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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. I dunno, I'd rather have two shields to bang together. Smash them together to make a sonic attack or fling them like Captain America.
  2. It only becomes an exploit, if the person that "used it" refuses to report it. If it is repeatedly done, then it's still an exploit because the user knows that it shouldn't be done but still did it, and lay blame on the developers. Strangely those that continuously use this exploit claim their innocence for finding the exploit but fault the developers for not fixing it.
  3. Went into battle on Darkhaven Alpine Borderland, fought a group on bridge south of Hills. Hills was red. Shrine area was red. Camp and tower was red. There was a green enemy that glided down from the bridge, while we controlled the area. The areas were fully under our control during the battle the whole time.
  4. The icons for Unlocking parts of the Guild Hall upgrades have disappeared and now appear as a barrel with a lock icon on it. It's very confusing.
  5. Was playing around with the material vault and saw that there are now two Tabs for Pile of Soybeans. The regular one, and then another one in another section just below the actual tab spot.
  6. If you are not allied, then the other guild/team is considered a possible enemy. A red target is not hard to dismiss as an enemy. Unless you're trying to differentiate two opposing Guild teams on an opposing server. You wish to attack one Group, but not hit the second group? When both groups merge, you're not going to have a chance to separate the chafe from the wheat, it's all chafe in merged group formations. If both groups are separate on the field of battle, yah you can pick and choose which one you're going to hit and which ones to ignore. Unless you're doing something that I do not recommend. Because this sounds like you're setting up a massive GvG, where you're attempting to form an Alliance outside the bounds of WvW combat. I don't recommend this, because it makes it sounds like you're going to "fix a fight". You may not think you are, but it sounds like it. If it's red, it's dead. You cannot ignore an enemy formation, because your "friends" are in that formation. Placing both hands behind your back and tying them up, is not the way to go for Alliance combat. I'm the guy that actually finished off his guild leader, because my guild leader was on an opposing server. I'm Jade Quarry. My Guild Leader was on Dragonbrand. I felt no sympathy for coup-de-gracing him into the ground. He was the enemy. Yes, he was in my guild, he was MY guild leader, but he was on an opposing server's team. He was the enemy. Outside WvW, great fun, great times. In WvW, he was the enemy. It's that simple. Again, when I read this A B C Z thing above, all I'm seeing is grounds to throw you out of WvW for making alliances OUTSIDE your allied team. Fight fixing. That's how I see it. You want to set up a massive two Alliances to destroy one specific alliance. That's uncool. And a large amount of the community will call you out on this. All your going to do is cause players to seriously take into their thoughts, that quitting maybe the only option they have of playing that portion of the game. 120 men vs. 60...all the time? Jade Quarry got double teamed for three years running. It started in year 3, and continued on through 4 and 5. In year 5 this is when our player base and guilds started talking about leaving our server, and in year 6, they jumped ship or quit entirely. The continual two versus one was something we could no longer deal with. We just got ground to the point where it was no longer fun being double teamed. If this is what you're trying to create, then you do not have my support, or the support of other members of the community. Now if you're going to do this style with two alliances versus one, this will just create a community problem. We're trying to gain more players to the WvW base, not shove them out due to an imbalance of 2 vs 1. That's uncool.
  7. Some of your player base, "bullies" in the WvW combat field, are those that have grown bored of PvP, and no longer have a challenge. Or they are unable to find a challenge. Their only option is to find a larger pool of players to find, in order to force that challenge. I say force the challenge. Majority of WvW players are supposed to be a "team" completing objectives on a map. Whether large or small scale. You will have individuals that find this boring. They have come to an apex within their skill set, where they no longer have a challenge, and if there are a larger group of players to find that challenge, then they'll grab that option. Your solo antagonist will choose a target, and force a PvP, even if that other individual is not set for PvP. I only find it toxic, is if that individual "whispers" me, whether I win or lose. But unlike my opponent, WvW is a combat battlefield with team play, so if someone comes to my aid to defeat that PvP individual, I welcome it. This is where they whisper, how they could have taken me easily if I hadn't had help. It's team play in WvW. If you wish to aid me against an opponent, the help is welcome. There are PvP arena's if the solo artist wanted things to be 1 vs 1, and that's the failure of the Solo artist to realize what WvW is. And that's where the attitude comes in from the solo PvP player. I don't seek PvP. I seek a member of the opposing Team from completing their objectives. Defending a camp or tower, safeguarding or taking a camp. Making sure enemy "reinforcements" do not reach their teammates on map. However unlike a true PvP'r if an ally comes along, I welcome them to complete my objective, which is to stop the enemy in their tracks, if possible.
  8. There are two types of commanders. One's that only seek battle and are always seeking Swords or Orange Swords (OJ's) on the map. They are always checking the map after a battle for swords or areas where combat can be found or created. Those commanders are only interested in battle/combat or "farming" as many bags from enemy kills. I usually find this to be boring especially if you outclass or outgun your opponents by a sizeable skill level. The other commanders are the ones that try to take territory, or PPT. Participating in keeping the tick up or gain score for that week. This commander does not seek combat, but if combat is available during the Capture the Flag mechanics they may choose to participate in that combat. Both types of commanders still usually will lead their "Core" group or those that follow and keep an organized formation while on the move or within combat. The Core of their group is mostly those within their guild and are doing WvW as a group to do something eventful for the guild. This can take an hour or more before they decide to move onto other Guild events, in order to keep their members interested in the game. Of course, the commander's option's come in twos. "Open Squad", or "Closed Squad". Open squad, they're just looking to commit to an objective or include as many people as possible on the server to commit or complete their objectives. Closed Squad are usually commanders who just want to keep things tight and close to the chest. Those commanders who keep their objectives secret, do so for varying reasons. Whether to keep their plans hidden as part of completing their objective, or they find those not within their organization as a nuisance at best, or detriment at worst, when they maybe called to engage in combat. Over a period of 10 years of WvW, I've had discussions with commanders for their reasoning of why they do, of what they do. Some reasonings I can agree with. Very few I do not agree with. But it's the commander's choice of what their objectives are, and how they will complete it whether you agree with them or not. It's your choice whether to follow. If you tag up, some will follow, some will not. Majority of players have "gut" feelings of who they will follow, depending on how well you complete the objectives you set forth for yourself and others. Failure to complete objectives, those that follow you, may take a morale hit. Enough failures and some will refuse to follow over time. An ability to complete or capture objectives, you may get a reputation with everyone clambering to join and follow you, even waiting in a que for hours just to follow you specifically. There are some commanders still who have mixed results on completing or failing their objectives who have a command style that will instill confidence in those that follow, even if they fail. Base of the problem for commanders and followers is trust. If you trust the group you lead, you can accomplish some if not all your objectives. If you follow, it's up to you to trust or not, if your commander is committing to decisions that will lead to victory. Now at the final end, one thing that can literally tear up a group is one word. "Fun." Fun is subjective. A commander's fun, might not be the same as all the people that follow's idea of fun. You can literally bore your group with what you believe is fun, or your commitment to "I don't care as long as it's fun", can literally destroy the morale of those that follow. You can win 50% of the time, and still have fun. But you lose 95% of the time, that's not fun. Smashing your head into a wall with no change to the outcome, is not fun. This is where I see too many failures in command style. Sometimes it's best to walk away and find a new objective in order to keep the group cohesiveness intact. You may not care, but that attitude does not include every member of your team, some of whom do care. Now, if you cannot come to this realization that's a personality problem, not a command problem. As the song says, know when to hold them. Know when to fold them. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.
  9. Actually, if the location is coming under attack, you will have DEFENDERS, who will try to delay the enemy by repairing the wall/gate that is under attack. That is a tactic. That is strategy. That is helping the team. Now, this is also a Tactical/Strategic argument that has been ongoing since day 1 of Guildwars 2 launch of World vs. World. I've had discussions with regular players, commanders, guild leaders, zerg drivers, whatever you want to call them. And their opinions vary. Some agree with you, some do not agree with you. Now, you just believe anyone that repairs is only in it for rewards? Really? There couldn't be a player trying to hamper the enemy, by delaying them from getting inside a location? That's not a possibility at all? Here's the thing. If you don't want repairs, then you don't need towers, Castles, or garrisons. All you need is an open field, where no repairs can be made. Now if that is the case, then you do not need Towers, Castles or Garrisons, then you do not need capture the flag mechanics. On that note, you would not need World vs. World. All you would need is Guild vs. Guild open field. If that's what you want, then I highly suggest you petition Arenanet to make it so. But don't go around believing that people that repair are useless, or are working against the team, or are just in it for "rewards". It has actual strategic/tactical value during combat conditions. There is always a reason why, not all of them so narrow as the one that you posted.
  10. Actually, what Dawdler described can't happen. The final outcome of an attack has to be completed by the system, for a "to hit" to occur. Even if you had like say a Quad Core. Each of the processors will come to a solution and then match that solution with the other processors. The processors that come to the same conclusion will be processed as the Actual Solution. For this case in attack the Actual Firing Solution. The system can't give a roll of the dice for a hit, then have another processor go, "No, that didn't hit, that was a miss, so I'm going to be taking that hit back". No. The system does not work that way. It'll crunch the numbers it was programmed to crunch. If the number at the finale says "Hit", then it's a hit. It can't Hit then change its mind. It's not programmed to do that. The only way for that to occur is poor programming, where a second set if variables mess up the "timer" for an effect to take place over the space of a clock, in seconds, minutes, or hours. Now if something is truly affecting the time, then we need to know any number of variables that would screw up the timer or cause a discrepancy in that timer gauge. We are talking quite a few variables. Could be a single variable, or a combination of variables working together to cause your six seconds to become 1 second effect. Base stats of the player. Class Profession. Runes. Sigils. Traits. Weapons (main/offhand). Armor type/skin. Infusion. Foods. Oils. Ohmygod. The permutations are endless to possibly find out your 6 seconds being compressed into 1 second of Moa time, and how it's possibly happening. I will admit some of the strangest, ABSOLUTELY STRANGEST, player occurrences for visuals I have ever seen usually was the particle movement effects. The skins/movement effectors. Like a player who has the item that when they are traveling it actually looks like they are floating a foot off the ground. Seen one guy use it exclusively and we would be firing at him....and he would slip skim away from us, to the point where it looked like he was teleporting every three seconds further away from us, until he was clear out of sight. We would all notice this, so we knew it was on the client side. There would be three or five us chasing him, and then he'd be gone, and we would go "How in the heck did he do that?" "Did you see that?" "Yah I saw that." And it only happened visually when he was using this device to travel. We assumed it was some kind of hack being caused by the device he was using for moving. We identified it as the Electromagnetic Ascender which changes how it looks like when you travel. The only idea we could come up with, is for some reason the item at that time, made it appear that you were traveling near the ground, levitating, however the item actually showed you traveling near the ground visually, but your actual body was way up in the sky. We couldn't hit the target, because it was nowhere near ground level. For us attacking him, our attacks were attacking his visuals near the ground. It was like firing at a desync, where a body wasn't anywhere near. Sadly, I see this happen like 1 in 10 times, so it has to be in coordination with some other variable. A variable that we still haven't figured out what causes it. However, apparently some players know what that variable is, otherwise they wouldn't be getting away, taking no damage all the time, getting from point A to point B. It's been reported numerous times, but people see it occur still to this very day. Last time I saw it was two weeks ago. Maybe two dozen times last year alone.
  11. (6): Gain a barrier with health equal to 10% of any heals you receive. So what your saying is, that this rune needs a nerf? This would kinda of explain how i'm seeing 5k heal per second garbage, making boonstrip perpetually useless. Goes a long way to explaining the complete uselessness of fighting certain groups.
  12. The poster isn't far off. Majority of other classes will have a quick 1-2 hit of nearly 20k + damage, which for some players, instantly drops them in less than a second. The Rapid fire is a multiple arrow attack. Unfortunately, once an opponent realizes they are coming under fire, a Rapid Fire cannot deal full damage, because each arrow has to hit to get the full damage. The damage is spread across roughly 2.5 to 3 seconds depending on your FPS. I got two shotted by a Rifle Warrior and was down then dead one time. That means the first shot did 20k damage, and the second shot, took out my downed stage health instantaneously. There was no evasion. No ability to dodge. No shield. And the thieves arent much better. Their always looking for the new 1-2 hit. 1st hit downed, second hit dead. Last thief that used that on me was ... a year ago. Less than a year ago. Mesmer's and the ele's however, I dunno. 40k damage of condi's that down you in two seconds. That's not fun or cool. And anet just figures they need the extra damage since their a "light" class? Light? They're tanked. I pour damage into an ele or mesmer, and they eat it like it's candy, and then they open up, and your down and dead in two seconds? What the hell? The poster above, is spot on about the damage output, It's seriously stupid.
  13. Only time I see a problem occur, is if my visual alignment is slightly tilted up, looking towards the sky, I will have a target lock on an opponent, but my skills will not fire. If my visual alignment is tilted down as if I'm looking towards the ground, my skills go off without a hitch on targets. That's the only problem I ever have with the action camera. I tilt up, and if my opponent is targeted, my skills will not activate. I tilt down, and if my opponent is targeted, then my skills go off without a hitch. <---This ticks me off. Because I have them targeted, it should not matter if my action camera is tilted up or down. What gives?
  14. I've been Moa'd for the full amount of time, but then again, I usually run ranger, but I rarely see anyone break Moa, since you're not supposed to break moa. Your normal skills are gone, and you have Moa Skills. However, I have seen instances where a Mesmer has completed a Portal Entre/exit before being Moa'd and teleporting out of the area using said portal. That's not a cheat, that's them just completing a skill before they were Moa'd, and then being able to use a traversal portal to escape. It's possible they were able to successfully use a skill before being Moa'd. But again, I have never seen anyone break Moa before the full count. I have seen some guber desync's just like the person that just posted above me. Where, the opponent is running on a system that is synced more closely to the Anet client than you. You will drop back in the sync, and what you believed to be 1 second, was actually a client full six seconds. This is a real thing and is not a bug. It's just time slippage. Have you ever run, where all the sudden your Frames Per Second seemed clipped, copy and paste frames that don't align properly, and then you see friendlies or enemy appearing and disappearing quickly bypassing your actual believed location? Yah. Not a bug. Just FPS slippage. Your system finally catches up, but by then everyone else has disappeared. That, I've seen occur way too often. Not a bug. Just major traffic jam in your FPS upload/download.
  15. Sorry to say, but even great big groups need to keep their "participation" up. And the only way to do that, is to smite, especially if they've taken the map, and can't move to another map. So 50 guys will literally smite 1 guy just to keep participation up. Believe me. I've seen it. I seen entire zergs run down roamer groups of 5, for five to fifteen minutes, and afterwards just spawn camp that small group. It's just gonna happen, no matter what.
  16. Please no. It would be completely impossible to deal with. You just need to defend the location. Small group. If your outclassed, outmanned, or outmatched, you move away while the location is being captured. Then you move back in to recapture. What your calling for is just wasted time for an attacker, and more time for you to keep using supplies or getting yaks through. Two teams could effectively create a working timer on a 10 minute mark, to keep a third team from ever owning or being able to fill up on supplies. No joke. I have seen Roam guilds that actually created timers for camps, and just kept hitting up the camps between themselves and a second team, leaving the third team unable to run supplies and be able to tier up towers or garrisons. That becomes even easier to accomplish when you extend that time. Again, please no.
  17. You basically just stated everything that I've heard from commanders for the last six fricken years. Now, why is that a problem? Arenanet has had roughly 10 years to refine the Classes and Specializations to even them out. You're saying, along with a majority of commanders that the class is useless for Zerg groups. Literally. You and them are saying that those classes have absolutely no use as part of the group, and you and others have stated that those that play that class, should reroll another class to be accepted into the zerg group. Obviously if the class can be useful in a Zerg, then that class can also be useful roaming. Except for a couple of classes which are just completely useless to "Groups" larger than a roaming squad. Did you know, I get asked, why I troll groups, by playing Ranger? I don't troll. I just prefer the class is all. Every once in a while I go Revenant, because it's the only other class I like in WvW. But I main Ranger in WvW, because I find it fun. So, here's the kicker. I can play in a zerg, as long as I play on a class that I do not find fun. My enjoyment of my class should be secondary to helping the team win, by playing a meta-class only, and to be more readily acceptable to group play. And for some reason after ten whole years, Arenanet still doesn't see the most extreme uselessness of the class as a Meta class in WvW. You believe their only useful option in WvW is roaming. That's it. Commanders believe that their only useful as Scouts at locations, or roaming cappers. That's it. Arenanet considers them....I wish I knew. I really wish I knew. But apparently Ranger's are just not a Meta class that Anet can even figure out how to create, without it becoming too Op. Do you have any idea how many of my Ranger skills have been neutered and rendered ineffective due to those same skills being too Over Powered. Op. Nothing wrong with the class I enjoy. I can easily live as long or longer in Zerg play, with a few skills that do synergize with my squad. But it's hard when your class has been repeatedly, stripped of it's more useful abilities. I'll tell you what I want. Rambo Exploding TIpped arrows, that explode with every arrow from Rapid Fire. I would like to see my Healing Spring, follow me as I move. That way, that particular skill isn't seen as a Ranger being "selfish" for just only healing himself. A moving Healing AoE well would be GREAT, and useful to a zerg, wouldn't you agree? I would love to be able to use Whirling Axe, without being ROOTED to the spot, where I'm ran over while my zerg buddies are still moving. But I'm sorry. Arenanet sees these are things that will "Break" the ranger and is too overpowered. My inability to meet my team's expectations, of what you consider Meta, I find more of an annoyance. I find Arenanets inability to make my class Meta as a part of a Zerg group, a complete hindrance to my own enjoyment of the game.
  18. Siege disablers are used to delay the enemy. Delay. Not stop. It was never meant to stop. It was just meant to get more time for friendly forces to reach the assaulted area. And over the course of most battles, delaying tactics are valid tactics. I like disablers. Whether used successfully by my team, or the opponents team. It's used by people needing a little extra time to get reinforcements. A chance to defend. And sometimes, there isn't enough defenders on the map. And those defenders have to wait for reinforcements from off map. I don't see a problem with defense, or the rewards linked to defending a location. What I do see is a problem with the commanders who basically kick people out of the group, who are not on the offensive. So basically, a defense is no longer group play, it's solo or individual play. So, what's the problem? At least someone who WANTS to defend a location will get properly rewarded. And those that don't want to defend, can just do a little dance, around the enemy, as they do a little ballet in open field combat, and get their little bags.
  19. It's just going to be one big GvG Fight Club, with nobody capturing anything. I will agree I do believe Alliances is just going to be one big waste of time and resources on the Developers part. Why? What I just mentioned. For some reason, I have people in WvW that they no longer care about capturing, or PPT. If that's the case, then you can close down World vs. World vs. World, since it no longer matters to Capture the flag. And then Arenanet can spend time creating unique GvG arena's, and we can just deal with that. In fact, you can just do the old style Guild Wars 1, where all the GvG was done inside a Guild's hall. A toss of the coin, and either you are the defender or attacker with the choice of either opponants guild hall being chosen by random chance. If anything I'm starting to see increased demand by Guilds, telling pugs to get off the maps so that their Guild members can get on the map. That problem is only going to increase, as more and more Guilds complain that they can't fit their full guild on the map, and telling or commanding everyone else to get off. So, just forget about alliances. It's just a joke now. We don't need it. All these guilds want is just a fight and see who the top dog is. JUst get it over with, and go back to GW1 Guild Hall GvG. Let's just finally be done with it. WvW had a good run, but it's just flailing on empty cyllinders now. And that is coming from a player, that has nearly played WvW every day, of every week for 10 years running. Now for those that put in your little "Confused" face. What? IS it really that hard to understand? What you've seen, and what you've heard in Comms, in chat, in forums, is that so hard to understand?
  20. So no Thief or Ranger meta builds for the Zerg? Notice, I did not state Solo roamers, I said, Thief and Ranger meta's for zerg. Do you have one, yes or no. And if the answer is no, why?
  21. Because it's a bracket tier system. That's like pitting a server that has 500 active players in WvW, against a server that has 50 active wvw players. The score is there for a reason. One, to make sure your not outclassed automatically to the point that it's no fun for those that do not have the numbers. Second, to push your limits, to try to improve against opponents that might be larger or tougher, if you near equal them in skill and numbers.
  22. Fair fight? In the early days we used whatever method, and every trick in the book to win. We used siege. We Pin-Sniped. We set traps. We used deception and spies. Honor, on a battlefield, especially in a game? Use what you can, when you can. Right now, a lot of unbalanced play is caused by an inability of the Devs to notice that some professions are overpowered, and you need every last trick in the book to beat them, and the current "Meta". Now if I can teach and ingrain that into today's commanders and zerg drivers in the game, I think you would have a "near" balanced fight system. But for some reason, they want an "honorable" fight by showing the enemy that they can beat them without any "tricks". Does not always work out in the way they believe it should. That's where they throw themselves 15 times into a brick wall, just to hit their heads repeatedly against it. That becomes frustrating to watch.
  23. That is a body Que for entry into WvW battle maps. There are only so many bodies, for each team, that is allowed on those maps. You'll have to wait until your Que pops for you to enter that map that you queued on. Now, if that que happens on a Friday, that's reset night. A lot of guilds que up for Reset night. A lot of guilds specifically choose certain days to play in WvW, due to ques on reset night. Your options: 1. Wait patiently, until your que pops. 2. Choose a day that you know that there is low que or no que to play with your friends. If they are available to play with on those days/hour. 3. Go to the Edge of the Mist, which is the waiting battle map that you can play on, while waiting for your Que to pop for regular WvW combat on Eternal Battlegrounds or the Borderlands.
  24. Well Jade Quarry will be ready to meet you on the field of battle. We will enjoy battling you, when you're in the game and ready.
  25. Should have thrown Arcdps into the Garbage File. That's one reason why classes and professions are not wanted or needed. This is what causes Shut Outs overall to entire swaths of professions and specializations. "Oh, your THIS class. Your DPS should be XX,XXX." Or, "Oh your a healer, well your healing should be XXX,XXX." If I had the option, and I was in charge of Arenanet, I would make sure that particular program had no proper access to the game. Before it's implementation, nobody questioned what profession/specialization you were. Now? Now it's gotten out of hand.
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