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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. TC on NA.  We were T4 on relinks, T4 when the beta started, and (huh, how odd) T1 after beta.  We aren't even a host world for beta, our server is a link (renamed obviously) during the beta weeks.


    Good Ol' Anet.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    True only for older infusions.

    The newer ones, even in pve, all follow the same formula: once you use it, it's bound to you.

    If there is a non rng way to acquire them, they are immediately account bound.

    I haven't done much pve the last few years, so that's good to know.  I still find it an odd direction for the game to be moving, but thanks for the info.  Wonder what is driving the push to make them all account bound on use?

  3. 18 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    you owe me compensation for placing me on a team that is outnumbered a minimum of 20 hours a day and making me fight teams that literally have zergs 24 hours a day.

    if you pull this alliances joke before I finish my legendary gear, I'll literally get myself banned a never return to this game.

    That has been me, on my main acct (this one), every beta up to now.  Somehow my guild ended up on a new server this go around and it's not been too bad.

  4. On 6/18/2023 at 9:44 AM, Khalisto.5780 said:

    isn't this class the reason thief as a whole got everything nerfed?

    I mean, can't have dmg, cuz of daredevil

    shortbow 5 nerf, humm, cuz of daredevil

    sustain nerfs, daredevil?

    The problem with daredevil is 3 dodges.  And because people refuse to accept that extra dodges should require sigils, like every other spec, everything else gets looked at, adjusted, nerfed to compensate.  Thief in general would be in a better place if Anet would figure that out.

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  5. There are a lot of things that need fixed. 

    Celestial should have never been buffed, but, since they added the 2 stats, they should have reduced the values of every stat.

    Daredevil should have to spend sigils to get extra dodges, not just be given 3 because memes.  It doesn't "need" 3 any more than any other build that is melee range.

    Sure, there are many other things that need looked at, like why willbender has heavy armor but thief mobility, but that fight is for another day.

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  6. Is the point of this to track a ktrain contest?  I guess I don't get it.  Claiming the most things per week seems like it would just show who doesn't defend, fights the most doors, or only zergs when no one else is on.

    I mean, data points are cool and all, but I must be missing the point.

    On a side note, I find it interesting that I was 18th in claims on my server, and I play solo.

    • Confused 1
  7. 15 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

    Groups that sign up as individuals will, like all individuals, be (largely) randomly distributed among the worlds so they would end up fighting one another.  Only very rarely would they all end up in one world, and the larger the group the more likely they will be split up.


    Not rarely, every time.  If it randomizes where they are placed, every login, they will log in and out until their comp is on the same server fighting pugs.  It's why open world pvp games are not popular, because this is what some players do.

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/13/2023 at 7:50 AM, blp.3489 said:

    I think they should test out having an option that you can check to be placed as an individual in matches entirely made up of individuals.  This would provide a nicely chaotic environment where individual players aren't just bag fodder for the organized boon balls and dedicated WWW guilds.  Keep in mind that this would be an opt-in option so that all you players who want to play with friends or in an organized guild would continue to go on with play as usual.  This would actually benefit the organized players as they would be concentrated in a smaller number of matches and playing against other organized groups.  Players who want to play with a friend or who can't motivate themselves without having a server or guild to play for clearly won't be interested but for all those players that just play for their current side it could be fun.

    I think it would add an interesting element to the game where you have to organize and cooperate with a somewhat random group of other players.  I think for a lot of newer players that are used to solo play in PVE this would be an interesting transition and learning experience before deciding if they want to get into more organized and structured play.  Players could also develop their pugmander skills and it would be less common for squads to be requiring specific builds.   Potentially these matchups could have higher overall populations by combining players from different time zones.

    I think it would be interesting to at least test whether some segment of the player base enjoyed that sort of environment.

    The only thing that would happen, is comps would all "join to play by themselves" so that their "group of individuals" can just farm pugs.

    • Like 1
  9. Let's say that full is 2000 players for a server.  That means that 2000 people log in each week for wvw.

    Every server is above the full threshold as far as potential wvw players, but only a handful of players actually wvw.  That said, there are a few servers who have 3000-4000 people log in each week for wvw.  That's how you get domination. 

    If you are wondering how that happens, well, people get beat in a fight a couple times then just play an alt acct or another game for 2-3 weeks.  Their server opens, tons of people (who play wvw every week) transfer in, and now you have a full server that is twice the active population of most other servers.

    This is what BG did for years to get super-stacked, this is what Mag has done twice this year so far.

    Unless they turn off server transfers, it's only going to take maybe 1 match for all the fairweather folks to manage to stack enough that alliances will look exactly like what we have now.  It doesn't help that Anet keeps nerfing defense, boon removal, wall health, tactics, etc.  At the rate we are going, wvw will just be boonballs fighting npc's, everyone will be on the same team, the structures will just reset every 5 minutes so the ktrain can keep going, and it will look like Drizzlewood.

    • Like 3
  10. It's pretty easy to see, Anet does NOT want people to defend.  Every "adjustment" is in favor of boonballs and to the detriment of defenders and the game mode in general.

    So, I am going to translate what Anet has been saying this whole time about boons.

    "We understand boon application is a problem" - Anet


    "We are sorry you have to reapply boons, so we are making them as permanent as we can and removing every strip/corrupt in the game so you don't have to reapply them" - Also Anet

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  11. 57 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    That patch is their response to their "boon application and removal investigation".

    Pretty obvious what their view is, 99% boon spam 1% removal, who they stand by, play with, and cater to. They're not interested in the health of fair combat in wvw, they don't want counters, they don't want anything to mess with their boon blob vibe. Those groups don't actually want competition, everything that counters them gets nerfed every patch, they want easy domination. How productive is this balance team that has spent the last year messing with alacrity and quickness builds. Two boons take up all their time messing up specs every patch.


    You can confuse emote all you want, the upcoming patch speaks for itself. 🤷‍♂️ -->

    Yep.  They said months ago that boon application/removal was a problem, and that boon application needed to be looked at.  And literally, that same week nerfed strips.  Is anyone surprised they are making boons more of a problem?

  12. TC has people that "AFK" run into walls for entire matches, 24/7.  No amount of reporting has ever removed them.  Anet literally does not care.  Oddly enough, if I set myself to autorun at a wall, I disconnect after about 7 minutes, so I really don't get how all these people avoid the AFK timer kick.

  13. Was late to reset cause kids.  20 in que, not horrible.  Get to 1...no popup, no window, not even touching the computer, it rolled from 1 to 54.  Went to OS to say I was in MMO purgatory, decided to just log out.


    Sad times.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, zengara.8301 said:

    Its not about "the challenge", it is about people listening or not. How people "want to play the game", or can play the game. I want to fight hard enemies, but I also want the people on my side to actually do stuff, and not have 50 people where only 4 people out of 50 dealt dmg and the rest might aswell have been doing nothing.

    And no offense, but Gw2 1v1 is not boring, but not the best, every "korean style" skill 1v1 game out there, beats it, or even Starcraft if I want direct 1v1. The social aspects of game is great, but it is not my core aim to log in. The only thing that I find unique in Gw2 is the guild vs guild or ZvZ/blob vs blob.

    Idk, this has been going on for a while, but it is beyond clear that better fights=more people because "content". EOTM dies out, because why would ppl even wvw, if it is the same as map farming, which I avoid. Its just the whole "every game makes some weird version of WvW, all of them dies out because no content

    Except, that people aren't transferring for bigger (more people) overall fights.  They transfer so that they always outnumber their opponents.  Rarely does a guild transfer to some poor outnumbered server cause they want "better fights=more people".  Players have proven over 10 years that they will choose the path of least resistance.  Which is why every time BG or mag opens, they get tons of players.  Why when relink is announced, their links get tons of people.  Not because people want a challenge.

    • Like 1
  15. 25 minutes ago, iKeelMellow.8315 said:

    Every relink there are people unhappy over relinks. Suggest ways to change the relink system assuming there would still be pairings and there wouldn't be changes in the number of tiers.

    The problem isn't relinks, it transfers.  The whole reason the system fails is because NO ONE wants a challenge.  Relinks announced, within 5 minutes entire guilds transfer to stack a server.  There is no way to make a system work that is constantly being gamed by half the playerbase.

    Maybe not the best solution, but they need to prohibit transfers for a time period around relinks.  Make it so that 2 weeks before relinks and 2 weeks after relinks no transfers are allowed.  Matches are 8 weeks.  That would only give the fairweather crowd 4 weeks to manipulate matches in their favor.


    If no one has noticed, the problem with the "solution" is that it takes away a revenue source from Anet, which is why WvW can never be fixed.  The matchmaking algorithm can't compete with players transferring/stacking for easier fights.

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  16. On 5/28/2023 at 9:14 PM, FelixWolf.2348 said:

    As someone who has spent quite a bit of money on gem store items, I see a lot of people saying they are going to disable player visual effects.

    What I am understanding is that "visual effects" includes minis, pets, etc. "Disable player item sounds" already impacts instruments. To me, it sounds like what it is going to do is just set everything to their default models and what not. At which point, what is the point of buying visual items on the gem store if probably half, if not more, of the player base wont even see it?

    You do realize that you are spending money so that the character will look the way YOU want it to look?  If you want to be a gigantic glowing Norn who is max height and size, that doesn't mean the rest of us who bought the game should be forced to look at it.  Not to mention the potential seizure inducing effects that a lot of the game has going on.  So, why should anothers' ability to turn off the distraction so they can actually see the game affect you or gem store sales?


    The game is 11 years old, and I still don't know what any of the bosses in the game look like because every fight is like a giant disco exploded on the boss.  This is a welcome, and long overdue change.

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  17. 1 minute ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    These aren't the same though. Players are not getting kicked out of GW2, just out of WvW back to the map they joined into WvW from. I also would say ArcDPS had nothing to with it since I know these players don't even know what that is, I do though hence why I can say they don't run it. No, this new bug, started right after they launched the new PvE queue for a map feature function. I fear we have another of those, this shouldn't impact WvW, but it did, features from PvE land. Since they don't post but I do, wanted to pass the word around that something is off.

    That is bad.  The disconnects I know of are fully out of game.  People should absolutely not be being removed from a wvw map to a pve map, other than maybe the AFK timer.

  18. The que bug has existed since launch.

    As for the disconnects, I personally have not had any.  All the people I keep talking to, who are disconnecting regularly, have ArcDPS installed.

    Having said that, I would really like a grace period on disconnects.  If you dc, you have like 1 minute to get back onto the map regardless of que.

  19. On 5/25/2023 at 12:01 PM, Zok.4956 said:

    No, they are not completely impossible. Killing enemy players inside your own tower/keep/castle works quite well.

    Well, it works, but not well.  The only guaranteed method is to watch a player kill a guard and then immediately kill them.  Otherwise, you get put in the random lottery for a chance to get credit defending.  Even if you kill 10 people solo in the lords room during the event timer, you might not get credit.  I can speak anecdotally for others, but personally, I have had kills ranging from 1 to 25 inside the tower and still not gotten credit.  Even for zerg fights that lasted 10 minutes or so.  Kill entire enemy zerg fully within the structure, 3 defense events, 0 tower defense credits.


    It needs looked at.  I say that sarcastically, because we all know Anet doesn't want people defending.

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