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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. @Threather.9354 said:

    Are golemancer runes really so busted that youd run it on every member of the party? Nah, most likely not.

    But large guilds are. It allows everyone in the guild to run as dps, because they just need the boons, not the defensive stats (the golem is the defensive stats). So, 40-50 players, all in comp'd specs to get boons, superspeed, alacrity, yet ALL are dps, since the golem soaks up the damage that the support specs would normally need to cover with healing. Don't leave out that the golems walk through walls, can get barriers and CC + 600 dps each. The lag doesn't improve the situation either.

  2. Here's something that makes no sense to me.Retaliation is meant to punish the attacker for lack of awareness. - ok, makes senseReflects are meant to do the same thing, punish the attacker for lack of awareness. - ok, makes sensePutting a reflect bubble (mesmer for example) on someone with retaliation up, punishes the person who put up the reflect because the attacker keeps attacking. /smh

  3. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @Danikat.8537 said:I don't know who I'm going to use it on either. My ranger is the obvious choice, since I play her most, but I'm not sure so for now it's stitting in the bank.

    @"Raizel.1839" said:Can we gift it to another player?

    I don't think so. I tried to gift it from my second account to my main account but the button wasn't there.

    (My free account didn't even have the item available.)

    Mine showed "Account Bound on Acquire"

    Yeah, the item is acct bound on acquire, but the build template unlock only applies to whichever character you click it on, not every character on the acct.

  4. @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

    @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:A guildie of mine did something similar, cept he was a teef....and nekid. Love these kinds of vids tho

    Put the link here if you can ;) he did it with scorpion wire probably

    His last vid was part serious fighting, part scorpion wire fun and part shadow gust lol.

    I wish I had his level of creativity for his vids. It would really help mine.

    Edit: Yes his toon is legit mostly nekkid, thus his stats are reduced. I started recently running nekkid as well and its super fun (also on teef)

    Unless those are pre nerf videos, there's no way that's mostly naked. The numbers, even the health says otherwise.

  5. @"Luthan.5236" said:Yeah. The participation thing is a bit weird. It can even discourage you from defending in big zerg fights at a keep

    That's just it, Anet doesn't want people to defend. Every nerf has been in favor of the door-fighting blobs. Watch the devs play wvw streams, you will see them attacking as part of a blob, or as part of a group fighting doors/walls with no defenders. The only time you see them in wvw (with tag up anyway) is on the blobbing side. They want everyone to ktrain, fight smaller groups and doors because it's "fun". They have no idea what it is like for those of us who actually play this as our only game mode, constantly fighting 30-50+ blobs outnumbered.

  6. With regards to the "spoiler", the attacker already has every advantage. They can not reduce siege health until they require every weapon skill to have a target AND require line of sight to the target. Rangers can already destroy siege in a few casts of barrage, making it 1 cast is ridiculous (as an example).

    But yes, not only should the number of upgrade dolyaks not be the same for every structure type, SMC should not even have supply huts/supply to use.

  7. We already had an episode this season that forced players to play a "mission story step" either public or private. A lot of players can not complete these things solo, and the feedback on the forums was mostly negative. People hate being forced to do content, especially if it involves being forced to do content with other players. Why all of a sudden change from story instances that are not just solo, like it has been? So, it's not surprising, now that we have a chapter that has 3 "mission story steps" in a row, that people don't really want to do it. And REALLY do not want to do it over and over. It also just ends, without ending, leaving the player wondering is it bugged or what they are missing.

  8. @"primatos.5413" said:They still are “working“ on how to monetize alliances..sorry no time for balance.. :(

    I really don't think (a surprise to even myself) that they will monetize alliances. But, it's a situation of be careful what you ask for. The changes to the guild panel, the alliance system they are talking about, and the location of the next expansion all point to the same thing...that 3 way wvw dies when Cantha launches. The alliance battles that took place in GW: Factions I think is what they have planned for the future of wvw (which won't be worlds anymore when alliances happen). I've said in other threads the same thing. Cantha will bring Kurzick vs Luxon battles, where alliances can control territories.

    Alliances won't fix wvw, even changing to 2 sided alliance battles won't fix wvw. Players are going to keep stacking to fight smaller groups and doors. Everyone just wants easy fights and loot/ranks. Transfers will always exist, and that is a good chunk of wvw revenue I would bet.

    Balance is a whole other beast, since they will likely have to nerf certain elites to make new elite specs attractive (if indeed we are getting any). Can't see them spending a lot of time trying to balance existing skills knowing they will have to "adjust" them again in a year to make the expac sell better. There are some things that are broken, a lot that is overperforming and a ton of things no one ever uses. But why would they bother making changes to them now only to change them later too.

  9. I can't speak for the EU servers, but NA, the "fight" guilds don't really exist. Most of the guilds in NA, have situated themselves on servers where they never have to face another comped guild during their playtime/timezone. So, during the first 4 hour block, green will have a comp'd 50 man running around killing groups of 20 and fighting doors. After they log off, blue will have a comp'd 50 running around doing the same thing. When they log off, red will have the same thing. None of those comped groups ever have to face off against other large, organized groups. When they do, they transfer to another link where no one is in their playtime. You almost never see comped guilds fighting each other, except the rare occasion on reset night.

    That said, there are some amazing comped guilds running around that can easily fight 30-50 vs the random pug armies. They rarely die, the pugs that follow along behind them melt, and eventually they need to empty their bags so they take short breaks between farming unorganized groups. I wish all of this was sarcasm, but it isn't.

  10. Druid can have it's uses, personally I think it's fun to play. That said, other classes just do the same job better. Tempest, Scrapper, even Revenant are just better to have in larger fights. If you enjoy it and can play it well, I would say do it. But it isn't a meta class for a reason.

  11. @LetoII.3782 said:

    @ASP.8093 said:

    If you're playing something that gets eaten alive by ranged burst, I get how this is frustrating, but honestly no amount of nerfs is going to make your build all that useful as a roamer.

    I know that particular player.He plays an engi. He has stealth, he has ranged defence and he has ample escape options. What he doesn't have (and so few casual pugs seem to) is awareness of when he's a big, juicy obvious target.

    You left out minstrel, full minstrel scrapper 90% of the time. I don't have any problems dying to ranger and thieves. Most days I can just stand there cause they can't outplay me. It doesn't change my original statement. Thieves are very low risk, high reward. I spent the first couple years on thief, insta-killing people and running from anyone that didn't just explode. I have several years of ranger main, especially the no downstate events, where I can safely delete people from 2k range. I just prefer to heal.

  12. @LetoII.3782 said:

    @Ubi.4136 said:

    Perhaps one simpler way of making thief a more challenging class to play would be to remove the initiative system and impose cool downs on their skills
    . Right now it’s way too forgiving as thieves can withdraw from combat as they please, with near-infinite dodges.

    It’s not so much the stealth that’s a problem. It’s rather annoying, but can be countered. Condis are excellent against enemies who use stealth. It’s as easy as that.

    What is hard to counter is the constant step-in-step-out of combat that’s completely out of hand. I know, as I have a thief, and it really doesn’t require much to best someone. It’s funny how those types of core thieves think themselves skilled when in reality it requires little effort to play the specialisation right. That’s not to say Thief doesn’t require mastery, surely it does, as does everything, but the initiative system makes it extremely elusive through spammable skills and on top of that they have boosted Vigor. This just doesn’t make it balanced.

    There should be a way to convert Thief from forgiving to challenging and perhaps my initial thought of removing initiative could accomplish that, or at least add a cool down to each teleport, like with the exhaustion after DD dodge (say, at least 10s after skill 2 on sword), so that they can’t just bounce between locations like crazy but have to time their actions carefully.

    The matter of right and wrong is an endless debate. Take BDO e.g. and their gimmicky movement that’s also just way out of hand, at least in my view, but I can see why some people may like it.

    There’s no way to appease everyone.

    Worst suggestion I've seen yet, Initiative is likely why most people play their thieves and it's a good resource system. Thief is challenging to play, and it has some broken builds, more than one thing can be true at the same time. Thieves aren't all that challenging to fight compared to other classes if you make build choices. A lot of people in this forum don't like making build choices and we get these threads.

    There is nothing challenging about thief. It literally is the easiest class in the game to play and get and secure player kills. Get to choose every fight, regardless of whether the thief initiates it, and can run away from nearly 100% of every fight they choose to. Thief is low to no risk and very high reward.

    ...and there's only 2-4 thieves per map because all the true heroes sacrifice and play lesser classes like necro, warrior or revenant.

    Those are the blobbing classes, this thread is about the overabundance of a few classes in small encounters. It still doesn't change the fact that thief has the easiest time picking, winning or running from any fight they choose. It does not take much skill at all to win fights as thief. You get near infinite chances to win by just resetting until your opponent gets tired or makes a mistake. Low risk, high reward.

  13. @kash.9213 said:

    Perhaps one simpler way of making thief a more challenging class to play would be to remove the initiative system and impose cool downs on their skills
    . Right now it’s way too forgiving as thieves can withdraw from combat as they please, with near-infinite dodges.

    It’s not so much the stealth that’s a problem. It’s rather annoying, but can be countered. Condis are excellent against enemies who use stealth. It’s as easy as that.

    What is hard to counter is the constant step-in-step-out of combat that’s completely out of hand. I know, as I have a thief, and it really doesn’t require much to best someone. It’s funny how those types of core thieves think themselves skilled when in reality it requires little effort to play the specialisation right. That’s not to say Thief doesn’t require mastery, surely it does, as does everything, but the initiative system makes it extremely elusive through spammable skills and on top of that they have boosted Vigor. This just doesn’t make it balanced.

    There should be a way to convert Thief from forgiving to challenging and perhaps my initial thought of removing initiative could accomplish that, or at least add a cool down to each teleport, like with the exhaustion after DD dodge (say, at least 10s after skill 2 on sword), so that they can’t just bounce between locations like crazy but have to time their actions carefully.

    The matter of right and wrong is an endless debate. Take BDO e.g. and their gimmicky movement that’s also just way out of hand, at least in my view, but I can see why some people may like it.

    There’s no way to appease everyone.

    Worst suggestion I've seen yet, Initiative is likely why most people play their thieves and it's a good resource system. Thief is challenging to play, and it has some broken builds, more than one thing can be true at the same time. Thieves aren't all that challenging to fight compared to other classes if you make build choices. A lot of people in this forum don't like making build choices and we get these threads.

    There is nothing challenging about thief. It literally is the easiest class in the game to play and get and secure player kills. Get to choose every fight, regardless of whether the thief initiates it, and can run away from nearly 100% of every fight they choose to. Thief is low to no risk and very high reward.

  14. We are coming up on THREE YEARS since alliances were announced. You read that right 3...3 whole years. Other than some backend stuff they said was done for pvp like 2 years ago, no work has been done on it. At this point, especially with how abandoned wvw has been with regards to Anet, it is unlikely a Cantha expansion will even have 3 way wvw battles in it. They have no plan to stop links, no desire to stop players buying gems to stack on servers to fight smaller groups and doors. What that leaves us with is an empty promise to eventually give us "alliances" that even Anet said wouldn't address the issues wvw is facing, the disparity in time zone coverages and players choosing to stack to "fight" doors.

    This leaves us with only one real possibility, unless you accept that they will never do anything for wvw. We will get "alliance battles" with the Cantha expansion, and with it, 3 way realm vs realm will be gone forever. It will be a redo of the Kurzick vs Luxon battles from GW: Factions. We will get our "alliances", we may even get the ability where guilds can "own" the towns like before. We will be stuck with a 2 sided fight, where the bandwagon players will do exactly what they did in Factions (and have been doing here)...all stack on one side so they can "win" every fight.

    The future does not look bright. I guess I can hope that the open world PvE stuff is fun, so I might have something to do.

  15. Those chests, and in the end skirmish tickets, only come from pips. You don't earn any unless you have at least tier 3 participation (killing people, defend events, etc). You will earn pips once every 5 minutes if your participation is high enough. Under the wvw menu, there is a section on the left called match overview. It shows you a "tick prediction" as to how many pips you will earn at the next "tick", which is just scored every 5 minutes. The number of pips required increases the higher reward level you are in. So, bronze for example, only takes 30 pips to complete each of the 4 levels of it (120 pips for all 4 bronze tiers). These can be seen under the "all rewards" section on that same tab. The higher the reward level, the more pips required each time.

    Tickets cap at 365 a week, no other way to get them, so save tickets just for armor if you want to do legendary. You need to do the triumphant armor reward track at least 6 times to unlock each of the armor skin pieces. Which then let's you buy the ascended version of that armor. Which then, gets upgraded into the legendary version.The ascended and legendary steps both require tickets.

  16. You can mount (out of combat) while carrying a banner in wvw. The exception to this, is if you have put the first 2 points in the warclaw mastery, and only the 2. That's the ability that grants nearby allies the ability to move faster.For the warclaw mastery:If you have 1 point, you can have a banner and mount.If you spend 2 points, you can not mount with the banner.If you spend the 3rd point or more, you can now mount again with the banner.

    I am guessing this is an oversight.

  17. @"losingcontrol.1084" said:Give every player who completed Diamond chest 50 gold at the end of the week if his server won. 25 gold if second place. 10 gold if third place.

    Server switching will reward 0 gold for that week to prevent people switching to servers that are winning.

    This way you bring way more people playing the gamemode. Which is half the time a desert with all the same 5 people you fight.

    I think I would only support this if the 0 gold for switching servers was for the duration of the link (8 weeks no gold). Anet hopefully is matchmaking somewhat even matches on relink, yet hundreds of players immediately bandwagon to either an easier tier (match) or to stack a link matched to a powerhouse host. The reason is simple, they want to win every fight all the time. Numbers is how you do that. Offering a monetary reward of in game gold is just a bad idea. One, it encourages the stacking, and two, it gives people free gold to buy gems and transfer with to restack at next relink.

    So sure, I'd be fine with better monetary rewards (prefereably not tied to "winning"), but if match placement affects it, than transfers can earn no gold rewards for 8 weeks after transferring, regardless of when the relinks occur.

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