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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. 12 hours ago, Iskras Femme.1693 said:

    ArenaNet is really making an effort and striving to improve WvW - that, in my eyes, is unquestionable.

    However, I only warn or draw attention to the current situation. Current prices (1800 gem) for server switching.

    It should be much, much higher.  Maybe then people will stop bandwagoning to servers to overstack them for easier fights and wins.

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  2. 13 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    They buffed it to lock on without adjusting it from its previous, almost never hitting state. For a guaranteed hit or defensive, it does WAY too much damage on WAY too short a cd. Currently one of the best skills in the game, easily.


    5 hours ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

    Either increase the cooldown, or make it a channeled ability that can be interrupted. The issue is it is a set it and forget it skill. It has no other counterplay other than dodging.  Which opens up the opportunity for burst from the rest of the incredibly loaded ele kit.

    I would gladly trade this skill for cloak and dagger, which hits just as hard AND grants stealth.

  3. 16 hours ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

    Just wait till a deadeye one shots you from underneath the map while you are in the safe zone for your team.

    See a LOT of this lately, also with mesmers.  They just kill people inside towers and keeps from under the maps.  Quality anti-cheat software running. /s

  4. 22 minutes ago, Soupeod.5714 said:

    Thats BS

    They have 4 guilds at least..  L2P and comment you two

    You do know my comment is regarding mag right?  Who are all in the same guild to be in the same alliance.

  5. On 12/9/2022 at 6:37 PM, LightBrave.5638 said:

    Very simple request from a long time Tempest that you allow Tempests to time stack auras up to 10 seconds like Superspeed recently received. This would make it more consistent and Tempests won't have to worry about using aftershock right after sand squall and missing out on an additional 4 seconds of magnetic aura.

    This isnt about adding anything additional to the class, it's about less waste on the class for it's primary special ability, aurashare.

    I am willing to say skip it for PVP and PVE if we can at least add it to WVW. 10 man shouts were removed which I accept, and we can either Healshare or give alac but not both, but give us the ability to not have to specifically time auras without wasting them. I would even accept 8 seconds, just something more than the current time of the aura (5.5 seconds with radiance runes currently) (6.8 seconds with radiance runes and improved fire aura)

    Thank you.

    Boons can be stripped though (even though the keep nerfing every strip).  Auras literally have no counter but to stop attacking.

    • 1. Nevermore
    • 2. LIght wvw armor
    • 3. Medium wvw armor
    • 4. Heavy wvw armor
    • 5. Warbringer
    • 6. Juggarnaut
    • 7. Conflux
    • 8. Prismatic Champion Regalia
    • 9. Vision
    • 10. Aurora
    • 11. 2nd Conflux
    • 12. The Binding of Ipos
    • 13. Sunrise
    • 14. Incinerator
    • 15. 1 Rune (for water breather)
    • 16. Xiuquatl
    • 17. The Flameseeker Prophecies
    • 18. 4 sigils (for land)
    • 19. Kamohoali'i Kotaki
    • 20. Howler
    • 21. The Shining Blade
    • 22. Astralaria


    As far as importance, I would say trinkets first.  As they can be used by every class and armor weight.

    I played wvw endlessly so it made sense to make those for armors.  As far as grinding them or future ones out, just keep at it.  I was amazed at how quickly the list expanded.  I managed to make everything from Sunrise down this year.  I funded a bunch of them by selling a couple first.  Was broke.  Had stored up enough materials to make one outright.  Sold antique summoning stones and memories of battle to pay the listing fee.  Once the first one sold, used that profit to make another to sell.  Every third one I made I could keep.  Honestly, the hard part was the Gift of Exploration.  I had done a bunch of map completion years ago, but making things you can burn through them pretty quick.  Ended up rerolling a bunch so I had toons to do map completion on.



    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, Ruru.1302 said:


    I'll be the one to explain I guess


    When indo and his gang were linked with vip i think someone in his guild said in team chat "spam 1 if vip is trash" and a ton of people started spamming 1 so vip got pretty kitten about it

    To be fair, that player thinks everyone is trash but his guild, while fighting pug groups of 25 with 30 in squad, another 30 on tag and his alt at spawn tag watching.

    • Like 2
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  7. 14 minutes ago, Stash.8401 said:

    we don't actually play together nor do we communicate at all on discord so collectively it actually is a pick up group. [MAG] is just a collection of maguuma players under 1 band, especially useful for these alliances tied to guilds. Literally a bunch of roamers, no group comp no synergy no nothing....just likeminded players looking for combat against others. One of the most typed things in guild chat is "is there content in wvw" (content being enemies to fight)


    Though I'd have to say this whole thread is pointless when the OP is accusing others of exactly the same thing he is doing or has others doing for him. He slightly admitted it in a previous post without actually saying it exactly.



    People spam /laugh and jump on people as banter especially when this ViP group purposely avoids enemies to go cap empty towers/keeps. Yeah its a kitten feeling but it is what it is, kitten things happen all the time but so do good things.

    Here's an example.  I'm always solo, never grouped with anyone.  My guild is my wife and kids, and like 5 random other people that never rep or play in wvw, honestly not sure I have ever spoken to them.  I am on TC, not known for big, comp'd guilds.  There are a few people that I have fought next to occasionally over the last 10 years.  If 4 of those people and I end up in a 5v5 vs some random others, that really isn't 5 pugs vs 5 pugs.  Sure, we may not be grouped or comp'd, we aren't in voice chat, but I know their character, have fought with them before, and know what they are going to do.


    This basically describes Mag.  When you play with the same people over and over, year after year, even if you never speak to them in chat or over voice.  Even is you never group/party with them.  Playing with people you know, know how they play and what they are going to do, pretty much means you aren't pugs.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  8. 8 hours ago, Daerth Riverstone.3218 said:

    I'll just paint a picture of the ViP experience...


    Driver gathers 50 people together


    "Okay guys let's have some fun, let me see who can watch mag chat for us today! Woot!"


    Proceeds to head to the nearest tower with ewp and watchtower on it. 


    "Okay guys maguuma is coming get ready. Our scout tells us it's time to make a difference in wvw"


    Proceeds to stand in 1 spot and die to 15 pugs


    "Okay guys new borderland! I'll brb going to take a break to report to the forums, you guys know where spawn is, right?"

    You do know that being in 1 guild, and playing together every day means you are not pugs right?

    • Like 1
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  9. Anet does not need to intervene.  Players chose to make a single guild (500 person max) so they could be in the same guild for alliances, nothing more.  Mag is not the boogie man.  Individually they aren't even very good.  They have a handful of skilled players, like every other server, and then numbers, like some other servers.  What mag has is coverage in time zones their opponents don't.


    Mag isn't taking everything because they are just that much better than everyone else.  Mag is taking everything because it is how they like to play, and when the other servers have no population, they take everything and tier it up.  A lot of other servers could do the same thing, but choose not to, because it isn't their playstyle.  Mag will push and fail, push and fail, push and fail until that time of day where you have half their numbers.  Then they will push, take it, and then PPT like no tomorrow, tiering everything up.


    There is a reason you don't see mag outside SMC when they don't have a lot on.  Cause they don't fight with less, ever.  Nothing in the rules makes that a bad thing.  It's just how they choose to play.


    Other servers could be more aggressive and take everything while everyone else is asleep, and tier it up, put ewp's on everything and only fight smaller groups.  But it's a pretty boring playstyle, so most people don't like to do it.  They DO like to do it.  They live for the forum posts, the toxic chat/dm's.  They love fighting 5 guys with 20+.  They have trouble getting 20 to fight 20, especially if it is a comp.  Because that is "boring" to them.


    So no, Anet doesn't really need to do anything.  Alliances are not going to fix wvw.  Alliances are exactly what we have now, with everything the same, EXCEPT that the server name you log in as will be different.  The off hours taking everything will be the same.  And, if you are in a match with moogaloo, the off hours taking everything, will be them taking everything and tiering it up, just like now.

    • Like 1
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  10. TC routinely has people running into walls and trolling everything in sight.  Only one guild parks tag watching alts at spawn EVERY single match, even when we're qued.  That character never logs in for anything, never does any playing, but if we're fighting OP guild, they are on nearly 24/7 at spawn somewhere trying to hide off to one side.


    Personally, I don't care that they need a crutch to fight 25 people with their map que.  What I don't get is why it is allowed for them to take up a playing space when we're qued.  Imagine if everyone just did this with free to play accounts.  Want to take smc?  Just start logging alts in to the enemy server until you take up like half of them.  Now your group doesn't have to fight a map que because you know your side has 40-50 people afk at their spawn.


    I really hope this isn't what anet wants wvw to turn into.

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  11. 4 hours ago, HeIIica.2945 said:

    People should NOT be allowed to purposely, in  a golem, (or otherwise), afk run into a object, on a camp, (or anywhere else).  It is a tactic to circumvent them from being kicked, while being afk, and as well, because they are in a golem, it takes longer to kill them.  It is a dirty tactic, and the game should counteract it.

    I don't know what you mean by alt-tabbed. 

    What I don't get it is if I hit autorun near a wall I still disconnect the same as I would standing still.

    Other than botting, I don't get how they are avoiding the AFK timer, because on TC, we have people who autorun into walls for days at a time.

  12. 54 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Anet logs on to run with boon blob in smc, chases away the other smaller zergs.

    I suppose if you always run with a map blob of boons you'll never see anything wrong with chasing away "content".



    This is why they nerfed walls, nerfed defensive siege, added shield gens (which benefit blobs more than defenders), and they continue to nerf strips.

    • Like 7
  13. 4 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Where did your dates from the subject comes from? Both are already in the past. Were you over max in game mail message perchance? Have seen where there will be more in game messages queued that won't come thru until enough messages that are already displayed are cleared out.

    Some countries use different formats.  The one OP is listing would be Dec 2 - Dec 9, 2022.

  14. 5 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


    lol, Mag roamers and YB siege, lol. Have to go with Princess Bride here, "Have fun storming the castle!" o/

    People keep making this joke, but Mag uses more siege than almost every server in the top 3 tiers.  So, ALL that siege isn't "cause Yak's Bend".

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  15. 3 hours ago, Volzmir.4831 said:

    Can't wait for the alliance changes to break up Maguuma.



    You do realize they are literally all in the same guild.  The "mag" that is actually mag, wear different tags and pretend to be pugs, but they are all in 1 guild, and are going to be in the same alliance.  Alliances is nothing more than what we have now.  It will look exactly the same.  Boon blobs will only fight pugs.  Large guilds will ktrain rather than fight.  Mag will push and lose every even fight until they outnumber you, at which point, they will turn all of EB and tier it up.

    • Thanks 1
  16. Since the change, there's been a slight reduction in willingness to defend.

    The big thing has been who or when.  Large groups will come back to kill a small attacking group or equal group if it's pugs.  Large groups won't even change maps to defend against another large boon blob.  The ktrain blobs expect pugs and roamers to hold everything then complain when they don't have a waypoint.


    Repairing, almost no one bothers anymore.  Most of the defending and repairing has been the dedicated players/scouts.  Scouts get no credit for anything and get blamed when things get taken.  Yet people expect them to build all the siege, refresh it, make all the callouts perfectly, never go to the bathroom AND do all of that while not even getting participation.  It's gotten to where scouts are expected to defend and keep both camps too.


    Anet is succeeding in making it so that the only way to play is for 50+ groups to only ever fight smaller groups, comps to only ever fight pugs, and defending is complained about.  Every nerf has been a way to make ktrain blobs more efficient.

    • Like 2
  17. 7 hours ago, Absurd.2947 said:

    I watched the entire video. There's ONE enemy bubble on them and then 2 wells spiking some guy who was nowhere near the tag. It's not their fault that people aren't stripping or cleansing because they'd rather spam 1 on mortar kits or die to reflects on their ranger mains. They push out of lake tower, 3 people just afk on the rams. But yeah it's clearly these "BoOnBaLl abusers" fault. So broken 🙃

    I didn't blame them, I said it showcased how boon sharing is broken.  It's Anet's fault that it is the way it is.  You mention bubble, the thing that doesn't even dent boons anymore cause it was nerfed into uselessness.  Boon application is 10x boon strips at the moment.  The video is fun to watch, they did great.  Doesn't change my statement though.

  18. 7 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

    I am not here asking to nerf dragonbanner for my personal gameplay, I am asking to remove it for good of the gamemode and new players.

    The thing is, the banner is opressive to new players and there are literally people who keep it whole 15 minutes moving in and out of portals killing all the newbies around. Is having the banner in the game really worth it? 1 person spamming 2 skills ruining game for multiple others?

    All of you seem to be thinking that since I am here asking for changes, is that I am the one having issues spotting and surviving from dragonbanner. No, every idea here I make is for better WvW where fights aren't cheesed and noobs should have fun too. Making fun of me or claiming "oh ye guilds can deal with it against bad users", are not arguments why there should exist someone camping dragon banners in the game.

    Play the game normally, and stop camping banners, please. At least 17 minutes out of 20.

    Your last sentence says you are absolutely asking for it to be nerfed because of your playstyle.

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