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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. Anet ~ "Sorry Ranger's are overpowered because people said so. So we're going to take the 1/3 damage from stomp the ground to 1/5th...where it is now completely HARMLESS to warriors with 12 second invulns, extended engineer and Firebrand shields...." I'm really at a complete loss of how all these boons actually up the damage, and effectiveness of Firebrands and Scourges to the point that the main WvW guilds only use those two classes specifically for 1/2 of their group at minimum. I and Sau do a class count, we're counting 15-20 Firebrands, and 10-15 Scourges which then are Permaboon Condi/Tanks. This group by itself wipes nearly everything it touches. A warrior with Dome doesn't even last 1 second, because the condi's burn him to a crisp, and the Boon Stripping...is ineffective because the Group profile throws a new boon on after less than 1-2 seconds. Boon stripping has become...highly ineffective. The damage output of the Firebrand/Scourge combo has left every other class combo out in the dust and miles behind. Where the HELL is anet getting their Nerf information from anyways? The high class WvW guilds? The one's that actually use this crap? Because it suits their tastes, and really messes up the experience for every other class? Seriously, I think Anet needs to STOP taking input from the Larger WvW guilds, it is NOT helping.
  2. I been playing WvW since early release. I have been non-stop WvW since then. Eternal Battlegrounds. Borderlands. Obsidian Sanctum. Edge of the Mist. Been doing them since the beginning and I have not slowed down. I do the PvE content when it launches, and then i'm right into the thick of WvW for couple hours a day.
  3. Is this another God damn cry about how "Rangers are overpowered..." the builds you described are NOT well received, or used by the majority of the community. I'm going against Warriors with extended invulns and counting up to 12-14 seconds of INVULNERABILITY AGAINST those same warriors. I'm going against Engineers with perma knockdowns, and then a nuclear blast , where you can't even get on your damn feet for less than one second after you use an escape skill. I don't even want to HEAR about how ranger's are overpowered. Firebrand/Scourge salt of the earth Field BURN?! I'm at a loss of why you all believe that RANGERS are overpowered. I DO NOT SEE IT. The damn server commanders in NA do NOT see it! Seriously!? If your solo, uplevel, or just started playing wvw...I have only one piece of Jade Quarry advice for you. NEVER HUNT ALONE!
  4. Everyone and their mother is running Permaboon tanks with Condi. The condi output in zergs is off the charts, and permaboons is keeping Defensive shields, invulns and reflects nearly with an up time of 97% to 100%. Basically God-mode on steroids.
  5. Anet quoted 11 million players strong....you think a FRACTION of that would be in WvW….so is that all European body's? Or do they just do body count on Accounts and say, HEY, guess what...11 million players strong is a piss poor tagline when not even .05% even plays WvW or PvP. We'd see the body's but we DON'T.
  6. I like WvW, because it's a big improvement over Hall of Heroes. In Hall of Heroes, players got to the point of excluding other players just because of "Rank". "If you are not rank 6+ you can't join"....In WvW...you can't be excluded for any reason by any player. It's a BIG step up. I like it to, just to stomp Hall of Hero players from GW1 :D
  7. Here's the thing about Seasons....after each Seasons completion, players in the WvW format wanted to be in the top servers that were performing super well. They started to server jump. By the third year....population balance was completely thrown off messily. When I say messily, those servers that had a decent balance of a sizeable force, finally and irrevocably disappeared never to return. Some servers became wvw ghost towns. They never recovered. Some guilds actually left the larger servers to join the smallest servers...but that was for recruiting efforts, because they were not finding any players in the larger servers that would or could join them. Some changed servers down to the lower populated servers for the challenge. But those players after Seasons that were in servers that got face smashed badly....server swapped. If you implement another Seasons of any sort, your going to have the same thing occur, people wanting to swap servers...again. It's already been tested. It was fun at the time, but it helped destroy quite a few communities, and quite a bit of player balance. I whole heartedly REJECT any Seasons approach that would damage any more of the community or the current populations, unless it somehow brought more body's into the mix of all servers.
  8. Seriously, anet should have the title "I Have No Life" so we can severely push that in peoples faces :D
  9. Actually the Warriors 100 Blades and the Rangers Axe#5...are simple Cuisinart's. It's meant to be a burst hand weapon skill that adds damage over a period of time. It's meant to do damage over a period of time to allow the recipient of the attack to have enough time to use a defensive skill of some sort, or a counter to deal with the attacker. If there were 3 warrior and they were all using the same skill....gonna say yah, the ele was just tanked up and healing up a storm. I've seen 15 level 80 HoT and PoF specialization go after a single engineer or even an ele , and not one person was catching him, when we did catch up, we were doing no damage. Or what damage we all did was negated by a single heal or what i'd call 1000 to 2500 health regeneration per second, in which case, NO, you'd need to bring in a damn zerg to kill him. I thought those sorts of builds were supposed to be nerfed, but players keep finding a new way to get around all that.
  10. At this point I don't believe certain commanders really care about the small groups. Usually those are the groups of players that are usually pushed aside and that the commander doesn't want in their group in the first place. I suppose it would come down to...what could you implement that would either penalize or reward a group for using less, or more people. If the commander decides he's not going to PPT, try to win, or give a damn, how can you ...penalize him? At a certain point we do have a sandbox, and tend to utilize some form of Tactic, in order to implement a Strategy in order to Win....but that's not the case anymore for some of the Commanders or even the players that he or she commands. What could you possibly implement that would sink into a players brain...that it would be advantageous to win, not just play for the "i'm just here to fight" sort of sense. What could you do to a player to make them say, "HEY, LETS WIN!"
  11. It's a matter of server pride. No, you don't get anything extra in it. You might thump your chest and go "We conquered again". Why? Did you specifically want something...extra? :) I didn't really are for anything extra. It just feels good...to win.
  12. Took me a year and a half to reach level 333. Then I went Edge of the Mist, I made level 666 in three months. But that's only because in that first year and a half, I was a tower/keep/castle scout. I was not on the front lines, and sadly was not rewarded for that effort. If your an active player, and on a team that consistently wins at both body count and capping repeatedly, you could conceivably rank up to Diamond in 2 years from rank 1.
  13. You have to have a working, breathing, ACTIVE player base to make that happen. Ques are non-existent on reset night automatically anymore. The Ques start at 5-20 minutes AFTER reset now, and only on one or two servers. Even with links, the overall population is thinning. Most of this is caused by commanders refusing to even want to fight certain servers or even guilds because of domination effects. Players start to lose interest if the commander keeps butting their head up against a wall that won't fall. And then the wall flicks a finger, and your entire group dies in seconds. As of this moment, that effect is having a cascading effect. Why play, if you can't win, or worse yet, those that lead REFUSE to even play to win.
  14. PvP and WvW I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's a Niche play style. You don't have actuall millions of players playing pvp or wvw. You might have hundreds...maybe.....a thousand...because I have yet to see anything close to full ques since they launched the Legendary backpiece, but even then, those ques never dwarfed the first three years of WvW and PvP.
  15. Your 3 warriors were uplevels, your ele had permaboon reflect on, and his fresh air was giving him the ability to throw up his invulnerabilities faster than you can say Let Go of my Eggo. That and his nourishment that and boons that allow him to heal 2500 hp per second...….well.....sorry of course you weren't going to kill anything then.
  16. Seriously this is how I taught Edge of the Mist players. You want INTO a location, you have to fight for that location, and you have to come up with new ways of breaking into that location. Enemy comes up to gate, puts down rams. I pour the oil. Same group comes back but builds catapults near the wall. I build Arrowcart to either kill or destroy them or their siege. They come back later, they build the catapults further, back. I build a Trebuchet. This is nothing more than moves and counter moves. You need to think of one step ahead. Watch the enemy. Where do they place siege. Why do they place the siege at that specific location. Does that siege have a counter to it. Where do you build that counter to have the most effect. I taught Tower Defense/Offense 101 for three years in Edge of the Mist. Many of your players currently that play in WvW, that used to play in EotM learned what I taught them. Whether they knew they were being taught or not, but they LEARNED. You know who has the record for gate breach? Blackgate does. 8 seconds. No siege, at Aldons. It was full zerg with hand weapons and that was it. Do you know who holds the record for a tier 3 tower wall breach? Tarnished Coast with 20 Omega Golems in 15 seconds at NE tower on Alpine Borderlands. Sometimes one type of siege, or even NO siege makes no difference in the end. What gets me now is the permaboons and Siege not even damaging the enemy. You have to build 10 Superior Arrowcarts and hope your damage output is enough to kill, one enemy? I'd almost say turn up the damage on certain types of siege, because it has become ineffective.
  17. I been noticing some issues...but for some reason it's only with Blackgate players that I see these issues with. When we were fighting BG...there would be a player nearby that we would attack, but our characters would be facing the wrong direction and firing in that direction. It's like the player themselves, on the field of battle are nothing but an illusion. However these are not mesmers. These are not clones. This is a player pixelized way way way outside of where their actual location is. But I never seen that issue with JQ players, TC players, SoS players, CD players....it's always the Blackgate players where I see this visual de-sync. I would like to know why myself.
  18. Because if they did have a GvG format, there would be no reason to have wvw. All the current pugs in wvw would have to go to PvP, because the arena was too large. Especially without the population granted to the servers by those large guilds in the first place. It then would truly be a dead game format.
  19. That was a very small battle, the lag would have been completely negligible. However, there are certain areas that automatically have lag start once you enter it. For instance, if you were to travel to the Northwest region of the Alpine Borderlands, near the Jump Puzzle and the Skritt and up the NW ramp leading to north camp....Lag increases exponentially. I have never been able to figure out why. But there are certain spots, where if a large group of players happen to battle, the lag is astronomically high, to the point where we reach Skill Lag. Where you keep hitting your skills, but your skills are now in a QUE all of it's own, that it won't activate until a minute or two down the road. But by that time, everyone elses que is popping for their own skills...and your pretty much dead as your skills are still in que for activating.
  20. Maybe we need to start linking NA servers with EU servers for the Timezone issue. As for language...that's just a barrier we would have to learn to break. The Majority of us have been playing on six years in WvW, and some of them have been doing it non-stop. Those that been here for the last year, know the full tactical range of what is needed on the moment. Basically we all know what to do, we just need to learn to do it automatically by watching what the commander does, and where the commander goes. That and many European players actually do speak English as a second or third language....so...no issues there.
  21. "I want Firebrands and scourges. If your not Firebrand or Scourge, I don' want you." "Ranger's? Ranger's just plain suck.""Did any of YOU people figure out what you all did wrong?""(screaming in discord at the highest decibal it can carry) I CAN'T CARRY YOU ALL BY MYSELF! I NEED YOU ON ME! WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU, YOU WERE OFF IN AFRICA!""Pugs are the worst thing that happened to wvw…""Guys, I don't want to fight Blackgate anymore...lets just go down to t2 or even t3...." I'm sorry, you said....North America is in freefall.....If North America is in free fall, I would be blaming the commanders. Because all of those comments above have been stated at least once, or a variation of that...by the North American Commanders themselves. Nobody wants to follow a commander that berates the troops, when it is the fault of the commander himself for picking the wrong place and the wrong time to battle. Especially if that commander knows that they are outclassed and outgunned and thinks just his presence alone is going to win the day. Part of the problem of people quitting WvW, isn't because it's a grind...it's because the commanders no longer want to PPT and win. There's no point to playing WvW if the commander doesn't want to attempt to win, or show at the very least he's interested in winning. We had 5 commanders that all left JQ...that no longer wanted to win. They wanted to go to a lower tier..."and have fun". Which translated as..."Our guild is underpowered against this other server, but we're overpowered against all those tiers below us...so lets go to a lower tier and dominate that. <--- There's a problem with that thinking...you dominate a lower tier, you go back into the higher tier.... So your nothing more than a drowning man that bobs back up to the surface to get a lung full of air, before he starts sinking again. Is that clear enough of why NA is free falling. When your commanders want to be nothing more than the drowning man, bobbing up to the surface of tier 1, but wanting to put his head underwater because the krill are easier to dominate?
  22. I don't know. What do pug guilds do? It's called Alliances. Might as well call it Guildwars: Factions 2....The bigger the guilds the more they dominate....what happens to the single pug guy from a guild that doesn't wvw….how does that work? If server is not going to matter anymore. Nothing has been said completely about Servers. The only thing that's been talked about is Guild Alliances for wvw… so what happens to the little guys. I seen the screencap...but truelly it never explained anything. Most of the onesie pug groups don't have a clue what's in store for them, and right now their all thinking the worst.
  23. The current problem was never the maps, although I would have loved a 1/2 dozen maps and have them randomly rotated every week...variety is the spice of life. No, the problem was that certain commanders no longer PPT, capture, or use their brains strategically or tactically. By their OWN admission...all they want to do for what they believe to be FUN...is just fight. NO capture. No PPT score. All they cared about is leading their personal guild into a fight. Zerg vs zerg, or even Guild vs Guild. To them the Pugs were starting to get in the way to the point, that they wanted Hidden Tags. They exclusively wanted only two professions, Scourge and Firebrand, and didn't care about anything else because it was not Op for the amount of damage in order to make quick work of your enemy. Seriously, ask yourself this question. If all the Commander wants to do, is fight, and he's not interested in PPT...what is the point of WvW at all. It's nothing more than largescale pvp is what they want. And you can do that in Obsidian Sanctum and damn to hell Eternal Battlegrounds or the Borderlands maps. Seriously. If your a commander and all you want to do is fight, Obsidian Sanctum has an Arena, that was specifically built for your GvG needs. But you don't use it. For a short period some of your guilds were using it, to practice their ...stamina....to see how long they could last in a fight. So ...why do you need a Hidden Tag? Why do you need to fight in Eternal Battlegrounds or the Borderlands...if you don't care about....winning the war every week? You want to win the battles, but you don't want to win the war. Nobody wants to follow you anymore if you at least don't make the appearance of wanting to win. I mean sure 1/2 of you want to win, but the other 1/2....don't care. If you don't care to win, then maybe WvW should just be shutdown. What's making WvW not fun to play for me personally, is a team that doesn't want to win, and doesn't care about winning. Win or lose, you can still have "fun", as long as dug your heels in and did your absolute best over the most horrendous circumstances. But it's not fun to lose, if your commander wants to lose...purposely.
  24. I still don't understand why Ranger is viewed still as overpowered. Granted, there are a very FEW ranger players that go up straight Glass Cannon. This Glass Cannon build is what some other players are smashing their faces against, especially if it's a ranger running Druid Permaboon. Their hard as hell to kill, and their pumping out a lot of damage. I been whittled from 23k health down to 0 in less than two seconds BEFORE I can hit my Stone Signet. Still, why the hell continue to shave our damage away from us. We still get FLACK from the commanders on multiple servers saying we have nothing to offer. Why are we being penalized for system put in place not of our own making. The only thing I would prefer to see in WvW is having Boons have a Cooldown. If anet hasn't played a lot of WvW, you would be seeing that large scale groups, that dominate consistently have Boon up time stretching on from the start, ALL the way to the end of a battle. From 2 minutes to 15 minutes to nearly 1/2 hour battles. Boons should NOT be present for that damn long. I would like, in my own opinion, to see Boon Sickness. Or even Boon Traps, or Boon Grenades that strips them off, or keeps them off for a DURATION of time. Anet, your going after skills, when it's the overall effects of Bonuses that you should be looking at.
  25. The idea of WvW is team play, and your team is supposed to work to win. It's competitive playstyle. You use any mechanic, build, or device on your character to make that happen. And i'm sorry to say....reworking skills to BUFF those skills that players refuse to use, does not help. If a skill isn't being used, it's not about BUFFING that skill...It's about NERFING the skills that are considered OVER POWERED. I look at the reworks of skills when patch days come, and it's no longer about nerfing, it's about buffing skills that nobody uses because they don't pump out either enough DPS, Condi, or give enough BUFFS. But hell, if your build makes you overpowered, and lets you down an enemy in two seconds with three rapids shots, Go For It! If a scourge can pump out more damage than you can possibly take, whose fault is that? Anet's? The player that created a combo that anet didn't even think of that all the sudden made the profession so overpowered it's not laughable to even think of fighting against that profession in meaningful WvW. For the last 7 months is, "I want firebrands, I want scourges...I want firebrands, I want scourges", Day in, Day out, hour after hour after hour. If an anet employee went into the Discord of a Guild, and you ask, "What do you need..." and the commanders only response is "Firebrand, scourge"....for seven damn months.....you THINK you'd figure out....there is a problem with all the rest of professions which are neither solicited to join the squad, or not wanted. Still. In guildwars 1, you had what? Thousand skill combinations? And some of those combo's made you so overpowered you might as well be god. The same thing occurs in Guildwars 2....Except the combination is still in the thousands, but it takes into account runes, stats, sigils, Buffs, AND skills. Which can create a Godmode product because there's no real way to test out every single combination to make sure that a Godmode product isn't created. So to the scourges...that I die a lot to by the way....keep killing me. It's not your fault that your either so good, or your combination of Skills, weapons, sigil, and runes made you Godmode. That's anet's fault.
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