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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. But it got fury atm, only problem is that it's not updated/practical way to apply it (in my opinion) :/ @Jski.6180
  2. Because Quicknes and Superspeed are unique to Scrapper He don't have anythink like sigils/spirits/auras/banners for a team Yes Quicknes (adaptive force) was theme of this class but before you got it only for yourself @Jski.6180
  3. +1 thay can cut fury to 2s in pvp/wvw on hgh if that will be a problem Not more, but alternative to use it
  4. Druid,Hfb, even tempest got aoe fury, Scrapper have it too, but problematic to use We ask to make fury easier to aply and you can achive it by ading it to hgh, as then you will not need take kitten turret And we ask it becose of how opresive Quickness will be @Jski.6180 to that point that you will need perm lock blast gyro and no longer have 1 free utylity slot, also even with that Quickness will be hardly inaf with 100% boon dura
  5. @Jski.6180 I tell about pve, and no rev can't fury, only by runes of pack Herald can fury, but then he don't have alac But if he need that Runes of pack only to fury becose your scrapper it's a problem, as he not need do it while hfb All that problem can be solved if thay will add fury to hgh trait as engineer/scrapper have acces to 4 skills that he can use to activate that trait As atm turret will take 1 of your best skill, also turret is pain in kitten to use
  6. @Jski.6180 You don't have druid or tempest in 5ppl content if you will decide to go as heal+quicknes role Rev can't provid fury, he do it only by runes of pack and thats 60% and if he chose it, his dmg will drop, while if you take hfb that have fury+quickness, he no need to do it
  7. med kit got 1 condi clease that clear 1 condi per 1s. ,means in situations wher you will get multiple condis like 4-6 it will take you 4s. wher using elixir gun you will clean all 5 condi at once Becace your the only scores of boons in raids/fractals togheter with alac, as dps taking all max dps traits as normaly 25might,fury,quickness can be provided by hfb solo @Jski.6180
  8. Your kiding me? Raid bosses: Mathias, Sloth,Xera,Soules Horror,Dhuum Fractcatls: Captain Mai Trin Boss ,Aquatic Ruins,Swampland,Siren Reef,Sounka Peak,Deepstone Drms: all What will you do on that bosses, drop fury for condi clease? or maybe you will have 0 stab and aoe stun break? Also what will you do if boss moving alot like Keep Contruct for fury? It's no matter of why do you need, but what will you do if you will need more ? @Jski.6180
  9. @Dadnir.5038 Thats true, but Scrapper will have problems after taking Quickness, as 1 trait is bit too opresive as your forced to take evrythink you can to upkeep Quickness, and becase of it 1 of your utylity skills will be perm locked by blast gyro So you will need Sacrifice Aoe Stab from bulwark gyro/toss elixir B Or you will need Sacrifice Elixir Gun, his might from hgc trait, 5 condi cleases, lighting field, 50% regen uptime, to take fury for a team it culd be bit easier if thay wuld change trait "Expert Examination" for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recovery_Matrix and add 3s of Quickness (and insted of barrier maybe somethink else) But backing to Quickness even with that 5skills to buff quickness = 5*4=20s while your skills have 25-35s cd and one of that skills is Function gyro that is used to ress ppl http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRJYqRDfRkeB47s0+mF-e if thay wuld add 2s pvp/3s pve fury to hgc trait at last That way you wuld not need to take riffle turret and you wuld save Elixir gun As 4skills*(2or3s*100%boond dura) = 16or24s of fury Thats why ppl that main Scrapper for long and understed that class bit more are in despeir atm as thay will need stay full heal, and take cqfb as support anyway (as he will provide Quickness+fury) And HFB no need any support, so ppl will chose hfb and 1dps insted
  10. you got +50 power on Applied force(before was 200power, now 250 power on 25might), as well stab that gives you +5% dmg from Object Motion, and +3% dmg on Glass Cannon (bomber trainline) It's buff to dps scrapper as his dmg will went from 33k to 35k or party/raid setting For solo play, it's more worth to take Quickness on Chronomancer runes, and save that 250 power on 25might with sup of sigil of Celerity (5s Quicknes evry 20s if you cc target) It's also worth becose on hammer auto attack you aply might and vulnerability
  11. 85-90% is ok too, but if you have less than that dps in your team will lose dmg, and if you your team will lose dmg, heal scrap will not be taken to a team, same reason you can cqfb+heal scrapper, but it rare happyn as ppl prefer hfb and full dps for that 15-25% more dps on 1 person becase it's your only condi clease after Cleansing field, and after you will be forced to take blast gyro to upkeap Quickness (as usualy you culd have 1 untility slot free for Purge gyro or turret for fury) You will need that adional condi clease on some bosses in raid, same as in fractal, and drms (wher your bombarder with chill or fire condi) Not only that but Acid bomb is blast finisher to your blast gyro, healing mist is your 50% regen uptime, and Super elixir is your adional heal skill same as lighting field, on top of that HGH trait gives 2might to evry that skill as thay count as Elixir, that are importent to upkeep 25might in cause you play fractal party and you don't have druid :/ @Jski.6180 Hope now you understend importence of Elixir gun And no you can't replace bulwark gyro (expect for toss elixir B) or you will not have a aoe stability for team what will be deadly in pve,wvw,and also fractals and cm drms on top of it
  12. In my opinion it's good change, but it will require more work yet over time thay schold focus on replacing Middle linde for Quickness support as only 1 trait for Quickness is kinda not inaf That way up line is for Survability, middle line for Quickness, and bottom line for dps Applied Force now will give stab, what with object in montion will give you +5% dmg Also Mass monument will give you might if you got stab And Survability Line, can be used in pvp/wvw to be more tanky as heal (if you will be offheal) or even as dps bruiser i got 3k h on scrapper and achived solo 1550 rank in pvp, but i also played alot wvw as roamer scrapper or heal scrapper on zergs, same as i can bech on scrapper in pve
  13. @Jski.6180 it's personal fury, we need Aoe fury for 5ppl Problem is if you take rifle turret, you need kick off Elixir gun, and kicking off Elixir gun your losing 5condi cleanses, blast finisher,super elixir also 6might from HGH trait Also rifle turret is kinda eggy to use thay wuld need make "toss elixir B" to give fury all time insted 1/4 chance then it wuld not be a problem, as you wuld replace it with bulwark gyro cuz on top of fury you wuld give stab But then your losing 1 proc of quickness
  14. @cat.8975 I sugested to add 2s of fury to HGH trait here : That way with 100% boon dura you got 4 skills to apply fury, means16s of fury with low cd And if not inaf Vital burst will culd get aoe fury too https://i.imgur.com/eD8swMg.png https://i.imgur.com/t14AV5t.png
  15. @wasss.1208 I think yet on http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYHsGWKeqTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FUGVXApnAqNLtvZB-e Superior runes of pack will make that fury perm as well add 5 might, healing power is on same lv, you only losing benefit of Monk, but your healing shold be fine But still i wuld like add some fury to hgc insted, that way you wuld interact with it using Elixir gun+Healing Mist+Elixir Shell And if dps will take it, it will only grant him 2s+2s+2s of fury = 6s If 75% of boon will not be inaf, you can modificate it with infusions : to 81% http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYHsGWKeqTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FUGVXFpnAqdICzG4t0+mF-e ew switching some magi to harrier but like i mentioned even with 100% boon dura, keeping up quickness will be pain witchout adional trait that will add 3s quicknes to potential 6s with boon dura to cover eventualy usage of Functional Gyro same as hight cd on Bypazz coating Thers yet option that thay culd reduce cd on Bypazz coating from 30s->25s to make it more ok with Quickness but, still i wuld rached have adional trait for Quickness Notice that Firebrand got like 3 traits for Quickness to make it more easy to apply On heal, on Virtutes, and on aegis/stab Thats why i got idea to Expert Examination to switch for old Trait named Recovery Matrix adding Quickness to it, i also modificated old barrier for somethink new and more fun that match it name
  16. @Lizardguard.2860 Problem is you can't boon fury, or will need sacriface Elixir gun, also even with 100% boon upkeep you will have 5*4s=20s and 3 of your skills have over 25s cd so you will can't perm quickness Remeber that bandage yourself trigger only 1 time not 2 So we miss like 1-2 skills with 3s of quickness, also Scrappers schold not drop function gyro recklessly, the only skill that thay can ress ppl with
  17. @Zychuu.7294 Thats what i wuld change, have you anythink to add?
  18. Hello i wuld like to thx for Quickness that Scrapper will get at 11may, it's good way to improve that class outside of wvw But Scrapper still got bit of problems that need be bit upgraded otherwise it will not be chosed becose of lacking that thinks First Lets Focus on Quickness uptime Asuming we will take that build : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FUGVXApnA+OLtvZB-e Scrapper got only 5 skills to give Quickness (Bandage self will proc only 1 Quickness) 5*(2s*75% boon dura)=5*3,5= 17.5s 5*(2s*100% boon dura)=5*4=20s -> First i wuld add Superspeed and fury to Vital Burst, as that skill only gives pure healing, after change it wuld look like that : https://imgur.com/t14AV5t.png that way we wuld have 17,5s+3,5s=21s, and for 100% boon dura 20s+4s=24s bit good, but not inaf yet, as one of superspeed skill is Function gyro, that is also used to ress ppl, i'm doubt that any Scrapper wuld like use it recklessly 😄 Thats why Rework of Expert Examination comes to play : https://imgur.com/wLmrIym.png Next problem Scrapper now is forced to use blast gyro for Quickness, and to boon fury he need bring rifle turret with Experimental Turrets trait, or Superior Runes of the pack with alac that will bring that runes as well As turrets are bit problematic, same as in wvw, i found perfect solution to it, now HGH trait will also give fury! That way you got 4 Elixirs to give fury (Healing Mist, Elixir shell, acid bomb, super elixir) also before we added 3s fury to Vital Burst https://imgur.com/eD8swMg.png that way you will grant (4*75%boon)+4*(2*75%)=7+14=21s Last problem what Scrapper have is that he can't take Pinpoint Distribution as healer to bring adional dmg to team like hfb/druid can https://imgur.com/3QgLJTx.png So best in my opinion will be replace that 2 traits, that way healer same as his team will can benefit from condi dmg, and any enginner that leveling or do open world but not like alchemy will grab some adional boons while using turrets, condi dps taking Thermal vision, Power dps taking No Scope anyway Last mention: System Shocker will get 10 vulnerability and Weaknes for 6s (because we removed Expert Examination) What's your opinion, wuld you like that changes?
  19. @Martt.5123 It's not problem, you can have 20k hp : http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FUGVXApnAqNLtvZB-e more problem is 5ppl furry aplication if you rly want be full quickness role for that you need replace elixir gun for rifle turret, or take superior rune of pack with alac so you will provide 14s of fury evry 30s and alac will provide 16s evry 30s As now you need have blast gyro cuz of duble superspeed proc for x2 quickness, and bulwark gyro you can't replace or you will have 0 stab In my opinion thay need add quicknes to Expert Examination (and bit aoe furry) or rework that trait as well
  20. thay need add quickness to Expert Examination, to help bit with quickness
  21. Nope, open word maps are full of ppl (drizzle/ley-line anomaly, etc), raids you got alot lfg same as raid trening guilds, wvw is zerg fiesta if you play on top 10 servers, dungeons/drms are easy to make full in 2-5min after posting lfg, pvp pop in 2-4min even if your hight rank ppl that play this game over 8y can say it's dead as thay achived evrythink and burned themself out Other then that game is updated with new content even evry month (not year)
  22. Hi i wuld say both your build arent that well i wuld suggest you my builds, but soon will hit patch and some of them will need bit of modyfication for now i can recomend you that condi holo insted As will not change for open word scrapper i used that : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwcYQsGWJO8LvteA-zRZYBh6qEOItjogEdGhJBCUBoyDQAbgXDFmBA-e it alowed me solo bounty with perm 25might, fury and quickness from chronomancer runes but like i said i will need modificate it after patch
  23. @Pablo.3259 I got 3k h of play on holo pdps,heal scrap, also condi dps but i never was kicked from fractal group i usualy formed group myself, and also called for cqfb insted hfb that way your team got quickness and fury, same as cqfb or alac culd give you some might it's build i was used and gear : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FcGVrASXCY3Zp9NL-e insted of blast gyro i used Elixir b if ther was needed more stab, but even after it team got 25might with alac and bit help from cqfb Also with that gear you got 20k hp, i liked use runes of Flock for super f1 heal burst, but later i was switched to Superior rune of rebirth (monk prob can heal bit more when full stacked, but i like more safe and stabile healing from start) Overall from my pow, when i was go heal scrap with cqfb as duo, t4 fractals when x2 times faster as ppl not died that much, and if thay do (cuz 1 shot mechanic) i culd grab them with function gyro evry 25s About raids, i got similar story, but i played in static, it took a while until ppl aknowlaged me for uber healing ammounts with cqfb as sup, but i was both good on power holo and condi holo so i always culd switch when more dps was needed (as i also was top dps of static so kinda you know xd i did 36k dps) And we constantly got lfg 1 hfb, and pug ususaly was not good inaf or was only boon bard witchout healing xd in WvW i was top condi clease heal scrapper in [Pure] guild at gandara, but then i switched full to pve and did less of wvw, here i rached not had problem with anythink, and was mostly welcome with open hends I'm also glad to bring Quickness to Scrapper, as now i will can be Heal scrap perm, witchout looking for cqfb as sup But i also wuld sugest yet 2 small changes to make it even more good :P But for all i'm even more glad that dps Scrapper got huge buff I was able to bench on scrapper dps so ppl not got mind if i switched for it in raids or fractals for some bosses, but now we will get +3% dmg on glass cannon, and +50power and aoe stab for Applied Force allowing us to increst dmg from 31k to 34k and with bit of holo nerf, now chosing scrapper as dps will not be consider that much of trolling
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