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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. No I did not accuse you of spying. I said the only reason a person would go Tagless in a group was not to telegraph their position to an enemy spy. But, you said you didn't care about spies. Which brings back the original reasoning to having a hidden tag. There's no reason to go hidden tag, unless you were trying NOT to telegraph your position to a possible enemy spy on the same team, or to not pull in PUGS to your position, because you didn't want to have them around. When a commander tag POPS up on the map, there are some players NOT in your guild, and NOT in your little friends list, that will GRAVITATE towards your tag. So you want to command, but only have your select group to be able to see that tag ON THE MAP. That tells me, you don't WANT pugs, since you didn't give a damn about spies. Which makes your little group exclusively a NON-team oriented group that wants to do their own little gimmick without being bugged or bothered. Yah know what. I say do it. Just make an Invisible tag so nobody can see them on the map. It serves two purposes. One, if you don't want a pug to know your whereabouts so be it. No skin off my teeth. I don't care. All I care about is the team overall, if you wanna go skinny dipping with your group so be it. Two, it's like fog of war, if the Spy wants to spy, then they would have to be part of the group to know it's exact location instead of saying "Hey the enemy tag is over at Ogrewatch, you should send our zerg or some defenders." Completely works for me.
  2. This particular thread was never about "Balance" issues. This thread was about how they wanted a Private group with a Private hidden tag, to go do "private" stuff without being bugged by PUGS. Lets' just admit that. They wanted to go do things with their own little friends/guild and didn't anyone else around to be seen. They admitted openly that they didn't give a damn about "spies". Which leaves PUG annoyances. That's all this thread was about. They were annoyed with other people joining their group, and wanted to make it more exclusive to their own little group. I'm not gonna beat about the bush with how this thread looks to me.
  3. I'm sorry...WvW is not balanced?.....How so?...I been playing wvw for six years...this balance that you speak of is alien to me....Seriously though, Sounds more like your interested in just getting to a particular spot to fight in a GvG. If you didn't really care about spies, and your for playing with the team...what does it matter if stragglers hook up with you that aren't in your tight knit little group? It sounds exclusive, and I dont' think any argument that you may make is gonna make it sound any different. If it's team play, what does it matter if PUGS see your tag, and try to gravitate towards your position? You havn't really given a very good answer to explain the situation. It looks like your annoyed with PUGS is what it sounds like. If your annoyed with the straggler player then say so, but don't beat around the bush trying to act polite. I seriously want to spit on the ground right now with your type of reasoning behind your argument.
  4. Ohhhh I thought it was so you could actually hide from Enemy spies, I mean Mez has one account per server an he just LOVES pulling all those levers on everyone's towers and keeps...and, just admit it. You just want to keep under the radar from actual spies who would know your exact positioning and call out. Or use your own spies on the enemy server so you could move into position without a counter spy seeing exactly where you were tagged up at. You basically want a "Fog of War" for your tag. Only you and your group would be able to coordinate an attack without your position being given readily away from some douchebag on your own team. Tell me i'm wrong.
  5. IF your "Guild" wants to gvg with another, just go to Obsidian Sanctum's arena. You want a straight up fight, you can have it there. Its out of the way, you won't be bothered, unless a really jerkentine Guild shows up to get in the way.....I mean if the rest of the map isn't good enough or you see the rest of your own server as a HINDERANCE....well gee wiz, why are you even playing a WvW map anyways? It's team play, but you want to do things with just your GvG group? That's not Team Play, that's guild play, and in that case, we don't need you.
  6. Oh oh Oh OH! How about Scholar Harvesting tools. Books that look like a bunch of moths that cut down trees, and a BIG BOOK that you can wack on top of mining nodes to crush them, and a book that opens up then digs up all those plant nodes. On a personal note, kittah would like a Yarn Ball. He doesn't care what it does. He just wants one.
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