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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Always ignore the rank. I play multiple accts each week (thanks ticket cap), but even with that, the accts are gold, gold, silver, silver and bronze. I have a rank 68 one as well, but I try to pretend it doesn't exit. So if you jump me on the very low bronze acct, you aren't gonna get a free noob kill. That aside, yes, there are some very broken builds in wvw. I just keep hoping that some of the more ridiculous outliers will get adjusted soon.

  2. @"Tomas.6092" said:What is the current total number of players per map?Like legit, month or so ago, one of the devs said on stream that there can be nothing done to reduce the lags.And now doing the easiest kitten possible - just lowering the amount of people that can get into the map, idk if that a solution to fix.We don't even know how many people per server can currently fit to map. Idk why it's even a secret

    At one point it was 100 per server. Before they switched to the new forums we got told it was 80 per server. That was also the last that was said on it that I can recall. I'm just hoping they make sure each side is set to the same number, cause quality control hasn't been great.

  3. @"Vova.2640" said:thank you cmc.

    If these tests prove successful please consider adding a 2nd EBG-like map to the mode to compensate the cap decrease on other maps.or even open a 2nd instance of ebg for prime hours (eg 8pm to midnight EST, 2 skirmishes).

    ps. boons and condis dont cause skill lag. u can have 3x75+ blobs standing in close proximity doing absolutely nothing and the game will be unplayable.

    Yeah, that's the interesting part of the lag. You can see it and "feel" it coming. Whether it's 30-40 players from your own server or the enemy, you can always see the slightest stuttering when lots of players are approaching. Mounts are obviously making it worse and I would imagine even mini pets don't help. Every time someone runs a minion raid the amount of visual artifacts that follow behind them is mildly amusing. The game also has a second type of server side lag though, the result is the same, but you don't get that "feel" of the lag, you just get the effect, and of course, the inability to do anything but move your character, cause no skills will work.

    Every MMO for 20 years has had the ability to "turn off other players effects"...except this one. I wonder if they added this option if it would save the servers trying to report all that flashy stuff to every single client, and reduce some of the lag. It might also reduce some of the seizure inducing light shows that the game has become.

  4. @"Xenn.1602" said:a few months before COVID19 it already started. I'm saying this because COVID19 made number of active players grow. But this doesn't seem to be the root cause;sever lagg used to be an issue of full WVW servers when zergs were battling, which was already a bad thing, but now;

    server lagg on random pve maps at random times of day at random days... We experience massive lag on almost empty map instances in the morning.. In pvp which was never the case before. And wvw has become even worse.. Often a decent duel can't take place in evening hours....

    Anet please stop ignoring the community, put this on your "Known Issues List" and let the community know what you are doing about this!

    Thanks in behalf of myself and the entire community

    The lag in huge wvw fights has always been there, server side, affects only skills. But the current trouble began when they switched to amazon hosted servers. And the problem isn't confined to wvw anymore, now it's on pve maps that are empty. Not once an hour, but every minute of every hour. You can see attacks not fire, the auto attacks speed up and slow down (or even stop).

  5. @Fire Attunement.9835 said:Greetings fellow Tyrians!


    • Shade Skills: These have been changed back to triggering at both the necromancer's location and their shade locations with each use.

    Please tell me you remembered to lower the target cap back to 5 since it is cast in both locations again. Otherwise, scourges hitting 20 targets will be so ridiculously broken.

  6. @Erze.7253 said:

    @"Ubi.4136" said:I'm not confident things are going to go well with this. TC was not winning it's T3 match, yet now we have been dropped into the T2 match with a winning score. At this rate, we are going to move to T1 at reset Friday. That doesn't "fix" anything. That totally screws us for a couple more weeks as we get farmed dropping back to T3 where we weren't even winning.

    And this reset (Jul 3) we actually had 2nd place in points -- and we were dropped a tier. What's up with that?

    The winner isn't determined by warscore. The game uses victory points to determine the winners/placements.

  7. @"Zahrak.6382" said:For those looking for different insight on engi roaming, here u go.

    Mortar is totally fine and balanced.

    Does the same damage that necro marks are doing, yet is a projectile which is both slow moving and can be reflected.Fun video though.

  8. @"Dayra.7405" said:No thx, wvw is simply not a competitive game mode.

    A competitive game must have a fixed number of players for every side at all time. And WvW has the opposite.

    Why do you want a trophy for "my team was most often 50:10 and therefore won"!

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

  9. @Dawdler.8521 said:The philosphical question here is... not enough for what?

    What is it that cost more than 350 tickets and that you need to buy every week?

    Because if you cant answer that, then it's enough. Getting enough claim tickets for whatever you wish to purchase is only a matter of time - more time than a week.

    Depends on how you spend them, what modes you play, etc.I have 1 of each class, and because the wvw trinkets are easily stat changeable, I have a set for each. 2 sets for a few of them.175 tickets for 1 accessory, 260 for a pendant, and 350 for a ring. Each character needs 2 accessories and 2 rings. 1310 tickets per toon.Legendary back piece, 2800 (yeah, did it once, not doing it again)Conflux, 1850 tickets, (only did it once, already had the ring, otherwise it would be +350 for that)Legendary armor, currently only have light and medium sets, may work on heavy eventually, but only have about 4k tickets, so a ways to go.Armor sets are 7880 a set, or 9190 for the mistforged.

    I can get how people get frustrated with the rate of acquisition.

  10. @ASP.8093 said:

    @"Ubi.4136" said:
    1. Weapon skills require a target to use (including spirit weapons and wells/shades). This prevents spamming marks/aoe's to tag stealthers and remove stealth. Traps would still put the stealther in combat and remove stealth (maybe a specific few). All skills would require line of sight to use. No more rev porting through obstacles or barrage shots over walls. This would also make walls usable for defenders, since now spamming aoe's on walls would give you "no line of sight to target", or "out of range". Siege damage would not remove stealth, except the arrow cart skill.

    Only putting AOEs on your target kinda-sorta worked in GW1 because players moved slowly. It would be absolutely terrible in this game. All this to "fix" "stealth" by copying WoW's goofy slow-moving perma-stealth gameplay. :confused:

    The problem is the devs designed wvw after Dark Age of Camelot, and got almost all of it wrong during implementation. I never played WoW, but the perma portion of stealth isn't the problem. But, in order to fix stealth in ways it needs to be fixed, to balance it, lots of other things will have to change.

  11. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @vier.1327 said:Not now, not ever!

    And remember to clean your hands.

    ?If you clean your hands you're never going to get alliances. It only implements by touch.

    We're never getting them...period. Alliances fix nothing about wvw. All it would have done is change the name of where you are playing. That said, the server hopping bandwagon blob pays to stack every 8 weeks. Some people pay to avoid them. This comes down to revenue. The only money they make from wvw is the door-fighting, bandwagon blob transfer, so it's never going to happen.

    Please stop necro'ing this thread.

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