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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. They gave us a timeline for what they were working on for the first and second quarter of this year. That takes us through June. To date. ZERO work has been done on alliances. Now they are working on another balance pass (not holding my breath) and someday we will get the next expansion (guessing 1-2 years from now).

    Players bandwagon to a server to fight doors and to fight 80vs20. Those transfers are revenue via gem sales.Players transfer cause they get tired of fighting 20vs80. Those transfers are revenue via gem sales.

    Alliances are never going to happen. They are not going to give up that revenue for a "new" system. If, by some divine intervention, we get alliances with the next expansion, it will be just as broken as the current system, as the same bandwagon folks will continue to stack to fight doors/walls and enemies that are half their size.Give it up, stop necro'ing this thread.

  2. The castle problem could be easily solved if it took yaks to upgrade, but had NO supply, ever. The only thing happening is blobs stack a server/timezone, tier smc, than ktrain around the map trebbing everything from inside the fully fortified, siege capped castle. Personally, I think they should remove all siege except rams and oil (and limit rams to 3 on a gate), but that aside, smc still should never have supply. It just adds to the brokenness that is the population imbalance.

  3. @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:You are going to hate me, but I have all the WvWvW legendary tier 3 armor sets (heavy, medium and light), the Warbringer and Conflux. And I still have tons of gold left and ~8k unused tickets. This is all from WvWvW.

    It is possible do this with full time work, wife, lots of small (and very demanding) kids and less than 10 h free time per week. Let me explain how I did it:

    1. Always do the WvWvW dailies, unless you can only play like 5-10 minutes that day (then need to optimize to get 3 dailies done. My fastest 3 dailies in 3-4 mins).
    2. Always keep your participation at max, even when you need to go AFK (I need to do that all the time, like change diapers, feed the kids, check them etc).
    3. Get yourself a commander tag. Tag up. You get way more pips if you have a public squad with 10+ players and your server benefits.
    4. Flip lots of camps , sentries, heal team mates and kill enemy players. Capturing just one camp or killing just one enemy player will keep your participation at max.
    5. Always carry full supplies and full selection of siege blueprints (they are cheap at trading post, buy them with gold). You will need these to take down enemy siege and to solo build siege.
    6. If you need extra pips, play on an outnumbered map. If you server doesn't offer outnumbered maps on your play time, maybe you are playing on wrong (too full) server. I don't do this, because I get enough pips for full diamond almost always anyways.
    7. Learn to flip ANY objective alone. Yes, even keeps can be soloed and you can do that using sub optimal core build. I almost fully play only my own core builds. I even use core food, since I am cheap and I like core. Stone Mist Castle is theoretically possible to solo, but in reality enemy defenders will come for you before you get to solo down the legendary castle lord. So basically you need some allies for the big shiny castle and I would recommend that for keeps as well.
    8. Learn to tag enemies, enemy towers, keeps. You will get participation even if you don't alone do the job.
    9. Use experience boosters e.g. a birthday booster. Don't forget to use consumables (I'm fine with cheap core foods).
    10. Play a build you like to play, even if all others tell you it is not good and you should play meta. This must be fun or just quit the game.
    11. Learn to do things others generally don't do, e.g. roam without ANY stealth, teleports, block, evade or no other easy "get free" card and go behind enemy lines, fight outnumbered, dive into enemy zergs alone without stability, blocks nor evades. This will keep the game fun and challenging, instead of boring.

    Basically you can get last diamond chest in about 10 h of play per week if you are efficient. That is only about 1.5 h gaming/day. Not bad for an ONLY hobby (I can afford).

    Ayna / Deniara

    Mostly true and good advice, but you have to be plat or above and near perma-outnumered to get to 10 hours. Winning and outnumbered really helps.I play multiple accts on TC each week, and most weeks finish diamond on anywhere from 2-4 of those accts. This is how those accts tend to break down.

    Gold rank, 14 hours is doable if you get a good amount of outnumbered, otherwise, 16 hours is average. (I have 2 at this rank) 14 hours is also my personal best, in a T1 match, outnumbered on and off all reset night, I played all 14 straight. This would not be normal, and isn't recommended. We never lead.Silver rank, 16 hours with plenty of outnumbered, otherwise it's closer to 18 hours.Bronze, it takes about 20 hours if you get outnumbered from time to time, which on TC is easy to do, but it is still slow going. (I have 2 at this rank too)

    The problem with tickets is that they should be evenly spread out over each chest. Instead, you can do just bronze every week and only get 42. Whereas diamond alone is 90. I feel like it would be less of a hassle if each chest had the same number of tickets all the way up. That way every hour of play feels worth it. Under the status quo, you are mostly getting nothing until you get to mithril chests.

  4. Asura win hands down every time.Technology=superiorIntelligence=superior

    Not really much else needs to be said. Interesting side facts though: we control all the fast travel in Tyria, we don't like you, you never appear on the other side of the gate.And, if by some weird scenario technology becomes a non-factor, we're carnivores. Look at our teeth. Pretty sure as a mob we would function a lot like pocket raptors, but with superior intelligence.

  5. The problem is that the devs did talk about the lag. It was back in like February, and it was during one of the "devs play wvw". When asked during the stream, they said there is nothing they can do, and this is "as good as it gets". They said if 1 skill in particular had trouble they could try to tweak that skill, but the problem isn't 1 skill, it's the absolutely horrendous lag caused by the crappy Amazon cloud servers. This is literally the best we can get, unless they switch to a more modern cloud host than the old stuff amazon uses.

  6. What they need to do is remove ALL scoring except points for kills. That way the super blob that farms smc all day, and always lets their borderland get flipped so their ppt stays low (so they can lose or stay in a lower tier) will always end up winning the match. The only way for the blob to throw the match would be to feed kills to the enemy over and over, and at least if that happened, the small, outnumbered server would be getting plenty of free loot and amusement out of it.

  7. @"shiri.4257" said:i don't think ajamming is revolutionary. we used to call them gvg guilds. You know, when they make wvw montages and block out the minimap so you can't see the other 3 tags they are nut hugging vs the 1 pugmander trying to save the realm.

    Those are my favorite videos. "OK guys, here is my 10 man group totally wiping and crushing X server (who sucks)" "They had 5 times our numbers and we just rolled them". You watch the video and it's a 10 man group fighting alongside a 30-50 man blob fighting 25 randoms who were trying hard to defend when they knew had no chance.

  8. It's midnight MST in NA, we aren't qued, and the fight size isn't many. Tried to mount stomp an enemy, it just flashes at me, while bodies around me skip around like I am watching a cartoon flipbook. Tried to get in a tower door, and just ran at the door for 10 full seconds hoping I would get in, and yes we owned it. Every fight looks like someone has drawn one of the those cartoon books and is flipping the pages, I literally can't cast a single skill. Every skill flashes until it stops flashing and nothing has happened. Come on Anet. This is starting to happen ALL THE TIME.

  9. @Skysong.1698 said:Hello,

    I had played this game when it first came out, I'm currently in the USA on the Mountain Time zone.

    I enjoy playing with others via WvW, and will be a bit behind as when I stopped playing there were no upgrades for the game yet.

    My question is what server would be best for me to transfer to, my character is currently on Sanctum of Rall.

    Thank you kindly for your help and support.

    My advice, stay on SoR. We're currently linked with you, but SoR by itself, has a lot of great guilds and players. Some tend to play a little later than MST (which I am in also), but it's a good server and there isn't going to be any benefit from bandwagoning to another one of the stacked servers. As a link, you will get a new host every 2 months anyway.

  10. Players stack to fight doors = buy gemsPlayers leave servers to avoid facing the stack = buy gems

    Alliances were announced more than 2.5 years ago, and to date, we have had 0 (zero) work done on it.Please just let this thread and that idea die with it. It is never going to happen, because gem purchases are revenue.

  11. @CutesySylveon.8290 said:

    @Tharan.9085 said:Oh yeah, bringing unholy sanctuary in line with other lifesaving passives is such a bad move (oh wait, it still has a 3min shorter cd)

    I think we all agreed that 5 minute cooldowns were ridiculous, and 2 minutes is still really long too, especially since we can't see the CD of traits (Anet plz fix that).

    The 5 min cd was because the trait is being removed/changed. But the balance team isn't the one that changes those things.

  12. @EremiteAngel.9765 said:With the recent Armageddon patch nuking DPS from orbit, it has catapulted sustain builds into the stratosphere.Something needs to be done because offense and defense should be balanced.

    Full Berserker DPS can't kill Full Minstrel Defense build = normal.The strongest offense should not break the strongest defense = normal.

    But Full glass DPS must be able to kill non-minstrel sustain builds.Sustain builds that are not tuned to strongest defense must be killable by full DPS builds.

    But right now, full glass DPS builds are struggling to beat even non-minstrel sustain builds.Sustain needs to be toned down lower because full glass DPS builds are still getting grinded to death by non-minstrel sustain builds (Soldiers/Trailblazers etc).

    And the worst offender is Core Necromancer.Nerf this sustain monster in the next patch.Other classes that might also need a look at are bunker-sustain rangers and torment-sustain revs.But if there is one spec that needs that mighty nerf bat on its sustain in the next patch, its Core Necro.

    Honestly, I find the sustain on tempest and revenant builds to be much worse than core necro. Even soulbeast and holosmith are worse offenders.

  13. @Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:I feel its time to suggest this again. It would be fun yes? The dismount skill could be buffed to do like 10000% more damage to gates, and it could have a 2000 range knockback when it hits players. There could be ramps to jump over walls, drive by bowling-like attacks vs big squads, and epic roaming chases across the entire map. If a squad of 50 beetles came drifting around the corner at top speed, you would figuratively feel the ground shake as the lag crashes down on you, crushing your morale. I dont see any negative side to this.

    Maybe not as a permanent feature, but I would love to see this for a week.

  14. @"mikdepadua.8376" said:We're mostly 2 people (my brother and I). I think mounts are a big offender of why small scale fighting doesnt happen

    The reason small scale doesn't happen is because the game has two groups left. Zergers, who want to zerg, and veterans who know that your 1v1 or even 2v2 is really just you trying to bait 1 -2 people into a group of 5-10. And even if you didn't set out with that idea in mind, we know that as soon as we engage you 2v2, the blob server you play on will have 10 people just "appear" and there goes the "fight".

  15. Sounds like OP is talking about how some blob servers refuse to ppt so they can stay in lower tiers fighting doors and forces half their size. Yes, it would be nice to see the 3 biggest stacks forced to fight in the same tier, but since alliances are never coming, I don't expect a shakeup happening anytime soon. So, wvw is what it is. At this point, they should just remove scoring from the game, and let kills determine the winner of the match. While there are servers that will likely throw free kills at the enemy to stay in lower tiers that will be far more amusing than super-stacks who only fight on EB, ignore their BL and everyone else's BL, so they tick low while the other 2 servers tick higher and win even though they shouldn't.

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