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Everything posted by BlackyWarsX.5384

  1. Since you guys keep working on the templates loadouts and push updates to it, please. make. this. thread. sticky. again.
  2. You can just repeat the story instance for achievements. This works regardless of if you have done it on the same day or not.
  3. It is better now, but it still scales badly if you're less than a handful of people. The breakbar won't even move.
  4. I think they should revamp the system as a whole (yes, so shortly after release): my suggestion in the official feedback thread.This way, there are actual templates in which you can store different skins per build (and more). No way I'm paying for a fourth overpriced category. Still thinking about revamping my suggestion to include upgrades and a better interface maybe.
  5. They did fix the auto-eject of upgrades and stat reset, as far as I can tell. Then again, I did not try too much as I have everything set for now and don't want to mess something up again. Perhaps you can try? Nope, still happening, just tested it when I saw someone mention this.
  6. If templates were templates, that'd be nice. I already gave feedback/ a suggestion for this in the official feedback thread
  7. That's a really good question. The behaviour of legendary items within the system makes it look like they didn't test it fully.
  8. Only because I'm forced to, since there is no seperate WvW build anymore. That's why I said "no"
  9. At this point, I'm even afraid to switch weapon sets out of the gear templates loadouts since I don't want to have to reset stats, sigils and infusions. It's inconvenient and basically locks me out of certain weapons because of the huge annoyment factor legendary weapons have become with this system. And I refuse to go back to ascended, I made the legendary weapons with convenience in mind - which is gone now.
  10. Another thing I just don't get: they have the amazing technology to do in-engine cutscenes where they are also able to animate our character. Why wasn't this used for the after-trial-cutscene? Jormag addresses us and we are nowhere to be seen.
  11. I'm disappointed by this episode. It's so short, it literally just is: go to the fort > search for the npc > do a boss fight. Nothing more. I think the writing has improved over the last expansion and season and I know you want to expand on this episode/map with the next episode, but judging by how all is set up, this is still ~2 month away. Also, the boneskinner is somewhat underwhelming. Here's a suggestion how I'd imagine him to be a creepy world boss:For a creature that’s supposed to be creepy and a predator with unique hunting skills, it’s a huge disappointment. And again a huge amount of wasted potential. Pre-Event: Something‘s not rightJust imagine you hear a familiar voice in the creepy forest. Be it... I don’t know, your mentor, trahearne, your races leader, one of dragons watch members or a certain someone you’re looking for in this super short story. you follow that voice, get a buff (feeling uneasy, watched) and then sometime later the boneskinner jumps on you, an event starts. Not that hard so you can either escape or kill it with some effort, but still not easy. Main-Event: The Boneskinneronce the initial boneskinner is defeated, it mutates bigger and scarier, BAM, a world boss you have to fight across the forest. It has different phases where it hides and imitates voices again and jumps out on a random player, locking them down. The locked down player gets some special skills to defend themselves, the rest have to break the breakbar. If the boneskinner killed the locked down player, it gets stronger (therefore harder to kill) In the last phase it retreats to it’s den. There you see several dead bodies, disfigured and stuff because it’s the boneskinner after all. They have to set the mood, you know? Failing the event spreads darkness and mist across the map (could possibly influence the other meta) and spawns smaller boneskinner throughout the map (hearing voices, veteran boneskinner jumps on you, similar to vinetooth(s?), just small solo events) Just dreaming of what could be.
  12. I already gave two comments of elaborate feedback that I don't think need repeating, but please make this post sticky again. It's clearly better to keep it visible for both you and the players.
  13. So, additionally to my other suggestion how to improve / reiterate the "templates loadouts", I found something new (to me): I crafted a set of legendary runes and I can't seem to slot them via the equipment screen (select the gear slot, choose rune, done). I have to double click the rune and slot it in the armor piece of choice individually. Also, runes don't carry over to another gear loadout, I have to slot them manually - again. Now it is:double click rune - choose gear - select rune type - confirm - repeat ~6-7 times. (repeat for ever gear loadout slot you have) It should be:select gear slot in equipment - click rune - repeat ~6-7 times - chose rune type for all or individually afterwards. I don't know if this problem existed before "templates loadouts" or if it's new, but it's just as annoying as the rest of the "template loadout" functionality.
  14. This is another great point that always bothered me somehow. There were traits for underwater combat, yet there is no dedicated "underwater-build" like the former dedicated PvP and WvW builds. I guess now you can "waste" a slot for an underwater build and gear loadout, well... Another example of so much potential wasted.
  15. I already posted this on reddit, but I guess it doesn't hurt to put it in here as well. It's mostly copy/paste from there. DisclaimerPlease keep in mind that I’m not a developer of any sorts. I have no knowledge about Arenanets inventory code, how difficult it would be to implement and what would have to be changed on their end. I do know they didn’t want to touch the inventory code, though. TL;DRThis is just a design concept. I reimagined the build template interface and functionality with some pretty picturesI tried to stay true to the original layout of the hero window. Basically, templates and inventory share the same layout for consistency's sake, but work differently in the background. Inventory is your actual equipped gearEvery change you make will stay there, not savedTemplates are where you save what gear should get equipped (it isn't stored in templates)Every change you make here will be applied to your inventory once you load the template you chooseGear will have to be in your characters inventoryNeeds an item check to be in place, looking for the items in your inventoryIntroduce a new bag container with a new slot (much like shared inventory, but for gear) which only gets used for storing gear you intend to use in templatesMaybe I'll revisit the concept, scrap it completely and start fresh just for the fun of it (playing with the UI for stuff like this really is fun!). What I think is wrong with Arenanets “template” systemThere are a few things that rub me the wrong way with how they implemented “templates” Builds were separated per game mode and automatically loaded when entering them. They no longer do that.Equipment and build heavily depend on each other, there is no way to link them.It’s somewhat too limitedEquipment can no longer be shared easily without breaking your “template”, as you store them in gear slots nowThey’re not templatesWhat could be improved/changed?Separate game modes again and let us set a default build per game modeSeparate equipment templates from actually storing the items on the characterCombine build and equipment templates to a single templateMake them actual templatesSo, how would that look like?Your basic inventory (un)changedThe Inventory Screen: Overview Basically, you’ll still have an inventory and a build screen separate from the templates themselves. You can (un)equip items here or change stats, upgrades and infusions depending on the rarity of your gear. Any change you make here won’t affect the currently active template, but you can save it to your active template with the click of a button. The Inventory Screen: Gear This is still the normal inventory, but everything that is relevant to the build and actual armor has been moved to the left and right sides of the character. Everything else (which is basically just gathering tools) is still on the far right along with the attributes.Equipment, Builds and Wardrobe are now tabs above the character, rather than separate sub-menus. The Build Screen Nothing out of the ordinary. As explained above, this is the current build screen where you can change traits on the fly but won’t affect the template you loaded. Bonus: The Wardrobe So the wardrobe now has its own slots in a build. Here, you equip skins, not gear. It will still work like it does currently: you select a slot, you select a skin, you apply it with transmutation charges.The difference: you’re applying the skin to the slot, not to the item itself. You’ll only be charged for applying skins. You can turn on the dye channels via a button on the bottom. The layout of the slots has changed slightly: outfit- and glider-slots are now part of the wardrobe inventory! You can either activate your favourite outfit or use the armor skins - the functionality is the same as now. You may have spotted miniatures, mail carriers and finishers as well. Since they’re basically just skins, I wanted to merge them with the overall wardrobe to not have them all in a single tab with just one slot respectively. What I’m not sure about are novelties, since there is a (very low but still) possibility that it could get expanded on. They either get integrated as well or get their own tab away from the wardrobe. The actual templatesTemplates in this concept are actually templates and are stored in a sub-section of the hero windwo which I call the “armory”. They do not change whenever you change a skill, trait or armor piece - only if you want to, and only on your command. However, you can set one active build for every game mode which will automatically load whenever you enter the respecitve game mode again. The Template Overview: Equipment The templates consist of three tabs, much like the inventory: equipment, skills & traits and wardrobe. You can change the name of the template via context menu or the edit - button on the top right corner. You can also change the game mode of the template in the settings section and set your active template simply by checking it on the list on the left side. Equipment Template Screenshot: Equipment Template The equipment template saves the kind of armor, weapons and trinkets you’d like to use in your build. The information that is stored is: the item you put in there (rarity, stats, upgrades and infusion/s). When loading a template, it checks for the item in your inventory or currently equipped gear. If it’s not there, it won’t be equipped, if you have legendary gear and everything else (infusions, upgrades) in your inventory, it’ll be changed accordingly. (I guess this is how ArcDPS worked, no?) Skill & Trait Template Screenshot: Skill & Trait Template There’s not much to say here… it’s pretty self explanatory and works exactly as it does now. Wardrobe Template Screenshot: Wardrobe Template That’s new! Now you can even have fashion wars templates. Remember earlier when I talked about the wardrobe applying skins to slots? You can use that in templates and have different looks for different builds! Finally you can see at a first glance what build you just loaded accidently (This basically enables you to use the same item in different builds AND have a different skin for it as well), You can also have different finishers, mail carriers and minis for every build now. Equipment Template: PvP Screenshot: PvP Template Since PvP does not use equipment but amulets, the equipment template tab changes from armor and trinket slots to a single amulet slot. Skills & Traits and Wardrobe remains the same. Additionally, a fourth tab appears for the Mist Champion. Maybe? Gathering ToolsI didn’t put gathering tools in the templates as I didn’t want to bloat it even further, but I could imagine that it makes sense to have gathering templates for different glyphs. Sharing templatesArenanet would need a better way to store the information for sharing since equipped items, skills, traits are A LOT of information for a single build to share.The current chatcode for skills & traits only is [&DQcBJRgtOx3uFSMPZQGAAYEBgQGDAYMBRhe8AQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=], which is pretty long. Now imagine you’d get additional information for armor pieces, weapons, their upgrades and infusions. That chat link would be huge. Unfortunately I have no idea how this could be handled. Maybe a file export / import?Huge chatlinks with generic names?Sharing skins doesn’t seem to make much sense right now. Maybe allow to individually share a skin template with information about skin and dyes per slot.What about mounts?Mounts are not part of the template system, they get to keep their own tab in the inventory window. Since there is no individual dye tab anymore (it’s integrated in the wardrobe as a toggle), they also get a toggle to turn on dye channels. Additional NotesInventory Space & Monetization Since this concept does not use gear slots as storage, you’ll have to use your inventory. So what better opportunity to offer more bag slots - but for gear only. These slots could be character bound, placed below the other inventory bags and work like inventory bags, but actually not counted against the inventory. You can only use these slots for gear and upgradesUp for discussion: You can put (special?) bags in there and expand one slot with up to x spaces for gear / fixed amount of bag space?You have to fill these bags manually, no loot or anything else you pick up will go there automaticallyTemplates only look in the gear storage for… well, the gear you specified in the templates.Things to think about Disconnect upgrades from gear and give it its own slot much like PvP already does.Introduce "Extraction Charges" (much like the upgrade extractors we have now) to extract an upgrade from its slot (unless a legendary rune or legendary armor piece / weapon is equipped)Integrate gathering into templates as well with possibility of different skins and glyphs for a buildIntegrate mounts just for the fun of having a different mount skin from one build to another?Even writing this down, the concept still feels complicated. It probably is even more complex and complicated to implement. This is the end, you made it! Full album of mockups I don’t know if I gave it too much thought or not enough, but it was fun playing with the interface for a bit.
  16. Will we be able to link build templates to equipment templates?Like I switch to my WvW build and it automatically activates the WvW equipment build or do I have to activate everything on its own?
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