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Everything posted by DaniTheHero.6318

  1. - What objective reason is there to play Condi Berserker instead of Condi Virtouso, other than hating pink? if we only consider Instanced PVE, since in Open world "anything goes", The most popular healer in the game will be a quickness provider anyways. If anything it's a travesty Power Berserker has been gutted so much. Is not only the most fun warrior to play, but also the only thing close to Li warrior has. -On paper? Sure. Highest potentional DPS. In reality? One of the hardest and most punishing class to play in the game, if not THE. A kit that is pretty much built around a single big hit move which is Melee, highly telegraphed, has to be charged while being immobile, easily distrupted (and avoided). A lot of content isn't even viable for Bladesworn, which is already a problem when you have to swap to something else if you're doing certain encounters, when other classes don't need to do that. There's a reason why barely any people play it if you look at the overall playerbase, other than the ultra min/maxing of the veteran population. Even on Wingman and other sites that provide statistics, where usually people who at the very least aren't casual interact with, Bladesworn is less popular than even Daredevil. less than 2%. -There's plenty of "decently average" and "welcoming" things to play that would be far more useful and diverse down the line. Saying "well X isn't TERRIBLE, so there isn't an issue" isn't much of an argument. It's not just the lack of safety, numbers or ease. It's also the lack of diveristy of play. Core warrior is a warrior, Spellbreaker is a warrior, Beserker is a warrior, bladesworn is a warrior. There's no real diversity of play. Core warrior Spellbreaker and Berserker practically have the exact same gameplay, GS + Axe with certain variations and slight adjusments in rotations. Also No healer build, no alacrity build, no real tank build. Just DPS/qDPS, while others do higher numbers, more easily achieved, and have the options to do other things. That's across 4 version of the class.
  2. Bladesworn not only requires great mastery of the class itself , not only is very easy to messup the rotation it has, but also requires incredible mastery of the encounter itself. Dragon Trigger 1 being the majority of your damage, that can be canceled very easily by any CC move from bosses, phase changes, and of course the boss just moving. There's a reason why every build site on there labels BS (and a certain Mirage) as the hardest things to play. It's also not as good for Open world PVE, it lacks proper sustain, can't really CC/break defiance bars as your utlity slots are needed for Bladesworn setup, and you don't have any of it built in your character if you're going DPS to begin with. Besides, even if potentionally Bladesworn is the highest DPS. The amount of effort it requires, the amount of restrictions it has to get there and the fact that it's only usable in certain modes and situations, makes the choice not worth it. Why not just stick to 2nd or 3rd best DPS, but pick something infinitily easier and more verstaile. Not to mention the ranged vs melee thing. And of course, Bladesworn having "highest benchmark in game" on paper, doesn't suddenly change the fact that all the Warrior elites do is deal damage, with no viable supporting build, and the other elites suck.
  3. Whenever I do instanced content with my friends/guildies, I ask people specfically not to read out arc DPS. It gets quite frustrating when I try super hard, and still below every single mechanist that is just spamming 1.
  4. Power Berserker is super fun, too bad it's so bugged/nerfed that it's by definition a troll pick everywhere.
  5. Exactly. All the elites and core have only one role, and they don't even excel at it.
  6. ANET has been constantly bullying warrior, there is no objective reason to play Warrior anymore when Guardian is superior in every way. Warrior serves no real meta role other than DPS, and even that it doesn't do as well as other classes. I feel like i'm troll picking whenever I do instanced content with my warrior. And don't let me get started on the butchery that has been happening to Power Berserker.
  7. That's not entirely true. Sure in the end if you play casually, it doesn't matter what you play as long as you have fun, and even less casually as long as you're doing fine, it doesn't *really* matter*. However there is a difference here. This isn't a matter of similar classes and one of the two happened to have just smaller numberes. It's an objective reality where one class is by far, not as useful as the others, weaker than the others, and in some cases harder to play. I mean Mechanist isn't UNFUN to play. Why shouldn't I just swap my DPS warrior to Mechanist? I'll have to focus far less, i'll exert less effort, and i'll even do BETTER than I would've done with my warrior. Or what if my only role isn't needed in the group i'm currently in? Instead of either hindering it or leaving to find a different one, I could simply swap into a strong support or healer build instead using either the same elite or one of the others within the same class. I mean what would I do with my warrior? Throw (the terrible) banners and AOE shake it off? There's a bigger fundemental problem here than just "Caring with others think". There is practically no objective reason, from a long term gameplay point of view, to play Warrior when it barely does anything and the few things it does do it does poorly compared to other classes that are EASIER to play. This doesn't just end in PVE. Today I had my mind blown. I was playing Warrior for years, including in spvp. I was always aware of how poor it is. Today I had enough. I tried mechanist, for the FIRST time. And faired better, post nerf than I ever had in 8 years as a Warrior of any elite. I won 5 games in a row, died maybe like once throughout the entire couple of matches. The experience was just night and day. Tons of mobility, CC, stunbreaks, all while being uber safe from a distance and dealing massive damage. Like, why would I EVER play warrior again in spvp?
  8. Although this techincally may be true, there truly really isn't a difference between saying "Warrior isn't bad, everything else is just overpowered" and "Warrior is bad, everything else is decent". Because the end result is all the same. One class objectively weaker than many others.
  9. That is indeed the WvW experience for it. Playing Warrior in PVE, especially Raid/Strike content is no different. Warrior of any elite is only relevant as DPS on these, as any "possible" support builds are completley irrelevant when things like Firebrand and Mechanists exist, among other ones. Spellbreaker and Berserker are obviously far from being the "meta"/top DPS and, and while Bladesworn can be potentionally the highest DPS in that enviroment, it's far far FAR hardest to accomplish than the close second and thirds that due it with far less effort and risk. Not to mention warrior provides far less boons when playing as pure DPS than pretty much any other class. In sPVP before Bladesworn Warrior was a literal troll pick for years, and now with the Tactial reoad nerf it's not as viable as plenty of other options again. The warrior experience can be pretty much be summed with : "Why aren't you playing Guardian already?" I think the only content warrior does "Well" is the Open world, due to high amount of cleave it has, but that is by far the last reason you'd want to main a class obviously.
  10. If so, is there something that can be done about it at this point? What objective reason is there to play Warrior across any of the game modes? Other than an attraction to the theme or asthethics, why really play Warrior now? Across core and 3 Elites, it seems like the least verstaile/serves the least "roles" among all the classes, and even in the few roles it does have, other classes do them better and usuallly achieve it with less effort (Due to being range or simply less forgiving rotations). This is less a discussion about "Warrior as a proffesional" and more of a general discussion about the place of a certain class that seems to have been outshined by all the other classes in the game.
  11. Warrior is once again unplayable in sPVP and anyone who says otherwise is dishonest. The changes to Spellbreaker and Berserker aren't nearly enough to make them viable, and BladeSworn is literally worthless in sPVP now. You can't sustain yourself as much as you could before, and your signature move is one of the most telegraphed move in the game, so it doesn't matter if it's "Strong" if everyone avoids it unless there's A LOT of visual noise happening in that moment. Every other class has constant range and CC and with stuff like Mechanist that also deals an enourmous amount of damage, and a Bladesworn pretty much can't fight in any scenario that isn't a direct and continued 1vs1. This of course ignoring the fact that there's really no real objective reason to play warrior in PVE instead of pretty much any other class. Across core and 3 ELITE's, warrior has the least roles among all classes, and it doesn't even excell in the few roles that it does hold as someone does those better. You "can" reach TOP DPS on Certain bosses as a Bladesworn specifically, but it requires far, far far more proper execution that the close seconds and thirds that would just button mash with little effort or care for rotation. The ONLY reason I haven't already switched to a different class like Guardian or Engineer is because I have invested a lot of time and gems into the warrior who is my first character. 100% Map completion across all areas, full story completion, bag , build and template slots and so on.
  12. Obviously I'm 'salty' when there's classes that are OBJECTIVELY better than other classes in every way. Bad game design.
  13. I doubt either change will suddenly make them amazing picks in PVP. It's just going to go from bad pick/borderline trolling to playable, at the exchange of making a very strong build into near irrelevant. The Sustain is what made BladeSworn strong in PVP, not the potentional damage output. At that point why even play Warrior in PVP? There's far stronger and easier options to play, which is the entire issue. Regardless, Although this is a PVP patch, the general point i'm trying to make that Warrior seems to get benched in every gamemode, all the time.
  14. As literally anyone playing PVE should be. There's is no place in a healthy game for such a class. It is the most Low intentisty class in the game, and yet able to Top DPS in every PVE enviroment with ZERO effort and ZERO danger. It does Power, it does Condi, it's a fantastic support and healer. If we exclude personal preference of a specific asthetic or "theme", why would anyone objectively pick other classes, especially something like Warrior Over just playing Mechanist? It's Melee, so it generally downs more easily and there will be moments where DPS will be interrupted due to distance. It effectively only has one use/build in the entire PVE Meta, and other classes (such as the mechanist) do my ONE role better. Mech as a single elite class, covers more roles and builds then the entire Warrior catelog, and does everything it does better, easier and safer. Have you been doing pug Strikes and Raids even in the current patch (after numerous Mechanist nerfs already)? Half of the people playing are Mechanists, and they are always top DPS by practically not mechanically doing anything. They also can swap to Support/Heal and cover another role, and still do incredible damage. If the optimal way to play the game is 8 Mechanists and 2 quickness providers, there's a problem.
  15. Don't know about WvW, but it will completely gut it in PVP. The "tank meta" ultra sustain, is the only reason it's even relevant there, and not because of Dragon Trigger. I'm not saying it's necessarily a 'healthy' build, but Warrior struggles so much to exist in the game to begin with, especially in PVP so this hurts.
  16. I actually have not watched the actual vod but only went through patch notes directly. I was not aware that they are planning on addressing this in Novemeber. This is reassuring that even they are aware that there's still an issue with Mechanist even after this DPS nerf, though having to wait ( at least) another month or two before it actually gets "fixed" is disheartening. There's also no guarantee it's going to happen or if it'l be impactful enough. Bladesworn nerf is still heartbreaking, hopefully Berserker buffs will be fruitful.
  17. Could of been a bad example on my part, though i'm not entirely convinced. Scourge is still better than Druid in that content overall, and far less niche in its use. Regardless, general points here - 1. Mechanist is completed overtuned and way too easy to play for what it provides. 1.5 Maybe engineer overall is a bit too favored? 2. ANET seems to REALLY hate warrior. If we look at the entire lifespan of the game, and at this upcoming patch as well, it really is a black sheep. It's just mediocore at everything, and when it finally had one build (DPS BladeSworn, and Shouts in PVP) to make it proper meta, it gets gutted down. 3. Heal scourage breaks Instanced PVE (In my opinion). There shouldn't be a "pick to win" class in the game. you will NOT fail on nearly any of the encounters by slightly reducing DPS when the exchange is getting absurd amount of heal and revive potential.
  18. Sad reality where he could swap into mechansit, and most likely out dps his main on his first attempt with a fraction of the effort.
  19. Yes, they are changing two minor things, that only effect the DPS aspect of the class and unless a Mechanist main here can correct me, it doesn't seem like it will drastically change that much. So it'll be top 5 instead of top 3. It's still going to be utterly brainless as well, not like the method of dealing said damage has changed. It also doesn't address it's Godlike healing or Boon giving, where it's in a Tier of it's own. You have to remember, it's not just the fact that Mechanist is literally godly in every role in PVE and pretty decent elsewhere. It's the fact of how EASY it is to achieve that usability. If I'm not a pro player, what incentive do I have to play anything other than mechanist? I will out DPS most pugs by just pressing 1, I will provide amazing heals or boons as a support regardless of the order or rotation of the things I press. You can't have the easiest class in the game ALSO being the strongest nearly everywhere at the same time. Warrior is hardly "good" in WvW. Only spellbreaker is somewhat viable in a very specific build, and not fun at all to play. Every build that you can think of for warrior in WvW, a different class can do the exact same thing, but better. Why go bow Berserker for example if you can go DH, Herald or even Power Guardian. They are indeed changing Warrior, they are nerfing Bladesworn quite heavily (Can stop Dragon Trigger far more easily due to no stab, when it's already making you immobile and an easy target) and pretty much removes the ShoutBuild, which is what makes BladeSworn so good in sPVP to begin with. Berserker IS getting buffed, but not for the playstyle people currently play the class for. It's defensive trait lines, CC heavy builds, which for all I know could be great, but not the change I'd assume Berserker mains were looking for. Scourage overall is a class that is S tier or at the very least Good/viable in every piece of content in the game. If there's one class where you can truly be an OTP and pretty much not need to ever swap regardless of content it's Scourage (Granted it isn't completely broken like Mechanist that is pretty much Godlike in anything PVE related, but it's more versatile when you include solo open world, and PVP gamemodes as well). Pre EoD it sort of was what mechanist is now. Heal scourge specifically, as I said before, breaks instanced PVE. Sure it lacks the boon coverage of other healers, making runs slower, it does however pretty much guarantees you not wiping on almost all of that content. Is it really a good design choice to allow a class to exist that if you include it in a squad, you are pretty much funneling it into a near guaranteed clear? Sure it would take slower, but it's far faster than wiping multiple times running the 'better' Supports if you aren't fully experienced.
  20. Isn't it a problem when there's a class where, sure you will be weaker and may take longer to clear certain encounters, you pretty much cannot wipe with it? Besides, it's not like scourage isn't represented pretty much in all other roles or other gamemodes. Unlike something like Druid, you can pretty much play Scourage anywhere and it'll still be considered at the upper Echelon, even if not specifically top tier/meta.
  21. I'm aware that this was more of a PVP (sPVP/WvW) focused patch, but still. I read through the patch notes, and while some things are pretty cool and welcome, the lack of some obvious changes and some more questionable actual changes disappoint me. First of all, there's barely any changes to Mechanist. Again, i'm aware that this wasn't a PVE focused patch, and in PVP game modes Mechanist falls a bit off, but seriously. This Elite profession is simply broken in PVE. It is the "Best"/Strongest or one of, in every single role in the game. It's practically in it's own category. Ask literally any random player, watch or read any guides or trusted GW2 content creators. Mechanist is simply TOO good. Healer? Godlike. Offensive Support/Boons? Godlike. DPS? One of the highest, while being the easiest and safest to get there. Condi or Power? Who cares, either one Out DPS's most other classes. And while it isn't as fantastic in PVP games modes, it's still really high up there, and incredibly powerful for how simple it is, and near impossible to mess up playing it. It's simply unfair that a single class is able to be fantastic at EVERYTHING. Every role, every game mode. When already Engineers is pretty much the most represented. Holosmith and especially Scrapper right now have their own place in specific metas, and core engineer is pretty much the best Core class. I don't understand if this is due to some internal favoritism or ongoing balancing issues. On the other end of the spectrum there's warrior, that for years has been literally a joke. Prior to BladeSworn, picking warrior was practically a troll pick for the nearly the entirely of the games life span, and in PVE although obviously viable and simple to play, was pretty much useful in a single role. Warriors has been literally known as "Weaker Guardian", due to how many similarities they have, yet how varied gameplay as Guardian can be (Power DPS as DH, Condi DPS or Support as FB, core Guardian before elites pretty much was the only healer and so on). Here comes Bladesworn, finally an Elite that brings warrior back. You can suddenly play PVP, and not only not be a troll but actually be in the proper Meta. You can potentially reach TOP dps in PVE, but far far harder to accomplish and far less safe compared to other contenders (Mechanist? Scourge?) And what do we get? Quite the big nerf for BladeSworn in PVP gamemodes. Berserker does seem to receives changes in turn, but while it does seem like quite the buff for PVP play (Defensive trait line, hammer and CC application), we'll have to see how it pans out. I'm not too sure it's enough to make Berserker "meta" in PVP, and if it actually improves it proper in PVE. It's already quite meh as it is compared to other options in the game. Spellbreaker? Some small PVP tweeks. Does anyone play Spellbreaker other than one specific WvW build? It's practically dead in instanced PVE. Also a side note, healer scourage still fundamentally breaks instanced PVE, but remains unaddressed. When every difficult run can be solved by someone swapping into scourage, there's a problem.
  22. The commander and the gang are so compassionate and woke, they respect the pronouns of a monstrous dragon bent in world domination/destruction. πŸ˜‚
  23. IBS was very disappointing to me. After replaying LW4 the difference in writing quality is apparent.
  24. Jormags pronoun was clearly just another ANET political pandering/grandstanding. The dragons are β€œIt” and if we humanize them like Aurene, then Jormag is clearly a She. for heavens sake Primodous is Its BROTHER.
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