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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Score at this point is something blobs manipulate (via not-ppt'ing) so they can stay in lower tiers to fight doors and outnumbered servers. They need to remove all scoring except points per kill. Force the bigger servers to face each other or feed outnumbered servers loot and kills.

  2. There are several problems with stealth. Not all of those problems are even thief related.

    1. Stealth should not be random or timed, it should be turn on or turn off, meaning permanent unless combat actions are taken or revealed/damaged.
    2. Players should move slower in stealth, ~60% move speed untraited, 80-85% normal speed if traited (obviously have to add those traits).
    3. Stealth players should always be visible in a radius around you, ~120 maybe. That way you get a fraction of a second for counterplay as you would see them right before attacked. Mounted players would not get the detection radius. No mounted hunting parties looking for slower moving stealthers.
    4. Revealed (all forms, even marked) need removed and replaced with an increased detection radius (maybe 240) if traited (obv. need to add that too).
    5. Removal of reveal means the thief portal needs changed/removed or set to thief only. Due to permanent stealth availability.
    6. Stealth ends when combat starts. Once in combat, the stealther can not restealth (deadeye elite being the only way to stealth in combat, on a single use charge). This requires reworking a lot of things on multiple classes.
    7. Weapon skills require a target to use (including spirit weapons and wells/shades). This prevents spamming marks/aoe's to tag stealthers and remove stealth. Traps would still put the stealther in combat and remove stealth (maybe a specific few). All skills would require line of sight to use. No more rev porting through obstacles or barrage shots over walls. This would also make walls usable for defenders, since now spamming aoe's on walls would give you "no line of sight to target", or "out of range". Siege damage would not remove stealth, except the arrow cart skill.
    8. Very short duration stealth skills are available to classes other than thieves to aid with mass combat, mesmer and engineer for example. Stealth from combo fields would be removed, no other classes would have access to stealth (druid F5 and ranger pets reworked). Kind of like how necro should be the only class with access to fear (like anet told us at launch), but that's for another thread.

    This is the short version, and it would go a long way to fixing a lot of other issues, including stealth.

  3. @Magolith.9412 said:

    @Ubi.4136 said:The funny thing is a still see mirages use jaunt 4+ times in under 10 seconds. Check combat log, yep, that's what happened. Wish Anet would just fix both of those issues.

    Suuuuure. Vid or it didn't happen.

    I do video all of them and submit them including the combat logs to anet. Including the regular teleport hacks, people no clipping through walls, etc, I submit a video to Anet about once a week.

  4. 6 months ago no work had even been done on alliances. They told us what they were working on if the first 2 quarters of 2020, which did not include alliances. Now we have news that an expansion is in the works, which is great. But, at the end of day, it's still been 2.5 years since alliances were announced, and 0 (zero) work has been done on it.

    Take this in.Blobs bandwagon to stack and fight doors. (buy gems)Some people transfer to avoid facing the stacked bandwagon blob. (buy gems)Factoring in the above facts, and that gems are a revenue source, there is NO chance we will ever get alliances.

    Side note: alliances were never going to fix anything wrong with wvw anyway, it was just going to change the name of the worlds people stacked on.

  5. @"Hannelore.8153" said:The change was made because many CC skills were critting for upwards of 10k. Conditions are damage over time, the don't just instantly take half your HP (or all of it for some classes like Ele) and then CC you so you can be finished off easily.

    It had nothing to do with "damage", but that it was being used for instawin fights, like the plague that Rampage was. On the other hand what you talked about has plenty of counters, like Stunbreak, condi cleanse, etc. including team support. While just dying without any chance to fight back had no counters, because you hit your Stunbreak and then what, the next hit kills you anyway?

    It created a toxic system where people had to rely on powerful, passive traits to survive.

    Burn guard has a problem with the statement "conditions...don't just instantly take half your HP".

  6. @DemonSeed.3528 said:Speaking of the update, it's really about time they start going back to look at ridiculous changes like 300s cd's. I find it disturbing that they just left it at that until now without even going back to it.

    The 300 sec cd's are because the trait is being removed/replaced. The team that does skill changes though, is not the team that does balance. So, the balance team nerfed it to remove it, now we are waiting for the skill team to actually replace it.

  7. @Samug.6512 said:IMO keeps should be contested only with siege damage being dealt to a gate or a wall, or if there's any enemy inside the objective, or with certain number of people in the close area etc...Right now all you have to do is put NPCs in combat stance (not even in combat, just pull out their weapons), which is way too easy to do, but ANet can't be bothered.

    Yep. Good example of how broken it is, let's say red owns SMC and takes RQ, when the yak walks to the castle from RQ it will contest Lowlands Keep, without even aggroing the guards. It should take siege damage to contest structures.

  8. @Svarty.8019 said:

    @Ubi.4136 said:

    @"Dawdler.8521" said:People seems to have forgotten why the "super-super weak" walls exist.

    It was because HoT and the guild hall changes buffing defenses to
    and made objectives impregnable, grinding WvW to a complete halt. It was by
    community request
    that the cost of siege was reduced, their damage upped and the double-whammy armour on walls removed. Because we didnt want to siege like that. We wanted to go back to pre-HoT WvW. And its still not even close.

    It was a small, vocal minority that requested the wall change. To take a T3 tower, was 45 seconds from siege drop to lord dead BEFORE the nerf. The ktrain (gem buying, bandwagon) crowd said that was too long to take things so it got nerfed. Now, a T3 tower can be flipped in 25 seconds from siege drop to lord dead, and that is just ridiculous. Not to mention the walls are designed in such a way that the attacker can use every skill, but the defender can respawn. Bandwagon blobs fight doors/walls and groups half their size. This is what we are left with.

    Small groups can't do anything, that's why you get this blobbing up, lag and the rest of it. To counter the blobs, other Worlds have to get the entire mappop on the tag and people wonder why server performance disappears down a black hole. The developers engineered a situation where giant zergs carrying oodles of supply benefit most because they can drop infinite siege AND shield generators (omg remove them PLEASE).

    The whole game has been inadvertently focused on giganticism and the outcome is that people won't care as much about objectives because the best way to defend is to roll over the attackers with a zerg. This means why bother building defences at all? Just leave it all tier one and focus on steamrolling enemy zergs. It's the best way to play the game especially when Arenanet incentivised it via PPK reward, and if the enemy zerg is dead, it can't stop your stuff automatically upgrading to Tier 3.

    So WvW's best tactic is 1. form giant robot, 2. have scouts looking for enemy zerg, 3. roll over it with voltron. Repeat until ragequit, PvE what's left. Leave scouts around ganking ppl. Log off until the enemy reappears.

    It's a shambles, and won't fix itself. It REQUIRES developer intervention. :( Which will never happen.

    [300 years later]" .... and that's why WvW died."

    Yep, that describes it all right.

  9. @"Dawdler.8521" said:People seems to have forgotten why the "super-super weak" walls exist.

    It was because HoT and the guild hall changes buffing defenses to COMPLETE INSANITY and made objectives impregnable, grinding WvW to a complete halt. It was by community request that the cost of siege was reduced, their damage upped and the double-whammy armour on walls removed. Because we didnt want to siege like that. We wanted to go back to pre-HoT WvW. And its still not even close.

    It was a small, vocal minority that requested the wall change. To take a T3 tower, was 45 seconds from siege drop to lord dead BEFORE the nerf. The ktrain (gem buying, bandwagon) crowd said that was too long to take things so it got nerfed. Now, a T3 tower can be flipped in 25 seconds from siege drop to lord dead, and that is just ridiculous. Not to mention the walls are designed in such a way that the attacker can use every skill, but the defender can respawn. Bandwagon blobs fight doors/walls and groups half their size. This is what we are left with.

  10. @enkidu.5937 said:

    @"Ubi.4136" said:They should remove ALL scoring except points per kill. The biggest server should always win the match, not be allowed to hide in smc and avoid ppt.Doing this would force the bigger servers to fight each other, or throw bodies at smaller forces, which will be amusing for the outnumbered side.That would lead to even more fight picking, ganking, running away, stacking. PPK just means you only want to pick fights that you can dominate. Otherwise you would give the enemy server free points. If you want more fights, you would have to give the
    side a reason to fight (not the superior one), even if they already know that they will suffer heavy losses. Atm this is objectives + PPT.

    PPK takes away every reason to do so, e. g. defending a keep by respawning several times, or keeping the superior enemy busy in open field fights and thus keeping them away from your objectives.

    The blobs already do that now though. They hide in siege capped smc, and only come out to fight enemies half their size. That isn't going to change. But, removing ppt, would mean that all that "farming smaller groups" crap. would lead to them winning the match (which they openly avoid now) and increasing the chance that the larger servers would have to face each other. Not the status quo, which is 100 man guilds, hiding in lower tiers and transferring anytime a similar sized enemy guild ends up playing in their time zone.

  11. They should remove ALL scoring except points per kill. The biggest server should always win the match, not be allowed to hide in smc and avoid ppt.Doing this would force the bigger servers to fight each other, or throw bodies at smaller forces, which will be amusing for the outnumbered side.

    Side note thoughts:All siege but rams and oil should be removed. You want it, get out of your fortified castle and get it. (rams limited to 3 per gate)SMC supply is removed. It still takes yaks to upgrade, but if you want to repair it, run supply from your third.

  12. @Chaba.5410 said:

    @Ubi.4136 said:

    @"Sovereign.1093" said:As we were battling in Bay, or where to guys were doing your thing, an announcement happened for emergency maintenance and boom. 1 week happened.

    (Sure irl, it's just that someone made a mistake and didn't return us to our tiers)

    But it felt like fun when we joked, haha a week happened where were you? What if that was really 1 week passed? Oh no we're in the matrix.

    On that note, I kind of like the 3 day reset thing. What about you?

    TC was losing their T3 match, and then a miracle occurred. Now we get to win our T3 match, using NSP's score (so we can get farmed in T2), despite not even being able to win T3. This doesn't feel like an accident to me. This feels like someone who plays on a certain formerly dominating #1 server didn't want to be farmed the rest of the week, so made it happen early so they could be in T2.

    TC is currently blue in T3 which means TC was in 2nd place, not "losing". And the match ain't over until it's over. That low KDR isn't going to help.

    Technically we were losing the match. 3 person race, 1 person wins, the other 2 lose. Pretty simple concept. Either way, we're gonna end up in a T2 match that we shouldn't be in.

  13. @Sovereign.1093 said:As we were battling in Bay, or where to guys were doing your thing, an announcement happened for emergency maintenance and boom. 1 week happened.

    (Sure irl, it's just that someone made a mistake and didn't return us to our tiers)

    But it felt like fun when we joked, haha a week happened where were you? What if that was really 1 week passed? Oh no we're in the matrix.

    On that note, I kind of like the 3 day reset thing. What about you?

    TC was losing their T3 match, and then a miracle occurred. Now we get to win our T3 match, using NSP's score (so we can get farmed in T2), despite not even being able to win T3. This doesn't feel like an accident to me. This feels like someone who plays on a certain formerly dominating #1 server didn't want to be farmed the rest of the week, so made it happen early so they could be in T2.

  14. @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:We are still looking into the effects from the inadvertent reset, but the current matches will have some anomalies. The regular reset on Friday should correct any related issues.

    Does this mean that regardless of the match score, servers will be put where they would have been had this "accident" not occurred? TC for example was most likely going to come in second in T3. So, Friday we will be blue in T3 again regardless...right?

  15. I'm not confident things are going to go well with this. TC was not winning it's T3 match, yet now we have been dropped into the T2 match with a winning score. At this rate, we are going to move to T1 at reset Friday. That doesn't "fix" anything. That totally screws us for a couple more weeks as we get farmed dropping back to T3 where we weren't even winning.

  16. 2 years, 7 months. That is how long ago this feature was announced. Granted, this feature doesn't fix anything about wvw. Players are still going to stack to fight doors and to make sure they face enemies half their number during their playtime. But, it would be nice for them to finally just admit, that since 31 months later no work has been done on it, that it isn't ever gonna happen. Players stacking, and transferring to avoid the stack, are gem sales, and they are never going to give that up.

  17. @Crypto.7609 said:Before we had repetable track that gives 20 gold on each repeated attempt, now it gives only 4 gold... Do you want people to once again ignore your pvp system and just afk farm pve like bots again?And no, match duration is only slightly less than before, yet gold nerf is almost 1/4th of old gold.

    Come play wvw, and then complain about reward tracks and how much money there is in it.

  18. @Calle.8746 said:

    @Ubi.4136 said:What makes no sense is that the portal lasts as long as the cooldown, and resets instantly. The portal shouldn't exist at all, but there is no justifying a skill that essentially doesn't have a cooldown when used.

    No idea what you're talking about bud, the skill aboslutly have a cooldown lol. 60 seconds if I'm not misstaken

    You drop the exit, leave keep. When the minute is up you port back in to the keep. AND, can instantly drop it again and repeat the process. The timer should not be from when it is first placed, but from when the link is made (which is how the mesmer portal is).

  19. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Happy Yes.1453 said:Like god of pvp title for example. I would not use the title for a long time, so people would make less of a fuss about it. This would then optimise my chances of arenanet not investigating it thoroughly. Just an idea I had.

    didnt some unnamed female weeabu character warrior that is anonymus wintrade, got banned and didnt even lose the rewards?is what I heard lul

    Kept the rewards, their acct, and still play, iirc.

  20. NO action will be taken, regardless of how many people use "botting" to report the player. The only way to even get a temp ban of the offender, is to submit video directly to anet. Even then, it usually takes multiple videos, and the offender will be back on within a week or so. Same people have been using exploits for years, and they keep getting 1 week bans and then log back in with their accts. Some of these known offenders are mithril and diamond rank, yet anet never perma bans them, so they keep on exploiting.

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