trait and elementals magnetic aura . The projectiles from almost any range attack from core to the other elite specs of EOD (i.e bladesworn pistol attacks, mes dagger attacked, specter shadow bolts and including the harbringer's dark barrage attack are reflected back repsectively. so what is your opinion on this thought?
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