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Everything posted by Damocles.4908

  1. The Warr cc is strong but very predictable...I mean just watch for the pattern.
  2. I thought it could be a nice change of topic to start a thread about pvp map tips that perhaps people know and didn't know. Lets keep this light hearted and avoid talking about how Op something is etc. (there are 100 threads that are already doing that) so to kick things off here is two: Skyhammer: If you see that the enemy team is going to win the skyhammer and your currently capping a point. Move off just before the cap is complete, wait after the hammer and you can finish it. The hammer doesn't reset the progress of the cap so leave it at 99% then take it. The Arena It is possible for a warrior with savage leap (sword main) to reach the platform top of the level between mid and side, without having to walk all the way around.
  3. With any warrior running around with a hammer you can already guess what they are planning to do and I find it a bit sad that the warrior creativity is gone a bit. Look, the CC is nice but here is the thing, if you can "break or distrupt the combo pattern" then the build falls apart, as they cc you, they get 1 stack stable, now if you can either avoid the opening strike which 99% will be stun and counter back or dodge then you will throw them off. blind and immobile is also useful../blocks etc.. Also dont panic, if you have a stun breaker and are caught in the hammer loop, you need to time it carefully to dodge out of it. If you don't have a stun breakers or cc of your own, or any def to last through those strikes and panic dodge unnessesarily in any situation ...well then, the door is that way.
  4. Pretty much what the guy above said, if you get caught in the warriors combo stun then yes, it will hurt, but if you see a war with a hammer you can already guess from the end of the map what is going to happen. I also find it one heck of a risky build cause if you get 1 guy granting stability, the whole build just falls flat on its face....
  5. what class and what kinda role you want to do?
  6. depends also on where, when, who, how and why, been playing for a long time and yes I have come across some mostly in pvp but pve not too much, I think the worse is when i greet someone and I dont get a reply back 😞
  7. Santa checks his naughty list twice so don't worry
  8. Maybe thats were the steel steam warships will come to conquer tyra !
  9. Hi all So I spent most of my days doing pvp and some pve here and there but since play pof and eod, my gw2 universe got alot bigger, but now that everything that did revolve around dragons are gone, What else could be installed for us? I remember some talking about the gods getting up to trouble again but what else could be a threat that I don't know from gw1 or missed suttle clues? Or could something a bit more "normal" occure where another nation maybe invade Kryta, steam ships armada or something, (I found the void stuff really confusing). Or was eod the closing chapter of gw2?
  10. The hammer, mace, shield stun has been arround for a long time and while it is great in 1v1 in groups it stuggles as some cc relies on single targets. Now that being said, when you face that build there are some things to keep in mind. Have distance or high ground: the build works for close range so use the terrain to your advantage Timing is key: blind and stuns of your own are great but if you do get caught in the loop of stuns, remain calm...I have lost fights due to panicing to break stuns at the worst moments. I feel that alot of warrior build before patch was mostly doing a big chunk of damage (and still do) but other builds and my custom one (dual swords and rifle) feels more like a boxing match were the momentum of quick, short, tacticle strikes can be used as opposed to playing something limited to dealing 1 hay-maker punch.
  11. Bring back the original Capricorn map because why not
  12. As a core warrior from the start, would like to help you out a bit here. Is there a way you can send me a letter in game? I prefer to use my own builds and currently running with duel swords and rifle, which to many might seem like a wtf build but its been working well, granted it still is a bit of a struggle against bladesworn and harbriger but i still have a good chance of winning or atleast surviving and being able to withdraw to fight another day. Anyway let me know, cheers
  13. HA the title should be "steam is on the tracks" sorry couldn't resist
  14. As with most of my topics, this is a light hearted one So with gw2 being released on Steam just around the corner and some new players hopefully joining in on the experience. (and please the "this game is dead" doom preacher just park your roll beetle for this one) but I wonder how you, a vetern, legendery or even relatively new guy will interact with the new crew, who probably have a lot of mechanics to learn. Will you be: A.The guy who doesn't really mind, the run-of-the mill B. The helpful guy who encourages C.The dude who looks forward to completly smashing new players D. The guy who is concerned with new players joining rank E. what ever else is missing F. The doom preacher who didn't read the bracket. Playing pvp since core with about 9000 matches, I have come across alot of differently players from atlantic salty to good sportsmen, who have fun and enjoy the team even if its a loss. And maybe worth mentioning in Pve, starting zones, I also have seen alot of older players actively offering to help new players.
  15. I think I see where your coming from, but looking don't worry about what what-his-face (timmy) said. and I'll be honest, I have really enjoyed the Pve stuff and this is coming from someone who did pvp since core and only pvp...mostly. (I will assume this part to be PVP related) Now, I have encountered bots before and salty players, cannot deny that and its really annoying but the sun still shines tomorrow so I try not to get to bothered by. Also don't make the mistake that "only gw2 has bots", wow is really bad with it atm (seriously just type in youtube, its a big topic for content creators actually) and their forums also have alot of topics on this. I havent seem many in gw2 since the near the last updates of Pof in Pvp, not saying that there aren't any but I have seen a big decrease. Also what are you wanting or hoping to change, I am bit lost on your response but I assume its maybe the unbalance of pvp atm?, maybe try spice things up a bit, I am currently running a core warrior rifle and daul swords (surprise!) and sometimes it needs a lot of testing to get it on par with everything else. I sometimes do well and sometimes fall flat on my face, dust yourself off and carry on. So to make things maybe a bit more interesting find the "captain" in the pvp arena mist, I am often on the tree stump, with a pirate kinda outfit, only warrior with daul swords and rifle. Up to you. Good Luck
  16. Oh I didnt see, I literally made a whole vidoe showing it, no reflect works at all no magnetic shield, no shield mastery nothing
  17. You didn't add that tainted bolts aren't reflectable like every other bolt attack and doesn't trigger riposte on the warrior's block
  18. Ha yea, the 6 gods foribbed that I ask for a small favour like moving an ability, not gonna lie, I hate facing Bladesworn with my core build, if I get hit once, I am a bit screwed
  19. So body blows deal bleed and weakness, is there any strength warriors here that use that major adapt skill? also being condition damage, shouldn't rather be in the condi base line?
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