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Everything posted by Nymeria.1653

  1. Didn't read all comments, just want to say what I think. I pesonally did skyscale because while doing it I enjoyed it for how it is structured, it's long yes but I mainly enjoed, it was relaxing and sometimes fun for me (I stress, for me), but if it wasn't like this, I would gave up and just be fine just with raptor and bunny. I think it's good to do what you mainly enjoy and if it gives you too much frustration, maybe just do another thing. For example, I don't have griffon, I'm not that kind of player that saves too much money in general, especially for a mount, so I personally preferred skyscale, but it's just an example. The point is you don't have to do everything if it stressses you.
  2. I agree. Personally I usually see race, profession, backstory and last if other characters of my account are in that order or not. I have a necro asura and he joined the order of whisper, in this case mainly because of his backstory I created.
  3. Despite I'm italian and I know lots of latin names/words, I just pick "Nymeria" from a song of ice and fire books (and I stress...the books :P ) for my main, cause I use this name in games since 2007, for other characters I go randomly and see what that character inspires me, also some names are italian words, but always names, even the "slightly funny ones", that can be a credible as a fantasy character's name for me
  4. I was looking for this in the poll tbh hahahaha my main always falls, idk why I only fall often with her O_O it's like she is clumsy haha you can imagine the struggle first time in heart of thorns maps
  5. Nope, I like to be me ^^ I see my characters more like "characters of a book wrote by me", so I'm fond of them because I created them somehow, but I want to be me
  6. That face is absolutely gorgeous @GummyBearSummoner.7941 said: Wish we had that face and outfit available ! I would like more town/traveler clothing /:I know guys, I remember this face before the release and I was like "this will be the face of one of my character!" and it was so disappointing when I didn't find it :( Hope they will add it
  7. Here guys ^^https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048145813-Account-Character-Rollback-Issue-5-11-2020-
  8. I think they will fix at least characters progression, also because people lost gems they got in these days bought with real money
  9. There was a failure on the main database, and the game automatically defaulted to the backup database.That does not mean the default database is the most recent backup. Thank you so much for clarifying ^^ so there is even more hope they will fix this
  10. Guys I don't know how this thing works, but how can a rollback happens if they are asleep? just really asking, no polemics
  11. Yes because they should be online 24/7. Get real and lower your insane expectations. Ok but if the rollback happened, someone did it....and if it was planned and now was automatically, they could have warned us before :( idk how it works
  12. I agree....also because I have lost the will to play in this moment anyway tbh
  13. Hope they did it to fix a major general bug and now they will give us back characters's progression
  14. I've wanted that face for a looooooong time. That face is column 2, row 3 at character creation. Mouth is made WAY wider, eyes are bit tweaked too. I think slightly lowered height, and slightly raised width? I think outside of a few select named NPCs (destiny's edge for example) virtually every NPC uses player character assets. Just have to play with the sliders, even if what they do from face to face is inconsistent. I've wanted to wish it was that simple, and even as the face you're speaking of is the closest to it (I'm not in game to verify the exact positioning but know which one you're talking about), it's still not the same as what the NPCs have. I've even sat side by side with them with a total makeover kit on multiple occasions. No deal. :(I agree, it can be similar but not the same T_T Also another face I always wanted even before the release was this and also this wasn't available :'( and was this one:
  15. Hello everyone, I wanted to show you guys my new character, which is a thief :3 Always wanted to make one, finally I joined the thief club =)
  16. So it works also for outfits, ok just wanted a confirmation before buying one I wanted, ty so much :)
  17. Hello everyone, I know maybe it's a stupid question but I wanted to know if there is a way to hide head part in an outfit that has one, thank you ^^
  18. I agree. Also for the faces customization, never understood why there are some faces only npc can have, like this one for example (I swear there is not in the character creation, not even in the total makeover kit)
  19. Hello, I came back to this game after years, so I wanted to post my ele that is also my main, I didn't play this character (actually all the characters) for years T_T
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