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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. @Atomos.7593 said:

    @Atomos.7593 said:I don't get what the devs gain from making some customers pleased and other customers disappointed lol. :p

    @Atomos.7593 said:person who opens it a thousand times

    Now imagine there was money involved.

    What could developers possibly gain from such a system?

    Haha true. I was intending to add to my previous post, where I was looking for reasons other than money, with that post.

    But if money was a big issue why not make it so that you have to open the box many times to get the rare item (but it is guaranteed to get the item once you open the box this many times) and then everyone would have to pay a lot to get the item, instead of using RNG where someone may get it quickly but others may not? I guess making the drops RNG would make the money issue less transparent and obvious though.

    Because of several reasons:

    1) You get less out of whales. Who WILL purchase thousands upon thousands of boxes to get all the 0.000001% chance items.

    2) Random plebs will get put off if they see a large price point on stuck onto the item they want and not bother purchasing any boxes.

    3) This system may as well just put the item for direct purchase in the store. If it is guaranteed after spending so much money on boxes. That way you aren't giving away "Free" boxes when people are dropping money for the rare item.

    4) You exploit people far less. With cheap boxes that have a chance to give the rare item, people are more likely to spend a couple of dollars on a box. Then when they don't get the item... "Oh it's only a couple more dollars for another box no big deal". Then another one and another one and another one and before the person knows it, they've spent $1000 on boxes. (This is one of the primary ways Mobile games earn money, selling lots of "Cheap" stuff that people can end up buying a lot of without realizing)

  2. @Axl.8924 said:Do you think scrapper on top of holosmith warrants a nerf? and how so?

    Scrapper? Nah, it's fine. If anything, it could maybe use some buffs given it's really only notable in WvW. While in PvP/PvE it's less prevalent and useful.

    Holosmith? Possibly. It's one of the PvP builds that people complain about right now. I think one of the main concerns is its capacity to stack Might on itself (Which of course, it gets double value from due to the plethora of hybrid damage skills - Photon Blitz, Refraction Cutter, Shrapnel Grenade and Poison Grenade all have good power scaling as well as providing conditions)

    I'd say targetting Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit's Might would be the best course, so that other builds that run HGH don't suffer. Also, it might make Vent Exhaust and Photonic Blasting Module more competitive instead of being completely outclassed by ECSU in basically all situations.

    @Axl.8924 said:And should core be touched along with this? and what exactly?

    Core shouldn't be nerfed. It's not OP.

  3. There's not really a site that will work in the way you describe.

    It however, is not particularly hard to create builds that don't suck.

    It's really a simple checklist of:

    • What is the damage type of the weapon? Power or Condi?
    • Copy/Paste the meta build for that damage type.

    Voila, you have a non-sucky build for your off-meta weapon.

    Maybe you swap out a weapon specific trait that won't benefit you. But that's about it.

    There's not really a whole lot of depth in builds, the traits for a damage type are easy to figure out what is best. Then weapon choices in meta builds will just be the most effective available for that damage type on that class. There's few builds that hinge around specifically a weapon type since there's few traits that are that niche and most weapons for a class tend to share a theme (Such as Guardian creates Symbols with every one of their weapons, Mesmer has a skill that creates Clones and Phantasms on every weapon set etc)

  4. Simple, straight to the point suggestions eh?


    1. Change Phantasms into pure animations, not untargetable NPC's. This is all they functionally are, but the vestigial mechanic of them being NPC's makes them unreliable because of stupid AI, terrible pathing and janky hitboxes (Not to mention, as a primary source of Clones to fuel the class mechanics, their awkward mechanics can cause delays to Clone generation which is a complete FeelsBadMan)2. Change how Clones function. There's way too much counterplay to them, including boss AoE's in PvE. There shouldn't be such a huge difference between standard usage and shotgunning with them. Possible solution: Clones only exist when you Shatter, which causes the (Now untargetable/invulnerable) Clone(s) to appear a set distance from your target then run in (Shattering all at the same time) before you Shatter you only hold "Clone Pips". This would make them more consistent to utilize and play against (Also, small benefit of allowing you to be able to "Hold" your clones between target swaps) as they will be consistent to dodge at all ranges and will be guaranteed to land on targets (Especially if they functioned like pure animations too instead of NPC's so they cared less about terrain or being juked)

    1. Re-adjust Condition DPS weapons to account for the loss of Clone uptime providing damaging Conditions.4. Mirage gets unique Shatters that produce Mirage Cloak instead of it coming from Dodging (Possibly having MC on Dodge being a GM trait to replace Infinite Horizon)5. Chrono's unique Shatters now also produce AoE Quickness/Alacrity/Stability (For F1/F2/F3 respectively) allowing them to provide this boon support without relying on their trashy Wells.6. Rework Staff. Either make it more consistent for support or conditions. Make Skill 3 not utter garbage. Make Chaos Aura (Thus the Chaos Armour skill) not trash (Heck, with a 30s CD, Chaos Aura should be provided to allies in an area around you too when using Chaos Armour).

    That's about it for the major points of Mesmer's issues.

    Things like trashy traits are a problem that many classes share... Also some of the above suggestions would require some trait tweaks anyway.

  5. Thief in general seems to be tailored towards PvP and PvP only.

    Most utility skills for Thief suck, outside of PvP (Basically, everything that isn't a Signet... Hence the general PvE build for Thief being 2-3 Signets)

    Initiative really lends itself towards burst damage rather than sustained damage which is most useful in PvP.

    Many weapons have skills that are only justifiable in a PvP setting (Death Blossom's 0.5s evade, Dancing Dagger every Sword skill, Headshot... Heck even Shadow Strike/Repeater has more use for PvP than PvE due to the rapid range changes that don't interact well with the PvE style of "Stack up for AoE Boons/Heals")

    Stealing is pretty awful outside of PvP where you get consistent results based on enemy classes.

    Even with the E-Specs it's still more PvP favouring;Daredevil sucks as a PvE tank, because you can only dodge so much, you generally want some reliable blocking and ability to facetank some hits, but dodging in PvP is very strong because you can mitigate a lot of someone's burst allowing you time to burst them down instead.Deadeye provides strong burst, which is really good for PvP where you want to down people quickly. But its sustained damage falls off (Since PvE rotation is about chaining Stealth attacks by popping as many Utility CD's that provide stealth as you can and simply bursting repeatedly)

    Then, when such a class is inevitably good in PvP because its entire design seems to be focused on PvP... It gets nerfed because it's too good in PvP :o

    Meanwhile it gets forgotten about in PvE... Where it's usefulness surmounts to Daredevil being good for a single Raid Boss (Qadim) because of their CC potential, while Deadeye is considered one of the hardest builds to play optimally (With heavy DPS losses from messed up rotations as well as movement), has 0 AoE damage, barely any BB damage, no utility, heavy reliance on other players (To provide boons for Premeditation and Conditions for Expose Weakness) and not even top tier DPS potential.

    To top things off, PvE Thief also suffers from incredibly boring rotations, since so many of their skills are niche, it ends up with rotations that amount to 222222222 (D/D, Staff) or 333333333 (P/P). Only Rifle DE has something more interesting (33313331... Until you run out of Stealth CD's and then have to switch to D/D and thus 2222222)

  6. @frareanselm.1925 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:Sword/Sword are decent for Power.

    Bearing in mind, that a significant portion of your damage will come from Shiro and Rene upkeep skills, which deal flat damage scaling off Power onto all your attacks (Same as Battle Scars) which is likely why Sword's auto attacks aren't hugely damaging, because they aren't the only thing that's dealing damage when you auto attack.

    Which is also a reason why Hammer isn't so great, since it's all about slow singular hits, but Power Rev is balanced around proccing Shiro/Life Siphon effects repeatedly to bolster its damage output.

    Also, it's why Shortbow is actually decent for Power too. With fast auto attacks and multihits on skills 2, 3 and 4 you can get some decent power scaled damage on there.

    Decent isnt good enough.

    Decent isn't good enough?

    Looks at title of thread

    "Power revenant needs a decent melee weapon!"



  7. Preparations are just bad.

    I've tried running Pitfall in PvE for some BB damage, but even there bosses can move before the thing is even ready to use.

    Not to mention it does pulsing damage which will break stealth making it not usable for DE... (Though, DE gets Binding Shadow which is just flat out better and Shadow Gust is also a great alternative that doubles as an additional source of Stealth)

    Thousand Needles is just worse Caltrops and Caltrops is already trash.

    Seal Area is ??? It's Guardian Hammer 5. With a 3s delay before it can be activated. Guardian Hammer is notoriously garbage. This skill is no better.

    The only Preparation with any redeeming features is Shadow Portal and that's only because it's Portal (Albeit worse). But given that Mesmer is non-viable in PvP/WvW it at least is useful there (Though still far worse than Portal due to the 5 player limit on Shadow Portal) as well as for some PvE stuff if you don't have a Mesmer to hand.

    So yeah... The 3 second arm time and the lacklustre effects make Preparations pretty garbage in basically every game mode.

    As far as Runes go, the only effect I can think of that would make sense would be: Gain 3 seconds of stealth and superspeed after detonating a preparation.I.e. Rune of the Trapper.

    But even with that Rune, I'm not sure I could see Preparations being particularly useful and will basically just continue being Shadow Portal as the only thing that sees use ever (Maybe you'd see some people slot Pitfall + Rune just to plop down the PF and use it as a 25s CD stealth skill in PvP instead of Blinding Powder)

    Essentially, Preparations need to be completely scrapped and remade. Keep Shadow Portal, but then give 3 new actually useful skills alongside it without tacking on any janky mechanics.

  8. @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:That is the problem here you having strong reg effects not working because of this healing power only letting the tricks trigger. Stacking duration OR insistently would still have the same problem.

    Only in the case where you are hitting 25+ stacks of Regen.

    Which, how often will that actually occur? Especially without duration stacking to put up long duration Regen effects.

    Many applications of Regen only last for a few seconds, meaning you'd need a bunch of sources to apply Regen within a small timeframe AND then have build discrepancies such as some people having Healing Power while others have no Healing Power but a ton of Regeneration amp effects to even have a case where you'd lose tick efficiency.

    Im pretty sure regen caps at 5 stacks, not 25.

    Regen doesn't stack.

    I was inferring the previous posters comment about Regen stacking to 25.

    @Jski.6180 said:I mean condi dmg use to have the same problems right? You would hit a cap at some point unless you want to make reg stacking capless witch would cause a lot of problems.

    Condi damage used to not stack intensity and would only stack duration. They were changed to all stack intensity so that multiple sources of conditions would work together.

    Other similar things were changed too, such as Reaper's GM Trait Deathly Chill. It used to make Reaper's Chill deal damage over time, but it had sloppy interactions with other players in PvE applying longer duration Chill effects that would overwrite Reaper's many instances of low duration chills and thus invalidate the damage from this trait.

    @Jski.6180 said:It may not seem like it but the game is full of reg skills and often they are balanced with reg in mind of part of the skill effect.

    It is full of regen skills. Not many are used though.

    Especially given how terrible Regen is without Healing Power (Similar issues exist for Guardian's Virtue of Resolve and honestly... Any heal effect that isn't an actual healing skill or Soulcleave's Summit... Including most weapon skill heals...)

    Healing for ~130 health per second for 3-6 seconds is not particularly noteworthy against healthpools of 11,000-20,000.

    Which is why this issue with regeneration isn't particularly prominent, since the main users of Regen, are heal builds (Such as Druid or Scrapper) which will typically be running Healing power and thus their Regen ticks will take priority over some of the other incidental regen applications.

  9. @Senqu.8054 said:You can’t leave half the boons out of consideration if you want to compare the accessibility of them.

    You can. Because 80% of boons are not the reason why certain builds are run.

    Alacrigade is only run because of Alacrity. Not because it can grant Stability or Might or whatever else it doesn't provide because it's spending all of its energy on Alacrity + Damage.

    Quickbrand is only run because of Quickness. Not because it can grant Stability or Aegis or Resistance. It's focus is on Quickness and Damage.

    Since, these tools are also available to other builds. Such as Healbrand and Healigade. Heck, even Condi Ren/Condi Brand both can provide these things too.

    Boon Chrono is only run and has only been run because of Quickness and Alacrity. Before PoF, it was the ONLY class that could not only buff other people with these things, but also achieve 100% uptime. With PoF, Firebrand and Renegade also provide builds where they can maintain 100% uptime of one of these boons.

    As if the whole game would consist off only alacrity- and quickness-boon support.

    I mean, that's literally the case. Support is either Healing or it's providing Alacrity and Quickness. Other boons are non-factors. Hence why Herald is completely unplayed in PvE, despite bringing very good (100%) uptimes on Might, Fury, Swiftness, Regeneration and Protection, because these boons don't matter due to how available they are.

    In PvP/WvW, other boons become more notable, but then Chrono is dismissed anyway because of their reliance on Wells irregardless of how many boons they provide. They could give Might + Fury + Swiftness + Aegis + Resilience + Stability + Protection + Quickness + Regen and they'd still be unviable as a support in these game modes because Wells and specifically, Chrono's wells, are just utter garbage there.

    If you say that fb has better access to quickness because chrono also has alacrity you have to apply the logic also to the other ones.

    Not when the only relevant comparison is the 2 boons that actually make these builds played. Which is Quickness/Alacrity. If not providing these boons these builds are not played, instead, opting for a pure damage build instead (Condi Ren, Condi Brand, Power Chrono).

    Or should we start randomly comparing each classes ability to Boonrip? Oh now Firebrand sucks while Chrono dominates over Rene.

    Maybe we should look at the ability to use Portals? Oh, now Chrono is super good because Guardian and Rev don't have Portal while Chrono does!

    When making comparisons, you have to compare what is actually relevant, not everything you can possibly find that differs.

    In the case of these 3 support builds, it's all about the 2 boons that they provide that are not readily available to a plethora of classes and builds in general, Alacrity and Quickness.

    Also note, I said "Part of the reason" is Chrono getting access to both while FB/Rene only get one. With another part being powercreep. Meaning that FB/Rene's access to other boons can be attributed to the powercreep and thus not necessarily counted against Chrono's lack of other boons.

    @Senqu.8054 said:What about conditions? Should we now compare the accessibility of burn, mesmer vs guard, and come to the conclusion that guard is the most op class in history of gw?

    I mean, if we're talking about how a build is picked due to its capacity to provide burn, then yes I guess?

    And about the Well of Precognition: To say it’s just not meta is by far exaggerated. It would imply that it is still viable to a degree.

    Just want to point out, that your choice of words here have conflicting meanings. Saying "To say it's just not meta is by far exaggerated" is impling that it is infact meta. I think you meant to put "Is an understatement"

    @Senqu.8054 said:Wells are not worth to take any time beside raids.

    Which is generally where people actually give a damn about perma-Alacrity/Quickness support builds.

    OW PvE doesn't care. Fractals don't care (Maybe in higher tier fractals where people aren't just zerging through). PvP doesn't care. WvW doesn't care.

    It's all about Raids where this level of min/maxing is notably cared about.

  10. @Jski.6180 said:That is the problem here you having strong reg effects not working because of this healing power only letting the tricks trigger. Stacking duration OR insistently would still have the same problem.

    Only in the case where you are hitting 25+ stacks of Regen.

    Which, how often will that actually occur? Especially without duration stacking to put up long duration Regen effects.

    Many applications of Regen only last for a few seconds, meaning you'd need a bunch of sources to apply Regen within a small timeframe AND then have build discrepancies such as some people having Healing Power while others have no Healing Power but a ton of Regeneration amp effects to even have a case where you'd lose tick efficiency.

  11. @"Jimbru.6014" said:Mordrem still in Iron Marches, Fort Salma and Fort Concordia still not rebuilt after Mordy was killed years ago in both real and game time. Update and fix the game world already.

    Technically, that's intentional.

    Each part of the world is in a "Time Bubble" so that everything makes sense to new players still going through the story (The only exception was the mistake that was LW1 which cannot be replayed as a result)

    Core Tyria is still pre-Zhaitan's death/pre-Morty's death depending on the zone (I.e. The Pact are still fighting off Risen and trying to establish footholds in Orr and surrounding areas. While Mordremoth's influence lingers in Forts Salma/Concordia and Iron Marches)

    Just like HoT is pre-Morty's death, PoF is pre-Balthazar's death, LW4 is pre-Joko's death etc

    @"Jimbru.6014" said:And you know what's REALLY sad? That despite all that, GW2 is still one of the best MMOs out there, which says a lot about the "strength" of its competition and the general state of MMOs today.

    Sad but true...

    My rating of 38/100 for GW2 is most likely still one of, if not the highest score for MMO's on the market right now if I were to compare them...


    Western release of Blue Protocol can't come fast enough... What with already proving to be pretty good, with Devs that actively listen to their playerbase (Meanwhile that Amazon MMO that's coming out next month looks like poop)

  12. @Senqu.8054 said:

    @Aeolus.3615 said:Make alacrity and quickness boon provided only from chrono... remove it from renegade and firebrands, give something to those classes that fit more in their theme.

    It would be awesome if they removed alacrity from renegade but added retaliation instead or something that pulses a lot. Alacrity is not fitting it.

    Renegade could have something that would make it better usage with other legends :\, imagine f4 from renegade depending from wich legend is used.F4 on:Jalis - buff for reduce direct damage. and minor boon duration of retaliation.deamon- reduce condi damage, with 1-2 sec of resistanceAssassin- vampiric damage, with vampiric on vigor?!? as well?

    But yeah, if people wanted alacrity or/and quickness they should have a chrono it could also be seted for that and damage at the same time, could be played more like a time wizard rather than a gimmick >_> this would make its wells more enjoiable to play rather than confuse the players that ty to use them?.

    If Anet focus on classes more on their themes, classes will have better roles and wont confict with each other.

    Ideally, yeah, if every elite spec had something unique for them based on their theme, that would be great.

    But how exactly do you imagine this to work, especially since you are already giving multiple things to chrono (alacrity, quickness,
    slow?).We have 18 different elite specs already and will most likely get 9 more with the next expansion. What should every single one of them have that is unique to them and resonates with their theme?

    It wouldn't really be fair that chrono is the only one with unique buffs/effects, right?

    Their gameplay and its effefcts, also isnt fair other class do better what is in theme with chrono, i play renegade for the 100% alacrity upkeep with one button for 10 players arround with just 70%ish of boon duration, even FB does better with quickness xD than chrono.

    Anything related to recover cd's time, slow cd's, and quickness should be main chrono.

    Well, part of that reason, is because Chrono does both, while FB and Rev only do 1 each. It makes sense that the classes that focus on only 1 boon has an easier to maintain uptime than the class that does multiple boons.

    Though, I suspect that another part of this is simply powercreep given that Renegade and Firebrand are PoF E-Specs while Chrono is from HoT so it may be that Ren/FB simply have the benefit of ANet deciding that perma-Quickness/Alacrity isn't so bad and thus implementing it in an easier way for the newest round of E-Specs.

    That said, I still think Renegade and Firebrand are backwards. They each benefit more from the opposite boon than the one they have...

    Renegade gets more out of Quickness because the Energy mechanic limits their ability to spam skills so they do more auto attacks than a typical class which works better with Quickness.

    Meanwhile Firebrand gets more out of Alacrity because their Tomes aren't about spamming auto attacks and get more benefit from Alacrity lowering the cooldowns of their stronger skills to spend their pages on.

    Yeah and what about might? Fury? Stability? Resistance? Aegis? (Regeneration?) Do we ignore them now while we compare chrono, fb and renegade? Does the acces to alacrity and quickness together eliminate the „permission“ to be able to do anything else?

    Might and Fury are a non-factor for balance due to how plentiful they are from a number of sources meaning that their uptime isn't dependent on a specific boonbot class (If it was, then you'd see Heralds in PvE...)

    Regeneration is a non-factor due to it not stacking, so any Regeneration effects that aren't from the Healer are literally worthless as they'll just be overwritten by the Healer's Regeneration effect.

    Resistance? Rev only provides Resistance for themselves. Which is thus not applicable for balance.

    Firebrand applying Stab/Resistance? Comes at the cost of their damage though I guess it is more accessible than a Chrono using Well of Precognition or Mantra of Concentration (Since Signet of Inspiration is often used to reduce the amount of Concentration required for 100% uptime of Alacrity/Quickness)

    Aegis? Isn't that big of a deal, most relevant damage will go through it.

    Chrono could be given more access to other things (Well, it already can get Aegis and Stab from Well of Precog it's just not meta to use it)

    But in the comparison between the 3 Boonbot builds, it's really only Quickness and Alacrity that is relevant (Ideal Alacrigade rotations don't use Heroic Command or Darkrazor's Daring and ideal Quickbrand rotations don't use Tome of Courage just like ideal Chrono rotations don't include Well of Precog/Mantra of Conc)

  13. @Trise.2865 said:

    @"battledrone.8315" said:FF story is awful

    FFXIV story is great. Not sure what you're smoking.

    The only reason the game even exists to this day is because it's carried by its story.

    Ah yes, "I twisted my ankle on a boat and passed out, had a dream about Darth Vader, and then God said I was cool. Nobody gives a kitten or brings it up again."Premium story telling there.

    And Lord of the Rings is "A midget's journey to drop a piece of jewellery into a volcano"

    If you simplify and butcher the entirety of the story, anything sounds bad.

    P.s. "Nobody gives a kitten or brings it up again" - You mean apart from literally EVERYONE talking about it CONSTANTLY throughout THE ENTIRE STORY? As it's not only the reason why you are even relevant to the story, but also why you and only you are capable of participating in all the important fights?

  14. @Aeolus.3615 said:

    @Aeolus.3615 said:Make alacrity and quickness boon provided only from chrono... remove it from renegade and firebrands, give something to those classes that fit more in their theme.

    It would be awesome if they removed alacrity from renegade but added retaliation instead or something that pulses a lot. Alacrity is not fitting it.

    Renegade could have something that would make it better usage with other legends :\, imagine f4 from renegade depending from wich legend is used.F4 on:Jalis - buff for reduce direct damage. and minor boon duration of retaliation.deamon- reduce condi damage, with 1-2 sec of resistanceAssassin- vampiric damage, with vampiric on vigor?!? as well?

    But yeah, if people wanted alacrity or/and quickness they should have a chrono it could also be seted for that and damage at the same time, could be played more like a time wizard rather than a gimmick >_> this would make its wells more enjoiable to play rather than confuse the players that ty to use them?.

    If Anet focus on classes more on their themes, classes will have better roles and wont confict with each other.

    Ideally, yeah, if every elite spec had something unique for them based on their theme, that would be great.

    But how exactly do you imagine this to work, especially since you are already giving multiple things to chrono (alacrity, quickness,
    slow?).We have 18 different elite specs already and will most likely get 9 more with the next expansion. What should every single one of them have that is unique to them and resonates with their theme?

    It wouldn't really be fair that chrono is the only one with unique buffs/effects, right?

    Their gameplay and its effefcts, also isnt fair other class do better what is in theme with chrono, i play renegade for the 100% alacrity upkeep with one button for 10 players arround with just 70%ish of boon duration, even FB does better with quickness xD than chrono.

    Anything related to recover cd's time, slow cd's, and quickness should be main chrono.

    Well, part of that reason, is because Chrono does both, while FB and Rev only do 1 each. It makes sense that the classes that focus on only 1 boon has an easier to maintain uptime than the class that does multiple boons.

    Though, I suspect that another part of this is simply powercreep given that Renegade and Firebrand are PoF E-Specs while Chrono is from HoT so it may be that Ren/FB simply have the benefit of ANet deciding that perma-Quickness/Alacrity isn't so bad and thus implementing it in an easier way for the newest round of E-Specs.

    That said, I still think Renegade and Firebrand are backwards. They each benefit more from the opposite boon than the one they have...

    Renegade gets more out of Quickness because the Energy mechanic limits their ability to spam skills so they do more auto attacks than a typical class which works better with Quickness.

    Meanwhile Firebrand gets more out of Alacrity because their Tomes aren't about spamming auto attacks and get more benefit from Alacrity lowering the cooldowns of their stronger skills to spend their pages on.

  15. @"battledrone.8315" said:most of the story in the start is done with monologues by ONE CHARACTER IN A SMALL DESERT VILLAGE, THAT YOU HAVE TO GO TO EVERY TIMEAFTER A QUEST. that got old REALLY fast.

    If by "Most of the story in the start"

    You mean, specifically post 2.1 (The end of the base game) and pre-3.0 (The start of the first expansion)

    Then yes. That particular bit of story sucked.

    But one isolated piece of poor story doesn't invalidate the rest of the story (2.0-2.1 was decent. 3.0-4.0 was excellent, 4.0-5.0 was good, 5.0-date is good)

    @"battledrone.8315" said:lego characters are the princess and her bodyguard in the very start of the game, you do realize, that such creatures couldnt survive, right?with a HEAD, THAT IS BIGGER , THAN THE BODY AND LEGS COMBINED. throw in the cartoon network voices, and we have a winner

    I assume you're talking about the Lalafell race. To which you're being hyperbolic.


    Their heads are not bigger than the rest of their body.

    If anything, Asura have worse head sizes compared to the rest of their body:


    Not to mention, even in real life, there are animals that have disproportionatly large heads for their bodies (Notably, Ant Majors which have huge heads to function as soldiers and heavy laborers)

    But all these is ignoring fantasy aspects, like, the whole "Everything is infused with magic" which could lead to more diverse biologies, such as small creatures with incredibly dense muscle allowing for them to be unusually strong for their size (Explaining how a Lalafell can hit someone with an Axe as hard as say, a Roegadyn)

    @"battledrone.8315" said:a good mage needs to put most points in intelligence, reading books and studying all the timea good warrior needs stamina and strength, training and working outhow many professors have you seen with six packs ? YOU CANT DO BOTH!

    I've seen plenty of professors with six packs. I know tons of nerds who go to the gym and work out.

    It's not that hard to balance things out. Since you don't need to spend 100% of your time on something to be good at it (Heck, working out/training naturally involves downtime as your body needs to rest to repair and regain strength. The perfect time to pick up some books and do some studying)

    Also, nothing stops you from making a muscular beefcake character who is a mage class. Like here in GW2, you can make a Staff Elementalist who's a male norn with maxed out beefcakeness and wears a dress.

    This is before you even account for the plethora of fantasy archetypes that combine magic and martial fighting styles like spellblades (Elementalist and Mesmer are examples), Paladins (Guardian is an example), Deathknights (Reaper is an example)

    Not to mention... What does this even have to do with progression anyway?

    If it's just about "Putting points" into stats... No-one's put points into stats for years. Stats are gained solely from equipping magically enhanced gear, which happens to bypass a lot of the training and time needed to be good at something by providing instant ability. You need to be smart? Equip some intelligence gear, now you're instant Einstien. Need to be strong? Equip some strength gear and now you're instant Hafþór Björnsson. Need to be fast? Equip some agility gear and now you're instant Usain Bolt.

    Even with single class per character, it's still all about gaining stats from gear, not from inherent with the class itself due to "Studying" or "Training" with it. (Example, in GW2 every single class has a baseline of 1000 all stats at level 80. Heck, GW2 doesn't even have divisions between martial and magical ability, "Power" will make you swing a weapon harder as well as make spells stronger)

  16. Combat: 6/10It's decent. Not amazing, but decent. I've played MMO's with better combat. But I've also played LOTS of MMO's with far worse combat.

    Story: 4/10It's not great. It's okay at best. But there are some lame parts to it.

    Crafting: 1/10Like many other MMO's crafting is lame af. It's not interesting to level and it doesn't really make interesting things and the things that are worth making, are often not worth the effort it would take to craft them (I.e. Ascended gear, which is easily obtained in WvW/Fractals. Food/Utilities which oversaturation has made TP prices pretty managable). It's basically just an extra time/resource sink for Legendary crafting.

    Build Diversity: 3/10For the most part, there are 4 main gear types. Berserker, Marauder, Viper, Grieving. That is generally what you will be wearing for 99.99% of your gameplay. With the lack of real "Tank" and "Healer" roles a lot of gameplay will not deviate from this. The exceptions of course are in PvP where Bunker builds exist (While Viper does not) and in Raids where healer builds exist that use alternate stats.

    There's at least some customization though, which is a plus. But not a lot of depth in real situations and it often just boils down to "Git gud" and then use Zerker/Viper.

    Maps: 8/10Playable areas are pretty good. They're large enough where their instanced nature doesn't feel restrictive, but still small enough that you can traverse them in a decent time and find cool things frequently.

    Map Completion is a thing that exists, which is always kind of cool to see (Not quite as in depth or rewarding as in Astellia Online though, but still is something)

    Events are suitably diverse. They're not all "Kill 10 Boars" ad infinitum like typical Quests from MMO's can be. With world bosses being suitably epic in proportion (Though hindered slightly by lack of population caps on zone instances making them predominantly zerg-fests. Which is probably why a general Triwurm attempt will fail horribly as it actually requires tactics)

    Instanced Content: 2/10It exists. Barely. Dungeons are forgotten. Fractals are zerg fests. Raids are forgotten. Strikes are ehh...

    What exists doesn't even defy the horrible design failures of modern MMO's and are still just hallway simulators/boss arenas. (Even with multiple "Paths" for dungeons, that's still just pick a hallway)

    Player versus Player: 1/10There are 2 modes to PvP in the game. Conquest and WvW.

    Neither is notably well balanced. Neither seems to be a primary focus of the game. Neither provides anything that another, dedicated PvP game cannot do better (Such as playing MOBA's like LoL/Dota/CS:GO/Valorant, Battle Royales like Fortnite/PUBG/Apex or other competitive multiplayer games like CoD, GTAV, Tarkov, DBD, SFV etc)

    Monetization: 7/10It's F2P/B2P. That is good for new players, since they can get a full experience without having to sink in tons of hours in their first month of playing trying to figure out if they like it. As well as it promotes more casual playing as you can take time away without having to faff about setting up and cancelling your sub.

    Cash store mostly focuses on cosmetics, which is nice for not being P2W. It does however gate a lot of QoL things behind the cash store which is unfortunate (Inventory slots, bank tabs, material storage expansion, unbreakable gathering tools (Which, while crafting can be skipped and thus reduce the need for gathering, many LW maps have currencies obtained through harvesting thus making tools more important), build & equipment template slots etc)

    One of the major drawbacks, is the way LW is monetized, with the requirement to pay for past LW content if you were not there to log in. Meaning that new players either fork out a bunch of gems to get LW2/LW3/LW4/IBS or they have to end up skipping a bunch of content and story when they naturally progress to level 80, finish their PS and then move onto HoT & PoF & the newest IBS episode. While the story isn't amazing, the paywall on getting a decent understanding of wtf is going on makes it far worse for newer players.

    Character Customization: 3/10

    The races are quite diverse and stray from the standard fair of Human, Human with pointy ears Elf, Human with different colour skin, Big Human, token smol race.

    With their line up of Human, Big Human, Asura, Plant Human, Charr. Admittedly, there could be more diversity, such as showing Norn as something more than Big Human in 99% of cases as well as more exotic designs for Sylvari. But it's still a pretty good selection.

    Customization of individual characters, is dated. Picking from preset faces, hairstyles, accessories and colours is old news. With more modern MMO's providing full customization of characters allowing complete freedom.

    Fashion Souls: 3/10Collected skins are saved to your account upon acquisition, which is nice as it saves space which not all current MMO's utilize (FFXIV).

    However, there's a lot of limitations. Such as the awkwardness that is the 3 weight classes that can't be combined due to different frames. Much of the stuff that actually looks nice (And not like you were gifted it from a hobo who had been using it to sweep the road with) is stuck in the cash shop and further yet, there's a lot of focus on "Outfits" which have very little customization (Toggle helmet on/off and dye channels... That's your lot)

    As for dyes, you're limited to what "Channels" have been put onto a particular piece of equipment (Or outfit) which limits what you can do with them. With weapons not being dyable at all (Also, many back items cannot be dyed either). There's also the annoyance which is certain materials arbitrarily not taking certain dyes well and coming out with a different colour.

    Overall score: 38/100


    It's okay.The recommendation comes off the back of the low monetary investment needed to play the game vs the amount of time it's possible to spend doing content.It provides bang for the buck, because you don't need to pay the bucks outside of grabbing the expansions.

  17. @battledrone.8315 said:FF story is awful

    FFXIV story is great. Not sure what you're smoking.

    The only reason the game even exists to this day is because it's carried by its story.

    @battledrone.8315 said:you have lego characters

    Which characters are "Lego"?

    @battledrone.8315 said:i would also claim, that progression is broken, since you can learn EVERYTHING on one toon

    How is being able to do everything on one character "Broken progression"?

    You still level everything up from level 1, nothing is shared exp (Except Summoner/Scholar which was a mistake)

    How is that any different to rolling 100 characters each having 1 class and 2 professions like most other MMO's?

    If anything the progression is broken because gear progression is absolute tripe, with crafted gear being better quality than what you get from Raids and is easier to obtain, not timegated (Unlike raid gear which you can only get 1 token from each boss per week and gear requires 2-4 tokens per piece of gear) and each new tier of crafted gear is released alongside each new raid tier. Which ultimately makes running content utterly worthless and makes the best way to gear up your character is to not fight anything and just craft gear.

  18. From what I can tell from playing around with character creator and comparing with these images (As well as have a look at her in the Vigil Headquarters in first person view on a Norn to get a good look at her fur pattern)

    Fur Colour: Dark SandFur Pattern: 13Pattern Colour: Snow GreyHairstyle: 1Hair Colour: Snow GreyAccessory Colour: Irrelevant (No accessory)Face: 5Horn Style: 3Horn Length: MiddleEye Colour: Bright Yellow (Not a premium colour)

    Additional information: Teeth Size is maxed

    Beyond that, things like physique and any additional slider usage, I haven't a clue. I haven't studied fem Charr enough to be able to discern such things (Or even her height)

  19. No.

    Given that the "Key" ones are Gliding (Required by the story), Updraft use (Required by the story), Bouncing Mushroom usage (Required by the story) and Exalted Markings (Required by the story)

    There's like 1 Mastery point that needs Nuhoch Stealth Detection and 1 that requires Itzel Poison Mastery and that's it.

    Plus, you can get plenty of Mastery Points from doing the story achievements. Personally, I still have a bunch of MP's still to get and I've already got all of HoT masteries and LW3 masteries fully unlocked with like 25+ extra points.

  20. Personally, I'd love to see a 25% movement speed infusion for Amulets.

    Given that they get the unique stat infusions (20% Exp, 20% gold, 15% Karma, 20% MF) having the option to get 25% MS could be neat (Shouldn't be unbalanced either, since 25% MS is fairly widely available with traits, runes and several classes with Signets and is replaced by the 33% that Swiftness grants in a lot of combat situations)

    Allowing for any class to give up a bit of extra loot for that baseline speed.

  21. @"Yggranya.5201" said:I have never played MMO with good story but is average too much to ask?

    FFXIV and SWToR have good stories imo.

    SWToR it's mostly about the individual class story from my experience, after that the generic stories were pretty meh.

    FFXIV is great story (With slight exception to 2.1-3.0 which involved a lot of fluff and obnoxious fetch quests, but after getting to 3.0 it goes on very strong with many people finding the 3.0 story the best in the game) and in fact, the story of XIV is pretty much the only reason to play the game given its actual game systems suck (Combat is flat, repetitive and boring, side content is grindy and unrewarding, PvP is forgettable, Raids are pathetic outside of Savage where they're just Simon Says where you simply push your predetermined rotation while walking out of the bad circles)

    But yeah, the key is to have actual characters. With character development that changes them over time with good reason (Not like Braham and his 180 flip from adoring the Commander to "UR NOT MY REAL MOM!" mega-emo phase). Whom react to situations like actual people, not as walking plot devices.

    Also, it helps not to write in Mary Sue's like Aurene (Or Thrall AKA Green Jesus in Warcraft)

  22. @Aeolus.3615 said:

    @Exciton.8942 said:MirageRevert to double dodge.Trade off changed to phantasm no longer becoming clones after attack

    ChronoRework chrono shatter into ground target skillF1/F2/F3 will do their effect in a small area after 0.5s delayF4 will create rift at target location and revert you back to that location after your CS ended.

    Well chrono imo also should be the spec with alacrity and quickness and most slow, but when u have perma alacrity on one button and perma quickness on other clasess, anything related with decreasing or increasing CS and atk speed should be oin chrono oonly!

    Anet should lock certain powers/effects/condis/boons under one spec only, when they start to spread it those classes will loose interes and concept.

    Honestly, I don't mind other classes having access to Alacrity and Quickness. Since it prevents Mesmer from (Theoretically) ending up in a state where it is complete garbage and only exists purely to provide Alacrity and Quickness as a token class brought to groups. Meaning that if other classes can provide Alacrity and Quickness, Mesmer can be balanced to be good as an individual class overall, not just a boonbot.

    The main issue is that Mesmer has its Alacrity and Quickness tied to clunky wells which makes them horrible to use. Meanwhile Firebrand just exists and farts out perma-Quickness and Alacrigade just provides Alacrity to 10 allies nearby when it uses its skill. Which are vastly less awful to use and play with (Both because of not needing to stack on teeny tiny wells, but also not having to listen to the obnoxious countdowns from Chrono wells being spammed constantly)

    As such, Firebrigade is often preferred over Chrono despite Chrono only using 1 party spot for both boons, because it's just nicer to play with.

    It'd be far more palatable if Chrono's Quickness/Alacrity came from its F1/F2 shatters (Throw another boon on F3, maybe Protection or Stability to help with the loss of Distortion) - Basically replacing Flow of Time and Seize the Moment - so it wasn't reliant on its wells (Which could be redesigned to something not trash instead) as well as promoting more synergy with things like Illusions traitline for reduced Shatter CD's or traits and effects that increase Clone generation to fuel more Shatters as an alternative to stacking Concentration and Boon Duration.

  23. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Yoci.2481 said:Super speed on shatter should just be the default behaviour of clones, it shouldn't be a Chronomancer trait.

    thats too much, but they could make them gradually gain speed as time goes on when shattered, so they dont end up running circles for 10s untill they comit seppuku

    I dunno...

    I don't think it would be OP for Warrior's Burst skills to have to wait for a Superspeeded NPC to reach a target, or a Thief Steal, or Engie Toolbelt skills etc...

    Why would it be such a problem for Mesmers to be able to reliably land their class mechanic (If the target doesn't have Superspeed themselves, or kill the clones, or CC them, or teleport or do one of the 1000000000 things that can bug out AI...)

    Especially when Clones are still squishy af.

    @"mortrialus.3062" said:Holy kitten Clones Freaking Suck


    Mesmer's entire class mechanic is a janky mess.

    Clones are awful due to being AI (Thus at the mercy of all the issues with AI) as well as squishy af, but yet still a considerable part of the classes overall output.

    Similarly, Phantasms are also trash, because while they functionally don't work as a proper AI unit since they're more or less a glorified animation for the skill these days, they're still at the mercy of AI issues, such as wonky pathing, terrible targeting and horrendous positioning (Phantom Berzerker CAN cleave through a bunch of enemies, but will it? You bet your ass it won't)

    Meanwhile, you also have absolutely mind boggling interactions, such as Clones being able to apply fully damaging Conditions, while at the same time they're prevented from doing Power damage. So what's the deal? Are they supposed to be doing damage or not?

    Then you have the plethora of issues that is, if they're balanced around how long they take to get to the target (I.e. They're glorified projectiles) then melee usage to shotgun them becomes too effective a means to utilize them.

    All this, is before you even reach all the other problems that Mesmer faces as a class (Mirage having its damage tied to Clone uptime and using Dodges, but it turns out gaining Offensive capabilities while using a Defensive tool is OP, who'd have thought? Not like Necro's shroud has been getting nerfed for 8 years because of thee exact same problem... Then Chrono... Ughh... The smallest and clunkiest wells in the game, a super clunky massive impact skill that is hampered by ping and can be stopped by killing an object in PvP and a pile of garbage traits and gimmicky effects...)

    It sucks, especially when the theme of the class is not only fairly unique in video games, but is also heckin' cool (Like, Rogue x Mage = Mesmer. Which is heckin' cool af. Like, imagine Professor X + Gambit + Psylocke combined into one class) and then we end up with this janky mess (Which instead of feeling like a mashup of cool X-Men, feels more like a mashup of the "Superheroes" Doorman + The Red Bee + Arm-Fall-Off-Boy)

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