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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. What are you talking about? Well of suffering has a coeff of 3 over 6 hits. That is only 0.5 coeff per pulse. Meanwhile longbow auto is 0.7-0.9. Power soul beast has way more modifiers than necro. How the heck would necro hit 15k-20k per pulse without sic'em? Also wells are 900 range. So are shades. Longbow is "1500" but actually is closer to 1800 range. That's almost double the range of necro wells/shades. A MAX dps power reaper vs a golem is only doing maybe 10k per tick with the power well and the power well does twice as much damage as the condi well. There is no way a necro hits you for 15k with well of suffering unless you are naked. Anyhow, if they want to give ranger a spot in WvW Zergs, I think the best shot is to buff SB group stability to be a contender in replacing FB in some subgroups. The only other group stability right now aside from guardian is either mantra of concentration mesmer (not long enough duration) or dwarven road on rev (which just sucks at 1 stack). Shared Dolyak stance is actually good and almost comparable to stand your ground (especially after it gets nerfed next patch). 6 second base stability, 5-6 stacks each. Stand your ground is 10 targets but will be nerfed to 3 stacks soon. So SB has the only real contender for group stab for WvW. SB just needs 1 more source of group stability. I would do this by basically copy-pasting shared Dolyak stance onto Unflinching Fortitude. Remove the 100% dmg reduction and make it aoe stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize. So only SB (not core ranger which makes it easier to balance), only when merged with a stout pet (easy to balance again) has two sources of group stability. Furthermore, the stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize give SB an "unstoppable movement" niche. I could see this version of SB being useful to WvW zerg subgroups that melee push. So it wouldn't even completely replace FB in all subgroups but just a melee groups. Giving a second class group stability that competes with FB would significantly shake up the WvW meta and give ranger a spot in zergs. Traits. I've been hit by necro wells at the same distance that i'm firing my longbow. If i'm being hit by a damn necro well at the max distance at as my Longbow, I really don't know what to tell yah, other than some crap would seriously be messed up. Then again, i'm not the fool programmer trying to hide things behind my boss' back in the programmers office.
  2. Anet extended the range of Necro's to nearly equal distance of BOW for rangers. We're no longer the SINGLE and only profession with the longest range combat skills anymore. They changed it because, "well that's just not fair, that the Longbow has such a far reach, that no other profession can match...we should fix that.." OK, now it's been fixed. Now your saying that ranger's should now have LESS ability to reach the target...while the enemy can now reach further than us? I'm sorry why does the ranger need any more nerfs? I play WvW and 1/2 the commanders kitten on the Ranger Class in total. Anet is supposed to be making us just as equally useful as the other classes, not continuously screwing us up to get shoved down a hole and making us even MORE hated in Competitive Combat. Fair point. Maybe the range should stay the same. I still definitely think damage modifiers need an adjustment though. And my issues are more for smaller scale combat than zerging. As far as the blob aspect goes, I don't really know what changes need to be made to make ranger more wanted/viable. I think the first thing that would need to happen would be a revamp of the current meta that exists with scourges and firebrands. If that changes then it would be a step in the right directions for rangers and other classes. The Damage output is greater at longer range, and does less damage the closer you are to the target. IN fact, your damage is penalized for being CLOSER to the target with a longbow in hand. The opposite is true for a Shortbow, the closer you are to your target, the greater the damage, while further away it is lesser damage. And most of the time, the heavies and Necro Scourges, and Firebrand burners are attempting to CLOSE the distance. Their damage is HIGHER....and if a ranger isn't using hand to hand weeapons at the point of closure, their penalized for using a Longbow with an enemy up in your face. I don't NEED to have my DPS STRIPPED OFF ME FOR ANY DAMN REASON BEYOND THAT.
  3. Besides Gale Gray, who the hell uses Shortbow as a ranger anymore? The only time I see Shortbow is when a Ranger is using Sword/Dagger....and that's even RARER still. All those weapons are meant to give the ranger the complete and full Evade list for Ranger combat. Basilisk thieves eat those up for breakfast.
  4. Most of the other professions believe we're "Overpowered". I always thought, what if Ranger's had an insect swarm pet. Locusts...Fleas...Bee's..... Why does our the Ranger pet have to be a single large Arachnid, or Animal? Why not a swarm. Stinging, biting. Something to blur your vision while doing a nice bit of damage. "Well that's what birds are for." Still...couple of swarms. 1-3 insect swarms. :D An ant swarm, that you see as a shadow on the ground, because their so tiny. Be almost like a stealthed pet that bites you, and you have to stop to deal with the buggers. Sort of like forcing the enemy to smack themselves causing them to inflict damage directly to themselves. YAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I want that!
  5. Your "Fight Club" Commanders in WvW doesn't want ranger's, because in the Commander's own words, "The ranger class brings nothing useful to the combat ZERG". So ranger's are now relegated to ROAMING only. ROAMING ONLY! 1/2 the commanders refuse to have a ranger/soulbeast OR Druid inside their zerg combat team. They will get no invites. If they do get invited, it's accidental, and they are kicked out of the group immediately. By the commander's own words and ACTIONS, a ranger in the group will be kicked from the group in order to make room for a SCOURGE or a FIREBRAND, or any other USEFUL profession. The commander's own words. LISTEN. All I been reading for the past 3 months in Forums is HOW overpowered Ranger's are. And I don't see it. I really really don't see it. I'm seeing permaboon warriors that just eat up my bursts. I'm seeing Firebrands and Scourges that put down pulse wells and traps that do 30k damage in two seconds. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE SAYING RANGER IS OVERPOWERED?! Permastealth Deadeyes!? SERIOUSLY!? This was taken away from thieves. And now it's right back in the game again. My STOMP with bonded pet's damage was once 1/3. Now it's 2/5ths for damage. Our damage was lowered. Enemy weapon range was increased to match Ranger's reach. If anything every other class got a crap load of BUFFS. The last patch saw ONE change to ranger, because....we're overpowered. I highly doubt they did the one change because we're more perfectly balanced. I don't think Anet even knows what to do with Ranger's anymore. Pve we're great. PvP not so bad. WvW….well gee wiz, your just a ranger. You have a "niche". You might as well tell us as we're trying to get on the Zerg Bus, that we need to go the BACK of the bus, because that's how it feels like to play ranger in WvW with a bunch of commanders that think our class is garbage.
  6. Anet extended the range of Necro's to nearly equal distance of BOW for rangers. We're no longer the SINGLE and only profession with the longest range combat skills anymore. They changed it because, "well that's just not fair, that the Longbow has such a far reach, that no other profession can match...we should fix that.." OK, now it's been fixed. Now your saying that ranger's should now have LESS ability to reach the target...while the enemy can now reach further than us? I'm sorry why does the ranger need any more nerfs? I play WvW and 1/2 the commanders piss on the Ranger Class in total. Anet is supposed to be making us just as equally useful as the other classes, not continuously screwing us up to get shoved down a hole and making us even MORE hated in Competitive Combat.
  7. In year one, we were having Tactical arguments about using supplies within a keep vs. running supplies from a camp. I timed myself on a camp run for repairs on multiple walls that were damaged on multiple sides. Took me 4 hours. That's pulling supplies strictly from camps. I started using supplies in a keep, and I was getting called a Troll. Tactically I needed the walls repaired as quickly as possible, or it may appear to enemy forces that we had neither the resources or body's in order to fix things up. It makes it look like we're bleeding morally, and bodily. That and I knew if I didn't repair fast enough...chances are the enemy, if they came back, would be able to break in even quicker than before. Still. Off the topic. It's up to the Commander to lead a sweep, or hammer it into his players that follow him to commit to a sweep. Just a half dozen players laying down Traps near most common movement areas of ramps/stairs/bridges/walkways. It helps pinpoint problems that stay inside an area that has been breached. Of course...that only works if there's a team to standby and wait if something DOES show up in the breached area. Worst case scenario I ever saw. We had outer breach. We then had inner breach. Team came, wiped everything in sight. Or so we thought. Six minutes after the assault, we had scouts on north, south, and west of hills. But we were being lit up. On a hunch, I asked when was the last time we were breached. Six minutes they responded. So I went to lords room. There in lords room was a single Firebrand soloing the lord. Lord was down to 33%. The Firebrand was just pounding him without a care in the world, and taking NO fricken DAMAGE. I called out, the scouts had to move to lords to deal with it. Then the commander started to bitch. "Who didn't catch that! Who let that guy in there! Whose responsible." My response, "You are. You had inner and outer breach, and you refused to stay with your zerg to sweep for enemy stragglers." We didn't get along very well after that.
  8. Well this evening the entire Jade Quarry Team....crashed in EBG. Literally we were in discord, and every last one of us had the Crash function appear on our screens, just as we engaged the enemy. Never saw anything like it. One minute we're charging into combat, then sound lockup and the Crash Message. With that and some of the Visual Errors I been seeing. I think Anet needs to shutdown WvW and run a Maintenance. It's gotten...pretty bad.
  9. Word was Cookie quit, and they fell apart. I don't know what's going on with Blackgate. But considering they have both EUROPEAN and NORTH AMERICAN PLAYERS, equally distributed across multiple timezones…..i'd say kick Blackgate off the NA server, and shove them over to EU servers. Since EU has more timezone coverage, more so than North America.
  10. It took us 30 minutes to find and kill a Deadeye that was porting enemy forces into Hills on the Alpine Borderlands. 30 minutes. 1 guy. I seriously don't know what your problem is.
  11. I saw 15 Charr Guardians take on a total of 60 players. Sometimes it comes down to quality not quantity. The 15 Charr Guardians won. The only time we started beating them, is when I called out single T to Target and we whittled them down one by one by one. There's always a tactic or a counter. Sometimes overwhelming firepower on a single target is what it takes. Some of this Permaboon 5 man squads in a zerg….is just one big overlapping overpowered healing shield, invuln, reflect. Although :) I do like the idea of Soulbeasts in large groups kicking all your butts. Allied or enemy. Gives me confidence in ranger overall.
  12. Actually the one event that I completely enjoyed in WvW was the No White Swords Wintersday. You people need to rely on real human eyes at locations for incoming enemy. Your little "Fight Club" thing needs to come to an end, and you need to use the resources of human body's, spread across the maps at locations, to find and call out any enemy movement or attack. YES, I will say the most enjoyable moment was No White Swords Wintersday. It actually forced you to use bodily resources to help protect your territories. Otherwise you wouldn't know what was under attack...not that some of the "Fight Club" commanders give a damn. But...seriously...if they didn't care about PPT....then they shouldn't ever have to worry about losing their territory, and going down in Tier, as they lost location after location after location after location. After all, some of these commanders wanted to go down in tiers. The best way to do that, is not know what was under attack, and what you were losing in the heat of a "Fight Club" moment.
  13. I don't know. I said before, and i'll say it again. Boon Sickness. Give Boons a cooldown. All that extra health, reflect, invulnerability, speed, and additional damage from boons, seriously is just creating what I believe to be a huge imbalance. It shouldn't take 15 people to run down 1 enemy and then ATTEMPT, and I do mean the word attempt, to kill them. It should NOT take 8 to 15 players nearly 1 to 5 minutes to kill one damn enemy player. That's an imbalance. And I Know Anet has a few of their team able to see that. It really should not take 8 to 15 players to kill 1 person, and that one person is able to outrun, out damage, and out SHIELD itself against that many opponents. That is a SEVERE imbalance.
  14. You mean like what they have in Edge of the Mist right now?
  15. Because Commanders, defenders, and players in general have gotten LAZY in Sweeping a Keep, Tower, or Garrison after a breach at a wall or gate. When you have become lazy and refuse to do a sweep, because it's a "Time Waster"....why is it a time waster again? Ohhhh that's right. Because you want to have "FUN" and "GET BACK INTO THE FIGHT" as quickly as humanly possible. That means, they broke in, you wiped the enemy, and then you plugged the wall. Immediately you all leave, and then say to maybe ONE guy that may or may NOT stick around to "check for any straggling enemy inside still.... OHMYGOD you people have become truly and brutally lazy when it comes down to Sweeping for Mesmer's. Now it's even WORSE. Deadeyes, perpetual permastealth. And the great thing is...your little Trap to make them popup to be seen...lasts for a short span of time. If your not near the area with enough body's with a lot of DPS....the deadeye just recloaks...and your stuck for the next hour hunting his ass down. But how is this worse....that he can now port people inside.... So you got a permastealth porter, with a allied team, who refuses to lay down traps or even do a casual sweep. On that note, yes, you do deserve to lose that location, because of pure laziness, because Sweeping is BORING. Just admit that.
  16. I don't see how you can have "11 Million Strong..." Unless that's 10 million 900,000 players in China.....Seriously.....What's the actual physical body count, because that red, orange, yellow and green don't mean squat to me. As actual base server, Jade Quarry was HUGE in population, and I believe they still are. It's just that....there's no North American PRESENCE in WvW anymore.
  17. I went into PvP with the closest thing to Runes of Durability that the PvP lobby would allow me. Was straight up soulbeast with LB and Axe/Axe. I dominated for 5 rounds of combat with nearly the most kills. Most of what I run is for WvW, but I dont' know whether all the real PvP'rs were asleep that day, or if I was just having a field day. I usually detest PvP but for some reason, the enemy didn't know what to do with me. I think they expected me to long range...but I kept going toe to toe with their warriors, revanants, and Guardians. The mesmers and necro's I kept at a decent distance if I could help it, and let my pet tear into them. But Smokescale f2 for quick face to face, then f1 for knockdown, then f3 or Axe/Axe #5 for quick burst of damage. Although after the knockdown, I will switch mostly to Axe/Axe, hit axe #3 to chill, then #5 for the Cuisinart effect. If I have their health down to 1/5th, I hit smokescale bond f3 to smash the ground. If you see a Ranger with Smokescale and Axe/Axe....we use those builds as a Blitzkrieg, all-or-nothing shot. We don't have an escape except with the axe #3 chill. Or the #4 longbow knockback. You see a Ranger with smokescale, it's gonna be up in your face Burst, burst, burst. Longbow #2 Rapidfire.Bonded smokescale f2 to get in close.Bonded smokescale f1 to knockdown.Axe/Axe #3 for chill so they can't get to far.Axe/Axe #5 Cuisinart while their still knockedown or chilled. All this only works, if you watch out for the enemy invulnerabilities and shields. But the idea is Burst with bow, Burst with pet, Burst after weapon swap. Ranger is one of the few professions that has a LOT of burst skills. Sadly....everything I just stated above is completely useless vs. a player that is playing a Permaboon Tank with Condi.
  18. LB4 is for getting to a target as close as possible and pushing them off a cliff, or hopefully pushing an enemy off an ally that is about to get coup de graced. But you can sigil/rune up with a few traits, to cause a Stun effect when you hit with a knockback. Unfortunately Permaboon reflect and other boons makes that effect absolutely worthless completely. And the number of stun breaks makes it even worse.
  19. Like I said, the Sword/Dagger is a dancing combo. You'll have a break off combat, and a couple extra dodges. You'd have to have runes, sigils, or a skill that causes Condi's in order to be any effective with it. Naturally little to no ranger's use this combination in battle anymore. It requires head to head combat, and with Firebrand/Scourges meta, you don't live very long with this combo even on a good day.
  20. I had not thought of doing birds, mostly because of all the dang Condi Cleansing that majority of the classes use now.
  21. You should see the bug when we use Spear #3 where the shark is sticking out of our chest, AFTER we leave the water.
  22. A ranger that can't pick off his targets. A Necromancer well can be launched at the longest range of a Ranger now. And the wells are doing 15k-20k dmg per second PULSES...how is this even closely fair for the class that was SUPPOSED to be the long range class of the game? We try to keep combat ranged, and the necro's try to get up in your face. Seriously WHY would we want to close with a CONDI WELL OUTPUTTING 15k-20k DAMAGE PER GOD DAMN SECOND ANET!
  23. I usually get rapid shot by thief rifle for 3 shots before i'm downed. If I do put up a fight, they cloak....and then I take DOUBLE the amount of damage on a single shot as he slowly stalks me, and my health bar is 1/2 to 1/4 left. I have to merge with pet for Smokescale bond, and Spam F2 to keep myself alive for a few seconds more. The idea being as soon as he fires, he gets one shot to hit me, decloaks, and the f2 immediately takes me to his sorry ass if he's close enough for me to reach him. Then F1 to knock him down if he has no stability, then F3 to stomp the ground...if all goes to luck, i can hit him with knockback to stun his butt with LB #4...and then Rapidfire on #2. IF he survives that, then the sucker shadowsteps away and cloaks again....by then i'm down to a hairs health, and they just turn around and shoot me at their leisure. Comes down to just how Tanky they are. I'm finding that the Permaboon tanks are nearly impossible to kill on any bursts, and they output far more condition damage that just whittles you down and destroys you in less than 15 seconds to one full minute.
  24. The saddest thing is, I don't see recruitment for WvW specifically any more at any city location outside of WvW. And I see recruitment messages for WvW on some guilds...but come on. We're already in WvW doing WvW things. Unless the sucker didn't have a guild, their just not going to drop their current guilds to join another one branded for just wvw. Still...outside WvW, I remember one guy that recruited in Lions Arch for the first three years. I don't see him anymore. And he was always recruiting players for NA in Lions Arch.
  25. If you had multiple players on mount, one would run in, take damage, run back out. At the same time a buddy of his could then do the same thing as you run out, he runs in....perpetual Contesting with a hard to hit moving fast target.....A siege golem Tanked yes, damage is "mehhhhh", and very very slow. It's not like it could run out of a circle and then run right back in, no matter how many you had. Solo wise, it'll slow the capture down, until either you destroyed the golem, got reinforcements, or more enemy showed up. The capture or defense is inevitable depending on who had the superior #'s or quality of troops.
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