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Shush in NA.9182

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Everything posted by Shush in NA.9182

  1. I see, you did not calm down 🙉😂
  2. "Nerf everything" does not only mean number changes, it ncludes changing unhealthy mechanics to be less unhealthy and busted. Dude, you can calm down. Edit: Did not open the link before, but this video does not even proof anything in regard of the topic. Some newbie got frustrated with a game he was still overwhelmed by and not good at all. But it is a good proof how narrowed, reta-kitten and toxic a big part of the little pvp community in gw2 is (q sniping a newcomer like wtf)
  3. Indeed feels like it. Lot of the balance decisions were so bad every player with 2 braincells left and a minimum of game knowledge could see without live testing, that it will be unhealthy and/ or busted. Seems to be on purpose, no one, not even current devs who are very bad, can be that bad at balancing
  4. I play the game since release and know about the esl times. This game was a joke in terms of competition and skill lvl even back then, sadly... I think it would have deserved better, in particular because it had potential to be a very good pvp game also as mmo. I also know about the official reason for the esl exit, meanwhile i believe GW2 got kicked because of the cheating and manipulation including devs at that time and Anet payed to keep that private.. Better blame bunker chrono since they hate mesmer anyway xD Ofc only a guess based on the common knowledge about cheating/ manipulating happend during esl. But it shows that you never rly could take GW2 serious as a competitive game even in its best esl times. Never said all player stopped because of the low skill demand, some of them just care about winning and dont mind to use the most braindead stuff and how low the skill demand actually is. Those semi competitive minded players mostly quit because wintraded titles and sold gizmos or gizmos got by kissing the right players backside to become friends and get carried or being the one eyed amoung blinds isn't that glorious and a waste of time. Some just quit because game felt stale for too long. Some for all reasons together. But the pvp player you can built a healthy and hyped competitive scene around left for the most part, often without ever joining esl or never joining GW2 at all.. You know, those players you as average player can be impressed by, by their skill lvl in a game that actually needs skill, ppl with honor, dignity and fairplay. Instead we just have ppl who are only appearing good because they win with low effort in a casual noobcarry game with barely any playerbase (means even at the top the quality of players and build crafting was lacking ever since GW2 release). And even under those circumstanced they fear real competition that hard, that they destroyed upcoming new teams with potential by recruiting ppl out of them until they split, so they never play together long enough to become a threat. You have to understand one thing: It is not even the individual skill lvl being the gap, its the long term experience as a team what makes USA/R55 dominating. It is not like some ppl (for example Boyce or Drazeh) would not have the potential (at least i guess, you cant be sure since GW2 never rly had that competitive lvl and most of them look way less competent when they are not carried by unhealthy mechanics) but they simply cannot reach their own skill cap since there are not enough ppl to compete with and to improve while facing each other. And when those ppl then even only play braindead/ broken meta since they hate to lose because of build disadvantage, then there is no good training for them to improve over a certain lvl. There is no skill demand for them, neither by better enemies, nor by playing skill demanding stuff. So they become more and more rusty over time without even realizing. Boyce is so addicted that he doesnt care. Others just left. Anyway the balance in this game is bad since longer and the game is far away from being challenging. I am happy for every casual can still enjoy this game and its fine. But there is zero ground to built any form of ego about it. Most active player who are currently at the top would not get out of gold in a game with competitive and big playerbase and skillful balance. And i am not trying to be mean, negative, trashtalky or arrogant here. It just is what it is.
  5. Very well said. Glad to see I am not alone. Same to @Myror.7521
  6. As I said everything, some more than others but everything. There is no need to go into detail what needs more what needs less atm, since devs do not read this forum and even if: they are obviously not willing to balance the game to be less casual and provide a competitive and skillful game. As long as we have current devs I do not waste my time for a detailed essay. It also makes no sense when 99% of the player base and incompetent ex player devs do not even understand simple balance basics (balance rules and logic). What you are doing is comparing one broken thing with another broken thing and say: "this is more broken, so nerf this because the less broken thing feels horrible to play compared to the more broken" . But you miss that you then still have 2 broken things, now just equally broken. And both still braindead playable. Good balance is not only to have everything near equally broken, good balance is to have variety of builds/ classes close in viability to each other but on an overall (game wide) not broken and braindead lvl. Also some of you guys missing that there are currently 2 types of player calling for nerfs: 1. the newbies/ badies cannot deal with a fast paced less tank meta and 2. the really good players who stop/ stopped playing the game because it is too easy to play and has no competition. And we 3. have some mid tier heroes trying to defend the current games state and think it's skilled because it is not too tanky, while all you need to survive is to spam chain your insanely power creeped arsenal of defense. The moment you nerf power creeped dmg even a tiny bit, so you cannot kill in short time, the power creeped amount of defense will make every mid tier pleb with more reaction time than a 90yo grandma near immortal. Because sustain/ defense, resustain and mobility is so power creeped as well. It is really not that hard to understand.
  7. Everything is over performing in power creep that is the point. Good balance is not to have everything equally broken and braindead. There is a reason no real competitive and skilled pvp player touch this casual noobcarry game.
  8. That was not because the attempt to nerf everything was wrong but the patch execution was horrible and inconsistent. ATM dmg, sustain, mobility... everything just everything, needs nerfs (some stuff more than others but all need nerfs) . The power creep und the low skill demand is not even funny anymore.
  9. When everything being equally braindead and spammy and conquest rotations dumbed down by mobility creep is good balance for you, you right.
  10. Yes not that the wintraders run out of tasks. PvP population would drop drastically without them.
  11. The builds feel all the same lame, braindead and spammy. Diversity does not do much then
  12. 🙈 As if Anet searches the worst ppl for balance devs (with worst ppl to listen to in their back) on purpose...
  13. Indeed. And the cycle repeats all the time. Currently it is Shorts not getting tired to brag how he has power in balance now because one of his friends became dev not too long ago. I am sure it is not Tpot or Roy, so must be someone was hired after them.
  14. I play all classes, ele was even my first i started the game with. So no bias to see here. I also just read some of his comments and there wasn't even any interpretation needed, he was quite clear in his words. Means also there it is not about me just red flagging any main out of nowhere. I wrote my pov and you can disagree but don't try to make it look like only based on bias instead having reasons based on what he wrote. That is a pretty poor tactical behavior. That the whole game and other classes too are a big issue is not wrong and just because i do not write everything that is wrong on other classes too when i react to his ele posts doesn't mean i deny them. Pretty narrowed to think like that tbh. Btw who was talking about what you or others in the thread wrote? I don't see any relation to that. I was not talking about the thread being onesided ele mains defending the class, i was talking about Flowki only. Or are you another acc from Flowki? Otherwise it doesn't make sense to write this.
  15. The answer to the other dude shows that you might put a bit too much into my comment. I would not disagree that gw2 is an highly casual game and ele is for sure a very casual friendly class the moment you learnt the buttons. I was just in short describing what (imo) you do in the comments i bothered to read from you (for example arguing that ele is somewhat in the higehr end of skill cap, what is pretty wrong, it has a bit higher skill floor than, lets say a necro, but that is all). The only part of my comment can be taken as toxic would be the cmc smurf part and i think, if it is such a drama for a player to be called a cmc smurf, then cmc should start thinking. It was indeed meant as a little sidekick, not gonna lie, but it is also not overly toxic, since the relation is just the ele fetish you both seems to have. That is also just describing my observation.
  16. Flowki the hidden CmC smurf still on it? Trying to convince ppl that ele is hard to play and not as op as ppl make it xD
  17. According to the skill requirement level gw2 has since years Anet balance the game for complete noobs.
  18. And warrior. Best prove that it is a bad idea to turn ex player into devs, esp players who never were good at the game and then can't get over their personal player bias to a more objective and professional mindset a dev needs to have (aside from game/class knowledge and understanding, what is also missing).
  19. Nerfing core thief mobility to keep 3 dodges on daredevil was really bad indeed.
  20. You know that playing a low effort facetank build doesn't help vs bad matchmaking and wintrading right?
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