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Everything posted by SnowMochi.7602

  1. I could get behind - in front of - this concept. Make it so!
  2. Agreed. Braham should go - he should have been given his walking papers a long time ago.But yes, their reaction to our request is yet another example of passive-aggressive behaviour.
  3. |Obtena.7952 -"Actually .. if they DIDN'T have a reason, they wouldn't do it because it's something extra they had to do to make it that way. Don't assume because you don't like it, that Anet didn't have a reason to make it the way it is. If you want it changed, you better get your head around the idea there IS a reason for it and you need to come up with a BETTER one that's not just "I don't like it" to get it removed.""So infinity achievements are a not correct decision? OK, let's ask Anet if it's incorrect ... they design the game. I bet I know their answer." | I would like to hear directly from Anet just exactly what this reason is.
  4. Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but it would be really fun to be able to save dye combos for each of my mount skins and outfits. I mention this only because some dye combos work well on one outfit or skin but be a total disaster on others.
  5. 1) Get rid of the generic NPCs who speak in a slack-jawed manner - or get a dialogue coach to help retrain the voice actors to enunciate properly so they can redo those lines. Listening to that slack-jawed crap is the aural equivalent of nails raking across a blackboard. I turned off my sound, but this meant not being able to listen to the more pleasant and funnier dialogue found around Tyria.2) Get rid of Braham, Rytlock, Jenna, Caithe.
  6. Why I am still playing GW2 :1) My family and chosen friends still hang out here.2) My Asura characters. Kudos to those who designed them, to those who wrote their dialogue, and to those who gave life to them by lending their voices. If it weren't for these two reasons, I'd have gone a long time ago.
  7. I didn't know it was this bad already. Never having been in a high-population server, I always figured the numbers for Blackgate would remain consistently high.
  8. It would be also be nice if followers in the followers tab that you don't wish to friend back due to say, them harassing you, would automatically be removed from the followers tab once you blocked them. On a completely different topic: I don't know if it's already been suggested but what about fishing? We could have daily special events say, after Tequatl is defeated and special fish appear. Or if the map fails, one can fish for some deformed fish used for a Halloween recipe. Silly, I know, but we have so much water in the game and tons of fish! :D
  9. After having tried both Scrapper and Holosmith, I've gone back to Core Engineer.
  10. https://i.imgur.com/Qm5bZgu.jpg My Charr Scrapper
  11. I'm all for server pride AND server loyalty.
  12. Idk, but this is an awesome sentence. :)
  13. My guildies and I actually loved the stories in the dungeons and how they tied in with the NPCs' stories. We enjoyed the layout and the fights.Earning gold in there was only the gravy for us, not the meat of the dish. These days, we still head to dungeons to play, even though the monetary rewards aren't what they used to be. I've tried fractals and didn't like them as much - but that's just me.Even so, I wouldn't get rid of them because I know others prefer them, but hey, to each his (or her) own. :)
  14. To this I'd like to add the request to make more new dungeons. I enjoy most aspects of the game, including the dungeons, which sadly were made defunct some years ago.
  15. I really teally like this idea. I want it. Gimme. But don't environmental weapons simply take over the weapon skills bar? No item goes into our bags, right?
  16. Additionally, how about the ability to allow parties to be private and closed, so that the random person just can't invite themselves with impunity?
  17. The ability to smoke fish, ham, dry fruits and veggies, and all that sort of thing.
  18. In addition to the points I made below: What about saved dye combos per character or over the entire account, just in case you want to return to an old combo or something?A version of the game you can play offline with your guild/family/friends.Add a Favorites option to the Trading Post and The Gem Store so you can remember stuff you like.Dyeable back items.Items in Safe or Invisible bags and boxes should _not_ show up when using the Mystic Forge.Quaggan glider, chair, weapons, kite.What about:The back item version of the Floral glider, complete with a shower of flowers?
  19. What about saved dye combos per character or over the entire account, just in case you want to return to an old combo or something? A version of the game you can play offline with your guild/family/friends. Add a Favorites option to the Trading Post and The Gem Store so you can remember stuff you like. Dyeable back items. Items in Safe or Invisible bags and boxes should now show up when using the Mystic Forge. Quaggan glider, chair, weapons, kite.
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