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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. Maybe this is already in the works, but now that we have two specializations that are condi focused and also able to provide alacrity (Renegade and now Mirage), we could really use an armor set that provides condi stats with concentration.  Any chance we could get a new stat set that is like Diviners, but with Condi Dmg and Expertise as secondary stats instead of Power and Ferocity?

    • Like 2
  2. The balance changes and communication are nice and all, but it doesn’t mean much when you have rampant botting and hacking going on with a report system that just doesn’t work.

    Until this is addressed, I don’t see any point in even PvPing with or without good balance adjustments.

  3. @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    @"Dahkeus.8243" said:Pinging the map is generally a hell of a lot more effective and efficient than typing anything for many of the reasons mentioned already. Chat tends to be full of emotions, but the mini map cuts a lot of that out...aside from when people have a melt down and spam pings.

    Minimap is not always too clear. What is the difference in an instruction of "I go to here", "You go there", "Warning, don't go here"?

    It's as clear as it can be. If you want to say "don't go here", then ping an x. If you want to warn someone, ping a yellow exclamation. If you want people to go somewhere, ping the red sword.

    Or you could type in map chat and probably not even reach half the team since so many people just turn off map chat to avoid the toxicity.

  4. Pinging the map is generally a hell of a lot more effective and efficient than typing anything for many of the reasons mentioned already. Chat tends to be full of emotions, but the mini map cuts a lot of that out...aside from when people have a melt down and spam pings.

  5. The reason that I imagine these don't work this way is likely because they stack in duration with some other Karma buffs, such as Karma boosters, so if you've popped a Karma booster for an hour, then added an hour from a bonfire, you wouldn't want the time reset to one hour if you went back to the bonfire 30 min later. Maybe there's a way to code around this and maybe they could just make it a separate buff, but I imagine that either of those would take more work than they would prefer to put in for a small quality of life boost.

  6. @Fueki.4753 said:sPvP totally does not need any more game modes.

    The few remaining players that are still doing sPvP already are spread too thinly over the existing modes.Introducing more modes would be nothing other than detrimental.

    There's a catch 22 behind that statement. The less game modes and less changes in general that you make to PvP, the less engaged players are with PvP. New modes require more players if you have both modes available at the same time, but they also draw in more players to play, which can offset that strain. Additionally, you can spread out the availability, similar to the mini-seasons, and not have queueing for the new game mode available at the same time as existing ones.

  7. Haven't watched the video, but guild missions as a whole are waaaaaay overdue for updates. Missions have been an awesome way to engage guild members across various levels of experience with the game, uniting newbies and veterans alike, but because they are so dated, it's something that has dropped off the radar for veterans. Additional uses for Guild Commendations could help, but this would need to come alongside actual new ways to earn this currency.

  8. @Quasar.4597 said:

    @DogMD.9182 said:This is what we do when we’re meme-ing and have no respect for the other teams skill level. We do 5 revs 5 engis sometimes too

    Actually I don't care what you like to play with your 'skilful team', having 5 people in a team playing the same class should not be allowed, otherwise why i can't start an unranked queue with 3 people on the same class? .

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Did that comp win the tournament?

    I don't know and I don't care, I just shared this only because I wanted Anet to aknowledge that PvP is badly designed.

    I'm talking as a mediocre pvp player (g3/p1), which used the LFG to join an evening tournament and got paired with a team which composition is not allowed.If that's okay for Anet I pretend to queue in unranked as 5 people on the same class. Or they could just fix this.

    Ok, but whether guardian is balanced or not has absolutely nothing to do with a group that stacks a class in a tournament unsuccessfully.

  9. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Yes, let's delete one of the most high skill builds in existence because a heal that you can largely negate by just not attacking them requires too much skill to counter play.

    that would be counterplay if the skill didnt activate instantly

    If they're in dragon stance, you know it's coming. If they're channeling Facet of Light, it's coming soon. Just stop attacking and they will only get a small tick of healing and the rest of the 3 sec buff is wasted.

    That's much more counter play than a guardian or engi that will instantly go invincible with no way to tell ahead of time

    ah yes the, its coming somewhere withing 10s, just do nothing 5Head, just never attack rev in dragon stance 5Head

    This isn't rocket science. You see dragon stance, then you know it could be coming somewhere in there and just be ready to stop attacking when it happens. No different than counter-playing an ele and adapting your play based on on what element they're in except it's even simpler. You just stop attacking and then wipe the floor with the rev that is still at low health with no sustain left. You can attack and fight like normal when they're in dragon. You just stop when that heal icon shows up under their name. Not complicated.

    dude its instant lol

    Yes. I know. I addressed that. Hit them once and it's no big deal since it's a small packet of healing per hit. Other professions will get a nice meaty heal by pressing their heal, but the herald heal is small unless you keep attacking them when the buff is up.

    Again. Not complicated.

    if you throw 8k dmg skill into herald and he reacts with heal, its over 10k healing already, coupled with 3s of damage immunity, there is no time to react.you dont stop attacking, its on revenant to kitten the skill up

    Yes, if you happen to throw out a big burst at the exact moment they toss up their heal, then luck has not been in your favor and they will get a good heal. But realistically, you're much more likely to hit them with a smaller hit of damage from sustain pressure. And if you are throwing around 8k damage that frequently, then you're going to wipe the floor with them anyways.

    where are you getting the luck from in the equation? if you are throwing small hits they WONT use the heal, they will use it against big hit and insta heal for 10k, this is the point I am trying to make, there is no luck involved, its instant and rev is in control when he uses it, and they wont use it against chip 1-2k dmg but against heavy hits, they will use it and run in front of the lich, or they will run into traps, or after they get burning from guard or split sec before getting hit by a burst.

    EDITwarrior has the same skill, but since it has 0,25s cast time you can ACTUALLY stow cancel and counterplay it, with rev the best you can do is guess, and even then due to traits they get over 2,5k healing at the worst assuming they convert 0 dmg.

    Ok forum warrior. Too tired of trying to talk sense into you. Somehow other players have learn to play around this, even though you can't seem to wrap your head around it. Pretty clear nothing is getting through to you since you're set on wanting to believe that all is vain.

    P.s. countless examples of how to pull this off on YouTube if you actually would like to L2P:

    (go to 1:51 mark)

    Or here at 2:10

  10. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Yes, let's delete one of the most high skill builds in existence because a heal that you can largely negate by just not attacking them requires too much skill to counter play.

    that would be counterplay if the skill didnt activate instantly

    If they're in dragon stance, you know it's coming. If they're channeling Facet of Light, it's coming soon. Just stop attacking and they will only get a small tick of healing and the rest of the 3 sec buff is wasted.

    That's much more counter play than a guardian or engi that will instantly go invincible with no way to tell ahead of time

    ah yes the, its coming somewhere withing 10s, just do nothing 5Head, just never attack rev in dragon stance 5Head

    This isn't rocket science. You see dragon stance, then you know it could be coming somewhere in there and just be ready to stop attacking when it happens. No different than counter-playing an ele and adapting your play based on on what element they're in except it's even simpler. You just stop attacking and then wipe the floor with the rev that is still at low health with no sustain left. You can attack and fight like normal when they're in dragon. You just stop when that heal icon shows up under their name. Not complicated.

    dude its instant lol

    Yes. I know. I addressed that. Hit them once and it's no big deal since it's a small packet of healing per hit. Other professions will get a nice meaty heal by pressing their heal, but the herald heal is small unless you keep attacking them when the buff is up.

    Again. Not complicated.

    if you throw 8k dmg skill into herald and he reacts with heal, its over 10k healing already, coupled with 3s of damage immunity, there is no time to react.you dont stop attacking, its on revenant to kitten the skill up

    Yes, if you happen to throw out a big burst at the exact moment they toss up their heal, then luck has not been in your favor and they will get a good heal. But realistically, you're much more likely to hit them with a smaller hit of damage from sustain pressure. And if you are throwing around 8k damage that frequently, then you're going to wipe the floor with them anyways.

  11. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Yes, let's delete one of the most high skill builds in existence because a heal that you can largely negate by just not attacking them requires too much skill to counter play.

    that would be counterplay if the skill didnt activate instantly

    If they're in dragon stance, you know it's coming. If they're channeling Facet of Light, it's coming soon. Just stop attacking and they will only get a small tick of healing and the rest of the 3 sec buff is wasted.

    That's much more counter play than a guardian or engi that will instantly go invincible with no way to tell ahead of time

    ah yes the, its coming somewhere withing 10s, just do nothing 5Head, just never attack rev in dragon stance 5Head

    This isn't rocket science. You see dragon stance, then you know it could be coming somewhere in there and just be ready to stop attacking when it happens. No different than counter-playing an ele and adapting your play based on on what element they're in except it's even simpler. You just stop attacking and then wipe the floor with the rev that is still at low health with no sustain left. You can attack and fight like normal when they're in dragon. You just stop when that heal icon shows up under their name. Not complicated.

    dude its instant lol

    Yes. I know. I addressed that. Hit them once and it's no big deal since it's a small packet of healing per hit. Other professions will get a nice meaty heal by pressing their heal, but the herald heal is small unless you keep attacking them when the buff is up.

    Again. Not complicated.

  12. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Yes, let's delete one of the most high skill builds in existence because a heal that you can largely negate by just not attacking them requires too much skill to counter play.

    that would be counterplay if the skill didnt activate instantly

    If they're in dragon stance, you know it's coming. If they're channeling Facet of Light, it's coming soon. Just stop attacking and they will only get a small tick of healing and the rest of the 3 sec buff is wasted.

    That's much more counter play than a guardian or engi that will instantly go invincible with no way to tell ahead of time

    ah yes the, its coming somewhere withing 10s, just do nothing 5Head, just never attack rev in dragon stance 5Head

    This isn't rocket science. You see dragon stance, then you know it could be coming somewhere in there and just be ready to stop attacking when it happens. No different than counter-playing an ele and adapting your play based on on what element they're in except it's even simpler. You just stop attacking and then wipe the floor with the rev that is still at low health with no sustain left. You can attack and fight like normal when they're in dragon. You just stop when that heal icon shows up under their name. Not complicated.

  13. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Yes, let's delete one of the most high skill builds in existence because a heal that you can largely negate by just not attacking them requires too much skill to counter play.

    that would be counterplay if the skill didnt activate instantly

    If they're in dragon stance, you know it's coming. If they're channeling Facet of Light, it's coming soon. Just stop attacking and they will only get a small tick of healing and the rest of the 3 sec buff is wasted.

    That's much more counter play than a guardian or engi that will instantly go invincible with no way to tell ahead of time

  14. I can't speak much to the WvW changes, but for PvP, they seem to be overall in the right direction.

    The Kalla Ren build needed a nerrf, as much as I hate to say. I enjoyed playing it, but it was an extremely tanky build that could do some very respectable damage along with great CC and very frequent stability. That being said, I think the nerfs probably did more than just shave this down to a more balanced level and may have killed it from the meta entirely. I've only played a few games with it in alternate amulets (Sage and Wizards), but it was pretty disappointing and I ended up swapping back to the tried and true Shiro Power Herald.

    As much as people may hate the short bow nerf to thief, I think it was a fair tuning, even though it may not seem so at first glance. There's a lot of feedback that the timing is out of place since it's been considered balanced at its previous ini cost for so long and isn't a direct change to the Shadow Arts stealth variant that's been heavy in the meta. However, the D/P Daredevil build is still pretty unparalleled for mobility an +1 assistance, even with less Inf Arrow casts. Mesmer hasn't been on par as a high mobility roamer ever since the portal nerfs and has been more of a duelists, so in the end all it really did was raise the skill cap for the thief class.

    What I wish I had seen was some nerfs to necro. By that statement I don't necessarily mean that Necro as a whole is over-performing, but more because it's such a low investment class that can perform moderately well with so many viable build alternatives that it's just entirely over-represented in PvP matches.

  15. @darren.1064 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:The inf nerf will certainly hurt thieves, but I don't see it actually changing anything in the way of what builds thieves run or what class is preferred for roaming for the most part.

    There's still no class that has mobility like thief, even with less inf arrow casts. There's still no better weapon swap for the best builds because the mobility is still amazing. It's also still a very strong weapon for its other skills.

    I can't say that I entirely agree with this nerf, but I think it's one of those nerfs that people will forget about for the most part in a few months since it's not likely to shift the meta much. It just gives non-thieves a bit more chance to stay in line with rotations or prevent decaps.

    Combine infiltrator's nerf with the signet of agility, and thief is a free kill.

    Only against players who don't know how to adapt. It doesn't take much for a thief to disengage from a fight if they get focused, so at most this will mean they need to dip out a bit sooner if they are relying on those skills for an escape. Outside of that, it just means that they travel from one point to another just a bit slower. Doesn't actually make them any easier to kill.

  16. The inf nerf will certainly hurt thieves, but I don't see it actually changing anything in the way of what builds thieves run or what class is preferred for roaming for the most part.

    There's still no class that has mobility like thief, even with less inf arrow casts. There's still no better weapon swap for the best builds because the mobility is still amazing. It's also still a very strong weapon for its other skills.

    I can't say that I entirely agree with this nerf, but I think it's one of those nerfs that people will forget about for the most part in a few months since it's not likely to shift the meta much. It just gives non-thieves a bit more chance to stay in line with rotations or prevent decaps.

  17. I get why they made the change, but this feels like somewhat of an indirect buff to Necro since it's already a heavily played class that is tanky as hell regardless of amulet and requires much less learning curve than many other professions. This may not be as much of an issue at high tier games, but it's already pretty over-represented at lower tiers of gameplay and often seems to be a preferred class for bots.

  18. I've run condi in open world and it will work, of course, but it's significantly slower on most everything. It can do great damage on high health enemies and the more challenging the encounter, the better it is, but in open world is almost always better to just be able to spike damage quickly to down weak mobs and move on.

    Some classes are able to front load condis heavily enough for it not to be that bad, such as Ranger, but while condi renegade can do heavy DPS, the ramp up is slow.

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