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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. @Cko.8749 with adional 8s of Quickness (16s in 100% boon) you will have alot time to press utilitys whenever you want i added fire field as well as you blast in it in order to upkeep 25might For practical reasons it good to have lighting field too in cause someone put it before your blast gyro (guardian/warrior banner) so that way you not lose Quickness But we also As Scrapper got 2lighting fields We can merge that bonus with System Schocer making it more interesint to take in pvp/wvw as dps insted of other 2
  2. So do you remeber old trait called Shocking Speed? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shocking_Speed We can replace it insted of Expert Examination https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examination "Using Leap or Blast finisher in field aplies 2s Quickness around you" We got 4 blasts in Heal Quickness build
  3. it wuld be ok if we Replace Expert Examinator for Schocking Speed that grants 2s Quickness on blast finisher in any field https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shocking_Speed As Scrapper got alot blast finishers, and also his all about moving fields If you look on HFB He got 3 traits to quickness First is for aegis+stab, secound on using heal, and 3 on f1-f3 About Scrapper Now First trait Scrapper need take is superspeed on gyros Secound trait missing Last trait 2s Quickness on Superspeed
  4. Trait still effects +25% stun/daze duration from old trair (or at last showing it on your stun/daze skills)
  5. What wass your experience/feeling after you tried new Heal Quicknes Scrapper in pve? What most you was lacking as that role? If you culd change 1-2 thinks what it wuld be?
  6. dw, i think ther will be alot changes overall Cuz no way thay will leave only 2s of Quickness in pve right? in eod will come new elites specs (with alot new icons) so maybe thay will change it then too
  7. @Renny.6571 edit: Sorry you got right i got to wrong conclusion as after you pres f1 bandage, then gyro, it's trigger perfectly on 5s xd
  8. @Overedge.2435 @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 You are both wrong
  9. Just replace https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examination for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recovery_Matrix and insted of barrier give use 3s Quickness That will alow us upkeep quicknes like you can with medic gyro with yet much lower boon duration as cd of bandage self is lower, and 3s from heal will be adional 6s with 100% boon dura So F1 alone wuld give 4+6=10s of quickness (100% boon dura)
  10. Hello, so i made somethink like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeyAo6JlNQHYNMHWKeyTXtSA-zRZYQhGMGNgaI+LjqTg0LA1ml23sA-e Quickness: Perm Might: 17+5+2+2=26 might (means 25) (blast gyro+infusion bomb+Magnetic Inversion)17+5pack+2Battle roar+2 Elixir Shell Fury:16+12=28s evry 30 rune +28s roar = Perm Protection: Perm Regen: 90% +10% if you condi clease anythink Vigor: Perm Swifness: Perm FAQ Why weapons minstriel? Becase you spam Bulwark gyro off cd, taking 35%dmg from team randomly, so adional defence is kinda helpfull to tank that dmg Why 2 gear parts Magi? with curent seting you got 90% boon dura+10% from sigil, so insted Harrier i took more healing power+vitality Good luck using it
  11. @cat.8975 I figured out how to buff missing fury http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeyAo6JlNQHYNMHWKeyTXtSA-zRZYQhGMGNgaI+LjqTg0LA1ml23sA-e your taking Battle Roar from charr That way 16s from runes+ 12s from Roar = 28s Runes got 30s cd Roar got 35s cd thats give 5ppl 95% fury uptime (and you lose only 4 might, as roar give 2might 30s)
  12. @Overedge.2435 i was more mean that if it will proc x2 times Aoe Superspeed insted of 1 aoe and 1 self, it will help with Quickness uptime as you will need only 75% boon duration not like now 90-100% and your almost losing it So it's good idea
  13. So from my test it's inaf 90% boon duration to perm quicknes while your on alac boon http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-e Problem is like you not overdo quicknes, your like 1-2s to lose quickness 75% if you use Medic Gyro insted of Med kit Big problem is if you use Functional gyro to rezz, your team will lose quickness pls change that trait : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examination for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recovery_Matrix And insted of Barrier give us 3s Quickness on using heal skill Also for 5ppl play It culd be nice to add 2s aoe fury on HGH trait https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/HGH that way you wuld proc it 4 times means 8*100%=16s of fury on 100% boon dura and 16+16s from runes of pack means 32s Experimental Turrets can be ok in raids but in 5ppl play if you chose Turret insted of Elixir Gun, you will not able to upkeep 25might (you losing 6 aoe might) you can't change bulwark gyro or your team will not have stab you can't change blast gyro or you will not have might and quickness for a team
  14. Acording to : "Applied Force has been reworked to grant stability instead of quickness and to grant extra power from might. Players now gain stability when they gain might above the threshold. Might grants bonus power (10 per stack)." Stab is not granted to other ppl only to scrapper atm
  15. @Arilozen.2756 Like person mentioned up, try join/create private party in lfg for more serious play keep in mind public drms or even strikes/dragonstrom are for ppl that can't focus 100% to play Like moms/dads that need keep eye on child, or to look whats doing dog, or cooking while needing afk between Also it's for new ppl to check how that content looks like, or ppl that not have yet good gear or class knowlage Public is perfect for ppl like that as thay no need to worry that someone will kick them becose thay can't focus 100% on game No you no need run cms as lfg party, and the only diference is ther will be 2 npc in start to on/off cm, and to chose alliance (if you not take it you will get random one for free like in pub) And why it schold do? public is specialy created for ppl like that you don't have afk ppl in pre-made party or ppl thay play hide a seek it only happyn in public
  16. @Jski.6180 Is it? you will reduce 10%coni dmg from runes, 20% from trait, and 33% on new boon (if someone throw it on you) condi will be half efective on you and leftover you will absorb with barrier xd vs power dmg you doing ok Good alternative will be also adaptive force now as it will give stab to 5ppl even if your dps So i can say it will be bit interesing runing multiple Scrappers that will Aoe Stab themself xdd
  17. @Jski.6180 Prefer posion on weapon swap as it helps me finish enemy, and with my setting i got 97% crit chance (52%+15%+10% on bleed+20%fury) Also my barrier is buffed by Adaptive Arrmor
  18. If i can sugest try take https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Hoelbrak runes insted of Sholar That will allow you to deal vs condi build, you can combo it with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adaptive_Armor that will increst your barrier on bulwark gyro and Emergency Elixir, also add adional condi dmg reduction Amulet: Demolisher, so your counter most power builds and can easly 1vs2 them I used Firearms->Alchemy->Scrapper weapon: rifle As heal skill i chosed Med kit, becose 3s shorter then Elixir H and got long Superspeed (12s) Also it got aoe Cleasing and water field wher you can blast infusion bomb+Flame blast+Jump shot for nice adional healing, and 11s swifness for +5% dmg (Infusion bomb blast can also increst your stealth time) That way i up from 1380 rank to 1550 rank, adaptive force was cool but more defences made able to carry team more http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAQRlNwcYdML2JW+SatPA-z5gXGRmA5XAKNA https://imgur.com/MDckvO7.png My playstyle was Assassin/Bruiser, as i fight more tactiacal, but if it was needed i also was able initated fight thx to bulwark gyro and condi dmg reduction @Jski.6180 It's not dps but Bruiser role (you don't have big bursts but you have tanky mechanics doing lot of dmg over time) Also as Bruiser we got medium hp, and medium armor Alternative culd be Warior/Rev/Mesmer (Bruiser) as 3 of them have dmg reduction or evades, while doing medium dmg Ele kinda can be count as Bruiser even with low hp and armor becase of how many evades/blocks it have but thers always "but" Dps are Thief/Ranger/Guard as thay got big dmg and hight mobility but low survability also alot stealth making them easy to finish enemy with 50-60% hp That's why we also call them Assasines as thay role is to finish enemy/cap points avoiding 1vs1 situation more of coming as 2v1 as support to Bruiser or pinpoiting enemy Support with huge dmg and Bruiser is usualy Dueler looking for 1vs1 or group fight as thx to defense thay not need to wory to initate fight that much allowing dps join to fight Thers also Support roles (Firebrand/Druid/Tempest/Banner Warior tank/Heal Scrapper) that insted helping kill like Assasines, thay buffing ,healing and aoe condi cleanse your team Making advantage for your Bruisers As 3 Bruisers<2Bruisers+Support Pereft team schold have 2 Bruiser, 1 Support, 1dps, 1fill If thers no Bruiser your team can't initate fight safe, als your dps, and support is vulnerable to focus free dmg on them If thers no Support, and enemy have support, your Bruisers will become not effective as thay will lack inaf dmg to kill anyone If thers no dps, your team will have problems to keep up 2 nodes at same time, as well your team can have problem to kill Support, and will be flip coined by enemy dps attaking from stealth
  19. About granades i not agree as it's good thay are, thay are used in power builds for range option, and are both good if you go full power or full condi in pvp also it's only source of your chill and posion if you run it togheter with flamethrower and your Elite slot you have Sneek Gyro or Prime light beam/Supply crate (for some condi clease and heal), and you need that power dmg on them to finish enemy Switching it power to Mortar culd be bit problematic like you see I agree with that, it culd be nice to have adional burst while your not using granades as your kit, maybe thay culd remove 2 burning and leave only 1 on it Yeh i wuld rework full that weapon, as turrets are totaly not updated and left in abys
  20. @hmmz.4186 It's ok to be scrapper dps in fractals/drms i run it even now in t4 fractals witchout any infusions having close dmg to other clases on one target, and on aoe tartgets i'm top dps now it will bit buff to dmg, also holo will lose some dmg so diference between them will be 2-3k build i'm using is from Lucy Nubs (but i'm using Medic Gyro insted AED) After next day dps Scrapper will also get +3% dmg to glass cannon, and +50 power to adaptive force, and on top of that you will give stab to 5ppl if you will have 10 might on you even as dps That change will make Scrapper good pick for fractals (for pugs not min-max CM speedrun 80-120k dps runs), but also as tanky dps itself that will do now 31k->33-34k dmg (holo will do 38k->36k) About Quickness Healer Thay need buff Quickness in pve from 2s->3s or replace https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examination for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recovery_Matrix and insted barrier put 3s quickness on heal or Add 2s aoe fury on hgh https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/HGH so you will can keep up fury with 4 elixir skills insted of Rifle turret traited with Experimental Turrets, that will alow you save your elixir gun also culd be nice to replace spots of Experimental Turrets with Pinpoint Distribution https://imgur.com/3QgLJTx.png So Quicknes Healer Scrapper culd boon his uniqe offensive buff to a team as alternative to druid spirits and HFB signets if thay make that 3 changes, scrapper healer will be good pick if not you need sacriface too much right to upkeep Quickness+Fury in pve losing also your elixir gun on place for turret as Blast gyro will be perm locked to upkeep Quickness, and Bulwark gyro is needed for stab
  21. Can Scrapper get 3s Quickness in pve only? it's bit hard to apply with that hight cd on skills with only 2s (1 skill is used to ress ppl and it cd change despening how many ppl you ress) Also 2s of fury on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/HGH culd be nice to buff aoe fury as altertative to rifle turret https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experimental_Turrets Eventualy https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recovery_Matrix insted of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examination And insted of barrier-> 3s Quickness on heal
  22. it's not true(Expect of Granade Barage), most tool belt skills not bring much or are weak Not saing it's wrong tho as your chosing whole "weapon to swap" on place of utility Ele can have "kits" too but thay are much stronger, also on top of that bringing you adional stats, also you can give them to other ppl, thats why thay have cd (thay culd reduce that cd tho as 60s is bit much)
  23. @Jski.6180 You forgot that kits are your utylity slots, that is bigger cost then weapon swap with cd you can take flamethrower,bombs,granades at once in pvp/wvw but then you have 0 utylity skills like bulwark gyro for barrier and stab/purge gyro, potions for boons/quickness, or even some gadgets
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